mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 09:38:02 +00:00
Signed-off-by: baishunqin <baishunqin@huawei.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ void VidSurfaceParam::ConfigureEncode(std::shared_ptr<Media::Meta>& meta) const
void VidSurfaceParam::ConfigureDecode(std::shared_ptr<Media::Meta>& meta) const
meta->SetData(Media::Tag::VIDEO_ORIENTATION_TYPE, static_cast<int32_t>(
SetMetaData(*meta.get(), Media::Tag::VIDEO_ORIENTATION_TYPE, static_cast<int32_t>(
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ namespace DistributedCollab {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(releaseBufferMutex_);
releaseBufferCondition_.wait(lock, [this] {
return isThreadExit_ || !indexs_.empty();
return isThreadExit_ || !indexs_.empty() || !dropIndexs_.empty();
indexs = indexs_;
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "channel_manager.h"
#include "dtbcollabmgr_log.h"
#include "securec.h"
#include "ichannel_listener_mock.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ namespace {
static constexpr int32_t NUM_MINUS_1 = -1;
static constexpr int32_t MESSAGE_START_ID = 1001;
static constexpr int32_t CHANNGE_GAP = 1000;
static constexpr int32_t INVALID_CHANNEL = 9999;
static constexpr int32_t SLEEP_FOR_INIT = 100;
@ -215,5 +217,359 @@ HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, CreateClientChannel_ExceedNum_Fail, TestSize.Level1
* @tc.name: DeleteChannel_Success
* @tc.desc: Test for DeleteChannel when valid channelId is provided and socket resources are cleared successfully
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, DeleteChannel_Success, TestSize.Level1)
// Setup the test data
std::string channelName = "testDeleteChannel";
ChannelDataType dataType = ChannelDataType::MESSAGE;
ChannelPeerInfo peerInfo = { "peerName", "networkId" };
EXPECT_CALL(mockSoftbus, Socket(testing::_))
int32_t channelId = ChannelManager::GetInstance().CreateClientChannel(channelName, dataType, peerInfo);
ASSERT_EQ(channelId, MESSAGE_START_ID); // Ensure the channel is created successfully
int32_t deleteResult = ChannelManager::GetInstance().DeleteChannel(channelId);
EXPECT_EQ(deleteResult, channelId);
* @tc.name: DeleteChannel_InvalidChannelId
* @tc.desc: Test for DeleteChannel when invalid channelId is provided
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, DeleteChannel_InvalidChannelId, TestSize.Level1)
int32_t invalidChannelId = -1;
int32_t result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().DeleteChannel(invalidChannelId);
* @tc.name: RegisterChannelListener_NullListener
* @tc.desc: Test for RegisterChannelListener when listener is nullptr
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, RegisterChannelListener_NullListener, TestSize.Level1)
int32_t channelId = MESSAGE_START_ID;
std::shared_ptr<IChannelListener> nullListener = nullptr;
int32_t result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().RegisterChannelListener(channelId, nullListener);
* @tc.name: RegisterChannelListener_ChannelIdNotExist
* @tc.desc: Test for RegisterChannelListener when channelId is not present in listenersMap_
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, RegisterChannelListener_ChannelIdNotExist, TestSize.Level1)
int32_t channelId = MESSAGE_START_ID;
std::shared_ptr<IChannelListener> listener = std::make_shared<MockChannelListener>();
int32_t result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().RegisterChannelListener(channelId, listener);
EXPECT_EQ(result, ERR_OK);
* @tc.name: RegisterChannelListener_ListenerExist
* @tc.desc: Test for RegisterChannelListener when Listener already has listeners
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, RegisterChannelListener_ListenerExist, TestSize.Level1)
int32_t channelId = MESSAGE_START_ID;
std::shared_ptr<IChannelListener> listener = std::make_shared<MockChannelListener>();
ChannelManager::GetInstance().RegisterChannelListener(channelId, listener);
int32_t result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().RegisterChannelListener(channelId, listener);
EXPECT_EQ(result, ERR_OK);
* @tc.name: ConnectChannel_Success
* @tc.desc: Test for ConnectChannel when valid channelId and client sockets are present
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, ConnectChannel_Success, TestSize.Level1)
// Init
EXPECT_CALL(mockSoftbus, Socket(testing::_))
EXPECT_CALL(mockSoftbus, Listen(testing::_, testing::_, testing::_, testing::_))
int32_t result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().Init(ownerName);
EXPECT_EQ(result, ERR_OK);
// CreateClient
// Setup the test data
std::string channelName = "testClientChannel";
ChannelDataType dataType = ChannelDataType::MESSAGE;
ChannelPeerInfo peerInfo = { "peerName", "networkId" };
int32_t channelId = ChannelManager::GetInstance().CreateClientChannel(channelName, dataType, peerInfo);
EXPECT_EQ(channelId, MESSAGE_START_ID); // Should return valid channelId
// Step 3: Mock Bind to succeed
EXPECT_CALL(mockSoftbus, Bind(testing::_ , testing::_, testing::_, testing::_))
.WillOnce(testing::Return(ERR_OK)); // Mock Bind to succeed
// Call ConnectChannel and check the result
result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().ConnectChannel(channelId);
EXPECT_EQ(result, ERR_OK);
* @tc.name: ConnectChannel_BindFailed
* @tc.desc: Test for ConnectChannel when Bind fails.
