antoniou79 186de62ffb BLADERUNNER: Clean up and synch screenRectangle and bbox
For actors and their corresponding screenObjects

This should fix the issue with Sadik's remnant hitbox in the middle of the bridge at UG18
2020-09-04 23:35:34 +03:00

286 lines
9.4 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "bladerunner/boundingbox.h"
#include "bladerunner/vector.h"
#include "common/array.h"
#include "common/rect.h"
namespace BladeRunner {
class ActorClues;
class ActorCombat;
class ActorWalk;
class BladeRunnerEngine;
class BoundingBox;
class MovementTrack;
class SaveFileReadStream;
class SaveFileWriteStream;
class View;
class Actor {
BladeRunnerEngine *_vm;
static const int kActorTimers = 7;
BoundingBox _bbox;
Common::Rect _screenRectangle;
MovementTrack *_movementTrack;
ActorWalk *_walkInfo;
ActorCombat *_combatInfo;
ActorClues *_clues;
int _honesty;
int _intelligence;
int _stability;
int _combatAggressiveness;
int _goalNumber;
Common::Array<int> _friendlinessToOther;
int _currentHP;
int _maxHP;
int _id;
int _setId;
Vector3 _position;
int _facing; // [0, 1024)
int _targetFacing;
int _walkboxId;
int _cluesLimit;
uint32 _timer4RemainDefault;
// Flags
bool _isTarget;
bool _isInvisible;
bool _isImmuneToObstacles;
bool _mustReachWalkDestination;
bool _isRetired;
bool _inCombat;
bool _isMoving;
bool _damageAnimIfMoving;
// Movement
bool _movementTrackPaused;
int _movementTrackNextWaypointId;
int32 _movementTrackNextDelay; // probably not used
int _movementTrackNextAngle; // fixed: used for AI_Movement_Track_Append_With_Facing - original: probably not used
bool _movementTrackNextRunning;
int _movementTrackWalkingToWaypointId;
int32 _movementTrackDelayOnNextWaypoint;
// Animation
int _width;
int _height;
int _animationMode;
int _animationModeCombatIdle;
int _animationModeCombatWalk;
int _animationModeCombatRun;
int _fps;
int _frameMs;
int _animationId;
int _animationFrame;
int _retiredWidth;
int _retiredHeight;
int32 _timersLeft[kActorTimers]; // this keeps time difference, and it is stored during save() (saveInt actually saves a uint32)
uint32 _timersLast[kActorTimers]; // this keeps actual time, and is not stored during save(), so it can be a uint32
float _scale;
Vector3 _actorSpeed;
int _sitcomRatio;
Actor(BladeRunnerEngine *_vm, int actorId);
void setup(int actorId);
void setAtXYZ(const Vector3 &pos, int facing, bool setFacing = true, bool moving = false, bool retired = false);
void setAtWaypoint(int waypointId, int angle, int unknown, bool retired);
int getId() const { return _id; };
float getX() const;
float getY() const;
float getZ() const;
Vector3 getXYZ() const;
int getFacing() const;
int getAnimationMode() const;
int getAnimationId() const;
Vector3 getPosition() const { return _position; }
void changeAnimationMode(int animationMode, bool force = false);
void setFPS(int fps);
void increaseFPS();
void timerStart(int timerId, int32 interval);
void timerReset(int timerId);
int32 timerLeft(int timerId);
void timersUpdate();
void timerUpdate(int timerId);
void movementTrackNext(bool omitAiScript);
void movementTrackPause();
void movementTrackUnpause();
void movementTrackWaypointReached();
bool loopWalk(const Vector3 &destination, int proximity, bool interruptible, bool runFlag, const Vector3 &start, float targetWidth, float targetSize, bool mustReach, bool *isRunningFlag, bool async);
bool walkTo(bool runFlag, const Vector3 &destination, bool mustReach);
bool loopWalkToActor(int otherActorId, int proximity, int interruptible, bool runFlag, bool mustReach, bool *isRunningFlag);
bool loopWalkToItem(int itemId, int proximity, int interruptible, bool runFlag, bool mustReach, bool *isRunningFlag);
bool loopWalkToSceneObject(const Common::String &objectName, int proximity, bool interruptible, bool runFlag, bool mustReach, bool *isRunningFlag);
bool loopWalkToWaypoint(int waypointId, int proximity, int interruptible, bool runFlag, bool mustReach, bool *isRunningFlag);
bool loopWalkToXYZ(const Vector3 &destination, int proximity, bool interruptible, bool runFlag, bool mustReach, bool *isRunningFlag);
bool asyncWalkToWaypoint(int waypointId, int proximity, bool runFlag, bool mustReach);
void asyncWalkToXYZ(const Vector3 &destination, int proximity, bool runFlag, bool mustReach);
void run();
