Tomasz Długosz eaab877d66 JANITORIAL: fix the name of original author of cge and cge2
The first name is Janusz, not Janus.
The correct name was used in AUTHORS and credits.
In case of doubts, see his personal webpage: - name is in the page footer
2020-04-18 20:59:57 +02:00

309 lines
8.9 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* This code is based on original Sfinx source code
* Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Janusz B. Wisniewski and L.K. Avalon
#ifndef CGE2_VGA13H_H
#define CGE2_VGA13H_H
#include "common/serializer.h"
#include "common/events.h"
#include "graphics/surface.h"
#include "cge2/general.h"
#include "cge2/bitmap.h"
#include "cge2/snail.h"
#include "cge2/spare.h"
#include "cge2/cge2.h"
namespace CGE2 {
#define kFadeStep 2
#define kVgaColDark 207
#define kVgaColDarkGray 225 /*219*/
#define kVgaColGray 231
#define kVgaColLightGray 237
#define kPixelTransp 0xFE
#define kNoSeq (-1)
#define kNoPtr ((uint8)-1)
#define kSprExt ".SPR"
#define kPalCount 256
#define kPalSize (kPalCount * 3)
class FXP {
int32 v;
FXP(void) : v(0) {}
FXP (int i0, int f0 = 0) : v((i0 * 256) + ((i0 < 0) ? -f0 : f0)) {}
FXP &operator=(const int &x) { v = x << 8; return *this; }
FXP operator+(const FXP &x) const { FXP y; y.v = v + x.v; return y; }
FXP operator-(const FXP &x) const { FXP y; y.v = v - x.v; return y; }
FXP operator*(const FXP &x) const;
FXP operator/(const FXP &x) const;
friend int &operator+=(int &a, const FXP &b) { return a += b.trunc(); }
friend int &operator-=(int &a, const FXP &b) { return a -= b.trunc(); }
friend FXP &operator+=(FXP &a, const int &b) { a.v += b << 8; return a; }
friend FXP &operator-=(FXP &a, const int &b) { a.v -= b << 8; return a; }
friend bool operator==(const FXP &a, const FXP &b) { return a.v == b.v; }
friend bool operator!=(const FXP &a, const FXP &b) { return a.v != b.v; }
friend bool operator<(const FXP &a, const FXP &b) { return a.v < b.v; }
friend bool operator>(const FXP &a, const FXP &b) { return a.v > b.v; }
int trunc(void) const { return v >> 8; }
int round(void) const { return (v + 0x80) >> 8; }
bool empty() const { return v == 0; }
void sync(Common::Serializer &s);
class V3D {
FXP _x, _y, _z;
V3D() { }
V3D(FXP x, FXP y, FXP z = 0) : _x(x), _y(y), _z(z) { }
V3D(const V3D &p) : _x(p._x), _y(p._y), _z(p._z) { }
V3D operator+(const V3D &p) const { return V3D(_x + p._x, _y + p._y, _z + p._z); }
V3D operator-(const V3D &p) const { return V3D(_x - p._x, _y - p._y, _z - p._z); }
V3D operator*(long n) const { return V3D(_x * n, _y * n, _z * n); }
V3D operator/ (long n) const { return V3D(_x / n, _y / n, _z / n); }
bool operator==(const V3D &p) const { return _x == p._x && _y == p._y && _z == p._z; }
bool operator!=(const V3D &p) const { return _x != p._x || _y != p._y || _z != p._z; }
V3D& operator+=(const V3D &x) { return *this = *this + x; }
V3D& operator-=(const V3D &x) { return *this = *this - x; }
void sync(Common::Serializer &s);
class V2D : public Common::Point {
CGE2Engine *_vm;
V2D &operator=(const V3D &p3) {
FXP m = _vm->_eye->_z / (p3._z - _vm->_eye->_z);
FXP posx = _vm->_eye->_x + (_vm->_eye->_x - p3._x) * m;
x = posx.round();
FXP posy = _vm->_eye->_y + (_vm->_eye->_y - p3._y) * m;
y = posy.round();
return *this;
V2D(CGE2Engine *vm) : _vm(vm) { }
V2D(CGE2Engine *vm, const V3D &p3) : _vm(vm) { *this = p3; }
V2D(CGE2Engine *vm, int posx, int posy) : _vm(vm), Common::Point(posx, posy) { }
bool operator<(const V2D &p) const { return (x < p.x) && (y < p.y); }
bool operator<=(const V2D &p) const { return (x <= p.x) && (y <= p.y); }
bool operator>(const V2D &p) const { return (x > p.x) && (y > p.y); }
bool operator>=(const V2D &p) const { return (x >= p.x) && (y >= p.y); }
V2D operator+(const V2D &p) const { return V2D(_vm, x + p.x, y + p.y); }
V2D operator-(const V2D &p) const { return V2D(_vm, x - p.x, y - p.y); }
bool operator==(const V3D &p) const { V3D tmp(x, y); return tmp._x == p._x && tmp._y == p._y && tmp._z == p._z; }
