mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 10:48:43 +00:00

console from the SCUMM engine. I decided that would be easier than to clean up the original console code. Unfortunately there's a bunch of code that I just copied - a pretty lousy form of code-reusal. It'd be nice if the console could be made part of the Engine class, or something like that. Most of the debug commands seem to be working. Some aren't relevant for ScummVM, and some are a bit obscure so I'm not quite sure what they're supposed to be doing. svn-id: r10978
1601 lines
41 KiB
1601 lines
41 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Revolution Software Ltd
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Header$
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "bs2/anims.h"
#include "bs2/console.h"
#include "bs2/controls.h" // for 'subtitles' & 'speechSelected'
#include "bs2/debug.h"
#include "bs2/defs.h"
#include "bs2/events.h"
#include "bs2/function.h"
#include "bs2/interpreter.h"
#include "bs2/layers.h" // for 'this_screen'
#include "bs2/logic.h"
#include "bs2/maketext.h"
#include "bs2/memory.h"
#include "bs2/mouse.h"
#include "bs2/object.h"
#include "bs2/protocol.h"
#include "bs2/resman.h"
#include "bs2/sound.h"
#include "bs2/speech.h"
#include "bs2/sword2.h"
#include "bs2/walker.h"
namespace Sword2 {
#define INS_talk 1
#define INS_anim 2
#define INS_reverse_anim 3
#define INS_walk 4
#define INS_turn 5
#define INS_face 6
#define INS_trace 7
#define INS_no_sprite 8
#define INS_sort 9
#define INS_foreground 10
#define INS_background 11
#define INS_table_anim 12
#define INS_reverse_table_anim 13
#define INS_walk_to_anim 14
#define INS_set_frame 15
#define INS_stand_after_anim 16
#define INS_quit 42
// when not playing a wav we calculate the speech time based upon length of
// ascii
uint32 speech_time = 0;
uint32 speech_text_bloc_no = 0;
uint32 anim_id = 0;
// 0 lip synced and repeating - 1 normal once through
uint32 speech_anim_type;
uint32 left_click_delay = 0; // click-delay for LEFT mouse button
uint32 right_click_delay = 0; // click-delay for RIGHT mouse button
// ref number for default response when luggage icon is used on a person
// & it doesn't match any of the icons which would have been in the chooser
uint32 default_response_id = 0;
// "TEXT" - current official text line number - will match the wav filenames
int16 officialTextNumber = 0;
// usually 0; if non-zero then it's the id of whoever we're waiting for in a
// speech script see fnTheyDo, fnTheyDoWeWait and fnWeWait
int32 speechScriptWaiting = 0;
// calculated by LocateTalker() for use in speech-panning & text-sprite
// positioning
int16 text_x, text_y;
_subject_unit subject_list[MAX_SUBJECT_LIST];
void LocateTalker(int32 *params);
void Form_text(int32 *params);
uint8 WantSpeechForLine(uint32 wavId);
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
void GetCorrectCdForSpeech(int32 wavId); // for testing speech & text
int32 Logic::fnAddSubject(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id
// 1 daves reference number
if (IN_SUBJECT == 0) {
// This is the start of the new subject list
// Set the default repsonse id to zero in case we're never
// passed one
default_response_id = 0;
// - this just means we'd get the response for the 1st icon in the
// chooser which is better than crashing
if (params[0] == -1)
// this isn't an icon at all, it's telling us the id of the
// default response
// and here it is - this is the ref number we will return if
default_response_id = params[1];
// a luggage icon is clicked on someone when it wouldn't have
// been in the chooser list (see fnChoose below)
} else {
subject_list[IN_SUBJECT].res = params[0];
subject_list[IN_SUBJECT].ref = params[1];
debug(5, "fnAddSubject res %d, uid %d", params[0], params[1]);
return IR_CONT;
// could alternately use logic->looping of course
int choosing = 0;
int32 Logic::fnChoose(int32 *params) {
// params: none
// the human is switched off so there will be no normal mouse engine
_mouseEvent *me;
uint32 j, hit;
uint8 *icon;
uint32 pos = 0;
AUTO_SELECTED = 0; // see below
// new thing to intercept objects held at time of clicking on a person
// If we are using a luggage icon on the person, scan the
// subject list to see if this icon would have been available
// at this time.
// If it is there, return the relevant 'ref' number (as if it
// had been selected from within the conversation). If not,
// just return a special code to get the default text line(s)
// for unsupported objects.
// Note that we won't display the subject icons in this case!
// scan the subject list for a match with our 'object_held'
while (pos < IN_SUBJECT) {
if (subject_list[pos].res == OBJECT_HELD) {
// if we've found a match, clear it so it
// doesn't keep happening!