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, ConnectChannel_BindFailed, TestSize.Level1)
// Init
EXPECT_CALL(mockSoftbus, Socket(testing::_))
EXPECT_CALL(mockSoftbus, Listen(testing::_, testing::_, testing::_, testing::_))
int32_t result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().Init(ownerName);
EXPECT_EQ(result, ERR_OK);
// CreateClient
// Setup the test data
std::string channelName = "testClientChannel";
ChannelDataType dataType = ChannelDataType::MESSAGE;
ChannelPeerInfo peerInfo = { "peerName", "networkId" };
int32_t channelId = ChannelManager::GetInstance().CreateClientChannel(channelName, dataType, peerInfo);
EXPECT_EQ(channelId, MESSAGE_START_ID); // Should return valid channelId
// Step 3: Mock Bind to succeed
EXPECT_CALL(mockSoftbus, Bind(testing::_ , testing::_, testing::_, testing::_))
.WillOnce(testing::Return(NUM_MINUS_1)); // Mock Bind to succeed
// Call ConnectChannel and check the result
result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().ConnectChannel(channelId);
* @tc.name: ConnectChannel_InvalidChannelId
* @tc.desc: Test for ConnectChannel when channelId is invalid (not found in channelInfoMap_).
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, ConnectChannel_InvalidChannelId, TestSize.Level1)
// Simulate channelId not being in the channelInfoMap_
int32_t invalidChannelId = INVALID_CHANNEL; // Invalid channel ID
int32_t connectResult = ChannelManager::GetInstance().ConnectChannel(invalidChannelId);
// Verify that ConnectChannel returns INVALID_CHANNEL_ID for an invalid channelId
* @tc.name: ConnectChannel_RepeatConnection
* @tc.desc: Test for ConnectChannel when the channelId is already connected.
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, ConnectChannel_RepeatConnection, TestSize.Level1)
// Step 1: Initialize the ChannelManager
EXPECT_CALL(mockSoftbus, Socket(testing::_))
EXPECT_CALL(mockSoftbus, Listen(testing::_, testing::_, testing::_, testing::_))
.WillOnce(testing::Return(ERR_OK)); // Mock Listen to return success
int32_t initResult = ChannelManager::GetInstance().Init(ownerName);
EXPECT_EQ(initResult, ERR_OK); // Ensure Init was successful
// Step 2: Create Client Channel
std::string channelName = "testClientChannel";
ChannelDataType dataType = ChannelDataType::MESSAGE;
ChannelPeerInfo peerInfo = { "peerName", "networkId" };
int32_t channelId = ChannelManager::GetInstance().CreateClientChannel(channelName, dataType, peerInfo);
EXPECT_EQ(channelId, MESSAGE_START_ID); // Verify the channel ID is correctly returned
// Step 3: Mock Bind to succeed
EXPECT_CALL(mockSoftbus, Bind(testing::_ , testing::_, testing::_, testing::_))
.WillOnce(testing::Return(ERR_OK)); // Mock Bind to succeed
// Call ConnectChannel and check the result
int32_t result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().ConnectChannel(channelId);
EXPECT_EQ(result, ERR_OK);
// Step 4: Test ConnectChannel with already connected channelId
// When channelId is already connected, ConnectChannel should return ERR_OK
int32_t connectResult = ChannelManager::GetInstance().ConnectChannel(channelId);
EXPECT_EQ(connectResult, ERR_OK); // Already connected, no need to connect again
* @tc.name: OnSocketConnected_Success_WithCallback
* @tc.desc: Test for OnSocketConnected when the socket is successfully connected and valid channel is found,
* and callback methods are invoked correctly.
