/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ecmascript/js_bigint.h" #include "ecmascript/base/bit_helper.h" #include "ecmascript/js_tagged_value-inl.h" #include "ecmascript/js_tagged_number.h" namespace panda::ecmascript { class ObjectFactory; constexpr char dp[] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; static int CharToInt(char c) { uint32_t res = 0; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { res = c - '0'; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { res = c - 'A' + 10; // 10:res must Greater than 10. } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { res = c - 'a' + 10; // 10:res must Greater than 10 } return static_cast(res); } static void Division(CString &num, uint32_t conversionToRadix, uint32_t currentRadix, uint32_t &remain) { ASSERT(conversionToRadix != 0); uint32_t temp = 0; remain = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num.size(); i++) { temp = (currentRadix * remain + static_cast(CharToInt(num[i]))); num[i] = dp[temp / conversionToRadix]; remain = temp % conversionToRadix; } size_t count = 0; while (count < num.size() && num[count] == '0') { count++; } num = num.substr(count); } CString BigIntHelper::Conversion(const CString &num, uint32_t conversionToRadix, uint32_t currentRadix) { ASSERT(conversionToRadix != 0); CString newNum = num; CString res; uint32_t remain = 0; while (newNum.size() != 0) { Division(newNum, conversionToRadix, currentRadix, remain); res = dp[remain] + res; } return res; } JSHandle BigInt::GetUint64MaxBigint(JSThread *thread) { JSHandle bigint = CreateBigint(thread, 3); bigint->SetDigit(0, 0); bigint->SetDigit(1, 0); bigint->SetDigit(2, 1); return bigint; } JSHandle BigInt::GetInt64MaxBigint(JSThread *thread) { JSHandle bigint = CreateBigint(thread, 2); bigint->SetDigit(0, 0); bigint->SetDigit(1, 0x80000000); // 0x80000000:Int MAX return bigint; } JSHandle BigIntHelper::SetBigInt(JSThread *thread, const CString &numStr, uint32_t currentRadix) { int flag = 0; if (numStr[0] == '-') { flag = 1; } CString binaryStr = ""; if (currentRadix != BigInt::BINARY) { binaryStr = Conversion(numStr.substr(flag), BigInt::BINARY, currentRadix); } else { binaryStr = numStr.substr(flag); } JSHandle bigint; size_t binaryStrLen = binaryStr.size(); size_t len = binaryStrLen / BigInt::DATEBITS; size_t mod = binaryStrLen % BigInt::DATEBITS; int index = 0; if (mod == 0) { index = static_cast(len - 1); bigint = BigInt::CreateBigint(thread, len); } else { len++; index = static_cast(len - 1); bigint = BigInt::CreateBigint(thread, len); uint32_t val = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < mod; ++i) { val <<= 1; val |= static_cast(binaryStr[i] - '0'); } bigint->SetDigit(index, val); index--; } if (flag == 1) { bigint->SetSign(true); } size_t i = mod; while (i < binaryStrLen) { uint32_t val = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < BigInt::DATEBITS && i < binaryStrLen; ++j, ++i) { val <<= 1; val |= static_cast(binaryStr[i] - '0'); } bigint->SetDigit(index, val); index--; } return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, bigint); } JSHandle BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x) { int len = static_cast(x->GetLength()); ASSERT(len != 0); if (len == 1 && x->GetDigit(0) == 0) { x->SetSign(false); return x; } int index = len - 1; if (x->GetDigit(index) != 0) { return x; } while (index >= 0) { if (x->GetDigit(index) != 0) { break; } index--; } if (index == -1) { return BigInt::Int32ToBigInt(thread, 0); } else { ASSERT(index >= 0); return BigInt::Copy(thread, x, index + 1); } } CString BigIntHelper::GetBinary(const BigInt *bigint) { ASSERT(bigint != nullptr); int index = 0; int len = static_cast(bigint->GetLength()); int strLen = BigInt::DATEBITS * len; CString res(strLen, '0'); int strIndex = strLen - 1; while (index < len) { int bityLen = BigInt::DATEBITS; uint32_t val = bigint->GetDigit(index); while (bityLen--) { res[strIndex--] = (val & 1) + '0'; val = val >> 1; } index++; } DeZero(res); return res; } JSHandle BigInt::CreateBigint(JSThread *thread, uint32_t length) { ASSERT(length < MAXSIZE); ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory(); JSHandle bigint = factory->NewBigInt(length); return bigint; } // bool BigInt::Equal(const JSTaggedValue &x, const JSTaggedValue &y) { BigInt* xVal = BigInt::Cast(x.GetTaggedObject()); BigInt* yVal = BigInt::Cast(y.GetTaggedObject()); return Equal(xVal, yVal); } bool BigInt::Equal(const BigInt *x, const BigInt *y) { ASSERT(x != nullptr); ASSERT(y != nullptr); if (x->GetSign() != y->GetSign() || x->GetLength() != y->GetLength()) { return false; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < x->GetLength(); ++i) { if (x->GetDigit(i) != y->GetDigit(i)) { return false; } } return true; } // bool BigInt::SameValue(const JSTaggedValue &x, const JSTaggedValue &y) { return Equal(x, y); } // bool BigInt::SameValueZero(const JSTaggedValue &x, const JSTaggedValue &y) { return Equal(x, y); } JSHandle BigInt::BitwiseOp(JSThread *thread, Operate op, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { uint32_t maxLen = 0; uint32_t minLen = 0; uint32_t xlen = x->GetLength(); uint32_t ylen = y->GetLength(); if (xlen > ylen) { maxLen = xlen; minLen = ylen; } else { maxLen = ylen; minLen = xlen; } JSHandle bigint = BigInt::CreateBigint(thread, maxLen); for (size_t i = 0; i < minLen; ++i) { if (op == Operate::OR) { bigint->SetDigit(i, x->GetDigit(i) | y->GetDigit(i)); } else if (op == Operate::AND) { bigint->SetDigit(i, x->GetDigit(i) & y->GetDigit(i)); } else { ASSERT(op == Operate::XOR); bigint->SetDigit(i, x->GetDigit(i) ^ y->GetDigit(i)); } } if (op == Operate::OR || op == Operate::XOR) { if (xlen > ylen) { for (size_t i = ylen; i < xlen; ++i) { bigint->SetDigit(i, x->GetDigit(i)); } } else if (ylen > xlen) { for (size_t i = xlen; i < ylen; ++i) { bigint->SetDigit(i, y->GetDigit(i)); } } } return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, bigint); } JSHandle OneIsNegativeAND(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { JSHandle yVal = BigInt::BitwiseSubOne(thread, y, y->GetLength()); uint32_t xLength = x->GetLength(); uint32_t yLength = yVal->GetLength(); uint32_t