// clear the subject list
// return special subject chosen code (same
// as in normal chooser routine below)
return IR_CONT + (subject_list[pos].ref << 3);
OBJECT_HELD = 0; // clear it so it doesn't keep happening!
IN_SUBJECT = 0; // clear the subject list
// so that the speech script uses the default text for
// objects that are not accounted for
return IR_CONT + (default_response_id << 3);
// new thing for skipping chooser with "nothing else to say" text
// If this is the 1st time the chooser is coming up in this
// conversation, AND there's only 1 subject, AND it's the EXIT icon
if (CHOOSER_COUNT_FLAG == 0 && IN_SUBJECT == 1 && subject_list[0].res == EXIT_ICON) {
AUTO_SELECTED = 1; // for speech script
IN_SUBJECT = 0; // clear the subject list
// return special subject chosen code (same as in normal
// chooser routine below)
return IR_CONT + (subject_list[0].ref << 3);
if (!choosing) {
// new choose session
// build menus from subject_list
error("fnChoose with no subjects :-O");
// init top menu from master list
// all icons are highlighted / full colour
for (j = 0; j < 15; j++) {
if (j < IN_SUBJECT) {
debug(5, " ICON res %d for %d", subject_list[j].res, j);
icon = res_man.open(subject_list[j].res) + sizeof(_standardHeader) + RDMENU_ICONWIDE * RDMENU_ICONDEEP;
g_display->setMenuIcon(RDMENU_BOTTOM, (uint8) j, icon);
} else {
//no icon here
debug(5, " NULL for %d", j);
g_display->setMenuIcon(RDMENU_BOTTOM, (uint8) j, NULL);
// start menus appearing
// lets have the mouse pointer back
choosing = 1;
// again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
} else {
// menu is there - we're just waiting for a click
debug(5, "choosing");
me = MouseEvent();
// we only care about left clicks
// we ignore mouse releases
if (me && (me->buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN)) {
// check for click on a menu
// if so then end the choose, highlight only the
// chosen, blank the mouse and return the ref code * 8
if (g_display->_mouseY > 399 && g_display->_mouseX >= 24 && g_display->_mouseX < 640 - 24) {
//which are we over?
hit = (g_display->_mouseX - 24) / 40;
//clicked on something - what button?
if (hit < IN_SUBJECT) {
debug(5, "Icons available:");
// change icons
for (j = 0; j < IN_SUBJECT; j++) {
debug(5, "%s", FetchObjectName(subject_list[j].res));
// change all others to grey
if (j != hit) {
icon = res_man.open( subject_list[j].res ) + sizeof(_standardHeader);
g_display->setMenuIcon(RDMENU_BOTTOM, (uint8) j, icon);
debug(5, "Selected: %s", FetchObjectName(subject_list[hit].res));
// this is our looping flag
choosing = 0;
// blank mouse again
debug(5, "hit %d - ref %d ref*8 %d", hit, subject_list[hit].ref, subject_list[hit].ref * 8);
// for non-speech scripts that manually
// call the chooser
RESULT = subject_list[hit].res;
// return special subject chosen code
return IR_CONT + (subject_list[hit].ref << 3);
debug(5, "end choose");
// again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
int32 Logic::fnStartConversation(int32 *params) {
// Start conversation
// reset 'chooser_count_flag' at the start of each conversation:
// Note that fnStartConversation might accidently be called every time
// the script loops back for another chooser but we only want to reset
// the chooser count flag the first time this function is called ie.