bool operator!=(const V3D &p) const { V3D tmp(x, y); return tmp._x != p._x || tmp._y != p._y || tmp._z == p._z; }
bool operator==(const V2D &p) const { return x == p.x && y == p.y; }
uint16 area() { return x * y; }
bool limited(const V2D &p) {
return ((x < p.x) && (y < p.y));
V2D scale (int z) {
FXP m = _vm->_eye->_z / (_vm->_eye->_z - z);
FXP posx = m * x;
FXP posy = m * y;
return V2D(_vm, posx.trunc(), posy.trunc());
struct Seq {
uint8 _now;
uint8 _next;
int8 _dx;
int8 _dy;
int8 _dz;
int _dly;
class SprExt {
V2D _p0;
V2D _p1;
BitmapPtr _b0;
BitmapPtr _b1;
BitmapPtr _shpList;
int _location;
Seq *_seq;
char *_name;
CommandHandler::Command *_actions[kActions];
SprExt(CGE2Engine *vm);
class Sprite {
SprExt *_ext;
CGE2Engine *_vm;
int _ref;
signed char _scene;
struct Flags {
bool _hide; // general visibility switch
bool _drag; // sprite is moveable
bool _hold; // sprite is held with mouse
bool _trim; // Trim flag
bool _slav; // slave object
bool _kill; // dispose memory after remove
bool _xlat; // 2nd way display: xlat table
bool _port; // portable
bool _kept; // kept in pocket
bool _frnt; // stay in front of sprite
bool _east; // talk to east (in opposite to west)
bool _near; // Near action lock
bool _shad; // shadow
bool _back; // 'send to background' request
bool _zmov; // sprite needs Z-update in queue
bool _tran; // transparent (untouchable)
} _flags;
V2D _pos2D;
V3D _pos3D;
V2D _siz;
uint16 _time;
struct { byte _ptr, _cnt; } _actionCtrl[kActions];
int _seqPtr;
int _seqCnt;
int _shpCnt;
char _file[kMaxFile];
// Following trailer is not saved with the game:
Sprite *_prev;
Sprite *_next;
static byte _constY;
static byte _follow;
static Seq _stdSeq8[];
bool works(Sprite *spr);
bool seqTest(int n);
inline bool active() {
return _ext != nullptr;
Sprite(CGE2Engine *vm);
Sprite(CGE2Engine *vm, BitmapPtr shp, int cnt);
virtual ~Sprite();
BitmapPtr getShp();
void setShapeList(BitmapPtr shp, int cnt);
void moveShapesHi();
void moveShapesLo();
int labVal(Action snq, int lab);
virtual Sprite *expand();
virtual Sprite *contract();
void backShow();
void setName(char *newName);
inline char *name() {
return (_ext) ? _ext->_name : nullptr;
void gotoxyz(int x, int y, int z = 0);
void gotoxyz();
void gotoxyz(V2D pos);
void gotoxyz_(V2D pos);
void gotoxyz(V3D pos);
void center();
void show(uint16 pg);
void hide(uint16 pg);
void show();
void hide();
BitmapPtr ghost();
void step(int nr = -1);
Seq *setSeq(Seq *seq);
CommandHandler::Command *snList(Action type);
virtual void touch(uint16 mask, V2D pos, Common::KeyCode keyCode);
virtual void tick();
virtual void setScene(int c);
void clrHide() { if (_ext) _ext->_b0 = nullptr; }
void sync(Common::Serializer &s);
static void (*notify) ();
class Queue {
Sprite *_head;
Sprite *_tail;
Queue(bool show);
void append(Sprite *spr);
void insert(Sprite *spr, Sprite *nxt);
void insert(Sprite *spr);
Sprite *remove(Sprite *spr);
Sprite *first() {
return _head;
Sprite *last() {
return _tail;
Sprite *locate(int ref);
bool locate(Sprite *spr);
void clear() { _head = _tail = nullptr; }
class Vga {
CGE2Engine *_vm;
bool _setPal;
Dac *_oldColors;
Dac *_newColors;
const char *_msg;
const char *_name;
void updateColors();
void setColors();
void waitVR();
uint8 closest(Dac *pal, const uint8 colR, const uint8 colG, const uint8 colB);
uint32 _frmCnt;
Queue *_showQ;
bool _mono;
Graphics::Surface *_page[4];
Dac *_sysPal;
struct { uint8 _org, _len, _cnt, _dly; } _rot;
Vga(CGE2Engine *vm);
uint8 *glass(Dac *pal, const uint8 colR, const uint8 colG, const uint8 colB);
void getColors(Dac *tab);
void setColors(Dac *tab, int lum);
void clear(uint8 color);
void copyPage(uint16 d, uint16 s);
void sunrise(Dac *tab);
void sunset();
void show();
void update();
void rotate();
uint8 closest(Dac *pal, Dac x);
void palToDac(const byte *palData, Dac *tab);
void dacToPal(const Dac *tab, byte *palData);
class Speaker: public Sprite {
CGE2Engine *_vm;
Speaker(CGE2Engine *vm);
} // End of namespace CGE2
#endif // CGE2_VGA13H_H