minLen = xLength; if (xLength > yLength) { minLen = yLength; } JSHandle newBigint = BigInt::CreateBigint(thread, xLength); uint32_t i = 0; while (i < minLen) { uint32_t res = x->GetDigit(i) & ~(yVal->GetDigit(i)); newBigint->SetDigit(i, res); ++i; } while (i < xLength) { newBigint->SetDigit(i, x->GetDigit(i)); ++i; } return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, newBigint); } // BigInt::bitwiseAND ( x, y ) JSHandle BigInt::BitwiseAND(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { if (x->GetSign() && y->GetSign()) { // (-x) & (-y) == -(((x-1) | (y-1)) + 1) JSHandle xVal = BitwiseSubOne(thread, x, x->GetLength()); JSHandle yVal = BitwiseSubOne(thread, y, y->GetLength()); JSHandle temp = BitwiseOp(thread, Operate::OR, xVal, yVal); JSHandle res = BitwiseAddOne(thread, temp); return res; } if (x->GetSign() != y->GetSign()) { // x & (-y) == x & ~(y-1) if (!x->GetSign()) { return OneIsNegativeAND(thread, x, y); } else { return OneIsNegativeAND(thread, y, x); } } return BitwiseOp(thread, Operate::AND, x, y); } JSHandle OneIsNegativeXOR(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { JSHandle yVal = BigInt::BitwiseSubOne(thread, y, y->GetLength()); JSHandle temp = BigInt::BitwiseOp(thread, Operate::XOR, x, yVal); JSHandle res = BigInt::BitwiseAddOne(thread, temp); return res; } // BigInt::bitwiseOR ( x, y ) JSHandle BigInt::BitwiseXOR(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { if (x->GetSign() && y->GetSign()) { // (-x) ^ (-y) == (x-1) ^ (y-1) JSHandle xVal = BitwiseSubOne(thread, x, x->GetLength()); JSHandle yVal = BitwiseSubOne(thread, y, y->GetLength()); return BitwiseOp(thread, Operate::XOR, xVal, yVal); } if (x->GetSign() != y->GetSign()) { // x ^ (-y) == -((x ^ (y-1)) + 1) if (!x->GetSign()) { return OneIsNegativeXOR(thread, x, y); } else { return OneIsNegativeXOR(thread, y, x); } } return BitwiseOp(thread, Operate::XOR, x, y); } JSHandle BigInt::BitwiseSubOne(JSThread *thread, JSHandle bigint, uint32_t maxLen) { ASSERT(!bigint->IsZero()); ASSERT(maxLen >= bigint->GetLength()); JSHandle newBigint = BigInt::CreateBigint(thread, maxLen); uint32_t bigintLen = bigint->GetLength(); uint32_t carry = 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bigintLen; i++) { uint32_t bigintCarry = 0; newBigint->SetDigit(i, BigIntHelper::SubHelper(bigint->GetDigit(i), carry, bigintCarry)); carry = bigintCarry; } ASSERT(!carry); return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, newBigint); } JSHandle BigInt::BitwiseAddOne(JSThread *thread, JSHandle bigint) { uint32_t bigintLength = bigint->GetLength(); bool needExpend = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bigintLength; i++) { if (std::numeric_limits::max() != bigint->GetDigit(i)) { needExpend = false; break; } } uint32_t newLength = bigintLength; if (needExpend) { newLength += 1; } JSHandle newBigint = BigInt::CreateBigint(thread, newLength); uint32_t carry = 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bigintLength; i++) { uint32_t bigintCarry = 0; newBigint->SetDigit(i, BigIntHelper::AddHelper(bigint->GetDigit(i), carry, bigintCarry)); carry = bigintCarry; } if (needExpend) { newBigint->SetDigit(bigintLength, carry); } newBigint->SetSign(true); return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, newBigint); } JSHandle OneIsNegativeOR(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { uint32_t xLength = x->GetLength(); uint32_t maxLen = xLength; if (maxLen < y->GetLength()) { maxLen = y->GetLength(); } JSHandle yVal = BigInt::BitwiseSubOne(thread, y, maxLen); uint32_t yLength = yVal->GetLength(); uint32_t minLen = xLength; if (minLen > yLength) { minLen = yLength; } JSHandle newBigint = BigInt::CreateBigint(thread, yLength); uint32_t i = 0; while (i < minLen) { uint32_t res = ~(x->GetDigit(i)) & yVal->GetDigit(i); newBigint->SetDigit(i, res); ++i; } while (i < yLength) { newBigint->SetDigit(i, yVal->GetDigit(i)); ++i; } JSHandle temp = BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, newBigint); JSHandle res = BigInt::BitwiseAddOne(thread, temp); res->SetSign(true); return res; } // BigInt::bitwiseOR ( x, y ) JSHandle BigInt::BitwiseOR(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { if (x->GetSign() && y->GetSign()) { // (-x) | (-y) == -(((x-1) & (y-1)) + 1) uint32_t maxLen = x->GetLength(); uint32_t yLen = y->GetLength(); maxLen < yLen ? maxLen = yLen : 0; JSHandle xVal = BitwiseSubOne(thread, x, maxLen); JSHandle yVal = BitwiseSubOne(thread, y, yLen); JSHandle temp = BitwiseOp(thread, Operate::AND, xVal, yVal); JSHandle res = BitwiseAddOne(thread, temp); res->SetSign(true); return res; } if (x->GetSign() != y->GetSign()) { // x | (-y) == -(((y-1) & ~x) + 1) if (!x->GetSign()) { return OneIsNegativeOR(thread, x, y); } else { return OneIsNegativeOR(thread, y, x); } } return BitwiseOp(thread, Operate::OR, x, y); } // BigInt::toString ( x ) JSHandle BigInt::ToString(JSThread *thread, JSHandle bigint, uint32_t conversionToRadix) { ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory(); CString result = bigint->ToStdString(conversionToRadix); return factory->NewFromASCII(result.c_str()); } CString BigInt::ToStdString(uint32_t conversionToRadix) const { CString result = BigIntHelper::Conversion(BigIntHelper::GetBinary(this), conversionToRadix, BINARY); if (GetSign()) { result = "-" + result; } return result; } JSTaggedValue BigInt::NumberToBigInt(JSThread *thread, JSHandle number) { if (!number->IsInteger()) { THROW_RANGE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "The number cannot be converted to a BigInt because it is not an integer", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } double num = number->GetNumber(); if (num == 0.0) { return Int32ToBigInt(thread, 0).GetTaggedValue(); } // Bit operations must be of integer type uint64_t bits = 0; if (memcpy_s(&bits, sizeof(bits), &num, sizeof(num)) != EOK) { LOG_FULL(FATAL) << "memcpy_s failed"; UNREACHABLE(); } // Take out bits 62-52 (11 bits in total) and subtract 1023 uint64_t integerDigits = ((bits >> base::DOUBLE_SIGNIFICAND_SIZE) & 0x7FF) - base::DOUBLE_EXPONENT_BIAS; uint32_t mayNeedLen = integerDigits / DATEBITS + 1; JSHandle