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synced 2025-03-06 02:10:28 +00:00
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460 lines
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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
#include "common/endian.h"
#include "common/file.h"
#include "common/stream.h"
#include "common/events.h"
#include "sound/audiostream.h"
#include "sound/mixer.h"
#include "graphics/video/avi_decoder.h"
// Audio Codecs
#include "sound/decoders/adpcm.h"
#include "sound/decoders/raw.h"
// Video Codecs
#include "graphics/video/codecs/cinepak.h"
#include "graphics/video/codecs/indeo3.h"
#include "graphics/video/codecs/msvideo1.h"
#include "graphics/video/codecs/msrle.h"
#include "graphics/video/codecs/truemotion1.h"
namespace Graphics {
static byte char2num(char c) {
return (c >= 48 && c <= 57) ? c - 48 : 0;
static byte getStreamNum(uint32 tag) {
return char2num((char)(tag >> 24)) * 16 + char2num((char)(tag >> 16));
static uint16 getStreamType(uint32 tag) {
return tag & 0xffff;
AviDecoder::AviDecoder(Audio::Mixer *mixer, Audio::Mixer::SoundType soundType) : _mixer(mixer) {
_soundType = soundType;
_videoCodec = NULL;
_decodedHeader = false;
_audStream = NULL;
_fileStream = NULL;
_audHandle = new Audio::SoundHandle();
_dirtyPalette = false;
memset(_palette, 0, sizeof(_palette));
memset(&_wvInfo, 0, sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT));
memset(&_bmInfo, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
memset(&_vidsHeader, 0, sizeof(AVIStreamHeader));
memset(&_audsHeader, 0, sizeof(AVIStreamHeader));
memset(&_ixInfo, 0, sizeof(AVIOLDINDEX));
AviDecoder::~AviDecoder() {
delete _audHandle;
void AviDecoder::runHandle(uint32 tag) {
assert (_fileStream);
if (_fileStream->eos())
debug (3, "Decoding tag %s", tag2str(tag));
switch (tag) {
case ID_RIFF:
/*_filesize = */_fileStream->readUint32LE();
if (_fileStream->readUint32BE() != ID_AVI)
error("RIFF file is not an AVI video");
case ID_LIST:
case ID_AVIH:
_header.size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.microSecondsPerFrame = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.maxBytesPerSecond = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.padding = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.flags = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.totalFrames = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.initialFrames = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.streams = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.bufferSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.width = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.height = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
//Ignore 16 bytes of reserved data
case ID_STRH:
case ID_STRD: // Extra stream info, safe to ignore
case ID_VEDT: // Unknown, safe to ignore
case ID_JUNK: // Alignment bytes, should be ignored
uint32 junkSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_fileStream->skip(junkSize + (junkSize & 1)); // Alignment
} break;
case ID_IDX1:
_ixInfo.size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_ixInfo.indices = new AVIOLDINDEX::Index[_ixInfo.size / 16];
debug (0, "%d Indices", (_ixInfo.size / 16));
for (uint32 i = 0; i < (_ixInfo.size / 16); i++) {
_ixInfo.indices[i].id = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
_ixInfo.indices[i].flags = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_ixInfo.indices[i].offset = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_ixInfo.indices[i].size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
debug (0, "Index %d == Tag \'%s\', Offset = %d, Size = %d", i, tag2str(_ixInfo.indices[i].id), _ixInfo.indices[i].offset, _ixInfo.indices[i].size);
error ("Unknown tag \'%s\' found", tag2str(tag));
void AviDecoder::handleList() {
uint32 listSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE() - 4; // Subtract away listType's 4 bytes
uint32 listType = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
uint32 curPos = _fileStream->pos();
debug (0, "Found LIST of type %s", tag2str(listType));
while ((_fileStream->pos() - curPos) < listSize)
// We now have all the header data
if (listType == ID_HDRL)
_decodedHeader = true;
void AviDecoder::handleStreamHeader() {
AVIStreamHeader sHeader;
sHeader.size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.streamType = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
if (sHeader.streamType == ID_MIDS || sHeader.streamType == ID_TXTS)
error ("Unhandled MIDI/Text stream");
sHeader.streamHandler = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
