
593 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ecmascript/module/module_path_helper.h"
namespace panda::ecmascript {
* This function use recordName, requestName to get baseFileName and entryPoint.
CString ModulePathHelper::ConcatFileNameWithMerge(JSThread *thread, const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile,
CString &baseFileName, CString recordName, CString requestName)
CString entryPoint;
if (StringHelper::StringStartWith(requestName, PREFIX_BUNDLE)) {
// requestName: @bundle:bundleName/moduleName@namespace/ets/xxx/xxx
entryPoint = ParsePrefixBundle(thread, jsPandaFile, baseFileName, requestName, recordName);
} else if (StringHelper::StringStartWith(requestName, PREFIX_PACKAGE)) {
// requestName: @package:pkg_modules@namespace/xxx/Index
entryPoint = requestName.substr(PREFIX_PACKAGE_LEN);
} else if (IsImportFile(requestName)) {
// this branch save for require/dynamic import/old version sdk
// load a relative pathName.
// requestName: ./ || ./xxx/xxx.js || ../xxx/xxx.js || ./xxx/xxx
entryPoint = MakeNewRecord(jsPandaFile, baseFileName, recordName, requestName);
} else if (StringHelper::StringStartWith(requestName, PREFIX_ETS)) {
// requestName: ets/xxx/xxx
entryPoint = TranslateExpressionInputWithEts(thread, jsPandaFile, baseFileName, requestName);
} else {
// this branch save for require/dynamic import/old version sdk
// requestName: requestPkgName
entryPoint = ParseThirdPartyPackage(jsPandaFile, recordName, requestName);
if (entryPoint.empty() && thread->GetEcmaVM()->EnableReportModuleResolvingFailure()) {
LOG_ECMA(ERROR) << "Failed to resolve the requested entryPoint. baseFileName : '" << baseFileName <<
"'. RecordName : '" << recordName << "'. RequestName : '" << requestName << "'.";
ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory();
CString msg = "failed to load module'" + requestName + "' which imported by '" +
recordName + "'. Please check the target path.";
JSTaggedValue error = factory->GetJSError(ErrorType::REFERENCE_ERROR, msg.c_str()).GetTaggedValue();
THROW_NEW_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(thread, error, entryPoint);
return entryPoint;
* Before: inputFileName: 1. /data/storage/el1/bundle/moduleName@namespace/ets/xxx/
2. @bundle:bundleName/moduleName/ets/xxx/
3. moduleName/ets/xxx/
4. .test/xxx/
5. xxx/
* After: outBaseFileName: /data/storage/el1/bundle/moduleName/ets/
* outEntryPoint: bundleName/moduleName/ets/xxx/xxx
void ModulePathHelper::ParseOhmUrl(EcmaVM *vm, const CString &inputFileName,
CString &outBaseFileName, CString &outEntryPoint)
size_t pos = CString::npos;
if (pos != CString::npos) {
// inputFileName: /data/storage/el1/bundle/moduleName@namespace/ets/xxx/
pos = inputFileName.find(PathHelper::SLASH_TAG, BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH_LEN);
if (pos == CString::npos) {
LOG_FULL(FATAL) << "Invalid Ohm url, please check.";
CString moduleName = inputFileName.substr(BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH_LEN, pos - BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH_LEN);
outEntryPoint = vm->GetBundleName() + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + inputFileName.substr(BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH_LEN);
} else {
// Temporarily handle the relative path sent by arkui
// inputFileName: @bundle:bundleName/moduleName/ets/xxx/
if (StringHelper::StringStartWith(inputFileName, PREFIX_BUNDLE)) {
outEntryPoint = inputFileName.substr(PREFIX_BUNDLE_LEN);
outBaseFileName = ParseUrl(vm, outEntryPoint);
} else {
// inputFileName: moduleName/ets/xxx/
outEntryPoint = vm->GetBundleName() + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + inputFileName;
// if the inputFileName starts with '.test', the preview test page is started.
// in this case, the path ets does not need to be combined.