bigint = CreateBigint(thread, mayNeedLen); bigint->SetSign(num < 0); uint64_t mantissa = (bits & base::DOUBLE_SIGNIFICAND_MASK) | base::DOUBLE_HIDDEN_BIT; int mantissaSize = base::DOUBLE_SIGNIFICAND_SIZE; int leftover = 0; bool isFirstInto = true; for (int index = static_cast(mayNeedLen - 1); index >= 0; --index) { uint32_t doubleNum = 0; if (isFirstInto) { isFirstInto = false; leftover = mantissaSize - static_cast(integerDigits % DATEBITS); doubleNum = static_cast(mantissa >> leftover); mantissa = mantissa << (64 - leftover); // 64 : double bits size bigint->SetDigit(index, doubleNum); } else { leftover -= DATEBITS; doubleNum = static_cast(mantissa >> DATEBITS); mantissa = mantissa << DATEBITS; bigint->SetDigit(index, doubleNum); } } return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, bigint).GetTaggedValue(); } JSHandle BigInt::Int32ToBigInt(JSThread *thread, const int &number) { JSHandle bigint = CreateBigint(thread, 1); uint32_t value = 0; bool sign = number < 0; if (sign) { value = static_cast(-(number + 1)) + 1; } else { value = number; } bigint->SetDigit(0, value); bigint->SetSign(sign); return bigint; } JSHandle BigInt::Uint32ToBigInt(JSThread *thread, const uint32_t &number) { JSHandle bigint = CreateBigint(thread, 1); bigint->SetDigit(0, number); return bigint; } JSHandle BigInt::Int64ToBigInt(JSThread *thread, const int64_t &number) { uint64_t value = 0; bool sign = number < 0; if (sign) { value = static_cast(-(number + 1)) + 1; } else { value = number; } JSHandle bigint = Uint64ToBigInt(thread, value); bigint->SetSign(sign); return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, bigint); } JSHandle BigInt::Uint64ToBigInt(JSThread *thread, const uint64_t &number) { JSHandle bigint = CreateBigint(thread, 2); // 2 : one int64_t bits need two uint32_t bits uint32_t lowBits = static_cast(number & 0xffffffff); uint32_t highBits = static_cast((number >> DATEBITS) & 0xffffffff); bigint->SetDigit(0, lowBits); bigint->SetDigit(1, highBits); return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, bigint); } uint64_t BigInt::ToUint64() { uint32_t len = GetLength(); ASSERT(len <= 2); // The maximum length of the BigInt data is less or equal 2 uint32_t lowBits = GetDigit(0); uint32_t highBits = 0; if (len > 1) { highBits = GetDigit(1); } uint64_t value = static_cast(lowBits); value |= static_cast(highBits) << DATEBITS; if (GetSign()) { value = ~(value - 1); } return value; } int64_t BigInt::ToInt64() { return static_cast(ToUint64()); } void BigInt::BigIntToInt64(JSThread *thread, JSHandle bigint, int64_t *cValue, bool *lossless) { ASSERT(cValue != nullptr); ASSERT(lossless != nullptr); JSHandle bigInt64(thread, JSTaggedValue::ToBigInt64(thread, bigint)); RETURN_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); if (Equal(bigInt64.GetTaggedValue(), bigint.GetTaggedValue())) { *lossless = true; } *cValue = bigInt64->ToInt64(); } void BigInt::BigIntToUint64(JSThread *thread, JSHandle bigint, uint64_t *cValue, bool *lossless) { ASSERT(cValue != nullptr); ASSERT(lossless != nullptr); JSHandle bigUint64(thread, JSTaggedValue::ToBigUint64(thread, bigint)); RETURN_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); if (Equal(bigUint64.GetTaggedValue(), bigint.GetTaggedValue())) { *lossless = true; } *cValue = bigUint64->ToUint64(); } JSHandle BigInt::CreateBigWords(JSThread *thread, bool sign, uint32_t size, const uint64_t *words) { ASSERT(words != nullptr); const uint32_t MULTIPLE = 2; uint32_t needLen = size * MULTIPLE; JSHandle bigint = CreateBigint(thread, needLen); for (uint32_t index = 0; index < size; ++index) { uint32_t lowBits = static_cast(words[index] & 0xffffffff); uint32_t highBits = static_cast((words[index] >> DATEBITS) & 0xffffffff); bigint->SetDigit(MULTIPLE * index, lowBits); bigint->SetDigit(MULTIPLE * index + 1, highBits); } bigint->SetSign(sign); return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, bigint); } JSHandle BigInt::Add(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { bool xSignFlag = x->GetSign(); bool ySignFlag = y->GetSign(); // x + y == x + y // -x + -y == -(x + y) if (xSignFlag == ySignFlag) { return BigintAdd(thread, x, y, xSignFlag); } // x + -y == x - y == -(y - x) // -x + y == y - x == -(x - y) uint32_t xLength = x->GetLength(); uint32_t yLength = y->GetLength(); int i = static_cast(xLength) - 1; int subSize = static_cast(xLength - yLength); if (subSize > 0) { return BigintSub(thread, x, y, xSignFlag); } else if (subSize == 0) { while (i > 0 && x->GetDigit(i) == y->GetDigit(i)) { i--; } if ((x->GetDigit(i) > y->GetDigit(i))) { return BigintSub(thread, x, y, xSignFlag); } else { return BigintSub(thread, y, x, ySignFlag); } } else { return BigintSub(thread, y, x, ySignFlag); } } JSHandle BigInt::Subtract(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { bool xSignFlag = x->GetSign(); bool ySignFlag = y->GetSign(); if (xSignFlag != ySignFlag) { // x - (-y) == x + y // (-x) - y == -(x + y) return BigintAdd(thread, x, y, xSignFlag); } // x - y == -(y - x) // (-x) - (-y) == y - x == -(x - y) uint32_t xLength = x->GetLength(); uint32_t yLength = y->GetLength(); uint32_t i = xLength - 1; int subSize = static_cast(xLength - yLength); if (subSize > 0) { return BigintSub(thread, x, y, xSignFlag); } else if (subSize == 0) { while (i > 0 && x->GetDigit(i) == y->GetDigit(i)) { i--; } if ((x->GetDigit(i) > y->GetDigit(i))) { return BigintSub(thread, x, y, xSignFlag); } else { return BigintSub(thread, y, x, !ySignFlag); } } else { return BigintSub(thread, y, x, !ySignFlag); } } JSHandle BigInt::BigintAdd(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y, bool resultSign) { if (x->GetLength() < y->GetLength()) { return BigintAdd(thread, y, x, resultSign); } JSHandle bigint = BigInt::CreateBigint(thread, x->GetLength() + 1); uint32_t bigintCarry = 0; uint32_t i = 0; while (i < y->GetLength()) { uint32_t newBigintCarry = 0; uint32_t addPlus = BigIntHelper::AddHelper(x->GetDigit(i), y->GetDigit(i), newBigintCarry); addPlus = BigIntHelper::AddHelper(addPlus, bigintCarry, newBigintCarry); bigint->SetDigit(i, addPlus); bigintCarry = newBigintCarry; i++; } while (i < x->GetLength()) { uint32_t