// when talk flag is zero
// params: none
if (TALK_FLAG == 0)
CHOOSER_COUNT_FLAG = 0; // see fnChooser & speech scripts
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnEndConversation(int32 *params) {
// end conversation
// params: none
if (g_display->_mouseY > 399) {
// will wait for cursor to move off the bottom menu
mouse_mode = MOUSE_holding;
debug(5, " holding");
TALK_FLAG = 0; // in-case DC forgets
// restart george's base script
// LLogic.totalRestart();
//drop out without saving pc and go around again
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnTheyDo(int32 *params) {
// doesn't send the command until target is waiting - once sent we
// carry on
// params: 0 target
// 1 command
// 2 ins1
// 3 ins2
// 4 ins3
// 5 ins4
// 6 ins5
uint32 null_pc = 5; // 4th script - get-speech-state
char *raw_script_ad;
_standardHeader *head;
int32 target = params[0];
// request status of target
head = (_standardHeader*) res_man.open(target);
if (head->fileType != GAME_OBJECT)
error("fnTheyDo %d not an object", target);
raw_script_ad = (char *) head;
// call the base script - this is the graphic/mouse service call
runScript(raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc);
// result is 1 for waiting, 0 for busy
if (RESULT == 1 && !INS_COMMAND) {
// its waiting and no other command is queueing
// reset debug flag now that we're no longer waiting - see
// debug.cpp
speechScriptWaiting = 0;
SPEECH_ID = params[0];
INS_COMMAND = params[1];
INS1 = params[2];
INS2 = params[3];
INS3 = params[4];
INS4 = params[5];
INS5 = params[6];
return IR_CONT;
// debug flag to indicate who we're waiting for - see debug.cpp
speechScriptWaiting = target;
// target is busy so come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
int32 Logic::fnTheyDoWeWait(int32 *params) {
// give target a command and wait for it to register as finished
// params: 0 pointer to ob_logic
// 1 target
// 2 command
// 3 ins1
// 4 ins2
// 5 ins3
// 6 ins4
// 7 ins5
// 'looping' flag is used as a sent command yes/no
Object_logic *ob_logic;
uint32 null_pc = 5; // 4th script - get-speech-state
char *raw_script_ad;
_standardHeader *head;
int32 target = params[1];
// ok, see if the target is busy - we must request this info from the
// target object
head = (_standardHeader*) res_man.open(target);
if (head->fileType != GAME_OBJECT)
error("fnTheyDoWeWait %d not an object", target);
raw_script_ad = (char *) head;
// call the base script - this is the graphic/mouse service call
runScript(raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc);
ob_logic = (Object_logic *) params[0];
if (!INS_COMMAND && RESULT == 1 && ob_logic->looping == 0) {
// first time so set up targets command if target is waiting
debug(5, "FNtdww sending command to %d", target);
SPEECH_ID = params[1];
INS_COMMAND = params[2];
INS1 = params[3];
INS2 = params[4];
INS3 = params[5];
INS4 = params[6];
INS5 = params[7];
ob_logic->looping = 1;
// debug flag to indicate who we're waiting for - see debug.cpp
speechScriptWaiting = target;
// finish this cycle - but come back again to check for it
// being finished
return IR_REPEAT;
} else if (ob_logic->looping == 0) {
// did not send the command
// debug flag to indicate who we're waiting for - see debug.cpp
speechScriptWaiting = target;
// come back next go and try again to send the instruction
return IR_REPEAT;
// ok, the command has been sent - has the target actually done it yet?
// result is 1 for waiting, 0 for busy
if (RESULT == 1) {
// its waiting now so we can be finished with all this
debug(5, "FNtdww finished");
// not looping anymore
ob_logic->looping = 0;
// reset debug flag now that we're no longer waiting - see
// debug.cpp
speechScriptWaiting = 0;
return IR_CONT;
debug(5, "FNtdww just waiting");
// debug flag to indicate who we're waiting for - see debug.cpp
speechScriptWaiting = target;
// see ya next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
int32 Logic::fnWeWait(int32 *params) {
// loop until the target is free
// params: 0 target
uint32 null_pc = 5; // 4th script - get-speech-state
char *raw_script_ad;
_standardHeader *head;
int32 target = params[0];
// request status of target
head = (_standardHeader*) res_man.open(target);
if (head->fileType != GAME_OBJECT)
error("fnWeWait: %d not an object", target);
raw_script_ad = (char *) head;
// call the base script - this is the graphic/mouse service call
runScript(raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc);
// result is 1 for waiting, 0 for busy
if (RESULT == 1) {
// reset debug flag now that we're no longer waiting - see
// debug.cpp
speechScriptWaiting = 0;
return IR_CONT;
// debug flag to indicate who we're waiting for - see debug.cpp
speechScriptWaiting = target;
// target is busy so come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
int32 Logic::fnTimedWait(int32 *params) {
// loop until the target is free but only while the timer is high
// useful when clicking on a target to talk to them - if they never
// reply then this'll fall out avoiding a lock up
// params: 0 ob_logic
// 1 target
// 2 number of cycles before give up
uint32 null_pc = 5; // 4th script - get-speech-state
char *raw_script_ad;
Object_logic *ob_logic;
_standardHeader *head;
int32 target = params[1];
ob_logic = (Object_logic *) params[0];
if (!ob_logic->looping)
ob_logic->looping = params[2]; //first time in
// request status of target
head = (_standardHeader*) res_man.open(target);
if (head->fileType != GAME_OBJECT)
error("fnTimedWait %d not an object", target);
raw_script_ad = (char *) head;
// call the base script - this is the graphic/mouse service call
runScript(raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc);
// result is 1 for waiting, 0 for busy
if (RESULT == 1) {
// reset because counter is likely to be still high
ob_logic->looping = 0;
//means ok
// reset debug flag now that we're no longer waiting - see
// debug.cpp
speechScriptWaiting = 0;
return IR_CONT;
if (!ob_logic->looping) { // time up - caller must check RESULT
// not ok
//clear the event that hasn't been picked up - in theory,
// none of this should ever happen
debug(5, "EVENT timed out");
// reset debug flag now that we're no longer waiting - see
// debug.cpp
speechScriptWaiting = 0;
return IR_CONT;
// debug flag to indicate who we're waiting for - see debug.cpp
speechScriptWaiting = target;
// target is busy so come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
int32 Logic::fnSpeechProcess(int32 *params) {
// Recieve and sequence the commands sent from the conversation
// script.