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, OnSocketConnected_Success_WithCallback, TestSize.Level1)
// Step 1: Initialize the ChannelManager
EXPECT_CALL(mockSoftbus, Socket(testing::_))
EXPECT_CALL(mockSoftbus, Listen(testing::_, testing::_, testing::_, testing::_))
.WillOnce(testing::Return(ERR_OK)); // Mock Listen to return success
int32_t initResult = ChannelManager::GetInstance().Init(ownerName);
EXPECT_EQ(initResult, ERR_OK); // Ensure Init was successful
std::string channelName = "TestChannel";
ChannelDataType dataType = ChannelDataType::MESSAGE;
ChannelPeerInfo peerInfo = { "peerName", "networkId" };
int32_t channelId = ChannelManager::GetInstance().CreateServerChannel(channelName, dataType, peerInfo);
EXPECT_EQ(channelId, MESSAGE_START_ID); // Assuming MESSAGE_START_ID is defined
// Step 2: Prepare PeerSocketInfo with correctly formatted name
std::string prefix = "ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss";
std::string name = prefix + "_M_" + channelName;
PeerSocketInfo info = {
.name = const_cast<char*>(name.c_str()), // valid name
.networkId = nullptr, // network ID
.pkgName = nullptr, // package name
.dataType = DATA_TYPE_MESSAGE // channel data type
int32_t socketId = NUM_1234; // valid socketId
// Mock the listener and expect the OnConnect callback to be triggered
auto mockListener = std::make_shared<MockChannelListener>();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockListener, OnConnect(channelId)).Times(1);
// Register listener for the channelId
int32_t result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().RegisterChannelListener(channelId, mockListener);
EXPECT_EQ(result, ERR_OK);
// Call OnSocketConnected, which should trigger the OnConnect callback
ChannelManager::GetInstance().OnSocketConnected(socketId, info);
* @tc.name: OnSocketConnected_InvalidChannelNameFormat_WithCallback
* @tc.desc: Test for OnSocketConnected when the channel name Format is invalid and cannot be parsed,
* and the OnError callback is triggered.
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, OnSocketConnected_InvalidChannelNameFormat_WithCallback, TestSize.Level1)
// Step 1: Create Server Channel
std::string channelName = "TestChannel";
ChannelDataType dataType = ChannelDataType::MESSAGE;
ChannelPeerInfo peerInfo = { "peerName", "networkId" };
int32_t channelId = ChannelManager::GetInstance().CreateServerChannel(channelName, dataType, peerInfo);
EXPECT_EQ(channelId, MESSAGE_START_ID); // Assuming MESSAGE_START_ID is defined
// Step 2: Prepare PeerSocketInfo with invalid name
std::string name = "ohos.distributedschedule.dms.InvalidChannelName";
PeerSocketInfo info = {
.name = const_cast<char*>(name.c_str()), // invalid name
.networkId = nullptr, // network ID
.pkgName = nullptr, // package name
.dataType = DATA_TYPE_MESSAGE // channel data type
int32_t socketId = NUM_1234; // valid socketId
// Mock the listener and expect
auto mockListener = std::make_shared<MockChannelListener>();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockListener, OnConnect(channelId)).Times(0);
// Register listener for the channelId
int32_t result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().RegisterChannelListener(channelId, mockListener);
EXPECT_EQ(result, ERR_OK);
// Call OnSocketConnected, which should trigger the OnError callback due to invalid channel name
ChannelManager::GetInstance().OnSocketConnected(socketId, info);
* @tc.name: OnSocketConnected_InvalidChannelType_WithCallback
* @tc.desc: Test for OnSocketConnected when the channelId Type invalid, and the OnError callback is triggered.