newBigintCarry = 0; uint32_t addPlus = BigIntHelper::AddHelper(x->GetDigit(i), bigintCarry, newBigintCarry); bigint->SetDigit(i, addPlus); bigintCarry = newBigintCarry; i++; } bigint->SetDigit(i, bigintCarry); bigint->SetSign(resultSign); return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, bigint); } inline uint32_t BigIntHelper::AddHelper(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t &bigintCarry) { uint32_t addPlus = x + y; if (addPlus < x) { bigintCarry += 1; } return addPlus; } JSHandle BigInt::BigintSub(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y, bool resultSign) { JSHandle bigint = BigInt::CreateBigint(thread, x->GetLength()); uint32_t bigintCarry = 0; uint32_t i = 0; while (i < y->GetLength()) { uint32_t newBigintCarry = 0; uint32_t minuSub = BigIntHelper::SubHelper(x->GetDigit(i), y->GetDigit(i), newBigintCarry); minuSub = BigIntHelper::SubHelper(minuSub, bigintCarry, newBigintCarry); bigint->SetDigit(i, minuSub); bigintCarry = newBigintCarry; i++; } while (i < x->GetLength()) { uint32_t newBigintCarry = 0; uint32_t minuSub = BigIntHelper::SubHelper(x->GetDigit(i), bigintCarry, newBigintCarry); bigint->SetDigit(i, minuSub); bigintCarry = newBigintCarry; i++; } bigint->SetSign(resultSign); return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, bigint); } JSHandle BigInt::BigintAddOne(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x) { JSHandle temp = Int32ToBigInt(thread, 1); return Add(thread, x, temp); } JSHandle BigInt::BigintSubOne(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x) { JSHandle temp = Int32ToBigInt(thread, 1); return Subtract(thread, x, temp); } inline uint32_t BigIntHelper::SubHelper(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t &bigintCarry) { uint32_t minuSub = x - y; if (minuSub > x) { bigintCarry += 1; } return minuSub; } ComparisonResult BigInt::Compare(const JSTaggedValue &x, const JSTaggedValue &y) { BigInt* xVal = BigInt::Cast(x.GetTaggedObject()); BigInt* yVal = BigInt::Cast(y.GetTaggedObject()); return Compare(xVal, yVal); } ComparisonResult BigInt::Compare(const BigInt *x, const BigInt *y) { bool xSign = x->GetSign(); bool ySign = y->GetSign(); if (xSign != ySign) { return xSign ? ComparisonResult::LESS : ComparisonResult::GREAT; } ComparisonResult compar = AbsolutelyCompare(x, y); if (xSign && compar != ComparisonResult::EQUAL) { return compar == ComparisonResult::LESS ? ComparisonResult::GREAT : ComparisonResult::LESS; } return compar; } bool BigInt::LessThan(const JSTaggedValue &x, const JSTaggedValue &y) { return Compare(x, y) == ComparisonResult::LESS; } bool BigInt::LessThan(const BigInt *x, const BigInt *y) { ASSERT(x != nullptr); ASSERT(y != nullptr); return Compare(x, y) == ComparisonResult::LESS; } JSHandle BigInt::SignedRightShift(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { bool xIsNull = x->GetDigit(0); bool yIsNull = y->GetDigit(0); if (!xIsNull || !yIsNull) { return x; } if (y->GetSign()) { return LeftShiftHelper(thread, x, y); } else { return RightShiftHelper(thread, x, y); } } JSHandle BigInt::ReturnIfRightShiftOverMax(JSThread *thread, bool sign) { if (sign) { return Int32ToBigInt(thread, -1); } return Int32ToBigInt(thread, 0); } void BigInt::RightShift(JSHandle bigint, JSHandle x, uint32_t digitMove, uint32_t bitsMove) { uint32_t size = x->GetLength(); if (bitsMove == 0) { for (uint32_t i = digitMove; i < size; i++) { bigint->SetDigit(i - digitMove, x->GetDigit(i)); } } else { uint32_t carry = x->GetDigit(digitMove) >> bitsMove; uint32_t last = size - digitMove - 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < last; i++) { uint32_t value = x->GetDigit(i + digitMove + 1); bigint->SetDigit(i, (value << (DATEBITS - bitsMove)) | carry); carry = value >> bitsMove; } bigint->SetDigit(last, carry); } } void BigInt::JudgeRoundDown(JSHandle x, uint32_t digitMove, uint32_t bitsMove, uint32_t &needLen, bool &roundDown) { uint32_t stamp = (static_cast(1U) << bitsMove) - 1; if (x->GetDigit(digitMove) & stamp) { roundDown = true; } else { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < digitMove; i++) { if (x->GetDigit(i) != 0) { roundDown = true; break; } } } if (roundDown && bitsMove == 0) { uint32_t highBits = x->GetDigit(x->GetLength() - 1); // If all the most significant bits are 1, we think that carry will cause overflow, // and needLen needs to be increased by 1 if ((~highBits) == 0) { needLen++; } } } JSHandle BigInt::RightShiftHelper(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { bool sign = x->GetSign(); if (y->GetLength() > 1 || y->GetDigit(0) > MAXBITS) { return ReturnIfRightShiftOverMax(thread, sign); } uint32_t moveNum = y->GetDigit(0); uint32_t digitMove = moveNum / DATEBITS; uint32_t bitsMove = moveNum % DATEBITS; if (x->GetLength() <= digitMove) { return ReturnIfRightShiftOverMax(thread, sign); } uint32_t needLen = x->GetLength() - digitMove; bool roundDown = false; if (sign) { // If it is a negative number, you need to consider whether it will carry after moving. // NeedLen may need to increase by 1 JudgeRoundDown(x, digitMove, bitsMove, needLen, roundDown); } JSHandle bigint = CreateBigint(thread, needLen); RightShift(bigint, x, digitMove, bitsMove); bigint = BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, bigint); if (sign) { bigint->SetSign(true); if (roundDown) { return BitwiseAddOne(thread, bigint); } } return bigint; } JSHandle BigInt::LeftShift(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { if (y->GetSign()) { return RightShiftHelper(thread, x, y); } else { return LeftShiftHelper(thread, x, y); } } JSHandle BigInt::LeftShiftHelper(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { ASSERT(y->GetLength() == 1); ASSERT(y->GetDigit(0) <= MAXBITS); uint32_t moveNum = y->GetDigit(0); uint32_t digitMove = moveNum / DATEBITS; uint32_t bitsMove = moveNum % DATEBITS; // If bitsMove is not zero, needLen needs to be increased by 1 uint32_t needLen = digitMove + x->GetLength() + static_cast(!!bitsMove); ASSERT(needLen < MAXSIZE); JSHandle bigint = CreateBigint(thread, needLen); if (bitsMove == 0) { uint32_t index = digitMove; while (index < needLen) { bigint->SetDigit(index, x->GetDigit(index - digitMove)); ++index; } } else { uint32_t carry = 0; uint32_t index = 0; while (index < x->GetLength()) { uint32_t value = x->GetDigit(index); bigint->SetDigit(index + digitMove, (value << bitsMove) | carry); carry = value >> (DATEBITS - bitsMove); ++index; } if (carry != 0) { ASSERT(index + digitMove < needLen); bigint->SetDigit(index + digitMove, carry); } } bigint->SetSign(x->GetSign()); return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, bigint); } JSTaggedValue BigInt::UnsignedRightShift(JSThread *thread) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "BigInt have no unsigned right shift, use >> instead", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } JSHandle BigInt::Copy(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, uint32_t len) { ASSERT(x->GetLength() >= len); JSHandle newBig = CreateBigint(thread, len); std::copy(x->GetData(), x->GetData() + len, newBig->GetData()); newBig->SetSign(x->GetSign()); return newBig; } JSHandle BigInt::UnaryMinus(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x) { if (x->IsZero()) { return x; } JSHandle y = Copy(thread, x, x->GetLength()); y->SetSign(!y->GetSign()); return y; } // BigInt::bitwiseNOT ( x ) JSHandle BigInt::BitwiseNOT(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x) { // ~(-x) == ~(~(x-1)) == x-1 // ~x == -x-1 == -(x+1) JSHandle result = BigintAddOne(thread, x); if (x->GetSign()) { result->SetSign(false); } else { result->SetSign(true); } return result; } JSHandle BigInt::Exponentiate(JSThread *thread, JSHandle base, JSHandle exponent) { if (exponent->GetSign()) { JSHandle bigint(thread, JSTaggedValue::Exception()); THROW_RANGE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Exponent must be positive", bigint); } ASSERT(exponent->GetLength() == 1); if (exponent->IsZero()) { return Int32ToBigInt(thread, 1); } uint32_t expValue = exponent->GetDigit(0); if (base->IsZero() || expValue == 1) { return base; } if (base->GetLength() == 1 && base->GetDigit(0) == 1) { if (base->GetSign() && !(expValue & 1)) { return BigInt::UnaryMinus(thread, base); } return base; } if (base->GetLength() == 1 && base->GetDigit(0) == 2) { // 2 : We use fast path processing 2 ^ n uint32_t needLength = expValue / DATEBITS + 1; JSHandle bigint = CreateBigint(thread, needLength); uint32_t value = 1U << (expValue % DATEBITS); bigint->SetDigit(needLength - 1, value); if (base->GetSign()) { bigint->SetSign(static_cast(expValue & 1)); } return bigint; } JSMutableHandle result(thread, JSTaggedValue::Null()); JSMutableHandle temp(thread, base); if (expValue & 1) { result.Update(base); } expValue >>= 1; for (; expValue; expValue >>= 1) { temp.Update(BigInt::Multiply(thread, temp, temp)); if (expValue & 1) { if (result.GetTaggedValue().IsNull()) { result.Update(temp); } else { result.Update(BigInt::Multiply(thread, result, temp)); } } } ASSERT(result.GetTaggedValue().IsBigInt()); return result; } std::tuple BigInt::Mul(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { uint32_t lowBitX = x & HALFDATEMASK; uint32_t highBitX = x >> HALFDATEBITS; uint32_t lowBitY = y & HALFDATEMASK; uint32_t highBitY = y >> HALFDATEBITS; // {highBitX lowBitX} * {highBitY lowBitY} uint32_t lowRes = lowBitX * lowBitY; uint32_t highRes = highBitX * highBitY; uint32_t midRes1 = lowBitX * highBitY; uint32_t midRes2 = highBitX * lowBitY; uint32_t carry = 0; uint32_t low = BigIntHelper::AddHelper( BigIntHelper::AddHelper(lowRes, midRes1 << HALFDATEBITS, carry), midRes2 << HALFDATEBITS, carry); uint32_t high = (midRes1 >> HALFDATEBITS) + (midRes2 >> HALFDATEBITS) + highRes + carry; return std::make_tuple(high, low); } JSHandle BigInt::Multiply(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { if (x->IsZero()) { return x; } if (y->IsZero()) { return y; } uint32_t needLength = x->GetLength() + y->GetLength(); JSHandle bigint = BigInt::CreateBigint(thread, needLength); // the algorithm here is similar to the way we use paper money to calculate multiplication. // Generally, we first calculate the partial product, and then add up to get the result. // The only difference here is that multiplication and addition are calculated synchronously for (uint32_t i = 0; i < x->GetLength(); i++) { uint32_t xVal = x->GetDigit(i); // If the current multiplier is 0, we will skip this round of calculation to improve performance. // If we do not skip, the correctness of the calculation will not be affected if (xVal == 0) { continue; } uint32_t carry = 0; uint32_t high = 0; uint32_t index = i; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < y->GetLength(); j++) { uint32_t currentCarry = 0; uint32_t value = bigint->GetDigit(index); value = BigIntHelper::AddHelper(value, high, currentCarry); value = BigIntHelper::AddHelper(value, carry, currentCarry); uint32_t low; std::tie(high, low) = Mul(xVal, y->GetDigit(j)); value = BigIntHelper::AddHelper(value, low, currentCarry); bigint->SetDigit(index, value); carry = currentCarry; index++; } while (carry != 0 || high != 0) { ASSERT(index < bigint->GetLength()); uint32_t value = bigint->GetDigit(index); uint32_t currentCarry = 0; value = BigIntHelper::AddHelper(value, high, currentCarry); high = 0; value = BigIntHelper::AddHelper(value, carry, currentCarry); bigint->SetDigit(index, value); carry = currentCarry; index++; } } bigint->SetSign(x->GetSign() != y->GetSign()); return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, bigint); } void BigIntHelper::DeZero(CString &a) { size_t count = 0; while (count < a.size() && a[count] == '0') { count++; } if (count == a.size()) { a = "0"; } else { a = a.substr(count); } } ComparisonResult BigInt::AbsolutelyCompare(const BigInt *x, const BigInt *y) { uint32_t xLen = x->GetLength(); uint32_t yLen = y->GetLength(); if (xLen > yLen) { return ComparisonResult::GREAT; } else if (xLen < yLen) { return ComparisonResult::LESS; } else { int index = static_cast(xLen) - 1; for (; index >= 0; --index) { if (x->GetDigit(index) != y->GetDigit(index)) { break; } } if (index < 0) { return ComparisonResult::EQUAL; } return x->GetDigit(index) > y->GetDigit(index) ? ComparisonResult::GREAT : ComparisonResult::LESS; } } uint32_t