// We have to do this in a slightly tweeky manner as we can no longer
// have generic scripts.
// This function comes in with all the structures that will be
// required.
// params: 0 pointer to ob_graphic
// 1 pointer to ob_speech
// 2 pointer to ob_logic
// 3 pointer to ob_mega
// 4 pointer to ob_walkdata
// note - we could save a var and ditch wait_state and check
// 'command' for non zero means busy
Object_speech *ob_speech;
int32 pars[9];
int32 ret;
ob_speech = (Object_speech *) params[1];
debug(5, " SP");
while(1) {
//we are currently running a command
switch (ob_speech->command) {
case 0:
// Do nothing
case INS_talk:
pars[0] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[1] = params[1]; // ob_speech
pars[2] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[3] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[4] = ob_speech->ins1; // encoded text number
pars[5] = ob_speech->ins2; // wav res id
pars[6] = ob_speech->ins3; // anim res id
pars[7] = ob_speech->ins4; // anim table res id
pars[8] = ob_speech->ins5; // animation mode - 0 lip synced, 1 just straight animation
debug(5, "speech-process talk");
// run the function - (it thinks it's been called from
// script - bloody fool)
if (fnISpeak(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
debug(5, "speech-process talk finished");
// command finished
ob_speech->command = 0;
// waiting for command
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
// come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_turn:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3] = params[4]; // ob_walkdata
pars[4] = ob_speech->ins1; // direction to turn to
if (fnTurn(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
// command finished
ob_speech->command = 0;
// waiting for command
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
// come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_face:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3] = params[4]; // ob_walkdata
pars[4] = ob_speech->ins1; // target
if (fnFaceMega(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
// command finished
ob_speech->command = 0;
// waiting for command
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
// come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_anim:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = ob_speech->ins1; // anim res
if (fnAnim(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
// command finished
ob_speech->command = 0;
// waiting for command
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
// come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_reverse_anim:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = ob_speech->ins1; // anim res
if (fnReverseAnim(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
// command finished
ob_speech->command = 0;
// waiting for command
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
// come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_table_anim:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3] = ob_speech->ins1; // pointer to anim table
if (fnMegaTableAnim(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
// command finished
ob_speech->command = 0;
// waiting for command
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
// come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_reverse_table_anim:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3] = ob_speech->ins1; // pointer to anim table
if (fnReverseMegaTableAnim(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
// command finished
ob_speech->command = 0;
// waiting for command
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
// come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_no_sprite:
fnNoSprite(params); // ob_graphic
ob_speech->command = 0; // command finished
ob_speech->wait_state = 1; // waiting for command
return IR_REPEAT ;
case INS_sort:
fnSortSprite(params); // ob_graphic
ob_speech->command = 0; // command finished
ob_speech->wait_state = 1; // waiting for command
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_foreground:
fnForeSprite(params); // ob_graphic
ob_speech->command = 0; // command finished
ob_speech->wait_state = 1; // waiting for command
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_background:
fnBackSprite(params); // ob_graphic
ob_speech->command = 0; // command finished
ob_speech->wait_state = 1; // waiting for command
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_walk:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3] = params[4]; // ob_walkdata
pars[4] = ob_speech->ins1; // target x
pars[5] = ob_speech->ins2; // target y
pars[6] = ob_speech->ins3; // target direction
if (fnWalk(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
debug(5, "speech-process walk finished");
// command finished
ob_speech->command = 0;
//waiting for command
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
// come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_walk_to_anim:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3] = params[4]; // ob_walkdata
pars[4] = ob_speech->ins1; // anim resource
if (fnWalkToAnim(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
debug(5, "speech-process walk finished");
// command finished
ob_speech->command = 0;
// waiting for command
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
// come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_stand_after_anim:
pars[0] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[1] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[2] = ob_speech->ins1; // anim resource
ob_speech->command = 0; // command finished
ob_speech->wait_state = 1; // waiting for command
return IR_REPEAT; // come back again next cycle
case INS_set_frame:
pars[0] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[1] = ob_speech->ins1; // anim_resource
pars[2] = ob_speech->ins2; // FIRST_FRAME or LAST_FRAME
ret = fnSetFrame(pars);
ob_speech->command = 0; // command finished
ob_speech->wait_state = 1; // waiting for command
return IR_REPEAT; // come back again next cycle
case INS_quit:
debug(5, "speech-process - quit");
ob_speech->command = 0; // finish with all this
// ob_speech->wait_state = 0; // start with waiting for command next conversation
return IR_CONT; // thats it, we're finished with this
ob_speech->command = 0; // not yet implemented - just cancel
ob_speech->wait_state = 1; // waiting for command
if (SPEECH_ID == ID) {
// new command for us!