// inputFileName: .test/xxx/
if (StringHelper::StringStartWith(inputFileName, PREVIER_TEST_DIR)) {
outEntryPoint = vm->GetBundleName() + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + vm->GetModuleName() +
PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + inputFileName;
} else {
// inputFileName: xxx/
outEntryPoint = vm->GetBundleName() + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + vm->GetModuleName() +
if (StringHelper::StringEndWith(outEntryPoint, EXT_NAME_ABC)) {
outEntryPoint.erase(outEntryPoint.length() - EXT_NAME_ABC_LEN, EXT_NAME_ABC_LEN);
* Before: recordName: bundleName/moduleName@namespace/xxx/
* After: Intra-application cross hap: /data/storage/el1/bundle/bundleName/ets/
* Cross-application: /data/storage/el1/bundle/bundleName/moduleName/moduleName/ets/
CString ModulePathHelper::ParseUrl(EcmaVM *vm, const CString &recordName)
CVector<CString> vec;
StringHelper::SplitString(recordName, vec, 0, SEGMENTS_LIMIT_TWO);
if (vec.size() < SEGMENTS_LIMIT_TWO) {
LOG_ECMA(DEBUG) << "ParseUrl SplitString filed, please check Url" << recordName;
return CString();
CString bundleName = vec[0];
CString moduleName = vec[1];
CString baseFileName;
if (bundleName != vm->GetBundleName()) {
// Cross-application
baseFileName = BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH + bundleName + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + moduleName +
PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + moduleName + MERGE_ABC_ETS_MODULES;
} else {
// Intra-application cross hap
return baseFileName;
* Before: moduleRequestName: @bundle:bundleName/moduleName@namespace/ets/xxx
* After: baseFileName: 1./data/storage/el1/bundle/bundleName/ets/
* 2./data/storage/el1/bundle/bundleName/moduleName/moduleName/ets/
* entryPoint: bundleName/moduleName@namespace/ets/xxx
CString ModulePathHelper::ParsePrefixBundle(JSThread *thread, const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile,
[[maybe_unused]] CString &baseFileName, CString moduleRequestName, [[maybe_unused]] CString recordName)
EcmaVM *vm = thread->GetEcmaVM();
moduleRequestName = moduleRequestName.substr(PREFIX_BUNDLE_LEN);
CString entryPoint = moduleRequestName;
if (jsPandaFile->IsRecordWithBundleName()) {
CVector<CString> vec;
StringHelper::SplitString(moduleRequestName, vec, 0, SEGMENTS_LIMIT_TWO);
if (vec.size() < SEGMENTS_LIMIT_TWO) {
LOG_ECMA(INFO) << "SplitString filed, please check moduleRequestName";
return CString();
CString bundleName = vec[0];
CString moduleName = vec[1];
if (bundleName != vm->GetBundleName()) {
baseFileName = BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH + bundleName + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + moduleName +
PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + moduleName + MERGE_ABC_ETS_MODULES;
} else if (moduleName != vm->GetModuleName()) {
} else {
// Support multi-module card service
baseFileName = vm->GetAssetPath();
CVector<CString> currentVec;
StringHelper::SplitString(moduleRequestName, currentVec, 0, SEGMENTS_LIMIT_TWO);
if (currentVec.size() < SEGMENTS_LIMIT_TWO) {
LOG_ECMA(INFO) << "SplitString filed, please check recordName";
return CString();
CString currentModuleName = currentVec[1];
if (bundleName != vm->GetBundleName()) {
baseFileName = BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH + bundleName + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + moduleName +
PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + moduleName + MERGE_ABC_ETS_MODULES;
} else if (currentModuleName != vm->GetModuleName()) {
} else {
return entryPoint;
* Before: requestName: ../xxx1/xxx2 || ./b
* recordName: pkg_modules/.ohpm/pkgName/pkg_modules/pkgName/xxx1/xxx3 || a