BigInt::DivideAndRemainder(uint32_t highBit, uint32_t lowBit, uint32_t divisor, uint32_t& remainder) { uint32_t leadingZeros = base::CountLeadingZeros(divisor); // Before calculating, we need to align the operands to the left divisor <<= leadingZeros; uint32_t lowDividend = lowBit << leadingZeros; uint32_t highDividend = highBit; if (leadingZeros != 0) { // highBit is the remainder of the last calculation, which must be less than or equal to the divisor, // so high << leadingZeros will not lose the significant bit highDividend = (highBit << leadingZeros) | (lowBit >> (DATEBITS - leadingZeros)); } uint32_t highDivisor = divisor >> HALFDATEBITS; uint32_t lowDivisor = divisor & HALFDATEMASK; uint32_t lowDividend1 = lowDividend >> HALFDATEBITS; uint32_t lowDividend2 = lowDividend & HALFDATEMASK; uint32_t highQuotient = highDividend / highDivisor; uint32_t tempRemainder = highDividend - highQuotient * highDivisor; // Similar to the ordinary division calculation, here we use HALFUINT32VALUE as the carry unit // Calculate high order results first while (highQuotient >= HALFUINT32VALUE || highQuotient * lowDivisor > tempRemainder * HALFUINT32VALUE + lowDividend1) { highQuotient--; tempRemainder += highDivisor; if (tempRemainder >= HALFUINT32VALUE) break; } uint32_t tempLowDividend = highDividend * HALFUINT32VALUE + lowDividend1 - highQuotient * divisor; uint32_t lowQuotient = tempLowDividend / highDivisor; tempRemainder = tempLowDividend - lowQuotient * highDivisor; // Then calculate the low order result while (lowQuotient >= HALFUINT32VALUE || lowQuotient * lowDivisor > tempRemainder * HALFUINT32VALUE + lowDividend2) { lowQuotient--; tempRemainder += highDivisor; if (tempRemainder >= HALFUINT32VALUE) break; } // In order to facilitate the calculation, we start to make left alignment // At this time, we need to move right to get the correct remainder remainder = (tempLowDividend * HALFUINT32VALUE + lowDividend2 - lowQuotient * divisor) >> leadingZeros; return highQuotient * HALFUINT32VALUE + lowQuotient; } JSHandle BigInt::FormatLeftShift(JSThread *thread, uint32_t shift, JSHandle bigint, bool neeedAddOne) { if (!neeedAddOne && shift == 0) { return bigint; } uint32_t len = bigint->GetLength(); uint32_t needLen = len; if (neeedAddOne) { needLen += 1; } JSHandle result = CreateBigint(thread, needLen); if (shift == 0) { std::copy(bigint->GetData(), bigint->GetData() + len, result->GetData()); } else { uint32_t carry = 0; uint32_t index = 0; while (index < len) { uint32_t value = bigint->GetDigit(index); result->SetDigit(index, (value << shift) | carry); carry = value >> (DATEBITS - shift); index++; } if (carry != 0) { ASSERT(neeedAddOne); result->SetDigit(index, carry); } } return result; } void BigInt::UnformattedRightShift(JSHandle bigint, uint32_t shift) { RightShift(bigint, bigint, 0, shift); } bool BigInt::SpecialMultiplyAndSub(JSHandle u, JSHandle v, uint32_t q, JSHandle qv, uint32_t pos) { uint32_t lastCarry = 0; uint32_t lastHigh = 0; uint32_t len = v->GetLength(); // Calculate multiplication first for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { uint32_t value = v->GetDigit(i); uint32_t carry = 0; uint32_t high = 0; std::tie(high, value) = Mul(value, q); // The current value plus the high and carry of the last calculation value = BigIntHelper::AddHelper(value, lastHigh, carry); value = BigIntHelper::AddHelper(value, lastCarry, carry); qv->SetDigit(i, value); // Record the new high bit and carry for the next round lastCarry = carry; lastHigh = high; } qv->SetDigit(len, lastHigh + lastCarry); // Next, subtract uint32_t lastBorrow = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < qv->GetLength(); ++i) { uint32_t borrow = 0; uint32_t value = BigIntHelper::SubHelper(u->GetDigit(pos + i), qv->GetDigit(i), borrow); value = BigIntHelper::SubHelper(value, lastBorrow, borrow); u->SetDigit(pos + i, value); lastBorrow = borrow; } return lastBorrow > 0; } uint32_t BigInt::SpecialAdd(JSHandle u, JSHandle v, uint32_t pos) { uint32_t lastCarry = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < v->GetLength(); ++i) { uint32_t carry = 0; uint32_t value = BigIntHelper::AddHelper(u->GetDigit(pos + i), v->GetDigit(i), carry); value = BigIntHelper::AddHelper(value, lastCarry, carry); u->SetDigit(pos + i, value); lastCarry = carry; } return lastCarry; } uint32_t BigInt::ImproveAccuracy(uint32_t vHighest, uint32_t vHighestNext, uint32_t UHighest, uint32_t UHighestNext, uint32_t q) { uint32_t high = 0; uint32_t low = 0; std::tie(high, low) = Mul(q, vHighestNext); while (high > UHighest || (high == UHighest && low > UHighestNext)) { q--; UHighest += vHighest; // if r is less than the current base, continue the next round of inspection. Here, // we confirm whether r is greater than the current base by judging whether r overflows if (UHighest < vHighest) { break; } std::tie(high, low) = Mul(q, vHighestNext); } return q; } JSHandle BigInt::DivideAndRemainderWithBigintDivisor(JSThread *thread, JSHandle dividend, JSHandle divisor, JSMutableHandle &remainder) { uint32_t divisorLen = divisor->GetLength(); // the length of the quota is the length of the dividend minus the divisor uint32_t quotientLen = dividend->GetLength() - divisorLen; JSMutableHandle quotient(thread, JSTaggedValue::Null()); if (remainder.GetTaggedValue().IsNull()) { quotient.Update(CreateBigint(thread, quotientLen + 1)); } // format the divisor and dividend so that the highest order of the divisor is // greater than or equal to half of uint32_t uint32_t leadingZeros = base::CountLeadingZeros(divisor->GetDigit(divisorLen - 1)); JSHandle v = FormatLeftShift(thread, leadingZeros, divisor, false); JSHandle u = FormatLeftShift(thread, leadingZeros, dividend, true); // qv is used to store the result of quotient * divisor of each round JSHandle qv = CreateBigint(thread, divisorLen + 1); uint32_t vHighest = v->GetDigit(divisorLen - 1); for (int i = quotientLen; i >= 0; --i) { uint32_t currentUHighest = u->GetDigit(i + divisorLen); uint32_t r = 0; uint32_t q = DivideAndRemainder(currentUHighest, u->GetDigit(i + divisorLen - 1), vHighest, r); // VHighest = currentUHighest means that q may be