/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ecmascript/js_object-inl.h" #include "ecmascript/accessor_data.h" #include "ecmascript/ecma_macros.h" #include "ecmascript/ecma_vm.h" #include "ecmascript/filter_helper.h" #include "ecmascript/global_dictionary-inl.h" #include "ecmascript/global_env.h" #include "ecmascript/js_for_in_iterator.h" #include "ecmascript/js_hclass.h" #include "ecmascript/js_iterator.h" #include "ecmascript/js_primitive_ref.h" #include "ecmascript/js_thread.h" #include "ecmascript/object_factory.h" #include "ecmascript/object_fast_operator-inl.h" #include "ecmascript/property_attributes.h" #include "ecmascript/tagged_array-inl.h" namespace panda::ecmascript { PropertyAttributes::PropertyAttributes(const PropertyDescriptor &desc) { DISALLOW_GARBAGE_COLLECTION; if (desc.HasWritable()) { SetWritable(desc.IsWritable()); } if (desc.HasEnumerable()) { SetEnumerable(desc.IsEnumerable()); } if (desc.HasConfigurable()) { SetConfigurable(desc.IsConfigurable()); } if (desc.IsAccessorDescriptor()) { SetIsAccessor(true); } // internal accessor if (desc.HasValue() && desc.GetValue()->IsAccessor()) { SetIsAccessor(true); } } Method *ECMAObject::GetCallTarget() const { const TaggedObject *obj = this; ASSERT(JSTaggedValue(obj).IsJSFunctionBase() || JSTaggedValue(obj).IsJSProxy()); JSTaggedValue value; if (JSTaggedValue(obj).IsJSFunctionBase()) { value = JSFunctionBase::ConstCast(obj)->GetMethod(); } else { value = JSProxy::ConstCast(obj)->GetMethod(); } return Method::Cast(value.GetTaggedObject()); } JSHandle JSObject::GrowElementsCapacity(const JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, uint32_t capacity) { uint32_t newCapacity = ComputeElementCapacity(capacity); ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory(); JSHandle oldElements(thread, obj->GetElements()); uint32_t oldLength = oldElements->GetLength(); JSHandle newElements = factory->CopyArray(oldElements, oldLength, newCapacity); obj->SetElements(thread, newElements); return newElements; } JSHandle JSObject::IterableToList(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &items, JSTaggedValue method) { // 1. If method is present, then // a. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(items, sync, method). // 2. Else, // a. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(items, sync). JSHandle iteratorRecord; JSHandle methodHandle(thread, method); if (!methodHandle->IsUndefined()) { iteratorRecord = JSIterator::GetIterator(thread, items, methodHandle); RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(JSTaggedValue, thread); } else { iteratorRecord = JSIterator::GetIterator(thread, items); RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(JSTaggedValue, thread); } // 3. Let values be a new empty List. // 4. Let next be true. JSHandle array = JSHandle::Cast(JSArray::ArrayCreate(thread, JSTaggedNumber(0))); JSHandle valuesList = JSHandle::Cast(array); JSMutableHandle next(thread, JSTaggedValue::True()); // 5. Repeat, while next is not false, // a. Set next to ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord). // b. If next is not false, then // i. Let nextValue be ? IteratorValue(next). // ii. Append nextValue to the end of the List values. uint32_t k = 0; while (!next->IsFalse()) { next.Update(JSIterator::IteratorStep(thread, iteratorRecord).GetTaggedValue()); RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(JSTaggedValue, thread); if (!next->IsFalse()) { JSHandle nextValue(JSIterator::IteratorValue(thread, next)); RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(JSTaggedValue, thread); JSArray::FastSetPropertyByValue(thread, valuesList, k, nextValue); RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(JSTaggedValue, thread); k++; } } // 6. Return values. return valuesList; } bool JSObject::IsRegExp(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &argument) { if (!argument->IsECMAObject()) { return false; } JSHandle matchSymbol = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetGlobalEnv()->GetMatchSymbol(); JSHandle isRegexp = JSObject::GetProperty(thread, argument, matchSymbol).GetValue(); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); if (!isRegexp->IsUndefined()) { return isRegexp->ToBoolean(); } JSHandle argumentObj = JSHandle::Cast(argument); return argumentObj->IsJSRegExp(); } JSHandle JSObject::TransitionToDictionary(const JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &receiver) { JSHandle array(thread, receiver->GetProperties()); JSHandle jshclass(thread, receiver->GetJSHClass()); ASSERT(!jshclass->IsDictionaryMode()); uint32_t propNumber = jshclass->NumberOfProps(); ASSERT(!jshclass->GetLayout().IsNull()); JSHandle layoutInfoHandle(thread, jshclass->GetLayout()); ASSERT(layoutInfoHandle->GetLength() != 0); JSMutableHandle dict( thread, NameDictionary::Create(thread, NameDictionary::ComputeHashTableSize(propNumber))); JSMutableHandle valueHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); JSMutableHandle keyHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); uint32_t numberInlinedProps = jshclass->GetInlinedProperties(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < propNumber; i++) { JSTaggedValue key = layoutInfoHandle->GetKey(i); PropertyAttributes attr = layoutInfoHandle->GetAttr(i); ASSERT(i == attr.GetOffset()); JSTaggedValue value; if (i < numberInlinedProps) { value = receiver->GetPropertyInlinedProps(i); // If delete a property in hclass which has subtyping info and not prototype, only set value as hole and // not remove. When transition to dictionary, exclude it. if (value.IsHole()) { continue; } } else { value = array->Get(i - numberInlinedProps); } attr.SetBoxType(PropertyBoxType::UNDEFINED); valueHandle.Update(value); keyHandle.Update(key); JSHandle newDict = NameDictionary::PutIfAbsent(thread, dict, keyHandle, valueHandle, attr); dict.Update(newDict); } receiver->SetProperties(thread, dict); // change HClass JSHClass::TransitionToDictionary(thread, receiver); // trim in-obj properties space if (numberInlinedProps > 0) { ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory(); uint32_t newSize = receiver->GetClass()->GetObjectSize(); size_t trimBytes = numberInlinedProps * JSTaggedValue::TaggedTypeSize(); factory->FillFreeObject(ToUintPtr(*receiver) + newSize, trimBytes, RemoveSlots::YES, ToUintPtr(*receiver)); } return dict; } void JSObject::ElementsToDictionary(const JSThread *thread, JSHandle obj) { JSHandle elements(thread, obj->GetElements()); ASSERT(!obj->GetJSHClass()->IsDictionaryElement()); uint32_t length = elements->GetLength(); JSMutableHandle dict(thread, NumberDictionary::Create(thread)); auto attr = PropertyAttributes(PropertyAttributes::GetDefaultAttributes()); JSMutableHandle key(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); JSMutableHandle valueHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue ::Undefined()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { JSTaggedValue value = elements->Get(i); if (value.IsHole()) { continue; } key.Update(JSTaggedValue(i)); valueHandle.Update(value); JSHandle newDict = NumberDictionary::PutIfAbsent(thread, dict, key, valueHandle, attr); dict.Update(newDict); } obj->SetElements(thread, dict); JSHClass::TransitionElementsToDictionary(thread, obj); } bool JSObject::IsArrayLengthWritable(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &receiver) { auto *hclass = receiver->GetJSHClass(); if (!hclass->IsDictionaryMode()) { LayoutInfo *layoutInfo = LayoutInfo::Cast(hclass->GetLayout().GetTaggedObject()); PropertyAttributes attr(layoutInfo->GetAttr(JSArray::LENGTH_INLINE_PROPERTY_INDEX)); return attr.IsWritable(); } JSHandle lengthKey = thread->GlobalConstants()->GetHandledLengthString(); ObjectOperator op(thread, receiver, lengthKey, OperatorType::OWN); return op.GetAttr().IsWritable(); } bool JSObject::AddElementInternal(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &receiver, uint32_t index, const JSHandle &value, PropertyAttributes attr) { bool isDictionary = receiver->GetJSHClass()->IsDictionaryElement(); if (receiver->IsJSArray()) { DISALLOW_GARBAGE_COLLECTION; JSArray *arr = JSArray::Cast(*receiver); uint32_t oldLength = arr->GetArrayLength(); if (index >= oldLength) { if (!IsArrayLengthWritable(thread, receiver)) { return false; } arr->SetArrayLength(thread, index + 1); } } thread->NotifyStableArrayElementsGuardians(receiver); TaggedArray *elements = TaggedArray::Cast(receiver->GetElements().GetTaggedObject()); if (isDictionary) { ASSERT(elements->IsDictionaryMode()); JSHandle keyHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue(static_cast(index))); JSHandle newDict = NumberDictionary::Put(thread, JSHandle(thread, elements), keyHandle, value, attr); receiver->SetElements(thread, newDict); return true; } uint32_t capacity = elements->GetLength(); if (index >= capacity || !attr.IsDefaultAttributes()) { if (ShouldTransToDict(capacity, index) || !attr.IsDefaultAttributes()) { JSObject::ElementsToDictionary(thread, receiver); JSHandle keyHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue(static_cast(index))); JSHandle dict(thread, receiver->GetElements()); JSHandle newKey = NumberDictionary::Put(thread, dict, keyHandle, value, attr); receiver->SetElements(thread, newKey); return true; } elements = *JSObject::GrowElementsCapacity(thread, receiver, index + 1); } elements->Set(thread, index, value); receiver->GetJSHClass()->UpdateRepresentation(value.GetTaggedValue()); return true; } void JSObject::DeletePropertyInternal(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, uint32_t index) { JSHandle array(thread, obj->GetProperties()); if (obj->IsJSGlobalObject()) { JSHandle dictHandle(thread, obj->GetProperties()); JSHandle newDict = GlobalDictionary::Remove(thread, dictHandle, index); obj->SetProperties(thread, newDict); return; } if (!array->IsDictionaryMode()) { JSHClass *hclass = obj->GetJSHClass(); // To maintain TS inherit info, not change hclass, just set hole. if (hclass->HasTSSubtyping() && !hclass->IsPrototype()) { obj->SetPropertyInlinedProps(thread, index, JSTaggedValue::Hole()); return; } JSHandle dictHandle(TransitionToDictionary(thread, obj)); int entry = dictHandle->FindEntry(key.GetTaggedValue()); ASSERT(entry != -1); JSHandle newDict = NameDictionary::Remove(thread, dictHandle, entry); obj->SetProperties(thread, newDict); return; } JSHandle dictHandle(array); JSHandle newDict = NameDictionary::Remove(thread, dictHandle, index); obj->SetProperties(thread, newDict); } void JSObject::GetAllKeys(const JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, int offset, const JSHandle &keyArray) { TaggedArray *array = TaggedArray::Cast(obj->GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); if (!array->IsDictionaryMode()) { int end = static_cast(obj->GetJSHClass()->NumberOfProps()); if (end > 0) { LayoutInfo::Cast(obj->GetJSHClass()->GetLayout().GetTaggedObject()) ->GetAllKeys(thread, end, offset, *keyArray, obj); } return; } if (obj->IsJSGlobalObject()) { GlobalDictionary *dict = GlobalDictionary::Cast(array); return dict->GetAllKeys(thread, offset, *keyArray); } NameDictionary *dict = NameDictionary::Cast(obj->GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); dict->GetAllKeys(thread, offset, *keyArray); } void JSObject::GetAllKeysByFilter(const JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, uint32_t& keyArrayEffectivelength, const JSHandle &keyArray, uint32_t filter) { TaggedArray *array = TaggedArray::Cast(obj->GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); if (!array->IsDictionaryMode()) { uint32_t numberOfProps = obj->GetJSHClass()->NumberOfProps(); if (numberOfProps > 0) { LayoutInfo::Cast(obj->GetJSHClass()->GetLayout().GetTaggedObject()) ->GetAllKeysByFilter(thread, numberOfProps, keyArrayEffectivelength, *keyArray, obj, filter); } return; } if (obj->IsJSGlobalObject()) { GlobalDictionary *dict = GlobalDictionary::Cast(array); return dict->GetAllKeysByFilter(thread, keyArrayEffectivelength, *keyArray, filter); } NameDictionary *dict = NameDictionary::Cast(obj->GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); dict->GetAllKeysByFilter(thread, keyArrayEffectivelength, *keyArray, filter); } // For Serialization use. Does not support JSGlobalObject void JSObject::GetAllKeys(const JSHandle &obj, std::vector &keyVector) { DISALLOW_GARBAGE_COLLECTION; ASSERT_PRINT(!obj->IsJSGlobalObject(), "Do not support get key of JSGlobal Object"); TaggedArray *array = TaggedArray::Cast(obj->GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); if (!array->IsDictionaryMode()) { int end = static_cast(obj->GetJSHClass()->NumberOfProps()); if (end > 0) { LayoutInfo::Cast(obj->GetJSHClass()->GetLayout().GetTaggedObject())->GetAllKeys(end, keyVector, obj); } } else { NameDictionary *dict = NameDictionary::Cast(obj->GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); dict->GetAllKeysIntoVector(keyVector); } } JSHandle JSObject::GetAllEnumKeys(const JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, int offset, uint32_t numOfKeys, uint32_t *keys) { ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory(); if (obj->IsJSGlobalObject()) { JSHandle keyArray = factory->NewTaggedArray(numOfKeys); GlobalDictionary *dict = GlobalDictionary::Cast(obj->GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); dict->GetEnumAllKeys(thread, offset, *keyArray, keys); return keyArray; } TaggedArray *array = TaggedArray::Cast(obj->GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); if (!array->IsDictionaryMode()) { JSHClass *jsHclass = obj->GetJSHClass(); JSTaggedValue enumCache = jsHclass->GetEnumCache(); if (!enumCache.IsNull()) { auto keyArray = JSHandle(thread, enumCache); *keys = keyArray->GetLength(); return keyArray; } JSHandle keyArray = factory->NewTaggedArray(numOfKeys); int end = static_cast(jsHclass->NumberOfProps()); if (end > 0) { LayoutInfo::Cast(jsHclass->GetLayout().GetTaggedObject()) ->GetAllEnumKeys(thread, end, offset, *keyArray, keys, obj); if (*keys == keyArray->GetLength()) { jsHclass->SetEnumCache(thread, keyArray.GetTaggedValue()); } } return keyArray; } JSHandle keyArray = factory->NewTaggedArray(numOfKeys); NameDictionary *dict = NameDictionary::Cast(obj->GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); dict->GetAllEnumKeys(thread, offset, *keyArray, keys); return keyArray; } void JSObject::GetAllEnumKeys(const JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, int offset, const JSHandle &keyArray) { TaggedArray *array = TaggedArray::Cast(obj->GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); uint32_t keys = 0; if (!array->IsDictionaryMode()) { JSHClass *jsHclass = obj->GetJSHClass(); int end = static_cast(jsHclass->NumberOfProps()); if (end > 0) { LayoutInfo::Cast(jsHclass->GetLayout().GetTaggedObject()) ->GetAllEnumKeys(thread, end, offset, *keyArray, &keys, obj); } return; } if (obj->IsJSGlobalObject()) { GlobalDictionary *dict = GlobalDictionary::Cast(obj->GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); dict->GetEnumAllKeys(thread, offset, *keyArray, &keys); return; } NameDictionary *dict = NameDictionary::Cast(obj->GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); dict->GetAllEnumKeys(thread, offset, *keyArray, &keys); } void JSObject::GetAllElementKeys(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, int offset, const JSHandle &keyArray) { uint32_t elementIndex = 0; if (obj->IsJSPrimitiveRef() && JSPrimitiveRef::Cast(*obj)->IsString()) { elementIndex = JSPrimitiveRef::Cast(*obj)->GetStringLength() + static_cast(offset); for (uint32_t i = static_cast(offset); i < elementIndex; ++i) { auto key = base::NumberHelper::NumberToString(thread, JSTaggedValue(i)); keyArray->Set(thread, i, key); } } JSHandle elements(thread, obj->GetElements()); if (!elements->IsDictionaryMode()) { uint32_t elementsLen = elements->GetLength(); for (uint32_t i = 0, j = elementIndex; i < elementsLen; ++i) { if (!elements->Get(i).IsHole()) { auto key = base::NumberHelper::NumberToString(thread, JSTaggedValue(i)); keyArray->Set(thread, j++, key); } } } else { NumberDictionary::GetAllKeys(thread, JSHandle(elements), elementIndex, keyArray); } } void JSObject::GetAllElementKeysByFilter(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &keyArray, uint32_t &keyArrayEffectivelength, uint32_t filter) { ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "obj is not object"); uint32_t elementIndex = 0; // For strings attributes, only enumerable is true if ((filter & NATIVE_ENUMERABLE) && obj->IsJSPrimitiveRef() && JSPrimitiveRef::Cast(*obj)->IsString()) { elementIndex = JSPrimitiveRef::Cast(*obj)->GetStringLength(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < elementIndex; ++i) { keyArray->Set(thread, keyArrayEffectivelength, JSTaggedValue(i)); keyArrayEffectivelength++; } } JSHandle elements(thread, obj->GetElements()); JSHandle objValue(obj); if (!elements->IsDictionaryMode()) { uint32_t elementsLen = elements->GetLength(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < elementsLen; ++i) { if (!elements->Get(i).IsHole()) { ObjectOperator op(thread, objValue, i, OperatorType::OWN); bool bIgnore = FilterHelper::IgnoreKeyByFilter(op, filter); if (bIgnore) { continue; } keyArray->Set(thread, keyArrayEffectivelength, JSTaggedValue(i)); keyArrayEffectivelength++; } } } else { NumberDictionary::GetAllKeysByFilter(thread, JSHandle(elements), keyArrayEffectivelength, keyArray, filter); } } void JSObject::GetALLElementKeysIntoVector(const JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, std::vector &keyVector) { JSHandle elements(thread, obj->GetElements()); if (!elements->IsDictionaryMode()) { uint32_t elementsLen = elements->GetLength(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < elementsLen; ++i) { if (!elements->Get(i).IsHole()) { keyVector.emplace_back(JSTaggedValue(i)); } } } else { JSHandle dict = JSHandle::Cast(elements); dict->GetAllKeysIntoVector(keyVector); } } JSHandle JSObject::GetEnumElementKeys(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, int offset, uint32_t numOfElements, uint32_t *keys) { ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory(); JSHandle elementArray = factory->NewTaggedArray(numOfElements); uint32_t elementIndex = 0; JSMutableHandle keyHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); if (obj->IsJSPrimitiveRef() && JSPrimitiveRef::Cast(*obj)->IsString()) { elementIndex = JSPrimitiveRef::Cast(*obj)->GetStringLength(); *keys += elementIndex; elementIndex += static_cast(offset); for (uint32_t i = static_cast(offset); i < elementIndex; ++i) { keyHandle.Update(JSTaggedValue(i)); auto key = JSTaggedValue::ToString(thread, keyHandle); elementArray->Set(thread, i, key); } } JSHandle arr(thread, obj->GetElements()); if (!arr->IsDictionaryMode()) { uint32_t elementsLen = arr->GetLength(); uint32_t preElementIndex = elementIndex; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < elementsLen; ++i) { if (!arr->Get(i).IsHole()) { keyHandle.Update(factory->NewFromASCII(ToCString(i)).GetTaggedValue()); elementArray->Set(thread, elementIndex++, keyHandle); } } *keys += (elementIndex - preElementIndex); } else { NumberDictionary::GetAllEnumKeys(thread, JSHandle(arr), elementIndex, elementArray, keys); } return elementArray; } void JSObject::GetEnumElementKeys(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, int offset, const JSHandle &keyArray) { uint32_t elementIndex = 0; if (obj->IsJSPrimitiveRef() && JSPrimitiveRef::Cast(*obj)->IsString()) { elementIndex = JSPrimitiveRef::Cast(*obj)->GetStringLength() + static_cast(offset); for (uint32_t i = static_cast(offset); i < elementIndex; ++i) { auto key = base::NumberHelper::NumberToString(thread, JSTaggedValue(i)); keyArray->Set(thread, i, key); } } JSHandle elements(thread, obj->GetElements()); if (!elements->IsDictionaryMode()) { uint32_t elementsLen = elements->GetLength(); for (uint32_t i = 0, j = elementIndex; i < elementsLen; ++i) { if (!elements->Get(i).IsHole()) { auto key = base::NumberHelper::NumberToString(thread, JSTaggedValue(i)); keyArray->Set(thread, j++, key); } } } else { uint32_t keys = 0; NumberDictionary::GetAllEnumKeys(thread, JSHandle(elements), elementIndex, keyArray, &keys); } } uint32_t JSObject::GetNumberOfKeys() { DISALLOW_GARBAGE_COLLECTION; TaggedArray *array = TaggedArray::Cast(GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); if (!array->IsDictionaryMode()) { return GetJSHClass()->NumberOfProps(); } return NameDictionary::Cast(array)->EntriesCount(); } bool JSObject::GlobalSetProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &value, bool mayThrow) { ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); ObjectOperator op(thread, key); if (!op.IsFound()) { PropertyAttributes attr = PropertyAttributes::Default(true, true, false); op.SetAttr(attr); } return SetProperty(&op, value, mayThrow); } uint32_t JSObject::GetNumberOfElements() { DISALLOW_GARBAGE_COLLECTION; uint32_t numOfElements = 0; if (IsJSPrimitiveRef() && JSPrimitiveRef::Cast(this)->IsString()) { numOfElements = JSPrimitiveRef::Cast(this)->GetStringLength(); } TaggedArray *elements = TaggedArray::Cast(GetElements().GetTaggedObject()); if (!elements->IsDictionaryMode()) { uint32_t elementsLen = elements->GetLength(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < elementsLen; ++i) { if (!elements->Get(i).IsHole()) { numOfElements++; } } } else { numOfElements += static_cast(NumberDictionary::Cast(elements)->EntriesCount()); } return numOfElements; } // 9.1.9 [[Set]] ( P, V, Receiver) bool JSObject::SetProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &value, const JSHandle &receiver, bool mayThrow) { ASSERT_PRINT(!