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synced 2025-03-07 10:48:43 +00:00

console from the SCUMM engine. I decided that would be easier than to clean up the original console code. Unfortunately there's a bunch of code that I just copied - a pretty lousy form of code-reusal. It'd be nice if the console could be made part of the Engine class, or something like that. Most of the debug commands seem to be working. Some aren't relevant for ScummVM, and some are a bit obscure so I'm not quite sure what they're supposed to be doing. svn-id: r10978
635 lines
18 KiB
635 lines
18 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Revolution Software Ltd
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Header$
// MAKETEXT - Constructs a single-frame text sprite: returns a handle to a
// FLOATING memory block containing the sprite, given a
// null-terminated string, max width allowed, pen colour and
// pointer to required character set.
// NB 1) The routine does not create a standard file header or
// an anim header for the text sprite - the data simply begins
// with the frame header.
// NB 2) If pen colour is zero, it copies the characters into
// the sprite without remapping the colours.
// ie. It can handle both the standard 2-colour font for speech
// and any multicoloured fonts for control panels, etc.
// Based on textsprt.c as used for Broken Sword 1, but updated
// for new system by JEL on 9oct96 and updated again (for font
// as a resource) on 5dec96.
#define MAX_LINES 30 // max character lines in output sprite
#define BORDER_COL 200 // source colour for character border (only
// needed for remapping colours)
#define LETTER_COL 193 // source colour for bulk of character ( " )
#define NO_COL 0 // sprite background - 0 for transparency!
#define SPACE ' '
#define FIRST_CHAR SPACE // first character in character set
#define LAST_CHAR 255 // last character in character set
#define DUD 64 // the first "chequered flag" (dud) symbol in
// our character set is in the '@' position
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "bs2/driver/driver96.h"
#include "bs2/console.h"
#include "bs2/debug.h"
#include "bs2/defs.h" // for SPEECH_FONT_ID & CONSOLE_FONT_ID
#include "bs2/header.h"
#include "bs2/maketext.h"
#include "bs2/memory.h"
#include "bs2/protocol.h" // for FetchFrameHeader()
#include "bs2/resman.h"
#include "bs2/sword2.h"
namespace Sword2 {
FontRenderer fontRenderer;
// info for each line of words in the output text sprite
mem* FontRenderer::makeTextSprite(uint8 *sentence, uint16 maxWidth, uint8 pen, uint32 fontRes, uint8 border) {
mem *line; // handle for the memory block which will
// contain the array of lineInfo structures
mem *textSprite; // handle for the block to contain the text
// sprite itself
uint16 noOfLines; // no of lines of text required to fit within
// a sprite of width 'maxWidth' pixels
debug(5, "makeTextSprite(\"%s\", maxWidth=%u)", sentence, maxWidth);
_borderPen = border;
// NB. ensure sentence contains no leading/tailing/extra spaces - if
// necessary, copy to another array first, missing the extra spaces.
// set the global layout variables
if (fontRes == g_sword2->_speechFontId) {
_lineSpacing = -6; // overlap lines by 6 pixels
_charSpacing = -3; // overlap characters by 3 pixels
} else if (fontRes == CONSOLE_FONT_ID) {
_lineSpacing = 0; // no space or overlap between lines
_charSpacing = 1; // 1 pixel spacing between each character
} else {
_lineSpacing = 0;
_charSpacing = 0;
// allocate memory for array of lineInfo structures
line = memory.allocMemory(MAX_LINES * sizeof(LineInfo), MEM_locked, UID_temp);
// get details of sentence breakdown into array of LineInfo structures
// and get the no of lines involved
noOfLines = analyseSentence(sentence, maxWidth, fontRes, (LineInfo *) line->ad);
// construct the sprite based on the info gathered - returns floating
// mem block
textSprite = buildTextSprite(sentence, fontRes, pen, (LineInfo *) line->ad, noOfLines);
// free up the lineInfo array now
return textSprite;
uint16 FontRenderer::analyseSentence(uint8 *sentence, uint16 maxWidth, uint32 fontRes, LineInfo *line) {
uint16 pos = 0, wordWidth, wordLength, spaceNeeded;
uint16 lineNo = 0;
uint8 ch;
bool firstWord = true;
// joinWidth = how much extra space is needed to append a word to a
// line. NB. SPACE requires TWICE the '_charSpacing' to join a word
// to line
uint16 joinWidth = charWidth(SPACE, fontRes) + 2 * _charSpacing;
// while not reached the NULL terminator
do {
// new word
wordWidth = 0;
wordLength = 0;
// get first char of word (at position 'pos')
ch = sentence[pos++];
// while not SPACE or NULL terminator
while ((ch != SPACE) && ch) {
wordWidth += charWidth(ch, fontRes) + _charSpacing;
ch = sentence[pos++];
// no _charSpacing after final letter of word!