// clear this or it could trigger next go
// grab the command - potentially, we only have this
// cycle to do this
ob_speech->command = INS_COMMAND;
ob_speech->ins1 = INS1;
ob_speech->ins2 = INS2;
ob_speech->ins3 = INS3;
ob_speech->ins4 = INS4;
ob_speech->ins5 = INS5;
// the current send has been recieved - i.e. seperate
// multiple they-do's
// now busy
ob_speech->wait_state = 0;
debug(5, "received new command %d", INS_COMMAND);
// we'll drop off and be caught by the while(1), so
// kicking in the new command straight away
} else {
// no new command
// we could run a blink anim (or something) here
// now free
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
// come back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
#define S_OB_GRAPHIC 0
#define S_OB_SPEECH 1
#define S_OB_LOGIC 2
#define S_OB_MEGA 3
#define S_TEXT 4
#define S_WAV 5
#define S_ANIM 6
#define S_DIR_TABLE 7
#define S_ANIM_MODE 8
uint32 unpause_zone = 0;
int32 Logic::fnISpeak(int32 *params) {
// its the super versatile fnSpeak
// text and wavs can be selected in any combination
// we can assume no human - there should be no human at least!
// params: 0 pointer to ob_graphic
// 1 pointer to ob_speech
// 2 pointer to ob_logic
// 3 pointer to ob_mega
// 4 encoded text number
// 5 wav res id
// 6 anim res id
// 7 anim table res id
// 8 animation mode 0 lip synced,
// 1 just straight animation
_mouseEvent *me;
_animHeader *anim_head;
Object_logic *ob_logic;
Object_graphic *ob_graphic;
Object_mega *ob_mega;
uint8 *anim_file;
uint32 local_text;
uint32 text_res;
uint8 *text;
static uint8 textRunning, speechRunning;
int32 *anim_table;
uint8 speechFinished = 0;
int8 speech_pan;
char speechFile[256];
static uint8 cycle_skip = 0;
uint32 rv;
// for text/speech testing & checking for correct file type
_standardHeader *head;
// for text/speech testing - keeping track of text resource currently being tested
static uint32 currentTextResource = 0;
// set up the pointers which we know we'll always need
ob_logic = (Object_logic *) params[S_OB_LOGIC];
ob_graphic = (Object_graphic *) params[S_OB_GRAPHIC];
// FIRST TIME ONLY: create the text, load the wav, set up the anim,
// etc.
if (!ob_logic->looping) {
// New fudge to wait for smacker samples to finish
// since they can over-run into the game
if (g_sound->getSpeechStatus() != RDSE_SAMPLEFINISHED)
return IR_REPEAT;
// New fudge for 'fx' subtitles
// If subtitles switched off, and we don't want to use a wav
// for this line either, then just quit back to script right
// now!
if (gui._subtitles == 0 && WantSpeechForLine(params[S_WAV]) == 0)
return IR_CONT;
if (cycle_skip == 0) {
// drop out for 1st cycle to allow walks/anims to end
// & display last frame/ before system locks while
// speech loaded
cycle_skip = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
} else
cycle_skip = 0;
textNumber = params[S_TEXT]; // for debug info
// For testing all text & speech!