equal to the current base // In the current program, the current base is the maximum value of uint32 plus 1 if (vHighest == currentUHighest) { q = std::numeric_limits::max(); } else { uint32_t vHighestNext = v->GetDigit(divisorLen - 2); // 2 : Get the second most significant bit uint32_t currentUHighestNext = u->GetDigit(i + divisorLen - 2); // 2 : ditto // The following operations will make q only 1 greater than the value we want in most cases, // and will not be less than it q = ImproveAccuracy(vHighest, vHighestNext, r, currentUHighestNext, q); } // multiplication and subtraction if (SpecialMultiplyAndSub(u, v, q, qv, i)) { q--; uint32_t carry = SpecialAdd(u, v, i); u->SetDigit(i + divisorLen, u->GetDigit(i + divisorLen) + carry); } if (remainder.GetTaggedValue().IsNull()) { quotient->SetDigit(i, q); } } if (!remainder.GetTaggedValue().IsNull()) { // at the beginning of this procedure, we performed the left shift operation. // Here, we get the correct result by shifting the same number of digits to the right UnformattedRightShift(u, leadingZeros); remainder.Update(u); } return quotient; } JSHandle BigInt::DivideAndRemainderWithUint32Divisor(JSThread *thread, JSHandle dividend, uint32_t divisor, JSMutableHandle &remainder) { uint32_t r = 0; JSMutableHandle quotient(thread, JSTaggedValue::Null()); if (!remainder.GetTaggedValue().IsNull()) { for (int i = dividend->GetLength() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { DivideAndRemainder(r, dividend->GetDigit(i), divisor, r); remainder.Update(Uint32ToBigInt(thread, r)); } } else { quotient.Update(CreateBigint(thread, dividend->GetLength())); for (int i = dividend->GetLength() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { uint32_t q = DivideAndRemainder(r, dividend->GetDigit(i), divisor, r); quotient->SetDigit(i, q); } } return quotient; } // The algorithm here refers to algorithm D in Volume 2 of JSHandle BigInt::Divide(JSThread *thread, JSHandle x, JSHandle y) { if (y->IsZero()) { JSHandle bigint(thread, JSTaggedValue::Exception()); THROW_RANGE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Division by zero", bigint); } // returns 0 if x is less than y JSMutableHandle quotient(thread, JSTaggedValue::Null()); bool sign = x->GetSign() != y->GetSign(); ComparisonResult compare = AbsolutelyCompare(*x, *y); if (compare == ComparisonResult::LESS) { return Int32ToBigInt(thread, 0); } if (compare == ComparisonResult::EQUAL) { quotient.Update(Int32ToBigInt(thread, 1)); quotient->SetSign(sign); return quotient; } // if y is 1, return +x or -x if (y->IsUint32() && y->GetDigit(0) == 1) { if (sign == x->GetSign()) { return x; } return UnaryMinus(thread, x); } JSMutableHandle remainder(thread, JSTaggedValue::Null()); if (y->IsUint32()) { // When the divisor is uint32_t, we have a faster and simpler algorithm to calculate quotient.Update(DivideAndRemainderWithUint32Divisor(thread, x, y->GetDigit(0), remainder)); } else { ASSERT(y->GetLength() >= 1); // 1 : Entering the current branch length must be greater than 1 quotient.Update(DivideAndRemainderWithBigintDivisor(thread, x, y, remainder)); } ASSERT(quotient.GetTaggedValue().IsBigInt()); quotient->SetSign(sign); return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, quotient); } JSHandle BigInt::Remainder(JSThread *thread, JSHandle n, JSHandle d) { if (d->IsZero()) { JSHandle bigint(thread, JSTaggedValue::Exception()); THROW_RANGE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Division by zero", bigint); } ComparisonResult compare = AbsolutelyCompare(*n, *d); if (n->IsZero() || compare == ComparisonResult::LESS) { return n; } if (compare == ComparisonResult::EQUAL || (d->IsUint32() && d->GetDigit(0) == 1)) { return Int32ToBigInt(thread, 0); } JSMutableHandle remainder(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); if (d->IsUint32()) { // When the divisor is uint32_t, we have a faster and simpler algorithm to calculate DivideAndRemainderWithUint32Divisor(thread, n, d->GetDigit(0), remainder); } else { ASSERT(d->GetLength() > 1); // 1 : Entering the current branch length must be greater than 1 DivideAndRemainderWithBigintDivisor(thread, n, d, remainder); } ASSERT(remainder.GetTaggedValue().IsBigInt()); remainder->SetSign(n->GetSign()); return BigIntHelper::RightTruncate(thread, remainder); } JSHandle BigInt::FloorMod(JSThread *thread, JSHandle leftVal, JSHandle rightVal) { JSHandle remainder = Remainder(thread, leftVal, rightVal); if (leftVal->GetSign() && !remainder->IsZero()) { return Add(thread, remainder, rightVal); } return remainder; } JSTaggedValue BigInt::AsUintN(JSThread *thread, JSTaggedNumber &bits, JSHandle bigint) { uint32_t bit = bits.ToUint32(); if (bit == 0) { return Int32ToBigInt(thread, 0).GetTaggedValue(); } if (bigint->IsZero()) { return bigint.GetTaggedValue(); } JSHandle exponent = Int32ToBigInt(thread, bit); JSHandle base = Int32ToBigInt(thread, 2); // 2 : base value JSHandle tValue = Exponentiate(thread, base, exponent); return FloorMod(thread, bigint, tValue).GetTaggedValue(); } JSTaggedValue BigInt::AsintN(JSThread *thread, JSTaggedNumber &bits, JSHandle bigint) { uint32_t bit = bits.ToUint32(); if (bit == 0) { return Int32ToBigInt(thread, 0).GetTaggedValue(); } if (bigint->IsZero()) { return bigint.GetTaggedValue(); } JSHandle exp = Int32ToBigInt(thread, bit); JSHandle exponent = Int32ToBigInt(thread, bit - 1); JSHandle base = Int32ToBigInt(thread, 2); // 2 : base value JSHandle tValue = Exponentiate(thread, base, exp); JSHandle modValue = FloorMod(thread, bigint, tValue); JSHandle resValue = Exponentiate(thread, base, exponent); // If mod ≥ 2bits - 1, return ℤ(mod - 2bits); otherwise, return (mod). if (Compare(*resValue, *modValue) != ComparisonResult::GREAT) { return Subtract(thread, modValue, tValue).GetTaggedValue(); } return modValue.GetTaggedValue(); } static JSTaggedNumber CalculateNumber(const uint64_t &sign, const uint64_t &mantissa, uint64_t &exponent) { exponent = (exponent + base::DOUBLE_EXPONENT_BIAS) << base::DOUBLE_SIGNIFICAND_SIZE; uint64_t doubleBit = sign | exponent | mantissa; double res = 0; if (memcpy_s(&res, sizeof(res), &doubleBit, sizeof(doubleBit)) != EOK) { LOG_FULL(FATAL) << "memcpy_s