(obj->IsUndefined() || obj->IsNull() || obj->IsHole()), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); // 2 ~ 4 findProperty in Receiver, Obj and its parents ObjectOperator op(thread, obj, receiver, key); return SetProperty(&op, value, mayThrow); } bool JSObject::SetProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &value, bool mayThrow) { ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "Obj is not a valid JSObject"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); ObjectOperator op(thread, obj, key); return SetProperty(&op, value, mayThrow); } bool JSObject::SetProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &value, bool mayThrow) { ASSERT_PRINT(!(obj->IsUndefined() || obj->IsNull() || obj->IsHole()), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); // 2 ~ 4 findProperty in Receiver, Obj and its parents ObjectOperator op(thread, obj, key); return SetProperty(&op, value, mayThrow); } bool JSObject::SetProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, uint32_t index, const JSHandle &value, bool mayThrow) { ASSERT_PRINT(!(obj->IsUndefined() || obj->IsNull() || obj->IsHole()), "Obj is not a valid object"); ObjectOperator op(thread, obj, index); return SetProperty(&op, value, mayThrow); } bool JSObject::SetProperty(ObjectOperator *op, const JSHandle &value, bool mayThrow) { JSThread *thread = op->GetThread(); JSHandle receiver = op->GetReceiver(); JSHandle holder = op->GetHolder(); if (holder->IsJSProxy()) { if (op->IsElement()) { JSHandle key(thread, JSTaggedValue(op->GetElementIndex())); return JSProxy::SetProperty(thread, JSHandle::Cast(holder), key, value, receiver, mayThrow); } return JSProxy::SetProperty(thread, JSHandle::Cast(holder), op->GetKey(), value, receiver, mayThrow); } // When op is not found and is not set extra attributes if (!op->IsFound() && op->IsPrimitiveAttr()) { op->SetAsDefaultAttr(); } bool isInternalAccessor = false; if (op->IsAccessorDescriptor()) { JSTaggedValue ret = ShouldGetValueFromBox(op); isInternalAccessor = AccessorData::Cast(ret.GetTaggedObject())->IsInternal(); } // 5. If IsDataDescriptor(ownDesc) is true, then if (!op->IsAccessorDescriptor() || isInternalAccessor) { if (!op->IsWritable()) { if (mayThrow) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Cannot assign to read only property", false); } return false; } if (!receiver->IsECMAObject()) { if (mayThrow) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Receiver is not a JSObject", false); } return false; } if (receiver->IsJSProxy()) { JSMutableHandle key(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); if (op->IsElement()) { key.Update(JSTaggedValue(op->GetElementIndex())); } else { key.Update(op->GetKey().GetTaggedValue()); } PropertyDescriptor existDesc(thread); JSProxy::GetOwnProperty(thread, JSHandle::Cast(receiver), key, existDesc); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); if (!existDesc.IsEmpty()) { if (existDesc.IsAccessorDescriptor()) { return false; } if (!existDesc.IsWritable()) { return false; } PropertyDescriptor valueDesc(thread, value); return JSProxy::DefineOwnProperty(thread, JSHandle::Cast(receiver), key, valueDesc); } return CreateDataProperty(thread, JSHandle(receiver), key, value); } // 5e. If existingDescriptor is not undefined, then bool hasReceiver = false; if (op->HasReceiver()) { op->ReLookupPropertyInReceiver(); hasReceiver = true; } bool isSuccess = true; if (op->IsFound() && !op->IsOnPrototype()) { // i. If IsAccessorDescriptor(existingDescriptor) is true, return false. if (op->IsAccessorDescriptor() && !isInternalAccessor) { return false; } // ii. If existingDescriptor.[[Writable]] is false, return false. if (!op->IsWritable()) { if (mayThrow) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Cannot assign to read only property", false); } return false; } isSuccess = op->UpdateDataValue(JSHandle(receiver), value, isInternalAccessor, mayThrow); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, isSuccess); } else { // 5f. Else if Receiver does not currently have a property P, Return CreateDataProperty(Receiver, P, V). if (!receiver->IsExtensible(thread)) { if (mayThrow) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "receiver is not Extensible", false); } return false; } if (hasReceiver || isInternalAccessor) { return op->AddProperty(JSHandle(receiver), value, PropertyAttributes::Default()); } else { return op->AddProperty(JSHandle(receiver), value, op->GetAttr()); } } return isSuccess; } // 6. Assert: IsAccessorDescriptor(ownDesc) is true. ASSERT(op->IsAccessorDescriptor()); // 8. If setter is undefined, return false. JSTaggedValue ret = ShouldGetValueFromBox(op); AccessorData *accessor = AccessorData::Cast(ret.GetTaggedObject()); return CallSetter(thread, *accessor, receiver, value, mayThrow); } bool JSObject::CallSetter(JSThread *thread, const AccessorData &accessor, const JSHandle &receiver, const JSHandle &value, bool mayThrow) { if (UNLIKELY(accessor.IsInternal())) { return accessor.CallInternalSet(thread, JSHandle::Cast(receiver), value, mayThrow); } JSTaggedValue setter = accessor.GetSetter(); // 8. If setter is undefined, return false. if (setter.IsUndefined()) { if (mayThrow) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Cannot set property when setter is undefined", false); } return false; } JSHandle func(thread, setter); JSHandle undefined = thread->GlobalConstants()->GetHandledUndefined(); EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *info = EcmaInterpreter::NewRuntimeCallInfo(thread, func, receiver, undefined, 1); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); info->SetCallArg(value.GetTaggedValue()); JSFunction::Call(info); // 10. ReturnIfAbrupt(setterResult). RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); return true; } JSTaggedValue JSObject::CallGetter(JSThread *thread, const AccessorData *accessor, const JSHandle &receiver) { JSTaggedValue getter = accessor->GetGetter(); // 7. If getter is undefined, return undefined. if (getter.IsUndefined()) { return JSTaggedValue::Undefined(); } JSHandle func(thread, getter); JSHandle undefined = thread->GlobalConstants()->GetHandledUndefined(); EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *info = EcmaInterpreter::NewRuntimeCallInfo(thread, func, receiver, undefined, 0); JSTaggedValue res = JSFunction::Call(info); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); return res; } // 9.1.8 [[Get]] (P, Receiver) OperationResult JSObject::GetProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &receiver) { ASSERT_PRINT(!(obj->IsUndefined() || obj->IsNull() || obj->IsHole()), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); ObjectOperator op(thread, obj, receiver, key); return OperationResult(thread, GetProperty(thread, &op), PropertyMetaData(op.IsFound())); } OperationResult JSObject::GetProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key) { ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "Obj is not a valid JSObject"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); ObjectOperator op(thread, obj, key); return OperationResult(thread, GetProperty(thread, &op), PropertyMetaData(op.IsFound())); } OperationResult JSObject::GetProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key) { ASSERT_PRINT(!(obj->IsUndefined() || obj->IsNull() || obj->IsHole()), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); ObjectOperator op(thread, obj, key); return OperationResult(thread, GetProperty(thread, &op), PropertyMetaData(op.IsFound())); } OperationResult JSObject::GetProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, uint32_t index) { ASSERT_PRINT(!(obj->IsUndefined() || obj->IsNull() || obj->IsHole()), "Obj is not a valid object"); ObjectOperator op(thread, obj, index); return OperationResult(thread, GetProperty(thread, &op), PropertyMetaData(op.IsFound())); } OperationResult JSObject::GetPropertyFromGlobal(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &key) { ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); ObjectOperator op(thread, key); return OperationResult(thread, GetProperty(thread, &op), PropertyMetaData(op.IsFound())); } JSTaggedValue JSObject::GetProperty(JSThread *thread, ObjectOperator *op) { JSHandle receiver = op->GetReceiver(); JSHandle holder = op->GetHolder(); if (holder->IsJSProxy()) { if (op->IsElement()) { return JSProxy::GetProperty(thread, JSHandle::Cast(holder), op->GetKey(), receiver) .GetValue() .GetTaggedValue(); } return JSProxy::GetProperty(thread, JSHandle::Cast(holder), op->GetKey(), receiver) .GetValue() .GetTaggedValue(); } // 4. If desc is undefined, then if (!op->IsFound()) { // 4c. If obj and parent is null, return undefined. return JSTaggedValue::Undefined(); } // 5. If IsDataDescriptor(desc) is true, return desc.[[Value]] JSTaggedValue ret = ShouldGetValueFromBox(op); if (!op->IsAccessorDescriptor()) { return ret; } // 6. Otherwise, IsAccessorDescriptor(desc) must be true so, let getter be desc.