wordWidth -= _charSpacing;
// 'ch' is now the SPACE or NULL following the word
// 'pos' indexes to the position following 'ch'
if (firstWord) {
// first word on first line, so no separating SPACE
// needed
line[0].width = wordWidth;
line[0].length = wordLength;
firstWord = false;
} else {
// see how much extra space this word will need to
// fit on current line (with a separating space
// character - also overlapped)
spaceNeeded = joinWidth + wordWidth;
if (line[lineNo].width + spaceNeeded <= maxWidth) {
// fits this line
line[lineNo].width += spaceNeeded;
// NB. space+word characters
line[lineNo].length += 1 + wordLength;
} else {
// put word (without separating SPACE) at
// start of next line
// for next LineInfo structure in the array
// exception if lineNo >= MAX_LINES
// debug_only( lineNo < MAX_LINES );
line[lineNo].width = wordWidth;
line[lineNo].length = wordLength;
} while (ch);
// return no of lines
return lineNo + 1;
// Returns a handle to a floating memory block containing a text sprite, given
// a pointer to a null-terminated string, pointer to required character set,
// required text pen colour (or zero to use source colours), pointer to the
// array of linInfo structures created by 'analyseSentence()', and the number
// of lines (ie. no. of elements in the 'line' array).
// PC Version of BuildTextSprite
mem* FontRenderer::buildTextSprite(uint8 *sentence, uint32 fontRes, uint8 pen, LineInfo *line, uint16 noOfLines) {
uint8 *linePtr, *spritePtr;
uint16 lineNo, pos = 0, posInLine, spriteWidth = 0, spriteHeight;
uint16 sizeOfSprite;
uint16 char_height = charHeight(fontRes);
_frameHeader *frameHeadPtr, *charPtr;
mem *textSprite;
uint8 *charSet;
// spriteWidth = width of widest line of output text
for (lineNo = 0; lineNo < noOfLines; lineNo++)
if (line[lineNo].width > spriteWidth)
spriteWidth = line[lineNo].width;
// spriteHeight = tot height of char lines + tot height of separating
// lines
spriteHeight = char_height * noOfLines + _lineSpacing * (noOfLines - 1);
// total size (no of pixels)
sizeOfSprite = spriteWidth * spriteHeight;
// allocate memory for sprite, and lock it ready for use
// NB. 'textSprite' is the given pointer to the handle to be used
textSprite = memory.allocMemory(sizeof(_frameHeader) + sizeOfSprite, MEM_locked, UID_text_sprite);
// the handle (*textSprite) now points to UNMOVABLE memory block
// set up the frame header
// point to the start of our memory block
frameHeadPtr = (_frameHeader *) textSprite->ad;
frameHeadPtr->compSize = 0;
frameHeadPtr->width = spriteWidth;
frameHeadPtr->height = spriteHeight;
debug(5, "spriteWidth=%u", spriteWidth);
debug(5, "spriteHeight=%u", spriteHeight);
// ok, now point to the start (of the first line) of the sprite data
// itelf
linePtr = textSprite->ad + sizeof(_frameHeader);
// start with transparent sprite (no colour)
memset(linePtr, NO_COL, sizeOfSprite);
// open font file
charSet = res_man.open(fontRes);
// fill sprite with characters, one line at a time
for (lineNo = 0; lineNo < noOfLines; lineNo++) {
// position the start of the line so that it is centred
// across the sprite
spritePtr = linePtr + (spriteWidth - line[lineNo].width) / 2;
// copy the sprite for each character in this line to the
// text sprite and inc the sprite ptr by the character's
// width minus the 'overlap'
for (posInLine = 0; posInLine < line[lineNo].length; posInLine++) {
charPtr = findChar(sentence[pos++], charSet);
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
if (charPtr->height != char_height)
error("FONT ERROR: '%c' is not same height as the space", sentence[pos - 1]);
copyChar(charPtr, spritePtr, spriteWidth, pen);
spritePtr += charPtr->width + _charSpacing;
// skip space at end of last word in this line
// move to start of next character line in text sprite
linePtr += (char_height + _lineSpacing) * spriteWidth;
// close font file
// unlock the sprite memory block, so it's movable
return textSprite;
// Returns the width of a character sprite, given the character's ASCII code
// and a pointer to the start of the character set.