// A script loop can send any text number to fnISpeak and it
// will only run the valid ones or return with 'result' equal
// to '1' or '2' to mean 'invalid text resource' and 'text
// number out of range' respectively
// See 'testing_routines' object in George's Player Character
// section of linc
text_res = params[S_TEXT] / SIZE;
local_text = params[S_TEXT] & 0xffff;
// if the resource number is within range & it's not
// a null resource
if (res_man.checkValid(text_res)) {
// open the resource
head = (_standardHeader*) res_man.open(text_res);
if (head->fileType == TEXT_FILE) {
// if it's not an animation file
// if line number is out of range
if (CheckTextLine((uint8*) head, local_text) == 0) {
// line number out of range
} else {
// invalid (not a text resource)
// close the resource
return IR_CONT;
} else {
// not a valid resource number - invalid (null
// resource)
return IR_CONT;
// Pull out the text line to get the official text number
// (for wav id). Once the wav id's go into all script text
// commands, we'll only need this for _SWORD2_DEBUG
text_res = params[S_TEXT] / SIZE;
local_text = params[S_TEXT] & 0xffff;
// open text file & get the line
text = FetchTextLine(res_man.open(text_res), local_text);
officialTextNumber = READ_LE_UINT16(text);
// now ok to close the text file
// prevent dud lines from appearing while testing text & speech
// since these will not occur in the game anyway
if (SYSTEM_TESTING_TEXT) { // if testing text & speech
// if actor number is 0 and text line is just a 'dash'
// character
if (officialTextNumber == 0 && text[2] == '-' && text[3] == 0) {
// dud line - return & continue script
return IR_CONT;
// set the 'looping_flag' & the text-click-delay
ob_logic->looping = 1;
// can't left-click past the text for the first half second
left_click_delay = 6;
// can't right-click past the text for the first quarter second
right_click_delay = 3;
// Write to walkthrough file (zebug0.txt)
// if (player_id != george), then player is controlling Nico
debug(5, "(%d) Nico: %s", officialTextNumber, text + 2);
debug(5, "(%d) %s: %s", officialTextNumber, FetchObjectName(ID), text + 2);
// Set up the speech animation
if (params[S_ANIM]) {
// just a straight anim
anim_id = params[S_ANIM];
// anim type
speech_anim_type = SPEECHANIMFLAG;
// set the talker's graphic to this speech anim now
ob_graphic->anim_resource = anim_id;
// set to first frame
ob_graphic->anim_pc = 0;
} else if (params[S_DIR_TABLE]) {
// use this direction table to derive the anim
ob_mega = (Object_mega*) params[S_OB_MEGA];
// pointer to anim table
anim_table = (int32 *) params[S_DIR_TABLE];
// appropriate anim resource is in 'table[direction]'
anim_id = anim_table[ob_mega->current_dir];
// anim type
speech_anim_type = SPEECHANIMFLAG;
// set the talker's graphic to this speech anim now
ob_graphic->anim_resource = anim_id;
// set to first frame
ob_graphic->anim_pc = 0;
} else {
// no animation choosen
anim_id = 0;
// Default back to looped lip synced anims.
// set up 'text_x' & 'text_y' for speech-pan and/or
// text-sprite position
// is it to be speech or subtitles or both?
// assume not running until know otherwise
speechRunning = 0;
// New fudge for 'fx' subtitles
// if speech is selected, and this line is allowed speech
// (not if it's an fx subtitle!)
if (gui._speechSelected && WantSpeechForLine(officialTextNumber)) {
// if the wavId paramter is zero because not yet
// compiled into speech command, we can still get it
// from the 1st 2 chars of the text line
if (!params[S_WAV])
params[S_WAV] = (int32) officialTextNumber;
#define SPEECH_VOLUME 16 // 0..16
#define SPEECH_PAN 0 // -16..16
speech_pan = ((text_x - 320) * 16) / 320;
// 'text_x' 'speech_pan'
// 0 -16
// 320 0
// 640 16
// keep within limits of -16..16, just in case
if (speech_pan < -16)
speech_pan = -16;
else if (speech_pan > 16)
speech_pan = 16;
// if we're testing text & speech
// if we've moved onto a new text resource,
// we will want to check if the CD needs
// changing again - can only know which CD to
// get if the wavID is non-zero
if (text_res != currentTextResource && params[S_WAV]) {
// ensure correct CD is in for this
// wavId
// GetCorrectCdForSpeech(params[S_WAV]);
currentTextResource = text_res;
// set up path to speech cluster
// first checking if we have speech1.clu or
// speech2.clu in current directory (for translators
// to test)
File fp;
sprintf(speechFile, "speech%d.clu", res_man.whichCd());
if (fp.open(speechFile))
strcpy(speechFile, "speech.clu");
// Load speech but don't start playing yet
rv = g_sound->playCompSpeech(speechFile, params[S_WAV], SPEECH_VOLUME, speech_pan);
if (rv == RD_OK) {
// ok, we've got something to play
// (2 means not playing yet - see below)
speechRunning = 1;
// set it playing now (we might want to do
// this next cycle, don't know yet)
} else {
debug(5, "ERROR: PlayCompSpeech(speechFile=\"%s\", wav=%d (res=%d pos=%d)) returned %.8x", speechFile, params[S_WAV], text_res, local_text, rv);
// if we want subtitles, or speech failed to load
if (gui._subtitles || speechRunning == 0) {
// then we're going to show the text
textRunning = 1;
// so create the text sprite
} else {
// otherwise don't want text
textRunning = 0;
// EVERY TIME: run a cycle of animation, if there is one
if (anim_id) {
// there is an animation
// increment the anim frame number
// open the anim file
anim_file = res_man.open(ob_graphic->anim_resource);
anim_head = FetchAnimHeader(anim_file);
if (!speech_anim_type) {
// if finished the anim
if (ob_graphic->anim_pc == (int32) (anim_head->noAnimFrames)) {
// restart from frame 0
ob_graphic->anim_pc = 0;
} else if (speechRunning) {
// if playing a sample
if (!unpause_zone) {
// if we're at a quiet bit
if (g_sound->amISpeaking() == RDSE_QUIET) {
// restart from frame 0
// ('closed mouth' frame)
ob_graphic->anim_pc = 0;
} else {
if (ob_graphic->anim_pc == (int32) (anim_head->noAnimFrames) - 1) {
// reached the last frame of the anim
// hold anim on this last frame
anim_id = 0;
// close the anim file
} else if (speech_anim_type) {
// Placed here so we actually display the last frame of the
// anim.