[[Get]]. AccessorData *accessor = AccessorData::Cast(ret.GetTaggedObject()); // 8. Return Call(getter, Receiver). if (UNLIKELY(accessor->IsInternal())) { return accessor->CallInternalGet(thread, JSHandle::Cast(holder)); } return CallGetter(thread, accessor, receiver); } bool JSObject::DeleteProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key) { // 1. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true. ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); // 2. Let desc be O.[[GetOwnProperty]](P). ObjectOperator op(thread, JSHandle(obj), key, OperatorType::OWN); // 4. If desc is undefined, return true. if (!op.IsFound()) { return true; } // 5. If desc.[[Configurable]] is true, then // a. Remove the own property with name P from O. // b. Return true. // 6. Return false. if (op.IsConfigurable()) { op.DeletePropertyInHolder(); obj->GetClass()->SetHasDeleteProperty(true); return true; } return false; } bool JSObject::GetOwnProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, PropertyDescriptor &desc) { return OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(thread, obj, key, desc); } bool JSObject::GlobalGetOwnProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &key, PropertyDescriptor &desc) { ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); ObjectOperator op(thread, key, OperatorType::OWN); if (!op.IsFound()) { return false; } op.ToPropertyDescriptor(desc); if (desc.HasValue()) { PropertyBox *cell = PropertyBox::Cast(desc.GetValue().GetTaggedValue().GetTaggedObject()); JSHandle valueHandle(thread, cell->GetValue()); desc.SetValue(valueHandle); } ASSERT(!desc.GetValue()->IsInternalAccessor()); return true; } bool JSObject::OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, PropertyDescriptor &desc) { ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); ObjectOperator op(thread, JSHandle(obj), key, OperatorType::OWN); if (!op.IsFound()) { return false; } op.ToPropertyDescriptor(desc); if (desc.HasValue() && obj->IsJSGlobalObject()) { PropertyBox *cell = PropertyBox::Cast(desc.GetValue().GetTaggedValue().GetTaggedObject()); JSHandle valueHandle(thread, cell->GetValue()); desc.SetValue(valueHandle); } return true; } bool JSObject::DefineOwnProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const PropertyDescriptor &desc) { return OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(thread, obj, key, desc); } bool JSObject::DefineOwnProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, uint32_t index, const PropertyDescriptor &desc) { return OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(thread, obj, index, desc); } // OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty (O, P, Desc) bool JSObject::OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const PropertyDescriptor &desc) { ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); // 1. Let current be O.[[GetOwnProperty]](P). JSHandle objValue(obj); ObjectOperator op(thread, objValue, key, OperatorType::OWN); bool extensible = obj->IsExtensible(); PropertyDescriptor current(thread); op.ToPropertyDescriptor(current); // 4. Return ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(O, P, extensible, Desc, current). return ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(&op, extensible, desc, current); } bool JSObject::OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, uint32_t index, const PropertyDescriptor &desc) { JSHandle objValue(obj); ObjectOperator op(thread, objValue, index, OperatorType::OWN); bool extensible = obj->IsExtensible(); PropertyDescriptor current(thread); op.ToPropertyDescriptor(current); return ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(&op, extensible, desc, current); } // ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor (O, P, extensible, Desc, current) bool JSObject::ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(ObjectOperator *op, bool extensible, const PropertyDescriptor &desc, const PropertyDescriptor ¤t) { // 2. If current is undefined, then if (current.IsEmpty()) { // 2a. If extensible is false, return false. if (!extensible) { return false; } if (!op->HasHolder()) { return true; } // 2c. If IsGenericDescriptor(Desc) or IsDataDescriptor(Desc) is true, then PropertyAttributes attr(desc); bool success = false; if (!desc.IsAccessorDescriptor()) { success = op->AddPropertyInHolder(desc.GetValue(), attr); } else { // is AccessorDescriptor // may GC in NewAccessorData, so we need to handle getter and setter. JSThread *thread = op->GetThread(); JSHandle accessor = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory()->NewAccessorData(); if (desc.HasGetter()) { accessor->SetGetter(thread, desc.GetGetter()); } if (desc.HasSetter()) { accessor->SetSetter(thread, desc.GetSetter()); } success = op->AddPropertyInHolder(JSHandle::Cast(accessor), attr); } return success; } // 3. Return true, if every field in Desc is absent // 4. Return true, if every field in Desc also occurs in current and the value of every field in Desc is the // same value as the corresponding field in current when compared using the SameValue algorithm. if ((!desc.HasEnumerable() || desc.IsEnumerable() == current.IsEnumerable()) && (!desc.HasConfigurable() || desc.IsConfigurable() == current.IsConfigurable()) && (!desc.HasValue() || JSTaggedValue::SameValue(current.GetValue(), desc.GetValue())) && (!desc.HasWritable() || (current.IsWritable() == desc.IsWritable())) && (!desc.HasGetter() || (current.HasGetter() && JSTaggedValue::SameValue(current.GetGetter(), desc.GetGetter()))) && (!desc.HasSetter() || (current.HasSetter() && JSTaggedValue::SameValue(current.GetSetter(), desc.GetSetter())))) { return true; } // 5. If the [[Configurable]] field of current is false, then if (!current.IsConfigurable()) { // 5a. Return false, if the [[Configurable]] field of Desc is true. if (desc.HasConfigurable() && desc.IsConfigurable()) { return false; } // b. Return false, if the [[Enumerable]] field of Desc is present and the [[Enumerable]] fields of current // and Desc are the Boolean negation of each other. if (desc.HasEnumerable() && (desc.IsEnumerable() != current.IsEnumerable())) { return false; } } // 6. If IsGenericDescriptor(Desc) is true, no further validation is required. if (desc.IsGenericDescriptor()) { // 7. Else if IsDataDescriptor(current) and IsDataDescriptor(Desc) have different results, then } else if (current.IsDataDescriptor() != desc.IsDataDescriptor()) { // 7a. Return false, if the [[Configurable]] field of current is false. if (!current.IsConfigurable()) { return false; } // 7b. If IsDataDescriptor(current) is true, then if (current.IsDataDescriptor()) { // 7bi. If O is not undefined, convert the property named P of object O from a data property to an // accessor property. Preserve the existing values of the converted property’s [[Configurable]] and // [[Enumerable]] attributes and set the rest of the property’s attributes to their default values. } else { // 7ci. If O is not undefined, convert the property named P of object O from an accessor property to a // data property. Preserve the existing values of the converted property’s [[Configurable]] and // [[Enumerable]] attributes and set the rest of the property’s attributes to their default values. } // 8. Else if IsDataDescriptor(current) and IsDataDescriptor(Desc) are both true, then } else if (current.IsDataDescriptor() && desc.IsDataDescriptor()) { // 8a. If the [[Configurable]] field of current is false, then if (!current.IsConfigurable()) { // 8a i. Return false, if the [[Writable]] field of current is false and the [[Writable]] field of Desc // is true. if (!current.IsWritable() && desc.HasWritable() && desc.IsWritable()) { return false; } // 8a ii. If the [[Writable]] field of current is false, then if (!current.IsWritable()) { if (desc.HasValue() && !JSTaggedValue::SameValue(current.GetValue(), desc.GetValue())) { return false; } } } // 8b. Else the [[Configurable]] field of current is true, so any change is acceptable. } else { // 9. Else IsAccessorDescriptor(current) and IsAccessorDescriptor(Desc) are both true, // 9a. If the [[Configurable]] field of current is false, then if (!current.IsConfigurable()) { // i. Return false, if the [[Set]] field of Desc is present and SameValue(Desc.[[Set]], current.[[Set]]) // is false. if (desc.HasSetter() && !JSTaggedValue::SameValue(current.GetSetter(), desc.GetSetter())) { return false; } // ii. Return false, if the [[Get]] field of Desc is present and SameValue(Desc.[[Get]], // current.[[Get]]) is false. if (desc.HasGetter() && !JSTaggedValue::SameValue(current.GetGetter(), desc.GetGetter())) { return false; } } } if (op->HasHolder()) { // 10. If O is not undefined, then // a. For each field of Desc that is present, set the corresponding attribute of the property named P of object // O to the value of the field. return op->WriteDataPropertyInHolder(desc); } return true; } // IsCompatiblePropertyDescriptor (Extensible, Desc, Current) bool JSObject::IsCompatiblePropertyDescriptor(bool extensible, const PropertyDescriptor &desc, const PropertyDescriptor ¤t) { // 1. Return ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(undefined, undefined, Extensible, Desc, Current). ObjectOperator op; return ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(&op, extensible, desc, current); } JSTaggedValue JSObject::GetPrototype(const JSHandle &obj) { JSHClass *hclass = obj->GetJSHClass(); return hclass->GetPrototype(); } bool JSObject::SetPrototype(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &proto) { ASSERT_PRINT(proto->IsECMAObject() || proto->IsNull(), "proto must be object or null"); JSTaggedValue current = JSObject::GetPrototype(obj); if (current == proto.GetTaggedValue()) { return true; } if (!obj->IsExtensible()) { return false; } bool done = false; JSMutableHandle tempProtoHandle(thread, proto.GetTaggedValue()); while (!done) { if (tempProtoHandle->IsNull() || !tempProtoHandle->IsECMAObject()) { done = true; } else if (JSTaggedValue::SameValue(tempProtoHandle.GetTaggedValue(), obj.GetTaggedValue())) { return false; } else { if (tempProtoHandle->IsJSProxy()) { break; } tempProtoHandle.Update(JSTaggedValue::GetPrototype(thread, JSHandle(tempProtoHandle))); } } // map transition JSHandle