bool tick(bool forceUpdate, Common::Rect *screenRect);
void tickCombat();
bool draw(Common::Rect *screenRect);
void resetScreenRectangleAndBbox();
int getSetId() const;
void setSetId(int setId);
const BoundingBox &getBoundingBox() const { return _bbox; }
const Common::Rect &getScreenRectangle() { return _screenRectangle; }
int getWalkbox() const { return _walkboxId; }
bool isRetired() const { return _isRetired; }
bool isTarget() const { return _isTarget; }
void setTarget(bool targetable);
bool isImmuneToObstacles() const { return _isImmuneToObstacles; }
bool inCombat() const { return _inCombat; }
bool isMoving() const { return _isMoving; }
void setMoving(bool value) { _isMoving = value; }
bool mustReachWalkDestination() const { return _mustReachWalkDestination; }
bool isWalking() const;
bool isRunning() const;
void stopWalking(bool value);
void faceActor(int otherActorId, bool animate);
void faceObject(const Common::String &objectName, bool animate);
void faceItem(int itemId, bool animate);
void faceWaypoint(int waypointId, bool animate);
void faceXYZ(float x, float y, float z, bool animate);
void faceXYZ(const Vector3 &pos, bool animate);
void faceCurrentCamera(bool animate);
void faceHeading(int heading, bool animate);
void setFacing(int facing, bool halfOrSet = true);
int getCurrentHP() const { return _currentHP; }
int getMaxHP() const { return _maxHP; }
void setCurrentHP(int hp);
void setHealth(int hp, int maxHp);
void modifyCurrentHP(signed int change);
void modifyMaxHP(signed int change);
int getFriendlinessToOther(int otherActorId) const { return _friendlinessToOther[otherActorId]; }
void setFriendlinessToOther(int otherActorId, int friendliness);
void modifyFriendlinessToOther(int otherActorId, signed int change);
bool checkFriendlinessAndHonesty(int otherActorId);
int getHonesty() const { return _honesty; }
void setHonesty(int honesty);
void modifyHonesty(signed int change);
int getIntelligence() const { return _intelligence; }
void setIntelligence(int intelligence);
void modifyIntelligence(signed int change);
int getStability() const { return _stability; }
void setStability(int stability);
void modifyStability(signed int change);
int getCombatAggressiveness() const { return _combatAggressiveness; }
void setCombatAggressiveness(int combatAggressiveness);
void modifyCombatAggressiveness(signed int change);
void setInvisible(bool isInvisible);
void setImmunityToObstacles(bool isImmune);
void setFlagDamageAnimIfMoving(bool value);
bool getFlagDamageAnimIfMoving() const;
int getSitcomRatio() const;
void retire(bool isRetired, int width, int height, int retiredByActorId);
void combatModeOn(int initialState, bool rangedAttack, int enemyId, int waypointType, int animationModeCombatIdle, int animationModeCombatWalk, int animationModeCombatRun, int fleeRatio, int coverRatio, int attackRatio, int damage, int range, bool unstoppable);
void combatModeOff();
void setGoal(int goalNumber);
int getGoal() const;
float distanceFromActor(int otherActorId);
int angleTo(const Vector3 &target) const;
void speechPlay(int sentenceId, bool voiceOver);
void speechStop();
bool isSpeeching();
void addClueToDatabase(int clueId, int unknown, bool clueAcquired, bool unknownFlag, int fromActorId);
bool canAcquireClue(int clueId) const;
void acquireClue(int clueId, bool unknownFlag, int fromActorId);
void loseClue(int clueId);
bool hasClue(int clueId) const;
bool copyClues(int actorId);
void acquireCluesByRelations();
int soundVolume() const;
int soundPan() const;
bool isObstacleBetween(const Vector3 &target);
void save(SaveFileWriteStream &f);
void load(SaveFileReadStream &f);
static int findTargetUnderMouse(BladeRunnerEngine *vm, int mouseX, int mouseY);
void setBoundingBox(const Vector3 &position, bool retired);
float distanceFromView(View *view) const;
bool findEmptyPositionAround(const Vector3 &startPosition, const Vector3 &targetPosition, float size, Vector3 *emptyPosition);
bool findNearestPosition(Vector3 *nearestPosition, float targetWidth, int proximity, float targetSize, const Vector3 &startPosition, const Vector3 &targetPosition);
bool stepAway(const Vector3 &destination, float distance);
//bool walkFindU3(int actorId, Vector3 from, int distance, Vector3 *out);
} // End of namespace BladeRunner