* After: entryPoint: pkg_modules/.ohpm/pkgName/pkg_modules/pkgName/xxx1/xxx2 || b
* baseFileName: /data/storage/el1/bundle/moduleName/ets/ || /home/user/src/a
CString ModulePathHelper::MakeNewRecord(const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile, CString &baseFileName,
const CString &recordName, const CString &requestName)
CString entryPoint;
CString moduleRequestName = RemoveSuffix(requestName);
size_t pos = moduleRequestName.find(PathHelper::CURRENT_DIREATORY_TAG);
if (pos == 0) {
moduleRequestName = moduleRequestName.substr(2); // 2 means jump "./"
pos = recordName.rfind(PathHelper::SLASH_TAG);
if (pos != CString::npos) {
// entryPoint: pkg_modules/.ohpm/pkgName/pkg_modules/pkgName/xxx1/../xxx1/xxx2
entryPoint = recordName.substr(0, pos + 1) + moduleRequestName;
} else {
entryPoint = moduleRequestName;
// entryPoint: pkg_modules/.ohpm/pkgName/pkg_modules/pkgName/xxx1/xxx2
entryPoint = PathHelper::NormalizePath(entryPoint);
entryPoint = ConfirmLoadingIndexOrNot(jsPandaFile, entryPoint);
if (!entryPoint.empty()) {
return entryPoint;
// the package name may have a '.js' suffix, try to parseThirdPartyPackage
entryPoint = ParseThirdPartyPackage(jsPandaFile, recordName, requestName);
if (!entryPoint.empty()) {
return entryPoint;
// Execute abc locally
pos = baseFileName.rfind(PathHelper::SLASH_TAG);
if (pos != CString::npos) {
baseFileName = baseFileName.substr(0, pos + 1) + moduleRequestName + EXT_NAME_ABC;
} else {
baseFileName = moduleRequestName + EXT_NAME_ABC;
pos = moduleRequestName.rfind(PathHelper::SLASH_TAG);
if (pos != CString::npos) {
entryPoint = moduleRequestName.substr(pos + 1);
} else {
entryPoint = moduleRequestName;
return entryPoint;
CString ModulePathHelper::FindOhpmEntryPoint(const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile,
const CString& ohpmPath, const CString& requestName)
CVector<CString> vec;
StringHelper::SplitString(requestName, vec, 0);
size_t maxIndex = vec.size() - 1;
CString ohpmKey;
size_t index = 0;
// first we find the ohpmKey by splicing the requestName
while (index <= maxIndex) {
CString maybeKey = ohpmPath + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + StringHelper::JoinString(vec, 0, index);
if (jsPandaFile->FindOhmUrlInPF(maybeKey, ohpmKey)) {
if (ohpmKey.empty()) {
return CString();
// second If the ohpmKey is not empty, we will use it to obtain the real entrypoint
CString entryPoint;
if (index == maxIndex) {
// requestName is a packageName
entryPoint = jsPandaFile->GetEntryPoint(ohpmKey);
} else {
// import a specific file or directory
ohpmKey = ohpmKey + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + StringHelper::JoinString(vec, index + 1, maxIndex);
entryPoint = ConfirmLoadingIndexOrNot(jsPandaFile, ohpmKey);
return entryPoint;
CString ModulePathHelper::FindPackageInTopLevelWithNamespace(const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile,
const CString& requestName, const CString &recordName)
// find in current module <PACKAGE_PATH_SEGMENT>@[moduleName|namespace]/<requestName>
CString entryPoint;
CString ohpmPath;
if (StringHelper::StringStartWith(recordName, PACKAGE_PATH_SEGMENT)) {
size_t pos = recordName.find(PathHelper::SLASH_TAG);
if (pos == CString::npos) {
LOG_ECMA(DEBUG) << "wrong recordname : " << recordName;
return CString();
ohpmPath = recordName.substr(0, pos);
entryPoint = FindOhpmEntryPoint(jsPandaFile, recordName.substr(0, pos), requestName);
} else {
// recordName: moduleName/xxx/xxx
CVector<CString> vec;
StringHelper::SplitString(recordName, vec, 0, SEGMENTS_LIMIT_TWO);
if (vec.size() < SEGMENTS_LIMIT_TWO) {
LOG_ECMA(DEBUG) << "SplitString filed, please check moduleRequestName";
return CString();
CString moduleName = vec[1];
// If namespace exists, use namespace as moduleName