failed"; UNREACHABLE(); } return JSTaggedNumber(res); } static JSTaggedNumber Rounding(const uint64_t &sign, uint64_t &mantissa, uint64_t &exponent, bool needRound) { if (needRound || (mantissa & 1) == 1) { ++mantissa; if ((mantissa >> base::DOUBLE_SIGNIFICAND_SIZE) != 0) { mantissa = 0; exponent++; if (exponent > base::DOUBLE_EXPONENT_BIAS) return JSTaggedNumber(sign ? -base::POSITIVE_INFINITY : base::POSITIVE_INFINITY); } } return CalculateNumber(sign, mantissa, exponent); } JSTaggedNumber BigInt::BigIntToNumber(JSHandle bigint) { if (bigint->IsZero()) { return JSTaggedNumber(0); } uint32_t bigintLen = bigint->GetLength(); uint32_t BigintHead = bigint->GetDigit(bigintLen - 1); uint32_t leadingZeros = base::CountLeadingZeros(BigintHead); int bigintBitLen = static_cast(bigintLen * BigInt::DATEBITS) - leadingZeros; // if Significant bits greater than 1024 then double is infinity bool bigintSign = bigint->GetSign(); if (bigintBitLen > (base::DOUBLE_EXPONENT_BIAS + 1)) { return JSTaggedNumber(bigintSign ? -base::POSITIVE_INFINITY : base::POSITIVE_INFINITY); } uint64_t sign = bigintSign ? 1ULL << 63 : 0; // 63 : Set the sign bit of sign to 1 int needMoveBit = leadingZeros + BigInt::DATEBITS + 1; // Align to the most significant bit, then right shift 12 bits so that the head of the mantissa is in place uint64_t mantissa = (static_cast(BigintHead) << needMoveBit) >> 12; // 12 mantissa just has 52 bits int remainMantissaBits = needMoveBit - 12; uint64_t exponent = static_cast(bigintBitLen - 1); int index = static_cast(bigintLen - 1); uint32_t digit = 0; if (index > 0) { digit = bigint->GetDigit(--index); } else { return CalculateNumber(sign, mantissa, exponent); } // pad unset mantissa if (static_cast(remainMantissaBits) >= BigInt::DATEBITS) { mantissa |= (static_cast(digit) << (remainMantissaBits - BigInt::DATEBITS)); remainMantissaBits -= BigInt::DATEBITS; index--; } if (remainMantissaBits > 0 && index >= 0) { digit = bigint->GetDigit(index); mantissa |= (static_cast(digit) >> (BigInt::DATEBITS - remainMantissaBits)); remainMantissaBits -= BigInt::DATEBITS; } // After the mantissa is filled, if the bits of bigint have not been used up, consider the rounding problem // The remaining bits of the current digit if (remainMantissaBits > 0) { return CalculateNumber(sign, mantissa, exponent); } int remainDigitBits = 0; if (remainMantissaBits < 0) { remainDigitBits = -remainMantissaBits; } else { if (!index) { return CalculateNumber(sign, mantissa, exponent); } digit = bigint->GetDigit(index--); remainDigitBits = BigInt::DATEBITS; } uint32_t temp = 1ULL << (remainDigitBits - 1); if (!(digit & temp)) { return CalculateNumber(sign, mantissa, exponent); } if ((digit & (temp - 1)) != 0) { return Rounding(sign, mantissa, exponent, true); } while (index > 0) { if (bigint->GetDigit(index--) != 0) { return Rounding(sign, mantissa, exponent, true); } } return Rounding(sign, mantissa, exponent, false); } static int CompareToBitsLen(JSHandle bigint, int numBitLen, int &leadingZeros) { uint32_t bigintLen = bigint->GetLength(); uint32_t BigintHead = bigint->GetDigit(bigintLen - 1); leadingZeros = static_cast(base::CountLeadingZeros(BigintHead)); int bigintBitLen = static_cast(bigintLen * BigInt::DATEBITS) - leadingZeros; bool bigintSign = bigint->GetSign(); if (bigintBitLen > numBitLen) { return bigintSign ? 0 : 1; } if (bigintBitLen < numBitLen) { return bigintSign ? 1 : 0; } return -1; } ComparisonResult BigInt::CompareWithNumber(JSHandle bigint, JSHandle number) { double num = number->GetNumber(); bool numberSign = num < 0; if (std::isnan(num)) { return ComparisonResult::UNDEFINED; } if (!std::isfinite(num)) { return (!numberSign ? ComparisonResult::LESS : ComparisonResult::GREAT); } // Bit operations must be of integer type uint64_t bits = 0; if (memcpy_s(&bits, sizeof(bits), &num, sizeof(num)) != EOK) { LOG_FULL(FATAL) << "memcpy_s failed"; UNREACHABLE(); } int exponential = (bits >> base::DOUBLE_SIGNIFICAND_SIZE) & 0x7FF; // Take out bits 62-52 (11 bits in total) and subtract 1023 int integerDigits = exponential - base::DOUBLE_EXPONENT_BIAS; uint64_t mantissa = (bits & base::DOUBLE_SIGNIFICAND_MASK) | base::DOUBLE_HIDDEN_BIT; bool bigintSign = bigint->GetSign(); // Handling the opposite sign if (!numberSign && bigintSign) { return ComparisonResult::LESS; } else if (numberSign && !bigintSign) { return ComparisonResult::GREAT; } if (bigint->IsZero() && !num) { return ComparisonResult::EQUAL; } if (bigint->IsZero() && num > 0) { return ComparisonResult::LESS; } if (integerDigits < 0) { return bigintSign ? ComparisonResult::LESS : ComparisonResult::GREAT; } // Compare the significant bits of bigint with the significant integer bits of double int leadingZeros = 0; int res = CompareToBitsLen(bigint, integerDigits + 1, leadingZeros); if (res == 0) { return ComparisonResult::LESS; } else if (res == 1) { return ComparisonResult::GREAT; } int mantissaSize = base::DOUBLE_SIGNIFICAND_SIZE; // mantissaSize uint32_t bigintLen = bigint->GetLength(); int leftover = 0; bool IsFirstInto = true; for (int index = static_cast(bigintLen - 1); index >= 0; --index) { uint32_t doubleNum = 0; uint32_t BigintNum = bigint->GetDigit(index); if (IsFirstInto) { IsFirstInto = false; leftover = mantissaSize - BigInt::DATEBITS + leadingZeros + 1; doubleNum = static_cast(mantissa >> leftover); mantissa = mantissa << (64 - leftover); // 64 : double bits if (BigintNum > doubleNum) { return bigintSign ? ComparisonResult::LESS : ComparisonResult::GREAT; } if (BigintNum < doubleNum) { return bigintSign ? ComparisonResult::GREAT : ComparisonResult::LESS; } } else { leftover -= BigInt::DATEBITS; doubleNum = static_cast(mantissa >> BigInt::DATEBITS); mantissa = mantissa << BigInt::DATEBITS; if (BigintNum > doubleNum) { return bigintSign ? ComparisonResult::LESS : ComparisonResult::GREAT; } if (BigintNum < doubleNum) { return bigintSign ? ComparisonResult::GREAT : ComparisonResult::LESS; } leftover -= BigInt::DATEBITS; } } if (mantissa != 0) { ASSERT(leftover > 0); return bigintSign ? ComparisonResult::GREAT : ComparisonResult::LESS; } return ComparisonResult::EQUAL; } } // namespace