2022-05-29 17:22:47 +02:00

359 lines
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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "common/scummsys.h"
#include "common/rect.h"
#include "graphics/fonts/macfont.h"
#include "graphics/sjis.h"
#include "scumm/charset_v7.h"
#include "scumm/scumm.h"
#include "scumm/gfx.h"
namespace Scumm {
class ScummEngine;
class NutRenderer;
struct VirtScreen;
static inline bool checkKSCode(byte hi, byte lo) {
//hi : xx
//lo : yy
if ((0xA1 > lo) || (0xFE < lo)) {
return false;
if ((hi >= 0xB0) && (hi <= 0xC8)) {
return true;
return false;
static inline bool checkSJISCode(byte c) {
if ((c >= 0x80 && c <= 0x9f) || (c >= 0xe0 && c <= 0xfd))
return true;
return false;
static inline bool is2ByteCharacter(Common::Language lang, byte c) {
if (lang == Common::JA_JPN)
return (c >= 0x80 && c <= 0x9F) || (c >= 0xE0 && c <= 0xFD);
else if (lang == Common::KO_KOR)
return (c >= 0xB0 && c <= 0xD0);
else if (lang == Common::ZH_TWN || lang == Common::ZH_CHN)
return (c >= 0x80);
return false;
class CharsetRenderer {
Common::Rect _str;
int _top;
int _left, _startLeft;
int _right;
byte _color;
bool _center;
bool _hasMask; // True if "removable" text is visible somewhere (should be called _hasText or so)
VirtScreenNumber _textScreenID; // ID of the virtual screen on which the text is visible.
bool _blitAlso;
bool _firstChar;
bool _disableOffsX;
ScummEngine *_vm;
int32 _curId;
CharsetRenderer(ScummEngine *vm);
virtual ~CharsetRenderer();
virtual void printChar(int chr, bool ignoreCharsetMask) = 0;
virtual void drawChar(int chr, Graphics::Surface &s, int x, int y) {}
virtual int getStringWidth(int arg, const byte *text);
void addLinebreaks(int a, byte *str, int pos, int maxwidth);
void translateColor();
virtual void setCurID(int32 id) = 0;
int getCurID() { return _curId; }
virtual int getFontHeight() const = 0;
virtual int getCharHeight(uint16 chr) const { return getFontHeight(); }
virtual int getCharWidth(uint16 chr) const = 0;
virtual void setColor(byte color) { _color = color; translateColor(); }
void saveLoadWithSerializer(Common::Serializer &ser);
class CharsetRendererCommon : public CharsetRenderer {
const byte *_fontPtr;
int _bytesPerPixel;
int _fontHeight;
int _numChars;
byte _shadowColor;
bool _enableShadow;
CharsetRendererCommon(ScummEngine *vm);
void setCurID(int32 id) override;
int getFontHeight() const override;
class CharsetRendererPC : public CharsetRendererCommon {
enum ShadowType {
ShadowType _shadowType;
virtual void enableShadow(bool enable);
virtual void drawBits1(Graphics::Surface &dest, int x, int y, const byte *src, int drawTop, int width, int height);
void drawBits1Kor(Graphics::Surface &dest, int x1, int y1, const byte *src, int drawTop, int width, int height);
CharsetRendererPC(ScummEngine *vm) : CharsetRendererCommon(vm), _shadowType(kNoShadowType) { }
class CharsetRendererClassic : public CharsetRendererPC {
virtual void drawBitsN(const Graphics::Surface &s, byte *dst, const byte *src, byte bpp, int drawTop, int width, int height);
void printCharIntern(bool is2byte, const byte *charPtr, int origWidth, int origHeight, int width, int height, VirtScreen *vs, bool ignoreCharsetMask);
virtual bool prepareDraw(uint16 chr);
int _width, _height, _origWidth, _origHeight;
int _offsX, _offsY;
const byte *_charPtr;
// On which virtual screen will be drawn right now
VirtScreenNumber _drawScreen;
CharsetRendererClassic(ScummEngine *vm) : CharsetRendererPC(vm) {}
void printChar(int chr, bool ignoreCharsetMask) override;
void drawChar(int chr, Graphics::Surface &s, int x, int y) override;
int getCharWidth(uint16 chr) const override;
class CharsetRendererTownsClassic : public CharsetRendererClassic {
CharsetRendererTownsClassic(ScummEngine *vm);
int getCharWidth(uint16 chr) const override;
int getFontHeight() const override;
void drawBitsN(const Graphics::Surface &s, byte *dst, const byte *src, byte bpp, int drawTop, int width, int height) override;
bool prepareDraw(uint16 chr) override;
void setupShadowMode();
bool useFontRomCharacter(uint16 chr) const;
void processCharsetColors();
uint16 _sjisCurChar;
class CharsetRendererNES : public CharsetRendererCommon {
byte *_trTable;
void drawBits1(Graphics::Surface &dest, int x, int y, const byte *src, int drawTop, int width, int height);
CharsetRendererNES(ScummEngine *vm) : CharsetRendererCommon(vm) {}
void setCurID(int32 id) override {}
void printChar(int chr, bool ignoreCharsetMask) override;