size_t pos = moduleName.find(PathHelper::NAME_SPACE_TAG);
if (pos != CString::npos) {
moduleName = moduleName.substr(pos + 1);
ohpmPath = CString(PACKAGE_PATH_SEGMENT) + PathHelper::NAME_SPACE_TAG + moduleName;
entryPoint = FindOhpmEntryPoint(jsPandaFile, ohpmPath, requestName);
// If haven't find with namespace, then use moduleName
if ((pos != CString::npos) && entryPoint.empty()) {
moduleName = vec[1].substr(0, pos);
ohpmPath = CString(PACKAGE_PATH_SEGMENT) + PathHelper::NAME_SPACE_TAG + moduleName;
entryPoint = FindOhpmEntryPoint(jsPandaFile, ohpmPath, requestName);
if (!entryPoint.empty()) {
return entryPoint;
// find in project directory <packagePath>/<requestName>
return FindOhpmEntryPoint(jsPandaFile, PACKAGE_PATH_SEGMENT, requestName);
* Before: requestName: requestPkgName
* recordName: pkg_modules/.ohpm/pkgName/pkg_modules/pkgName/xxx
* After: entryPoint: pkg_modules/.ohpm/requestPkgName/pkg_modules/requestPkgName/xxx
CString ModulePathHelper::ParseOhpmPackage(const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile,
const CString &recordName, const CString &requestName)
CString entryPoint;
if (StringHelper::StringStartWith(recordName, PACKAGE_PATH_SEGMENT)) {
// this way is thirdPartyPackage import ThirdPartyPackage
auto info = const_cast<JSPandaFile *>(jsPandaFile)->FindRecordInfo(recordName);
// packageName: pkg_modules/.ohpm/pkgName/pkg_modules/pkgName
CString packageName = info.npmPackageName;
size_t pos = packageName.rfind(PACKAGE_PATH_SEGMENT);
if (pos != CString::npos) {
packageName.erase(pos, packageName.size() - pos);
// ohpmPath: pkg_modules/.ohpm/pkgName/pkg_modules
CString ohpmPath = packageName + PACKAGE_PATH_SEGMENT;
// entryPoint: pkg_modules/.ohpm/requestPkgName/pkg_modules/requestPkgName/xxx
entryPoint = FindOhpmEntryPoint(jsPandaFile, ohpmPath, requestName);
if (!entryPoint.empty()) {
return entryPoint;
// Import packages under the current module or project directory
return FindPackageInTopLevelWithNamespace(jsPandaFile, requestName, recordName);
* Before: requestName: requestPkgName
* recordName: pkg_modules/.ohpm/pkgName/pkg_modules/pkgName/xxx
* packagePath: pkg_modules || node_modules
* After: entryPoint: pkg_modules/.ohpm/requestPkgName/pkg_modules/requestPkgName/xxx
CString ModulePathHelper::ParseThirdPartyPackage(const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile,
const CString &recordName, const CString &requestName, const CString &packagePath)
CString entryPoint;
if (StringHelper::StringStartWith(recordName, packagePath)) {
auto info = const_cast<JSPandaFile *>(jsPandaFile)->FindRecordInfo(recordName);
CString packageName = info.npmPackageName; // pkg_modules/.ohpm/pkgName/pkg_modules/pkgName
size_t pos = 0;
while (true) {
CString key = packageName + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + packagePath + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + requestName;
entryPoint = FindNpmEntryPoint(jsPandaFile, key);
if (!entryPoint.empty()) {
return entryPoint;
pos = packageName.rfind(packagePath) - 1;
if (pos == CString::npos || pos < 0) {
packageName.erase(pos, packageName.size() - pos);
return FindPackageInTopLevel(jsPandaFile, requestName, packagePath);
* Before: requestName: requestPkgName
* recordName: pkg_modules/.ohpm/pkgName/pkg_modules/pkgName/xxx
* After: entryPoint: pkg_modules/.ohpm/requestPkgName/pkg_modules/requestPkgName/xxx
CString ModulePathHelper::ParseThirdPartyPackage(const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile,
const CString &recordName, const CString &requestName)
// We need to deal with scenarios like this 'json5/' -> 'json5'
CString normalizeRequestName = PathHelper::NormalizePath(requestName);