speech_anim_type = 0;
// if there is a wav then we're using that to end the speech naturally
// if playing a sample (note that value of '2' means about to play!)
if (speechRunning == 1) {
if (!unpause_zone) {
// has it finished?
if (g_sound->getSpeechStatus() == RDSE_SAMPLEFINISHED)
speechFinished = 1;
} else
} else if (speechRunning == 0 && speech_time) {
// counting down text time because there is no sample - this
// ends the speech
// if no sample then we're using speech_time to end speech
// naturally
if (!speech_time)
speechFinished = 1;
// ok, all is running along smoothly - but a click means stop
// unnaturally
// so that we can go to the options panel while text & speech is
// being tested
if (SYSTEM_TESTING_TEXT == 0 || g_display->_mouseY > 0) {
me = MouseEvent();
// Note that we now have TWO click-delays - one for LEFT
// button, one for RIGHT BUTTON
if ((!left_click_delay && me && (me->buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN)) ||
(!right_click_delay && me && (me->buttons&RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN))) {
// mouse click, after click_delay has expired -> end
// the speech we ignore mouse releases
// if testing text & speech
// and RB used to click past text
if (me->buttons & RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN) {
// then we want the previous line again
} else {
// LB just want next line again
do {
// trash anything thats buffered
me = MouseEvent();
} while (me);
speechFinished = 1;
// if speech sample playing
if (speechRunning) {
// halt the sample prematurely
// if we are finishing the speech this cycle, do the business
// !speech_anim_type, as we want an anim which is playing once to
// have finished.
if (speechFinished && !speech_anim_type) {
// if there is text
if (speech_text_bloc_no) {
// kill the text block
speech_text_bloc_no = 0;
// if there is a speech anim
if (anim_id) {
// end it on 1st frame (closed mouth)
anim_id = 0;
ob_graphic->anim_pc = 0;
textRunning = 0;
speechRunning = 0;
// no longer in a script function loop
ob_logic->looping = 0;
// reset for debug info
textNumber = 0;
// reset to zero, in case text line not even extracted (since
// this number comes from the text line)
officialTextNumber = 0;
RESULT = 0; // ok
return IR_CONT;
// speech still going, so decrement the click_delay if it's still
// active
// count down to clickability
if (left_click_delay)
if (right_click_delay)
// back again next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
#define GAP_ABOVE_HEAD 20 // distance kept above talking sprite
void LocateTalker(int32 *params) {
// sets 'text_x' & 'text_y' for position of text sprite
// but 'text_x' also used to calculate speech-pan
// params: 0 pointer to ob_graphic
// 1 pointer to ob_speech
// 2 pointer to ob_logic
// 3 pointer to ob_mega
// 4 encoded text number
// 5 wav res id
// 6 anim res id
// 7 pointer to anim table
// 8 animation mode 0 lip synced,
// 1 just straight animation
Object_mega *ob_mega;
uint8 *file;
_frameHeader *frame_head;
_animHeader *anim_head;
_cdtEntry *cdt_entry;
uint16 scale;
// if there's no anim
if (anim_id == 0) {
// assume it's Voice-Over text, so it goes at bottom of screen
text_x = 320;
text_y = 400;
} else {
// Note: this code has been adapted from Register_frame() in
// build_display.cpp
// open animation file & set up the necessary pointers
file = res_man.open(anim_id);
anim_head = FetchAnimHeader(file);
// '0' means 1st frame
cdt_entry = FetchCdtEntry(file, 0);
// '0' means 1st frame
frame_head = FetchFrameHeader(file, 0);
// check if this frame has offsets ie. this is a scalable
// mega frame
if (cdt_entry->frameType & FRAME_OFFSET) {
// this may be NULL
ob_mega = (Object_mega*) params[S_OB_MEGA];
// calc scale at which to print the sprite, based on
// feet y-coord & scaling constants (NB. 'scale' is
// actually 256 * true_scale, to maintain accuracy)
// Ay+B gives 256 * scale ie. 256 * 256 * true_scale
// for even better accuracy, ie. scale = (Ay + B) / 256
scale = (uint16) ((ob_mega->scale_a * ob_mega->feet_y + ob_mega->scale_b) / 256);