void drawChar(int chr, Graphics::Surface &s, int x, int y) override;
int getFontHeight() const override { return 8; }
int getCharWidth(uint16 chr) const override { return 8; }
class CharsetRendererV3 : public CharsetRendererPC {
virtual int getDrawWidthIntern(uint16 chr);
virtual int getDrawHeightIntern(uint16 chr);
virtual void setDrawCharIntern(uint16 chr) {}
const byte *_widthTable;
CharsetRendererV3(ScummEngine *vm) : CharsetRendererPC(vm) {}
void printChar(int chr, bool ignoreCharsetMask) override;
void drawChar(int chr, Graphics::Surface &s, int x, int y) override;
void setCurID(int32 id) override;
void setColor(byte color) override;
int getCharWidth(uint16 chr) const override;
class CharsetRendererTownsV3 : public CharsetRendererV3 {
CharsetRendererTownsV3(ScummEngine *vm);
int getCharWidth(uint16 chr) const override;
int getFontHeight() const override;
void enableShadow(bool enable) override;
void drawBits1(Graphics::Surface &dest, int x, int y, const byte *src, int drawTop, int width, int height) override;
int getDrawWidthIntern(uint16 chr) override;
int getDrawHeightIntern(uint16 chr) override;
void setDrawCharIntern(uint16 chr) override;
uint16 _sjisCurChar;
class CharsetRendererPCE : public CharsetRendererV3 {
void drawBits1(Graphics::Surface &dest, int x, int y, const byte *src, int drawTop, int width, int height) override;
int getDrawWidthIntern(uint16 chr) override;
int getDrawHeightIntern(uint16 chr) override;
void setDrawCharIntern(uint16 chr) override;
uint16 _sjisCurChar;
CharsetRendererPCE(ScummEngine *vm) : CharsetRendererV3(vm), _sjisCurChar(0) {}
void setColor(byte color) override;
class CharsetRendererV2 : public CharsetRendererV3 {
bool _deleteFontPtr;
CharsetRendererV2(ScummEngine *vm, Common::Language language);
~CharsetRendererV2() override;
void setCurID(int32 id) override {}
int getCharWidth(uint16 chr) const override { return 8; }
class CharsetRendererMac : public CharsetRendererCommon {
Graphics::MacFONTFont _macFonts[2];
bool _correctFontSpacing;
bool _pad;
int _lastTop;
int getDrawWidthIntern(uint16 chr) const;
void printCharInternal(int chr, int color, bool shadow, int x, int y);
void printCharToTextBox(int chr, int color, int x, int y);
byte getTextColor();
byte getTextShadowColor();
Graphics::Surface *_glyphSurface;
CharsetRendererMac(ScummEngine *vm, const Common::String &fontFile);
~CharsetRendererMac() override;
void setCurID(int32 id) override;
int getStringWidth(int arg, const byte *text) override;
int getFontHeight() const override;
int getCharWidth(uint16 chr) const override;
void printChar(int chr, bool ignoreCharsetMask) override;
void drawChar(int chr, Graphics::Surface &s, int x, int y) override;
void setColor(byte color) override;
#ifdef ENABLE_SCUMM_7_8
class CharsetRendererV7 : public CharsetRendererClassic, public GlyphRenderer_v7 {
CharsetRendererV7(ScummEngine *vm);
~CharsetRendererV7() override {};
void printChar(int, bool) override { error("CharsetRendererV7::printChar(): Unexpected call to deprecated function"); }
int draw2byte(byte *buffer, Common::Rect &clipRect, int x, int y, int pitch, int16 col, uint16 chr) override;
int drawCharV7(byte *buffer, Common::Rect &clipRect, int x, int y, int pitch, int16 col, TextStyleFlags flags, byte chr) override;
int getCharWidth(uint16 chr) const override;
int getCharHeight(uint16 chr) const override { return ((chr & 0x80) && _vm->_useCJKMode) ? _vm->_2byteHeight : _fontHeight; }
int getFontHeight() const override { return _fontHeight; }
int setFont(int) override { return 0; }
bool newStyleWrapping() const override { return _newStyle; }
const int _spacing;
const bool _newStyle;
const int _direction;
class CharsetRendererNut : public CharsetRenderer, public GlyphRenderer_v7 {
CharsetRendererNut(ScummEngine *vm);
~CharsetRendererNut() override;
void printChar(int, bool) override { error("CharsetRendererNut::printChar(): Unexpected call to deprecated function"); }
void setCurID(int32 id) override;
int setFont(int id) override;
bool newStyleWrapping() const override { return true; }
int draw2byte(byte *buffer, Common::Rect &clipRect, int x, int y, int pitch, int16 col, uint16 chr) override;
int drawCharV7(byte *buffer, Common::Rect &clipRect, int x, int y, int pitch, int16 col, TextStyleFlags flags, byte chr) override;
int getFontHeight() const override;
int getCharWidth(uint16 chr) const override;
int getCharHeight(uint16 chr) const override;
NutRenderer *_fr[5];
NutRenderer *_current;
} // End of namespace Scumm