CString entryPoint = ParseOhpmPackage(jsPandaFile, recordName, normalizeRequestName);
if (!entryPoint.empty()) {
return entryPoint;
static CVector<CString> packagePaths = {CString(PACKAGE_PATH_SEGMENT), CString(NPM_PATH_SEGMENT)};
// Package compatible with old soft link format
for (size_t i = 0; i < packagePaths.size(); ++i) {
entryPoint = ParseThirdPartyPackage(jsPandaFile, recordName, normalizeRequestName, packagePaths[i]);
if (!entryPoint.empty()) {
return entryPoint;
return CString();
* Before: dirPath: Undefined
* fileName: Undefined
* After: dirPath: pkg_modules/.ohpm/pkgName/pkg_modules/pkgName/xxx/
* fileName: pkg_modules/.ohpm/pkgName/pkg_modules/pkgName/xxx/
void ModulePathHelper::ResolveCurrentPath(JSThread *thread, JSMutableHandle<JSTaggedValue> &dirPath,
JSMutableHandle<JSTaggedValue> &fileName, const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile)
ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory();
CString fullName = jsPandaFile->GetJSPandaFileDesc();
JSHandle<EcmaString> dirPathName = PathHelper::ResolveDirPath(thread, fullName);
// Get filename from JSPandaFile
JSHandle<EcmaString> cbFileName = factory->NewFromUtf8(fullName);
CString ModulePathHelper::FindNpmEntryPoint(const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile, const CString &packageEntryPoint)
// if we are currently importing a specific file or directory, we will get the entryPoint here
CString entryPoint = ConfirmLoadingIndexOrNot(jsPandaFile, packageEntryPoint);
if (!entryPoint.empty()) {
return entryPoint;
// When you come here, must import a packageName
return jsPandaFile->GetEntryPoint(packageEntryPoint);
* Before: requestName: requestPkgName
* packagePath: pkg_modules || node_modules
* After: entryPoint: pkg_modules/.ohpm/requestPkgName/pkg_modules/requestPkgName/xxx
CString ModulePathHelper::FindPackageInTopLevel(const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile,
const CString& requestName, const CString &packagePath)
// we find packagePath/0/xxx or packagePath/1/xxx
CString entryPoint;
for (size_t level = 0; level <= MAX_PACKAGE_LEVEL; ++level) {
CString levelStr = std::to_string(level).c_str();
CString key = packagePath + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + levelStr + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + requestName;
entryPoint = FindNpmEntryPoint(jsPandaFile, key);
if (!entryPoint.empty()) {
return entryPoint;
return CString();
bool ModulePathHelper::IsImportFile(const CString &moduleRequestName)
if (moduleRequestName[0] == PathHelper::POINT_TAG) {
return true;
size_t pos = moduleRequestName.rfind(PathHelper::POINT_TAG);
if (pos != CString::npos) {
CString suffix = moduleRequestName.substr(pos);
if (suffix == EXT_NAME_JS || suffix == EXT_NAME_TS || suffix == EXT_NAME_ETS || suffix == EXT_NAME_JSON) {
return true;
return false;
* Before: xxx/xxx.js || xxx/xxx.ts || xxx/xxx.ets ||xxx/xxx.json
* After: xxx/xxx
CString ModulePathHelper::RemoveSuffix(const CString &requestName)
CString res = requestName;
size_t pos = res.rfind(PathHelper::POINT_TAG);
if (pos != CString::npos) {
CString suffix = res.substr(pos);
if (suffix == EXT_NAME_JS || suffix == EXT_NAME_TS || suffix == EXT_NAME_ETS || suffix == EXT_NAME_JSON) {
res.erase(pos, suffix.length());
return res;
bool ModulePathHelper::NeedTranstale(const CString &requestName)
if (StringHelper::StringStartWith(requestName, PREFIX_BUNDLE) ||
StringHelper::StringStartWith(requestName, PREFIX_PACKAGE) ||
requestName[0] == PathHelper::POINT_TAG || // ./
(requestName[0] == PathHelper::NAME_SPACE_TAG && // @***:
requestName.find(PathHelper::COLON_TAG) != CString::npos)) {
return false;
return true;
// Adapt dynamic import using expression input, translate include NativeModule/ohpm/hsp/har.