// calc suitable centre point above the head, based on
// scaled height
// just use 'feet_x' as centre
text_x = (int16) (ob_mega->feet_x);
// add scaled y-offset to feet_y coord to get top of
// sprite
text_y = (int16) (ob_mega->feet_y + (cdt_entry->y * scale) / 256);
} else {
// it's a non-scaling anim - calc suitable centre
// point above the head, based on scaled width
// x-coord + half of width
text_x = cdt_entry->x + (frame_head->width) / 2;
text_y = cdt_entry->y;
// leave space above their head
text_y -= GAP_ABOVE_HEAD;
// adjust the text coords for RDSPR_DISPLAYALIGN
text_x -= this_screen.scroll_offset_x;
text_y -= this_screen.scroll_offset_y;
// release the anim resource
void Form_text(int32 *params) {
// its the first time in so we build the text block if we need one
// we also bring in the wav if there is one
// also setup the animation if there is one
// anim is optional - anim can be a repeating lip-sync or a run-once
// anim
// if there is no wav then the text comes up instead
// there can be any combination of text/wav playing
// params 0 pointer to ob_graphic
// 1 pointer to ob_speech
// 2 pointer to ob_logic
// 3 pointer to ob_mega
// 4 encoded text number
// 5 wav res id
// 6 anim res id
// 7 pointer to anim table
// 8 animation mode 0 lip synced,
// 1 just straight animation
uint32 local_text;
uint32 text_res;
uint8 *text;
uint32 textWidth;
Object_speech *ob_speech;
// should always be a text line, as all text is derived from line of
// text
if (params[S_TEXT]) {
ob_speech = (Object_speech *) params[S_OB_SPEECH];
// establish the max width allowed for this text sprite
// if a specific width has been set up for this character,
// then override the default
if (ob_speech->width)
textWidth = ob_speech->width;
textWidth = 400;
// pull out the text line & make the sprite & text block
text_res = params[S_TEXT] / SIZE;
local_text = params[S_TEXT] & 0xffff;
// open text file & get the line
text = FetchTextLine(res_man.open(text_res), local_text);
// 'text + 2' to skip the first 2 bytes which form the line
// reference number
speech_text_bloc_no = fontRenderer.buildNewBloc(
text + 2, text_x, text_y,
textWidth, ob_speech->pen,
g_sword2->_speechFontId, POSITION_AT_CENTRE_OF_BASE);
// now ok to close the text file
// set speech duration, in case not using wav
// no. of cycles = (no. of chars) + 30
speech_time = strlen((char *) text) + 30;
} else {
// no text line passed? - this is bad
debug(5, "no text line for speech wav %d", params[S_WAV]);
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
void GetCorrectCdForSpeech(int32 wavId) {
File fp;
// 1, 2 or 0 (if speech on both cd's, ie. no need to change)
uint8 cd;
if (!fp.open("cd.bin"))
error("Need cd.bin file for testing speech!");
fp.seek(wavId, SEEK_SET);
fp.read(&cd, 1);
// if we specifically need CD1 or CD2 (ie. it's not on both)
// then check it's there (& ask for it if it's not there)
if (cd == 1 || cd == 2)
// For preventing sfx subtitles from trying to load speech samples
// - since the sfx are implemented as normal sfx, so we don't want them as
// speech samples too
// - and we only want the subtitles if selected, not if samples can't be found!
uint8 WantSpeechForLine(uint32 wavId) {
switch (wavId) {
case 1328: // AttendantSpeech
// SFX(Phone71);
// FX <Telephone rings>
case 2059: // PabloSpeech
// SFX (2059);
// FX <Sound of sporadic gunfire from below>
case 4082: // DuaneSpeech
// SFX (4082);
// FX <Pffffffffffft! Frp. (Unimpressive, flatulent noise.)>
case 4214: // cat_52
// SFX (4214);
// 4214FXMeow!
case 4568: // trapdoor_13
// SFX (4568);
// 4568fx<door slamming>
case 4913: // LobineauSpeech
// SFX (tone2);
// FX <Lobineau hangs up>
case 5120: // bush_66
// SFX (5120);
// 5120FX<loud buzzing>
case 528: // PresidentaSpeech
// SFX (528);
// FX <Nearby Crash of Collapsing Masonry>
case 920: // location 62
case 923: // location 62
case 926: // location 62
// don't want speech for these lines!
return 0;
// ok for all other lines
return 1;
} // End of namespace Sword2