2011-05-12 01:16:22 +02:00

257 lines
8.8 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "common/scummsys.h"
#include "common/endian.h"
#include "common/file.h"
#include "common/str.h"
namespace Mohawk {
// Main FourCC's
#define ID_MHWK MKTAG('M','H','W','K') // Main FourCC
#define ID_RSRC MKTAG('R','S','R','C') // Resource Directory Tag
// Myst Resource FourCC's
#define ID_CLRC MKTAG('C','L','R','C') // Cursor Hotspots
#define ID_EXIT MKTAG('E','X','I','T') // Card Exit Scripts
#define ID_HINT MKTAG('H','I','N','T') // Cursor Hints
#define ID_INIT MKTAG('I','N','I','T') // Card Entrance Scripts
#define ID_MSND MKTAG('M','S','N','D') // Standard Mohawk Sound
#define ID_RLST MKTAG('R','L','S','T') // Resource List, Specifies HotSpots
#define ID_RSFL MKTAG('R','S','F','L') // ??? (system.dat only)
#define ID_VIEW MKTAG('V','I','E','W') // Card Details
#define ID_WDIB MKTAG('W','D','I','B') // LZ-Compressed Windows Bitmap
// Myst Masterpiece Edition Resource FourCC's (In addition to Myst FourCC's)
#define ID_HELP MKTAG('H','E','L','P') // Help Chunk
#define ID_MJMP MKTAG('M','J','M','P') // MSND Jumps (To reduce MSND duplication)
#define ID_PICT MKTAG('P','I','C','T') // JPEG/PICT/WDIB Image
// Riven Resource FourCC's
#define ID_BLST MKTAG('B','L','S','T') // Card Hotspot Enabling Lists
#define ID_CARD MKTAG('C','A','R','D') // Card Scripts
#define ID_FLST MKTAG('F','L','S','T') // Card SFXE Lists
#define ID_HSPT MKTAG('H','S','P','T') // Card Hotspots
#define ID_MLST MKTAG('M','L','S','T') // Card Movie Lists
#define ID_NAME MKTAG('N','A','M','E') // Object Names
#define ID_PLST MKTAG('P','L','S','T') // Card Picture Lists
#define ID_RMAP MKTAG('R','M','A','P') // Card Codes
#define ID_SFXE MKTAG('S','F','X','E') // Water Effect Animations
#define ID_SLST MKTAG('S','L','S','T') // Card Ambient Sound Lists
#define ID_TMOV MKTAG('t','M','O','V') // QuickTime Movie
// Riven Saved Game FourCC's
#define ID_VARS MKTAG('V','A','R','S') // Variable Values
#define ID_VERS MKTAG('V','E','R','S') // Version Info
#define ID_ZIPS MKTAG('Z','I','P','S') // Zip Mode Status
// Zoombini Resource FourCC's
#define ID_SND MKTAG( 0 ,'S','N','D') // Standard Mohawk Sound
#define ID_CURS MKTAG('C','U','R','S') // Cursor
#define ID_SCRB MKTAG('S','C','R','B') // Feature Script
#define ID_SCRS MKTAG('S','C','R','S') // Snoid Script
#define ID_NODE MKTAG('N','O','D','E') // Walk Node
#define ID_PATH MKTAG('P','A','T','H') // Walk Path
#define ID_SHPL MKTAG('S','H','P','L') // Shape List
// Living Books Resource FourCC's
#define ID_TCUR MKTAG('t','C','U','R') // Cursor
#define ID_BITL MKTAG('B','I','T','L') // Book Item List
#define ID_CTBL MKTAG('C','T','B','L') // Color Table
#define ID_SCRP MKTAG('S','C','R','P') // Script
#define ID_SPR MKTAG('S','P','R','#') // Sprite?
#define ID_VRSN MKTAG('V','R','S','N') // Version
#define ID_ANI MKTAG('A','N','I',' ') // Animation
#define ID_SHP MKTAG('S','H','P','#') // Shape
#define ID_WAV MKTAG('W','A','V',' ') // Old Sound Resource
#define ID_BMAP MKTAG('B','M','A','P') // Old Mohawk Bitmap
#define ID_BCOD MKTAG('B','C','O','D') // Book Code
// JamesMath Resource FourCC's
#define ID_TANM MKTAG('t','A','N','M') // Animation?
#define ID_TMFO MKTAG('t','M','F','O') // ???
// CSTime Resource FourCC's
#define ID_CINF MKTAG('C','I','N','F') // Case Info
#define ID_CONV MKTAG('C','O','N','V') // Conversation
#define ID_HOTS MKTAG('H','O','T','S') // Hotspot
#define ID_INVO MKTAG('I','N','V','O') // Inventory Object
#define ID_QARS MKTAG('Q','A','R','S') // Question and Responses
#define ID_SCEN MKTAG('S','C','E','N') // Scene
#define ID_STRI MKTAG('S','T','R','I') // String Entry?