uint16 FontRenderer::charWidth(uint8 ch, uint32 fontRes) {
_frameHeader *charFrame;
uint8 *charSet;
uint16 width;
// open font file
charSet = res_man.open(fontRes);
// move to approp. sprite (header)
charFrame = findChar(ch, charSet);
width = charFrame->width;
// close font file
// return its width
return width;
// Returns the height of a character sprite, given the character's ASCII code
// and a pointer to the start of the character set.
uint16 FontRenderer::charHeight(uint32 fontRes) {
_frameHeader *charFrame;
uint8 *charSet;
uint16 height;
// open font file
charSet = res_man.open(fontRes);
// assume all chars the same height, i.e. FIRST_CHAR is as good as any
charFrame = findChar(FIRST_CHAR, charSet);
height = charFrame->height;
// close font file
// return its height
return height;
// Returns a pointer to the header of a character sprite, given the character's
// ASCII code and a pointer to the start of the character set.
_frameHeader* FontRenderer::findChar(uint8 ch, uint8 *charSet) {
// if 'ch' out of range, print the 'dud' character (chequered flag)
if (ch < FIRST_CHAR)
ch = DUD;
return FetchFrameHeader(charSet, ch - FIRST_CHAR);
// Copies a character sprite from 'charPtr' to the sprite buffer at 'spritePtr'
// of width 'spriteWidth'. If pen is zero, it copies the data across directly,
// otherwise it maps pixels of BORDER_COL to '_borderPen', and LETTER_COL to
// 'pen'.
void FontRenderer::copyChar(_frameHeader *charPtr, uint8 *spritePtr, uint16 spriteWidth, uint8 pen) {
uint8 *rowPtr, *source, *dest;
uint16 rows, cols;
// now pts to sprite data for char 'ch'
source = (uint8 *) charPtr + sizeof(_frameHeader);
// pts to start of first row of char within text sprite
rowPtr = spritePtr;
for (rows = 0; rows < charPtr->height; rows++) {
// start at beginning of row
dest = rowPtr;
// if required output pen is non-zero
if (pen) {
for (cols = 0; cols < charPtr->width; cols++) {
// inc source ptr along sprite data
switch (*source++) {
*dest = pen;
// don't do a border pixel if there's
// already a bit of another character
// underneath (for overlapping!)
if (!*dest)
*dest = _borderPen;
// do nothing if source pixel is zero,
// ie. transparent
// inc dest ptr to next pixel along row
} else {
// pen is zero, so just copy character sprites
// directly into text sprite without remapping colours
memcpy(dest, source, charPtr->width);
source += charPtr->width;
// next row down (add width of text sprite)
rowPtr += spriteWidth;
// distance to keep speech text from edges of screen
#define TEXT_MARGIN 12
// creates a text bloc in the list and returns the bloc number the list of
// blocs are read and blitted at render time choose alignment type
uint32 FontRenderer::buildNewBloc(uint8 *ascii, int16 x, int16 y, uint16 width, uint8 pen, uint32 type, uint32 fontRes, uint8 justification) {
uint32 j = 0;
_frameHeader *frame_head;
int16 text_left_margin;
int16 text_right_margin;
int16 text_top_margin;
int16 text_bottom_margin;
// find a free slot
while (j < MAX_text_blocs && _blocList[j].text_mem)
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
// we've run out - might as well stop the system
if (j == MAX_text_blocs)
error("Build_new_block ran out of blocks!");
// make the sprite!
_blocList[j].text_mem = makeTextSprite(ascii, width, pen, fontRes);
// speech to be centred above point (x,y), but kept on-screen
// where (x,y) is a point somewhere just above the talker's head
// debug text just to be printed normally from point (x,y)
// 'NO_JUSTIFICATION' means print sprite with top-left at (x,y)
// without margin checking - used for debug text
if (justification != NO_JUSTIFICATION) {
frame_head = (_frameHeader *) _blocList[j].text_mem->ad;
switch (justification) {
// this one is always used for SPEECH TEXT; possibly
// also for pointer text
x -= (frame_head->width) / 2;
y -= frame_head->height;
x -= (frame_head->width) / 2;
// the given coords are already correct for this!