sHeader.flags = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.priority = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
sHeader.language = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
sHeader.initialFrames = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.scale = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.rate = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.start = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.length = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.bufferSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.quality = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.sampleSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_fileStream->skip(sHeader.size - 48); // Skip over the remainder of the chunk (frame)
if (_fileStream->readUint32BE() != ID_STRF)
error("Could not find STRF tag");
uint32 strfSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
uint32 startPos = _fileStream->pos();
if (sHeader.streamType == ID_VIDS) {
_vidsHeader = sHeader;
_bmInfo.size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_bmInfo.width = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
assert (_header.width == _bmInfo.width);
_bmInfo.height = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
assert (_header.height == _bmInfo.height);
_bmInfo.planes = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
_bmInfo.bitCount = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
_bmInfo.compression = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
_bmInfo.sizeImage = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_bmInfo.xPelsPerMeter = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_bmInfo.yPelsPerMeter = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_bmInfo.clrUsed = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_bmInfo.clrImportant = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
if (_bmInfo.bitCount == 8) {
if (_bmInfo.clrUsed == 0)
_bmInfo.clrUsed = 256;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _bmInfo.clrUsed; i++) {
_palette[i * 3 + 2] = _fileStream->readByte();
_palette[i * 3 + 1] = _fileStream->readByte();
_palette[i * 3] = _fileStream->readByte();
_dirtyPalette = true;
if (!_vidsHeader.streamHandler)
_vidsHeader.streamHandler = _bmInfo.compression;
} else if (sHeader.streamType == ID_AUDS) {
_audsHeader = sHeader;
_wvInfo.tag = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
_wvInfo.channels = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
_wvInfo.samplesPerSec = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_wvInfo.avgBytesPerSec = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_wvInfo.blockAlign = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
_wvInfo.size = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
// AVI seems to treat the sampleSize as including the second
// channel as well, so divide for our sake.
if (_wvInfo.channels == 2)
_audsHeader.sampleSize /= 2;
// Ensure that we're at the end of the chunk
_fileStream->seek(startPos + strfSize);
bool AviDecoder::load(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
_fileStream = stream;
_decodedHeader = false;
// Read chunks until we have decoded the header
while (!_decodedHeader)
uint32 nextTag = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
// Throw out any JUNK section
if (nextTag == ID_JUNK) {
nextTag = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
// Ignore the 'movi' LIST
if (nextTag == ID_LIST) {
_fileStream->readUint32BE(); // Skip size
if (_fileStream->readUint32BE() != ID_MOVI)
error ("Expected 'movi' LIST");
} else
error ("Expected 'movi' LIST");
// Now, create the codec
_videoCodec = createCodec();
// Initialize the video stuff too
_audStream = createAudioStream();
if (_audStream)
_mixer->playStream(_soundType, _audHandle, _audStream);
debug (0, "Frames = %d, Dimensions = %d x %d", _header.totalFrames, _header.width, _header.height);
debug (0, "Frame Rate = %d", _vidsHeader.rate / _vidsHeader.scale);
if (_wvInfo.samplesPerSec != 0)
debug (0, "Sound Rate = %d", _wvInfo.samplesPerSec);
debug (0, "Video Codec = \'%s\'", tag2str(_vidsHeader.streamHandler));
if (!_videoCodec)
return false;
return true;
void AviDecoder::close() {
if (!_fileStream)
delete _fileStream;
_fileStream = 0;
// Deinitialize sound
_audStream = 0;
_decodedHeader = false;
delete _videoCodec;
_videoCodec = 0;
delete[] _ixInfo.indices;
_ixInfo.indices = 0;
memset(_palette, 0, sizeof(_palette));
memset(&_wvInfo, 0, sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT));