hclass(thread, obj->GetJSHClass()); JSHandle newClass = JSHClass::TransitionProto(thread, hclass, proto); JSHClass::NotifyHclassChanged(thread, hclass, newClass); obj->SetClass(newClass); thread->NotifyStableArrayElementsGuardians(obj); return true; } JSTaggedValue JSObject::GetCtorFromPrototype(JSThread *thread, JSTaggedValue prototype) { if (!prototype.IsJSObject()) { return JSTaggedValue::Undefined(); } JSHandle object(thread, prototype); JSHandle ctorKey = thread->GlobalConstants()->GetHandledConstructorString(); JSHandle ctorObj(JSObject::GetProperty(thread, object, ctorKey).GetValue()); if (thread->HasPendingException()) { thread->ClearException(); return JSTaggedValue::Undefined(); } return ctorObj.GetTaggedValue(); } bool JSObject::HasProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key) { ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); JSHandle objValue(obj); ObjectOperator op(thread, objValue, key); JSHandle holder = op.GetHolder(); if (holder->IsJSProxy()) { return JSProxy::HasProperty(thread, JSHandle::Cast(holder), key); } return op.IsFound(); } bool JSObject::HasProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, uint32_t index) { JSHandle objValue(obj); ObjectOperator op(thread, objValue, index); JSHandle holder = op.GetHolder(); if (holder->IsJSProxy()) { JSHandle key(thread, JSTaggedValue(index)); return JSProxy::HasProperty(thread, JSHandle::Cast(holder), key); } return op.IsFound(); } bool JSObject::PreventExtensions(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj) { if (obj->IsExtensible()) { JSHandle jshclass(thread, obj->GetJSHClass()); JSHandle newHclass = JSHClass::TransitionExtension(thread, jshclass); obj->SetClass(newHclass); } return true; } // 9.1.12 [[OwnPropertyKeys]] ( ) JSHandle JSObject::GetOwnPropertyKeys(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj) { uint32_t numOfElements = obj->GetNumberOfElements(); uint32_t keyLen = numOfElements + obj->GetNumberOfKeys(); JSHandle keyArray = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory()->NewTaggedArray(keyLen); if (numOfElements > 0) { GetAllElementKeys(thread, obj, 0, keyArray); } GetAllKeys(thread, obj, static_cast(numOfElements), keyArray); return keyArray; } JSHandle JSObject::GetAllPropertyKeys(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, uint32_t filter) { bool isInculdePrototypes = (filter & NATIVE_KEY_INCLUDE_PROTOTYPES); JSMutableHandle currentObj(thread, obj); JSMutableHandle currentObjValue(thread, currentObj); uint32_t curObjNumberOfElements = currentObj->GetNumberOfElements(); uint32_t curObjNumberOfKeys = currentObj->GetNumberOfKeys(); uint32_t curObjectKeysLength = curObjNumberOfElements + curObjNumberOfKeys; uint32_t retArraylength = curObjectKeysLength; ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory(); JSMutableHandle retArray(thread, factory->NewTaggedArray(retArraylength)); uint32_t retArrayEffectivelength = 0; do { curObjNumberOfElements = currentObj->GetNumberOfElements(); curObjNumberOfKeys = currentObj->GetNumberOfKeys(); curObjectKeysLength = curObjNumberOfElements + curObjNumberOfKeys; uint32_t minRequireLength = curObjectKeysLength + retArrayEffectivelength; if (retArraylength < minRequireLength) { // expand retArray retArray.Update(factory->NewAndCopyTaggedArray(retArray, minRequireLength, retArraylength)); retArraylength = minRequireLength; } GetAllElementKeysByFilter(thread, currentObj, retArray, retArrayEffectivelength, filter); GetAllKeysByFilter(thread, currentObj, retArrayEffectivelength, retArray, filter); if (!isInculdePrototypes) { break; } currentObj.Update(GetPrototype(currentObj)); currentObjValue.Update(currentObj); } while (currentObjValue->IsHeapObject()); JSMutableHandle element(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); if (filter & NATIVE_KEY_NUMBERS_TO_STRINGS) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < retArrayEffectivelength; i++) { element.Update(retArray->Get(i)); if (element->IsNumber()) { retArray->Set(thread, i, base::NumberHelper::NumberToString(thread, JSTaggedValue(element->GetNumber()))); } } } uint32_t elementIndex = 0; while ((filter & NATIVE_KEY_SKIP_STRINGS) && (retArrayEffectivelength > 0) && (elementIndex < retArrayEffectivelength)) { if (retArray->Get(elementIndex).IsString()) { TaggedArray::RemoveElementByIndex(thread, retArray, elementIndex, retArrayEffectivelength); retArrayEffectivelength--; } else { elementIndex++; } } retArray->Trim(thread, retArrayEffectivelength); return retArray; } JSHandle JSObject::GetOwnEnumPropertyKeys(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj) { uint32_t numOfElements = obj->GetNumberOfElements(); uint32_t keyLen = numOfElements + obj->GetNumberOfKeys(); JSHandle keyArray = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory()->NewTaggedArray(keyLen); if (numOfElements > 0) { GetEnumElementKeys(thread, obj, 0, keyArray); } GetAllEnumKeys(thread, obj, static_cast(numOfElements), keyArray); return keyArray; } JSHandle JSObject::ObjectCreate(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &proto) { JSHandle env = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetGlobalEnv(); JSHandle constructor(env->GetObjectFunction()); JSHandle objHandle = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory()->NewJSObjectByConstructor(constructor); SetPrototype(thread, objHandle, JSHandle(proto)); return objHandle; } // 7.3.4 CreateDataProperty (O, P, V) bool JSObject::CreateDataProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &value) { ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); auto result = ObjectFastOperator::SetPropertyByValue(thread, obj.GetTaggedValue(), key.GetTaggedValue(), value.GetTaggedValue()); if (!result.IsHole()) { return !result.IsException(); } PropertyDescriptor desc(thread, value, true, true, true); return JSTaggedValue::DefineOwnProperty(thread, JSHandle::Cast(obj), key, desc); } bool JSObject::CreateDataProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, uint32_t index, const JSHandle &value) { ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "Obj is not a valid object"); auto result = ObjectFastOperator::SetPropertyByIndex(thread, obj.GetTaggedValue(), index, value.GetTaggedValue()); if (!result.IsHole()) { return !result.IsException(); } PropertyDescriptor desc(thread, value, true, true, true); return DefineOwnProperty(thread, obj, index, desc); } // 7.3.5 CreateMethodProperty (O, P, V) bool JSObject::CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &value) { ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); bool success = CreateDataProperty(thread, obj, key, value); if (!success) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "failed to create data property", success); } return success; } bool JSObject::CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, uint32_t index, const JSHandle &value) { ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "Obj is not a valid object"); bool success = CreateDataProperty(thread, obj, index, value); if (!success) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "failed to create data property", success); } return success; } // 7.3.6 CreateDataPropertyOrThrow (O, P, V) bool JSObject::CreateMethodProperty(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &value) { ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); PropertyDescriptor desc(thread, value, true, false, true); return DefineOwnProperty(thread, obj, key, desc); } // 7.3.9 GetMethod (O, P) JSHandle JSObject::GetMethod(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key) { JSHandle func = JSTaggedValue::GetProperty(thread, obj, key).GetValue(); RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(JSTaggedValue, thread); if (func->IsUndefined() || func->IsNull()) { return JSHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); } if (!func->IsCallable()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "obj is not Callable", func); } return func; } // 7.3.14 SetIntegrityLevel (O, level) bool JSObject::SetIntegrityLevel(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, IntegrityLevel level) { ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT((level == IntegrityLevel::SEALED || level == IntegrityLevel::FROZEN), "level is not a valid IntegrityLevel"); bool status = PreventExtensions(thread, obj); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); if (!status) { return false; } JSHandle jshandleKeys = GetOwnPropertyKeys(thread, obj); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); PropertyDescriptor descNoConf(thread); descNoConf.SetConfigurable(false); PropertyDescriptor descNoConfWrite(thread); descNoConfWrite.SetWritable(false); descNoConfWrite.SetConfigurable(false); if (level == IntegrityLevel::SEALED) { uint32_t length = jshandleKeys->GetLength(); if (length == 0) { return true; } auto key = jshandleKeys->Get(0); JSMutableHandle handleKey(thread, key); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { auto taggedKey = JSTaggedValue(jshandleKeys->Get(i)); handleKey.Update(taggedKey); [[maybe_unused]] bool success = JSTaggedValue::DefinePropertyOrThrow(thread, JSHandle(obj), handleKey, descNoConf); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); } } else { uint32_t length = jshandleKeys->GetLength(); if (length == 0) { return true; } auto key = jshandleKeys->Get(0); JSMutableHandle handleKey(thread, key); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { auto taggedKey = JSTaggedValue(jshandleKeys->Get(i)); handleKey.Update(taggedKey); PropertyDescriptor currentDesc(thread); bool curDescStatus = GetOwnProperty(thread, obj, handleKey, currentDesc); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); if (curDescStatus) { PropertyDescriptor desc = currentDesc.IsAccessorDescriptor() ? descNoConf : descNoConfWrite; [[maybe_unused]] bool success = JSTaggedValue::DefinePropertyOrThrow(thread, JSHandle(obj), handleKey, desc); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); } } } return true; } // 7.3.15 TestIntegrityLevel (O, level) bool JSObject::TestIntegrityLevel(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, IntegrityLevel level) { ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT((level == IntegrityLevel::SEALED || level == IntegrityLevel::FROZEN), "level is not a valid IntegrityLevel"); bool status = obj->IsExtensible(); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); if (status) { return false; } JSHandle jshandleKeys = GetOwnPropertyKeys(thread, obj); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); uint32_t length = jshandleKeys->GetLength(); if (length == 0) { return true; } auto key = jshandleKeys->Get(0); JSMutableHandle handleKey(thread, key); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { auto taggedKey = JSTaggedValue(jshandleKeys->Get(i)); handleKey.Update(taggedKey); PropertyDescriptor currentDesc(thread); bool curDescStatus = GetOwnProperty(thread, obj, handleKey, currentDesc); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); if (curDescStatus) { if (currentDesc.IsConfigurable()) { return false; } if (level == IntegrityLevel::FROZEN && currentDesc.IsDataDescriptor() && currentDesc.IsWritable()) { return false; } } } return true; } // 7.3.21 EnumerableOwnNames (O) JSHandle JSObject::EnumerableOwnNames(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj) { ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "obj is not object"); ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory(); JSHandle tagObj(obj); // fast mode if (tagObj->IsJSObject() && !tagObj->IsTypedArray() && !tagObj->IsModuleNamespace()) { uint32_t copyLengthOfKeys = 0; uint32_t copyLengthOfElements = 0; auto keyElementPair = GetOwnEnumerableNamesInFastMode(thread, obj, ©LengthOfKeys, ©LengthOfElements); JSHandle keyArray = keyElementPair.first; JSHandle elementArray = keyElementPair.second; JSHandle keys; if (copyLengthOfKeys != 0 && copyLengthOfElements != 0) { keys = TaggedArray::AppendSkipHole(thread, elementArray, keyArray, copyLengthOfKeys + copyLengthOfElements); } else if (copyLengthOfKeys != 0) { keys = factory->CopyArray(keyArray, copyLengthOfKeys, copyLengthOfKeys); } else if (copyLengthOfElements != 0) { keys = factory->CopyArray(elementArray, copyLengthOfElements, copyLengthOfElements); } else { keys = factory->EmptyArray(); } return keys; } uint32_t copyLength = 0; JSHandle keys = JSTaggedValue::GetOwnPropertyKeys(thread, tagObj); RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(TaggedArray, thread); uint32_t length = keys->GetLength(); JSHandle names = factory->NewTaggedArray(length); JSMutableHandle keyHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { keyHandle.Update(keys->Get(i)); if (keyHandle->IsString()) { PropertyDescriptor desc(thread); bool status = JSTaggedValue::GetOwnProperty(thread, JSHandle(obj), keyHandle, desc); RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(TaggedArray, thread); if (status && desc.IsEnumerable()) { names->Set(thread, copyLength, keyHandle); copyLength++; } } } return factory->CopyArray(names, length, copyLength); } void JSObject::EnumerableOwnPropertyNamesHelper(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &arr, JSHandle &prop, uint32_t &index, bool &fastMode, PropertyKind kind) { JSMutableHandle key(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); JSHandle objClass(thread, obj->GetJSHClass()); uint32_t length = arr->GetLength(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { key.Update(arr->Get(thread, i)); if (!JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key)) { break; } JSTaggedValue value = JSTaggedValue::Hole(); if (fastMode) { value = ObjectFastOperator::GetPropertyByValue(thread, obj.GetTaggedValue(), key.GetTaggedValue()); RETURN_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); } if (value.IsHole()) { PropertyDescriptor desc(thread); bool status = JSTaggedValue::GetOwnProperty(thread, JSHandle(obj), key, desc); RETURN_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); if (!status || !desc.IsEnumerable()) { continue; } if (desc.HasValue()) { value = desc.GetValue().GetTaggedValue(); } else { OperationResult opResult = JSTaggedValue::GetProperty(thread, JSHandle::Cast(obj), key); RETURN_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); value = opResult.GetValue().GetTaggedValue(); } } index = SetValuesOrEntries(thread, prop, index, key, JSHandle(thread, value), kind); fastMode = fastMode ? CheckHClassHit(obj, objClass) : fastMode; } } JSHandle JSObject::EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, PropertyKind kind) { // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object. ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "obj is not object"); // 2. Let ownKeys be ? O.[[OwnPropertyKeys]](). JSHandle tagObj(obj); ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory(); if (tagObj->IsJSObject() && !tagObj->IsJSProxy() && !tagObj->IsTypedArray() && !tagObj->IsModuleNamespace()) { uint32_t copyLengthOfKeys = 0; uint32_t copyLengthOfElements = 0; uint32_t index = 0; bool fastMode = true; auto keyElementPair = GetOwnEnumerableNamesInFastMode(thread, obj, ©LengthOfKeys, ©LengthOfElements); JSHandle keyArray = keyElementPair.first; JSHandle elementArray = keyElementPair.second; JSHandle properties = factory->NewTaggedArray(copyLengthOfKeys + copyLengthOfElements); if (copyLengthOfElements != 0) { EnumerableOwnPropertyNamesHelper(thread, obj, elementArray, properties, index, fastMode, kind); } if (copyLengthOfKeys != 0) { EnumerableOwnPropertyNamesHelper(thread, obj, keyArray, properties, index, fastMode, kind); } if (UNLIKELY(!fastMode && index < copyLengthOfKeys + copyLengthOfElements)) { properties->Trim(thread, index); } return properties; } JSHandle ownKeys = JSTaggedValue::GetOwnPropertyKeys(thread, tagObj); RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(TaggedArray, thread); // 3. Let properties be a new empty List. uint32_t length = ownKeys->GetLength(); JSHandle properties = factory->NewTaggedArray(length); // 4. For each element key of ownKeys, do // a. If Type(key) is String, then // i. Let desc be ? O.[[GetOwnProperty]](key). // ii. If desc is not undefined and desc.[[Enumerable]] is true, then // 1. If kind is key, append key to properties. // 2. Else, // a. Let value be ? Get(O, key). // b. If kind is value, append value to properties. // c. Else, // i. Assert: kind is key+value. // ii. Let entry be ! CreateArrayFromList(« key, value »). // iii. Append entry to properties. JSMutableHandle key(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); uint32_t index = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { key.Update(ownKeys->Get(thread, i)); if (key->IsString()) { PropertyDescriptor desc(thread); bool status = JSTaggedValue::GetOwnProperty(thread, JSHandle(obj), key, desc); RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(TaggedArray, thread); if (status && desc.IsEnumerable()) { if (kind == PropertyKind::KEY) { properties->Set(thread, index++, key); } else { OperationResult result = JSTaggedValue::GetProperty(thread, JSHandle::Cast(obj), key); RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(TaggedArray, thread); JSHandle value = result.GetValue(); index = SetValuesOrEntries(thread, properties, index, key, value, kind); } } } } if (UNLIKELY(index < length)) { properties->Trim(thread, index); } // 5. Return properties. return properties; } JSHandle JSObject::GetFunctionRealm(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &object) { // 1. Assert: obj is a callable object. ASSERT(object->IsCallable()); // 2. If obj has a [[Realm]] internal slot, then return obj’s [[Realm]] internal slot. // 3. If obj is a Bound Function exotic object, then if (object->IsBoundFunction()) { // a. Let target be obj’s [[BoundTargetFunction]] internal slot. JSHandle target(thread, JSHandle(object)->GetBoundTarget()); // b. Return GetFunctionRealm(target). return GetFunctionRealm(thread, target); } // 4. If obj is a Proxy exotic object, then if (object->IsJSProxy()) { // a. If the value of the [[ProxyHandler]] internal slot of obj is null, throw a TypeError exception. if (JSHandle(object)->GetHandler().IsNull()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "JSObject::GetFunctionRealm: handler is null", JSHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Exception())); } // b. Let proxyTarget be the value of obj’s [[ProxyTarget]] internal slot. JSHandle proxyTarget(thread, JSHandle(object)->GetTarget()); return GetFunctionRealm(thread, proxyTarget); } JSTaggedValue maybeGlobalEnv = JSHandle(object)->GetLexicalEnv(); while (!maybeGlobalEnv.IsJSGlobalEnv()) { if (maybeGlobalEnv.IsUndefined()) { return thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetGlobalEnv(); } maybeGlobalEnv = LexicalEnv::Cast(maybeGlobalEnv.GetTaggedObject())->GetParentEnv(); } return JSHandle(thread, maybeGlobalEnv); } bool JSObject::InstanceOf(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &object, const JSHandle &target) { // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "InstanceOf error when type of target is not Object", false); } EcmaVM *vm = thread->GetEcmaVM(); // 2. Let instOfHandler be GetMethod(target, @@hasInstance). JSHandle instOfHandler = GetMethod(thread, target, vm->GetGlobalEnv()->GetHasInstanceSymbol()); // 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(instOfHandler). RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); // 4. If instOfHandler is not undefined, then if (!instOfHandler->IsUndefined()) { // a. Return ! ToBoolean(? Call(instOfHandler, target, «object»)). JSHandle undefined = thread->GlobalConstants()->GetHandledUndefined(); EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *info = EcmaInterpreter::NewRuntimeCallInfo(thread, instOfHandler, target, undefined, 1); info->SetCallArg(object.GetTaggedValue()); JSTaggedValue tagged = JSFunction::Call(info); RETURN_VALUE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread, false); return tagged.ToBoolean(); } // 5. If IsCallable(target) is false, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target->IsCallable()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "InstanceOf error when target is not Callable", false); } // 6. Return ? OrdinaryHasInstance(target, object). return JSFunction::OrdinaryHasInstance(thread, target, object); } // ecma6.0 JSHandle JSObject::FromPropertyDescriptor(JSThread *thread, const PropertyDescriptor &desc) { // 1. If Desc is undefined, return undefined if (desc.IsEmpty()) { return JSHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); } // 2. Let obj be ObjectCreate(%ObjectPrototype%). JSHandle env = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetGlobalEnv(); JSHandle objFunc(env->GetObjectFunction()); JSHandle objHandle = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory()->NewJSObjectByConstructor(objFunc); auto globalConst = thread->GlobalConstants(); // 4. If Desc has a [[Value]] field, then Perform CreateDataProperty(obj, "value", Desc.