x -= frame_head->width;
y -= frame_head->height;
x -= frame_head->width;
y -= frame_head->height;
y -= (frame_head->height) / 2;
x -= frame_head->width;
y -= (frame_head->height) / 2;
// ensure text sprite is a few pixels inside the visible screen
// remember - it's RDSPR_DISPLAYALIGN
text_left_margin = TEXT_MARGIN;
text_right_margin = 640 - TEXT_MARGIN - frame_head->width;
text_top_margin = TEXT_MARGIN;
text_bottom_margin = 400 - TEXT_MARGIN - frame_head->height;
// move if too far left or too far right
if (x < text_left_margin)
x = text_left_margin;
else if (x > text_right_margin)
x = text_right_margin;
// move if too high or too low
if (y < text_top_margin)
y = text_top_margin;
else if (y > text_bottom_margin)
y = text_bottom_margin;
_blocList[j].x = x;
_blocList[j].y = y;
// always uncompressed
_blocList[j].type = type | RDSPR_NOCOMPRESSION;
return j + 1;
void FontRenderer::printTextBlocs(void) {
//called by build_display
_frameHeader *frame;
_spriteInfo spriteInfo;
uint32 rv;
uint32 j;
for (j = 0; j < MAX_text_blocs; j++) {
if (_blocList[j].text_mem) {
frame = (_frameHeader*) _blocList[j].text_mem->ad;
spriteInfo.x = _blocList[j].x;
spriteInfo.y = _blocList[j].y;
spriteInfo.w = frame->width;
spriteInfo.h = frame->height;
spriteInfo.scale = 0;
spriteInfo.scaledWidth = 0;
spriteInfo.scaledHeight = 0;
spriteInfo.type = _blocList[j].type;
spriteInfo.blend = 0;
spriteInfo.data = _blocList[j].text_mem->ad + sizeof(_frameHeader);
spriteInfo.colourTable = 0;
rv = g_display->drawSprite(&spriteInfo);
if (rv)
error("Driver Error %.8x in Print_text_blocs", rv);
void FontRenderer::killTextBloc(uint32 bloc_number) {
//back to real
if (_blocList[bloc_number].text_mem) {
// release the floating memory and mark it as free
_blocList[bloc_number].text_mem = 0;
} else {
// illegal kill - stop the system
error("closing closed text bloc number %d", bloc_number);
// The rest of this file doesn't belong in the FontRenderer class!
// called from InitialiseGame() in sword2.cpp
// resource 3258 contains text from location script for 152 (install, save &
// restore text, etc)
#define TEXT_RES 3258
// local line number of "save" (actor no. 1826)
#define SAVE_LINE_NO 1
void Sword2Engine::initialiseFontResourceFlags(void) {
uint8 *textFile, *textLine;
uint8 language;
// open the text resource
textFile = res_man.open(TEXT_RES);
// If language is Polish or Finnish it requires alternate fonts.
// Otherwise, use regular fonts
// get the text line (& skip the 2 chars containing the wavId)
textLine = FetchTextLine(textFile, SAVE_LINE_NO) + 2;
// "talenna" Finnish for "save"
// "zapisz" Polish for "save"
if (strcmp((char *) textLine, "tallenna") == 0)
language = FINNISH_TEXT;
else if (strcmp((char *) textLine, "zapisz") == 0)
language = POLISH_TEXT;
language = DEFAULT_TEXT;
// Set the game to use the appropriate fonts
// Get the game name for the windows application
// Get the text line - skip the 2 chars containing the wavId
if (g_sword2->_gameId == GID_SWORD2_DEMO)
textLine = FetchTextLine(textFile, 451) + 2;
textLine = FetchTextLine(textFile, 54) + 2;
// According to the GetNameFunction(), which was never called and has
// therefore been removed, the name of the game is:
// ENGLISH: "Broken Sword II"
// AMERICAN: "Circle of Blood II"
// GERMAN: "Baphomet's Fluch II"
// default: "Some game or other, part 86"
g_display->setWindowName((char *) textLine);
// now ok to close the text file
// called from the above function, and also from console.cpp
void Sword2Engine::initialiseFontResourceFlags(uint8 language) {
switch (language) {
case FINNISH_TEXT: // special Finnish fonts
case POLISH_TEXT: // special Polish fonts
default: // DEFAULT_TEXT - regular fonts
} // End of namespace Sword2