// Mohawk Wave Tags
#define ID_WAVE MKTAG('W','A','V','E') // Game Sound (Third Tag)
#define ID_ADPC MKTAG('A','D','P','C') // Game Sound Chunk
#define ID_DATA MKTAG('D','a','t','a') // Game Sound Chunk
#define ID_CUE MKTAG('C','u','e','#') // Game Sound Chunk
// Mohawk MIDI Tags
#define ID_MIDI MKTAG('M','I','D','I') // Game Sound (Third Tag), instead of WAVE
#define ID_PRG MKTAG('P','r','g','#') // MIDI Patch
// Common Resource FourCC's
#define ID_TBMP MKTAG('t','B','M','P') // Standard Mohawk Bitmap
#define ID_TWAV MKTAG('t','W','A','V') // Standard Mohawk Sound
#define ID_TPAL MKTAG('t','P','A','L') // Standard Mohawk Palette
#define ID_TCNT MKTAG('t','C','N','T') // Shape Count (CSWorld, CSAmtrak, JamesMath)
#define ID_TSCR MKTAG('t','S','C','R') // Script (CSWorld, CSAmtrak, Treehouse)
#define ID_STRL MKTAG('S','T','R','L') // String List (Zoombini, CSWorld, CSAmtrak)
#define ID_TBMH MKTAG('t','B','M','H') // Standard Mohawk Bitmap
#define ID_TMID MKTAG('t','M','I','D') // Standard Mohawk MIDI
#define ID_REGS MKTAG('R','E','G','S') // Registration Data - Shape Offsets (Zoombini, Treehouse)
#define ID_BYTS MKTAG('B','Y','T','S') // Byte Array? (Used as Database Entry in CSWorld, CSAmtrak)
#define ID_INTS MKTAG('I','N','T','S') // uint16 Array? (CSWorld, CSAmtrak)
#define ID_BBOX MKTAG('B','B','O','X') // Boxes? (CSWorld, CSAmtrak)
#define ID_SYSX MKTAG('S','Y','S','X') // MIDI Sysex
struct FileTable {
uint32 offset;
uint32 dataSize; // Really 27 bits
byte flags; // Mostly useless except for the bottom 3 bits which are part of the size
uint16 unk; // Always 0
struct Type {
Type() { resTable.entries = NULL; nameTable.entries = NULL; }
~Type() { delete[] resTable.entries; delete[] nameTable.entries; }
//Type Table
uint32 tag;
uint16 resource_table_offset;
uint16 name_table_offset;
struct ResourceTable {
uint16 resources;
struct Entries {
uint16 id;
uint16 index;
} *entries;
} resTable;
struct NameTable {
uint16 num;
struct Entries {
uint16 offset;
uint16 index;
// Name List
Common::String name;
} *entries;
} nameTable;
struct TypeTable {
uint16 name_offset;
uint16 resource_types;
struct RSRC_Header {
uint16 version;
uint16 compaction;
uint32 filesize;
uint32 abs_offset;
uint16 file_table_offset;
uint16 file_table_size;
class MohawkArchive {
virtual ~MohawkArchive() { close(); }
bool open(const Common::String &filename);
virtual bool open(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
void close();
virtual bool hasResource(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
virtual bool hasResource(uint32 tag, const Common::String &resName);
virtual Common::SeekableReadStream *getResource(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
virtual uint32 getOffset(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
virtual uint16 findResourceID(uint32 type, const Common::String &resName);
Common::String getName(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
Common::SeekableReadStream *_mhk;
TypeTable _typeTable;
Common::String _curFile;
RSRC_Header _rsrc;
Type *_types;
FileTable *_fileTable;
uint16 _nameTableAmount;
uint16 _resourceTableAmount;
uint16 _fileTableAmount;
int getTypeIndex(uint32 tag);
int getIDIndex(int typeIndex, uint16 id);
int getIDIndex(int typeIndex, const Common::String &resName);
class LivingBooksArchive_v1 : public MohawkArchive {
LivingBooksArchive_v1() : MohawkArchive() {}
~LivingBooksArchive_v1() {}
bool hasResource(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
bool hasResource(uint32 tag, const Common::String &resName) { return false; }
virtual bool open(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
Common::SeekableReadStream *getResource(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
Common::SeekableReadStream *getResource(uint32 tag, const Common::String &resName) { return 0; }
uint32 getOffset(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
uint16 findResourceID(uint32 type, const Common::String &resName) { return 0xFFFF; }
struct OldType {
uint32 tag;
uint16 resource_table_offset;
struct ResourceTable {
uint16 resources;
struct Entries {
uint16 id;
uint32 offset;
uint32 size;
} *entries;
} resTable;
} *_types;
int getTypeIndex(uint32 tag);
int getIDIndex(int typeIndex, uint16 id);
class DOSArchive_v2 : public LivingBooksArchive_v1 {
DOSArchive_v2() : LivingBooksArchive_v1() {}
~DOSArchive_v2() {}
virtual bool open(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
} // End of namespace Mohawk