memset(&_bmInfo, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
memset(&_vidsHeader, 0, sizeof(AVIStreamHeader));
memset(&_audsHeader, 0, sizeof(AVIStreamHeader));
memset(&_ixInfo, 0, sizeof(AVIOLDINDEX));
uint32 AviDecoder::getElapsedTime() const {
if (_audStream)
return _mixer->getSoundElapsedTime(*_audHandle);
return VideoDecoder::getElapsedTime();
const Surface *AviDecoder::decodeNextFrame() {
uint32 nextTag = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
if (_fileStream->eos())
return NULL;
if (_curFrame == -1)
_startTime = g_system->getMillis();
if (nextTag == ID_LIST) {
// A list of audio/video chunks
uint32 listSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE() - 4;
int32 startPos = _fileStream->pos();
if (_fileStream->readUint32BE() != ID_REC)
error ("Expected 'rec ' LIST");
// Decode chunks in the list and see if we get a frame
const Surface *frame = NULL;
while (_fileStream->pos() < startPos + (int32)listSize) {
const Surface *temp = decodeNextFrame();
if (temp)
frame = temp;
return frame;
} else if (getStreamType(nextTag) == 'wb') {
// Audio Chunk
uint32 chunkSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_fileStream->skip(chunkSize & 1); // Alignment
} else if (getStreamType(nextTag) == 'dc' || getStreamType(nextTag) == 'id' ||
getStreamType(nextTag) == 'AM' || getStreamType(nextTag) == '32') {
// Compressed Frame
uint32 chunkSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
if (chunkSize == 0) // Keep last frame on screen
return NULL;
Common::SeekableReadStream *frameData = _fileStream->readStream(chunkSize);
const Graphics::Surface *surface = _videoCodec->decodeImage(frameData);
delete frameData;
_fileStream->skip(chunkSize & 1); // Alignment
return surface;
} else if (getStreamType(nextTag) == 'pc') {
// Palette Change
_fileStream->readUint32LE(); // Chunk size, not needed here
byte firstEntry = _fileStream->readByte();
uint16 numEntries = _fileStream->readByte();
_fileStream->readUint16LE(); // Reserved
// 0 entries means all colors are going to be changed
if (numEntries == 0)
numEntries = 256;
for (uint16 i = firstEntry; i < numEntries + firstEntry; i++) {
_palette[i * 3] = _fileStream->readByte();
_palette[i * 3 + 1] = _fileStream->readByte();
_palette[i * 3 + 2] = _fileStream->readByte();
_fileStream->readByte(); // Flags that don't serve us any purpose
_dirtyPalette = true;
// No alignment necessary. It's always even.
} else if (nextTag == ID_JUNK) {
} else if (nextTag == ID_IDX1) {
} else
error("Tag = \'%s\', %d", tag2str(nextTag), _fileStream->pos());
return NULL;
Codec *AviDecoder::createCodec() {
switch (_vidsHeader.streamHandler) {
case ID_CRAM:
case ID_MSVC:
case ID_WHAM:
return new MSVideo1Decoder(_bmInfo.width, _bmInfo.height, _bmInfo.bitCount);
case ID_RLE:
return new MSRLEDecoder(_bmInfo.width, _bmInfo.height, _bmInfo.bitCount);
case ID_CVID:
return new CinepakDecoder(_bmInfo.bitCount);
#ifdef USE_INDEO3
case ID_IV32:
return new Indeo3Decoder(_bmInfo.width, _bmInfo.height);
case ID_DUCK:
return new TrueMotion1Decoder(_bmInfo.width, _bmInfo.height);
warning ("Unknown/Unhandled compression format \'%s\'", tag2str(_vidsHeader.streamHandler));
return NULL;
PixelFormat AviDecoder::getPixelFormat() const {
return _videoCodec->getPixelFormat();
Audio::QueuingAudioStream *AviDecoder::createAudioStream() {
if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatPCM || _wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatDK3)
return Audio::makeQueuingAudioStream(_wvInfo.samplesPerSec, _wvInfo.channels == 2);
else if (_wvInfo.tag != kWaveFormatNone) // No sound
warning("Unsupported AVI audio format %d", _wvInfo.tag);
return NULL;
void AviDecoder::queueAudioBuffer(uint32 chunkSize) {
// Return if we haven't created the queue (unsupported audio format)
if (!_audStream) {
Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = _fileStream->readStream(chunkSize);
if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatPCM) {
byte flags = 0;
if (_audsHeader.sampleSize == 2)
flags |= Audio::FLAG_16BITS | Audio::FLAG_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
flags |= Audio::FLAG_UNSIGNED;
if (_wvInfo.channels == 2)
flags |= Audio::FLAG_STEREO;
_audStream->queueAudioStream(Audio::makeRawStream(stream, _wvInfo.samplesPerSec, flags, DisposeAfterUse::YES), DisposeAfterUse::YES);
} else if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatDK3) {
_audStream->queueAudioStream(Audio::makeADPCMStream(stream, DisposeAfterUse::YES, chunkSize, Audio::kADPCMDK3, _wvInfo.samplesPerSec, _wvInfo.channels, _wvInfo.blockAlign), DisposeAfterUse::YES);
} // End of namespace Graphics