[[Value]]). if (desc.HasValue()) { JSHandle valueStr = globalConst->GetHandledValueString(); bool success = CreateDataProperty(thread, objHandle, valueStr, desc.GetValue()); RASSERT_PRINT(success, "CreateDataProperty must be success"); } // 5. If Desc has a [[Writable]] field, then Perform CreateDataProperty(obj, "writable", Desc.[[Writable]]). if (desc.HasWritable()) { JSHandle writableStr = globalConst->GetHandledWritableString(); JSHandle writable(thread, JSTaggedValue(desc.IsWritable())); [[maybe_unused]] bool success = CreateDataProperty(thread, objHandle, writableStr, writable); ASSERT_PRINT(success, "CreateDataProperty must be success"); } // 6. If Desc has a [[Get]] field, then Perform CreateDataProperty(obj, "get", Desc.[[Get]]). if (desc.HasGetter()) { JSHandle getStr = globalConst->GetHandledGetString(); bool success = CreateDataProperty(thread, objHandle, getStr, desc.GetGetter()); RASSERT_PRINT(success, "CreateDataProperty must be success"); } // 7. If Desc has a [[Set]] field, then Perform CreateDataProperty(obj, "set", Desc.[[Set]]) if (desc.HasSetter()) { JSHandle setStr = globalConst->GetHandledSetString(); bool success = CreateDataProperty(thread, objHandle, setStr, desc.GetSetter()); RASSERT_PRINT(success, "CreateDataProperty must be success"); } // 8. If Desc has an [[Enumerable]] field, then Perform CreateDataProperty(obj, "enumerable", // Desc.[[Enumerable]]). if (desc.HasEnumerable()) { JSHandle enumerableStr = globalConst->GetHandledEnumerableString(); JSHandle enumerable(thread, JSTaggedValue(desc.IsEnumerable())); [[maybe_unused]] bool success = CreateDataProperty(thread, objHandle, enumerableStr, enumerable); ASSERT_PRINT(success, "CreateDataProperty must be success"); } // 9. If Desc has a [[Configurable]] field, then Perform CreateDataProperty(obj , "configurable", // Desc.[[Configurable]]). if (desc.HasConfigurable()) { JSHandle configurableStr = globalConst->GetHandledConfigurableString(); JSHandle configurable(thread, JSTaggedValue(desc.IsConfigurable())); [[maybe_unused]] bool success = CreateDataProperty(thread, objHandle, configurableStr, configurable); ASSERT_PRINT(success, "CreateDataProperty must be success"); } return JSHandle(objHandle); } bool JSObject::ToPropertyDescriptorFast(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, PropertyDescriptor &desc) { auto *hclass = obj->GetTaggedObject()->GetClass(); JSType jsType = hclass->GetObjectType(); if (jsType != JSType::JS_OBJECT) { return false; } if (hclass->IsDictionaryMode()) { return false; } auto env = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetGlobalEnv(); auto globalConst = thread->GlobalConstants(); if (hclass->GetPrototype() != env->GetObjectFunctionPrototype().GetTaggedValue()) { return false; } if (JSObject::Cast(hclass->GetPrototype().GetTaggedObject())->GetClass() != env->GetObjectFunctionPrototypeClass().GetObject()) { return false; } LayoutInfo *layoutInfo = LayoutInfo::Cast(hclass->GetLayout().GetTaggedObject()); uint32_t propsNumber = hclass->NumberOfProps(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < propsNumber; i++) { auto attr = layoutInfo->GetAttr(i); if (attr.IsAccessor()) { return false; } auto key = layoutInfo->GetKey(i); auto value = JSObject::Cast(obj->GetTaggedObject())->GetProperty(hclass, attr); if (key == globalConst->GetEnumerableString()) { bool enumerable = value.ToBoolean(); desc.SetEnumerable(enumerable); } else if (key == globalConst->GetConfigurableString()) { bool configurable = value.ToBoolean(); desc.SetConfigurable(configurable); } else if (key == globalConst->GetValueString()) { auto handleValue = JSHandle(thread, value); desc.SetValue(handleValue); } else if (key == globalConst->GetWritableString()) { bool writable = value.ToBoolean(); desc.SetWritable(writable); } else if (key == globalConst->GetGetString()) { if (!value.IsCallable()) { return false; } auto getter = JSHandle(thread, value); desc.SetGetter(getter); } else if (key == globalConst->GetSetString()) { if (!value.IsCallable()) { return false; } auto setter = JSHandle(thread, value); desc.SetSetter(setter); } } if (desc.IsAccessorDescriptor()) { // 22a. If either desc.[[Value]] or desc.[[Writable]] is present, throw a TypeError exception. if (desc.HasValue() || desc.HasWritable()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "either Value or Writable is present", true); } } return true; } // ecma6.0 ToPropertyDescriptor ( Obj ) void JSObject::ToPropertyDescriptor(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, PropertyDescriptor &desc) { if (!obj->IsECMAObject()) { // 2. If Type(Obj) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. THROW_TYPE_ERROR(thread, "ToPropertyDescriptor error obj is not Object"); } if (ToPropertyDescriptorFast(thread, obj, desc)) { return; } auto globalConst = thread->GlobalConstants(); // 3. Let desc be a new Property Descriptor that initially has no fields. // 4. Let hasEnumerable be HasProperty(Obj, "enumerable") { ObjectOperator op(thread, obj.GetTaggedValue(), globalConst->GetEnumerableString()); if (op.IsFound()) { auto value = op.FastGetValue(); bool enumerable = value->IsException() ? false : value->ToBoolean(); desc.SetEnumerable(enumerable); } } // 7. Let hasConfigurable be HasProperty(Obj, "configurable"). { ObjectOperator op(thread, obj.GetTaggedValue(), globalConst->GetConfigurableString()); if (op.IsFound()) { auto value = op.FastGetValue(); bool conf = value->IsException() ? false : value->ToBoolean(); desc.SetConfigurable(conf); } } // 10. Let hasValue be HasProperty(Obj, "value"). { ObjectOperator op(thread, obj.GetTaggedValue(), globalConst->GetValueString()); if (op.IsFound()) { JSHandle prop = op.FastGetValue(); desc.SetValue(prop); } } // 13. Let hasWritable be HasProperty(Obj, "writable"). { ObjectOperator op(thread, obj.GetTaggedValue(), globalConst->GetWritableString()); if (op.IsFound()) { auto value = op.FastGetValue(); bool writable = value->IsException() ? false : value->ToBoolean(); desc.SetWritable(writable); } } // 16. Let hasGet be HasProperty(Obj, "get"). { ObjectOperator op(thread, obj.GetTaggedValue(), globalConst->GetGetString()); if (op.IsFound()) { JSHandle getter = op.FastGetValue(); if (!getter->IsCallable() && !getter->IsUndefined()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR(thread, "getter not callable or undefined"); } desc.SetGetter(getter); } } // 19. Let hasSet be HasProperty(Obj, "set"). { ObjectOperator op(thread, obj.GetTaggedValue(), globalConst->GetSetString()); if (op.IsFound()) { JSHandle setter = op.FastGetValue(); if (!setter->IsCallable() && !setter->IsUndefined()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR(thread, "setter not callable or undefined"); } desc.SetSetter(setter); } } // 22. If either desc.[[Get]] or desc.[[Set]] is present, then if (desc.IsAccessorDescriptor()) { // 22a. If either desc.[[Value]] or desc.[[Writable]] is present, throw a TypeError exception. if (desc.HasValue() || desc.HasWritable()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR(thread, "either desc.[[Value]] or desc.[[Writable]] is present"); } } // 23. Return desc. } JSHandle JSObject::SpeciesConstructor(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &defaultConstructort) { JSHandle env = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetGlobalEnv(); const GlobalEnvConstants *globalConst = thread->GlobalConstants(); // Assert: Type(O) is Object. ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "obj must be js object"); // Let C be Get(O, "constructor"). JSHandle contructorKey = globalConst->GetHandledConstructorString(); JSHandle objConstructor(JSTaggedValue::GetProperty(thread, JSHandle(obj), contructorKey).GetValue()); // ReturnIfAbrupt(C). RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(JSTaggedValue, thread); // If C is undefined, return defaultConstructor. if (objConstructor->IsUndefined()) { return defaultConstructort; } // If Type(C) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!objConstructor->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Constructor is not Object", JSHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Exception())); } // Let S be Get(C, @@species). JSHandle speciesSymbol = env->GetSpeciesSymbol(); JSHandle speciesConstructor(GetProperty(thread, objConstructor, speciesSymbol).GetValue()); // ReturnIfAbrupt(S). RETURN_HANDLE_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(JSTaggedValue, thread); // If S is either undefined or null, return defaultConstructor. if (speciesConstructor->IsUndefined() || speciesConstructor->IsNull()) { return defaultConstructort; } // If IsConstructor(S) is true, return S. if (speciesConstructor->IsConstructor()) { return speciesConstructor; } // Throw a TypeError exception. THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Is not Constructor", JSHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Exception())); return JSHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // CompletePropertyDescriptor ( Desc ) void PropertyDescriptor::CompletePropertyDescriptor(const JSThread *thread, PropertyDescriptor &desc) { // 1. ReturnIfAbrupt(Desc). // 2. Assert: Desc is a Property Descriptor // 3. Let like be Record{[[Value]]: undefined, [[Writable]]: false, [[Get]]: undefined, [[Set]]: undefined, // [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false}. // 4. If either IsGenericDescriptor(Desc) or IsDataDescriptor(Desc) is true, then if (!desc.IsAccessorDescriptor()) { // a. If Desc does not have a [[Value]] field, set Desc.[[Value]] to like.[[Value]]. // b. If Desc does not have a [[Writable]] field, set Desc.[[Writable]] to like.