void ModulePathHelper::TranstaleExpressionInput(const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile, CString &requestPath)
LOG_ECMA(DEBUG) << "Enter Translate OhmUrl for DynamicImport, requestPath: " << requestPath;
if (StringHelper::StringStartWith(requestPath, RAW_ARKUIX_PREFIX)) {
requestPath = StringHelper::Replace(requestPath, RAW_ARKUIX_PREFIX, REQUIRE_NAPI_OHOS_PREFIX);
CString outEntryPoint;
// FindOhmUrlInPF: frontend generate mapping in abc,
// all we need to do is to find the corresponding mapping result.
// EXCEPTION: @ohos. @hms. is translated all by runtime.
if (jsPandaFile->FindOhmUrlInPF(requestPath, outEntryPoint)) {
requestPath = outEntryPoint;
} else {
ParseCrossModuleFile(jsPandaFile, requestPath);
// change origin: @ohos. @hms. -> @ohos: @hms:
// change mapping result: @package. @bundle. @xxx. -> @package: @bundle: @xxx:
* Before: /data/storage/el1/bundle/moduleName/ets/xxx/
* After: moduleName
CString ModulePathHelper::GetModuleNameWithBaseFile(const CString &baseFileName)
size_t pos = CString::npos;
CString moduleName;
if (pos != CString::npos) {
// baseFileName: /data/storage/el1/bundle/moduleName/ets/xxx/
pos = baseFileName.find(PathHelper::SLASH_TAG, BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH_LEN);
if (pos == CString::npos) {
LOG_FULL(FATAL) << "Invalid Ohm url, please check.";
moduleName = baseFileName.substr(BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH_LEN, pos - BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH_LEN);
return moduleName;
* Before: ets/xxx/xxx
* After: bundleName/moduleName/ets/xxx/xxx
CString ModulePathHelper::TranslateExpressionInputWithEts(JSThread *thread, const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile,
CString &baseFileName, const CString &requestName)
CString entryPoint;
EcmaVM *vm = thread->GetEcmaVM();
CString moduleName = GetModuleNameWithBaseFile(baseFileName);
entryPoint = vm->GetBundleName() + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + moduleName + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG + requestName;
if (!jsPandaFile->HasRecord(entryPoint)) {
LOG_FULL(ERROR) << "cannot find record '" << entryPoint <<"' from request path '" << requestName << "'.";
CString msg = "cannot find record '" + entryPoint + "' from request path'" + requestName +
"', please check the request path";
ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory();
JSTaggedValue error = factory->GetJSError(ErrorType::REFERENCE_ERROR, msg.c_str()).GetTaggedValue();
THROW_NEW_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(thread, error, entryPoint);
return entryPoint;
* input requestPath: moduleName/src/main/xxx/xxx/xxx
* moduleName/xxx/xxx
* output requestPath: @bundle.bundleName/moduleName/xxx/xxx/xxx
* @bundle.bundleName/moduleName/xxx/xxx
void ModulePathHelper::ParseCrossModuleFile(const JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile, CString &requestPath)
size_t pos = requestPath.find(PathHelper::SLASH_TAG);
CString moduleName = requestPath.substr(0, pos);
CString outEntryPoint;
if (jsPandaFile->FindOhmUrlInPF(moduleName, outEntryPoint)) {
// outEntryPoint: @bundle.bundleName/moduleName/Index
CString relativePath = requestPath.substr(pos);
size_t index = outEntryPoint.rfind(PathHelper::SLASH_TAG);
if (relativePath.find(PHYCICAL_FILE_PATH, 0) == 0) {
requestPath = outEntryPoint.substr(0, index) + PathHelper::SLASH_TAG +
requestPath.substr(pos + PHYCICAL_FILE_PATH_LEN);
requestPath = outEntryPoint.substr(0, index) + requestPath.substr(pos);
} // namespace panda::ecmascript