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, OnSocketConnected_InvalidChannelType_WithCallback, TestSize.Level1)
// Step 1: Create Server Channel
std::string channelName = "TestChannel";
ChannelDataType dataType = ChannelDataType::MESSAGE;
ChannelPeerInfo peerInfo = { "peerName", "networkId" };
int32_t channelId = ChannelManager::GetInstance().CreateServerChannel(channelName, dataType, peerInfo);
EXPECT_EQ(channelId, MESSAGE_START_ID); // Assuming MESSAGE_START_ID is defined
// Step 2: Prepare PeerSocketInfo with valid name but invalid channelId
std::string prefix = "ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss";
std::string name = prefix + "_IVA_" + channelName;
PeerSocketInfo info = {
.name = const_cast<char*>(name.c_str()), // invalid type
.networkId = nullptr, // network ID
.pkgName = nullptr, // package name
.dataType = DATA_TYPE_MESSAGE // channel data type
int32_t socketId = NUM_1234; // valid socketId
// Mock the listener and expect the OnError callback to be triggered
auto mockListener = std::make_shared<MockChannelListener>();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockListener, OnConnect(channelId)).Times(0);
// Register listener for the channelId
int32_t result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().RegisterChannelListener(channelId, mockListener);
EXPECT_EQ(result, ERR_OK);
// Call OnSocketConnected, which should trigger the OnError callback due to invalid channelId
ChannelManager::GetInstance().OnSocketConnected(socketId, info);
* @tc.name: OnSocketConnected_InvalidChannelName_WithCallback
* @tc.desc: Test for OnSocketConnected when registering the socket fails,
* and verify if the OnError callback is triggered.
* @tc.type: FUNC
HWTEST_F(ChannelManagerTest, OnSocketConnected_InvalidChannelName_WithCallback, TestSize.Level1)
// Step 1: Create Server Channel
std::string channelName = "TestChannel";
ChannelDataType dataType = ChannelDataType::MESSAGE;
ChannelPeerInfo peerInfo = { "peerName", "networkId" };
int32_t channelId = ChannelManager::GetInstance().CreateServerChannel(channelName, dataType, peerInfo);
EXPECT_EQ(channelId, MESSAGE_START_ID); // Assuming MESSAGE_START_ID is defined
// Step 2: Prepare PeerSocketInfo with correct name
std::string prefix = "ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss";
std::string name = prefix + "_M_" + channelName + "invalid";
PeerSocketInfo info = {
.name = const_cast<char*>(name.c_str()), // invalid name
.networkId = nullptr, // network ID
.pkgName = nullptr, // package name
.dataType = DATA_TYPE_MESSAGE // channel data type
int32_t socketId = NUM_1234; // valid socketId
// Mock the listener and expect the OnError callback to be triggered
auto mockListener = std::make_shared<MockChannelListener>();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockListener, OnConnect(channelId)).Times(0);
// Register listener for the channelId
int32_t result = ChannelManager::GetInstance().RegisterChannelListener(channelId, mockListener);
EXPECT_EQ(result, ERR_OK);
ChannelManager::GetInstance().OnSocketConnected(socketId, info);
} // namespace DistributedCollab
} // namespace OHOS
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Copyright (c) 2024 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ichannel_listener.h"
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace OHOS {
namespace DistributedCollab {
class MockChannelListener : public IChannelListener {
MockChannelListener() = default;
~MockChannelListener() override = default;
MOCK_METHOD(void, OnConnect, (const int32_t channelId), (const, override));
MOCK_METHOD(void, OnDisConnect, (const int32_t channelId), (const, override));
MOCK_METHOD(void, OnStream, (const int32_t channelId, const std::shared_ptr<AVTransStreamData>& stream), (const, override));
MOCK_METHOD(void, OnBytes, (const int32_t channelId, const std::shared_ptr<AVTransDataBuffer>& buffer), (const, override));
MOCK_METHOD(void, OnMessage, (const int32_t channelId, const std::shared_ptr<AVTransDataBuffer>& buffer), (const, override));
MOCK_METHOD(void, OnError, (const int32_t channelId, const int32_t errorCode), (const, override));
} // namespace DistributedCollab
} // namespace OHOS
Reference in New Issue
Block a user