[[Writable]]. if (!desc.HasValue()) { desc.SetValue(JSHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined())); } if (!desc.HasWritable()) { desc.SetWritable(false); } } else { // a. If Desc does not have a [[Get]] field, set Desc.[[Get]] to like.[[Get]]. // b. If Desc does not have a [[Set]] field, set Desc.[[Set]] to like.[[Set]]. // Default value of Get and Set is undefined. } // 6. If Desc does not have an [[Enumerable]] field, set Desc.[[Enumerable]] to like.[[Enumerable]]. // 7. If Desc does not have a [[Configurable]] field, set Desc.[[Configurable]] to like.[[Configurable]]. if (!desc.HasEnumerable()) { desc.SetEnumerable(false); } if (!desc.HasConfigurable()) { desc.SetConfigurable(false); } } // EnumerateObjectProperties ( O ) JSHandle JSObject::EnumerateObjectProperties(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj) { // 1. Return an Iterator object ( whose next method iterates over all the String-valued keys of // enumerable properties of O. The Iterator object must inherit from %IteratorPrototype% (25.1.2). The // mechanics and order of enumerating the properties is not specified but must conform to the rules specified // below. JSHandle object; if (obj->IsString()) { JSHandle undefined = thread->GlobalConstants()->GetHandledUndefined(); object = JSHandle::Cast(JSPrimitiveRef::StringCreate(thread, obj, undefined)); } else { object = JSTaggedValue::ToPrototypeOrObj(thread, obj); } return thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory()->NewJSForinIterator(object); } void JSObject::DefinePropertyByLiteral(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &value, bool useForClass) { ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); PropertyAttributes attr = useForClass ? PropertyAttributes::Default(true, false, true) : PropertyAttributes::Default(); if (value->IsAccessorData()) { attr.SetIsAccessor(true); } uint32_t index = 0; if (UNLIKELY(JSTaggedValue::ToElementIndex(key.GetTaggedValue(), &index))) { AddElementInternal(thread, obj, index, value, attr); return; } LOG_ECMA(FATAL) << "this branch is unreachable"; UNREACHABLE(); } void JSObject::DefineSetter(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &value) { ASSERT_PRINT(!(obj->IsUndefined() || obj->IsNull() || obj->IsHole()), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); ObjectOperator op(thread, obj, key, OperatorType::OWN); ASSERT(op.IsFound()); op.DefineSetter(value); } void JSObject::DefineGetter(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &value) { ASSERT_PRINT(!(obj->IsUndefined() || obj->IsNull() || obj->IsHole()), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); ObjectOperator op(thread, obj, key, OperatorType::OWN); ASSERT(op.IsFound()); op.DefineGetter(value); } JSHandle JSObject::CreateObjectFromProperties(const JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &properties) { ObjectFactory *factory = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory(); size_t length = properties->GetLength(); uint32_t propsLen = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i += 2) { // 2: skip a pair of key and value if (properties->Get(i).IsHole()) { break; } propsLen++; } if (propsLen <= PropertyAttributes::MAX_CAPACITY_OF_PROPERTIES) { JSHandle obj = factory->NewOldSpaceObjLiteralByHClass(properties, propsLen); ASSERT_PRINT(obj->IsECMAObject(), "Obj is not a valid object"); for (size_t i = 0; i < propsLen; i++) { // 2: literal contains a pair of key-value obj->SetPropertyInlinedProps(thread, i, properties->Get(i * 2 + 1)); } return obj; } else { JSHandle obj = factory->NewEmptyJSObject(); JSHClass::TransitionToDictionary(thread, obj); JSMutableHandle dict( thread, NameDictionary::Create(thread, NameDictionary::ComputeHashTableSize(propsLen))); JSMutableHandle valueHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); JSMutableHandle keyHandle(thread, JSTaggedValue::Undefined()); for (size_t i = 0; i < propsLen; i++) { PropertyAttributes attr = PropertyAttributes::Default(); // 2: literal contains a pair of key-value valueHandle.Update(properties->Get(i * 2 + 1)); // 2: literal contains a pair of key-value keyHandle.Update(properties->Get(i * 2)); JSHandle newDict = NameDictionary::PutIfAbsent(thread, dict, keyHandle, valueHandle, attr); dict.Update(newDict); } obj->SetProperties(thread, dict); return obj; } } void JSObject::AddAccessor(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &obj, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &value, PropertyAttributes attr) { ASSERT_PRINT(!(obj->IsUndefined() || obj->IsNull() || obj->IsHole()), "Obj is not a valid object"); ASSERT_PRINT(JSTaggedValue::IsPropertyKey(key), "Key is not a property key"); ASSERT_PRINT(attr.IsAccessor(), "Attr is not AccessorData"); ObjectOperator op(thread, obj, key, OperatorType::OWN); ASSERT(!op.IsFound()); op.AddProperty(JSHandle::Cast(obj), JSHandle(value), attr); } bool JSObject::UpdatePropertyInDictionary(const JSThread *thread, JSTaggedValue key, JSTaggedValue value) { [[maybe_unused]] DisallowGarbageCollection noGc; NameDictionary *dict = NameDictionary::Cast(GetProperties().GetTaggedObject()); int entry = dict->FindEntry(key); if (entry == -1) { return false; } dict->UpdateValue(thread, entry, value); return true; } // The hash field may be a hash value, FunctionExtraInfo(JSNativePointer) or TaggedArray void ECMAObject::SetHash(int32_t hash) { JSTaggedType hashField = Barriers::GetValue(this, HASH_OFFSET); JSTaggedValue value(hashField); if (value.IsHeapObject()) { JSThread *thread = this->GetJSThread(); // Hash position reserve in advance. if (value.IsTaggedArray()) { TaggedArray *array = TaggedArray::Cast(value.GetTaggedObject()); array->Set(thread, array->GetExtraLength() + HASH_INDEX, JSTaggedValue(hash)); } else if (value.IsNativePointer()) { // FunctionExtraInfo JSHandle newArray = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory()->NewTaggedArray(RESOLVED_MAX_SIZE); newArray->SetExtraLength(0); newArray->Set(thread, HASH_INDEX, JSTaggedValue(hash)); newArray->Set(thread, FUNCTION_EXTRA_INDEX, value); Barriers::SetObject(thread, this, HASH_OFFSET, newArray.GetTaggedValue().GetRawData()); } else { LOG_ECMA(FATAL) << "this branch is unreachable"; UNREACHABLE(); } } else { Barriers::SetPrimitive(this, HASH_OFFSET, JSTaggedValue(hash).GetRawData()); } } int32_t ECMAObject::GetHash() const { JSTaggedType hashField = Barriers::GetValue(this, HASH_OFFSET); JSTaggedValue value(hashField); if (value.IsHeapObject()) { if (value.IsTaggedArray()) { TaggedArray *array = TaggedArray::Cast(value.GetTaggedObject()); return array->Get(array->GetExtraLength() + HASH_INDEX).GetInt(); } else { // Default is 0 return 0; } } JSThread *thread = this->GetJSThread(); JSHandle valueHandle(thread, value); return JSTaggedValue::ToInt32(thread, valueHandle); } bool ECMAObject::HasHash() const { JSTaggedType hashField = Barriers::GetValue(this, HASH_OFFSET); JSTaggedValue value(hashField); if (value.IsInt() && value.GetInt() == 0) { return false; } return true; } void *ECMAObject::GetNativePointerField(int32_t index) const { JSTaggedType hashField = Barriers::GetValue(this, HASH_OFFSET); JSTaggedValue value(hashField); if (value.IsTaggedArray()) { JSThread *thread = this->GetJSThread(); JSHandle array(thread, value); if (static_cast(array->GetExtraLength()) > index) { JSHandle pointer(thread, array->Get(index)); return pointer->GetExternalPointer(); } } return nullptr; } void ECMAObject::SetNativePointerField(int32_t index, void *nativePointer, const DeleteEntryPoint &callBack, void *data, size_t nativeBindingsize) { JSTaggedType hashField = Barriers::GetValue(this, HASH_OFFSET); JSTaggedValue value(hashField); if (value.IsTaggedArray()) { JSThread *thread = this->GetJSThread(); JSHandle array(thread, value); if (static_cast(array->GetExtraLength()) > index) { EcmaVM *vm = thread->GetEcmaVM(); JSHandle current = JSHandle(thread, array->Get(thread, index)); if (!current->IsHole() && nativePointer == nullptr) { // Try to remove native pointer if exists. vm->RemoveFromNativePointerList(*JSHandle(current)); array->Set(thread, index, JSTaggedValue::Hole()); } else { JSHandle pointer = vm->GetFactory()->NewJSNativePointer( nativePointer, callBack, data, false, nativeBindingsize); array->Set(thread, index, pointer.GetTaggedValue()); } } } } int32_t ECMAObject::GetNativePointerFieldCount() const { int32_t len = 0; JSTaggedType hashField = Barriers::GetValue(this, HASH_OFFSET); JSTaggedValue value(hashField); if (value.IsTaggedArray()) { TaggedArray *array = TaggedArray::Cast(value.GetTaggedObject()); len = static_cast(array->GetExtraLength()); } return len; } void ECMAObject::SetNativePointerFieldCount(int32_t count) { if (count == 0) { return; } JSTaggedType hashField = Barriers::GetValue(this, HASH_OFFSET); JSThread *thread = this->GetJSThread(); JSHandle value(thread, JSTaggedValue(hashField)); JSHandle obj(thread, this); if (value->IsHeapObject()) { if (value->IsTaggedArray()) { JSHandle array(value); // Native Pointer field count is fixed. if (array->GetExtraLength() == 0) { JSHandle newArray = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory()->NewTaggedArray(count + RESOLVED_MAX_SIZE); newArray->SetExtraLength(count); newArray->Set(thread, count + HASH_INDEX, array->Get(HASH_INDEX)); newArray->Set(thread, count + FUNCTION_EXTRA_INDEX, array->Get(FUNCTION_EXTRA_INDEX)); Barriers::SetObject(thread, *obj, HASH_OFFSET, newArray.GetTaggedValue().GetRawData()); } } else if (value->IsJSNativePointer()) { JSHandle newArray = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory()->NewTaggedArray(count + RESOLVED_MAX_SIZE); newArray->SetExtraLength(count); newArray->Set(thread, count + HASH_INDEX, JSTaggedValue(0)); newArray->Set(thread, count + FUNCTION_EXTRA_INDEX, value); Barriers::SetObject(thread, *obj, HASH_OFFSET, newArray.GetTaggedValue().GetRawData()); } else { LOG_ECMA(FATAL) << "this branch is unreachable"; UNREACHABLE(); } } else { JSHandle newArray = thread->GetEcmaVM()->GetFactory()->NewTaggedArray(count + 1); newArray->SetExtraLength(count); newArray->Set(thread, count + HASH_INDEX, value); Barriers::SetObject(thread, *obj, HASH_OFFSET, newArray.GetTaggedValue().GetRawData()); } } } // namespace panda::ecmascript