ding 29b794f539 Refactor GateType
1.Change the implementation of gateType from enum to class.
2.Add some base type opeartions between GateType and GlobalTSTypeRef to simplify the code.
3.Delete class GateTypeCoder
4.Extract GlobalTSTypeRef as an independent file.


Signed-off-by: ding <>
Change-Id: I3d80595ebccc9ac942af9b9bcc67c0974bb9b712
2022-06-09 17:32:43 +08:00

476 lines
23 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ecmascript/compiler/circuit.h"
#include "ecmascript/compiler/circuit_builder.h"
#include "ecmascript/compiler/circuit_builder-inl.h"
#include "ecmascript/compiler/gate.h"
#include "ecmascript/compiler/variable_type.h"
#include "ecmascript/compiler/call_signature.h"
#include "ecmascript/global_env_constants.h"
namespace panda::ecmascript::kungfu {
using namespace panda::ecmascript;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
#define DEFVARIABLE(varname, type, val) Variable varname(GetEnvironment(), type, NextVariableId(), val)
class Stub {
explicit Stub(const char *name, int argCount, Circuit *circuit)
: builder_(circuit), env_(argCount, &builder_), methodName_(name)
virtual ~Stub() = default;
virtual void GenerateCircuit(const CompilationConfig *cfg)
CircuitBuilder* GetBuilder()
return &builder_;
Environment *GetEnvironment()
return &env_;
int NextVariableId()
return env_.NextVariableId();
std::string GetMethodName() const
return methodName_;
// constant
GateRef Int8(int8_t value);
GateRef Int16(int16_t value);
GateRef Int32(int32_t value);
GateRef Int64(int64_t value);
GateRef IntPtr(int64_t value);
GateRef IntPtrSize();
GateRef RelocatableData(uint64_t value);
GateRef True();
GateRef False();
GateRef Boolean(bool value);
GateRef Double(double value);
GateRef Undefined(VariableType type = VariableType::JS_ANY());
GateRef Hole(VariableType type = VariableType::JS_ANY());
GateRef Null(VariableType type = VariableType::JS_ANY());
GateRef Exception(VariableType type = VariableType::JS_ANY());
GateRef PtrMul(GateRef x, GateRef y);
// parameter
GateRef Argument(size_t index);
GateRef Int1Argument(size_t index);
GateRef Int32Argument(size_t index);
GateRef Int64Argument(size_t index);
GateRef TaggedArgument(size_t index);
GateRef TaggedPointerArgument(size_t index, GateType type = GateType::TaggedPointer());
GateRef PtrArgument(size_t index, GateType type = GateType::NJSValue());
GateRef Float32Argument(size_t index);
GateRef Float64Argument(size_t index);
GateRef Alloca(int size);
// control flow
GateRef Return(GateRef value);
GateRef Return();
void Bind(Label *label);
void Jump(Label *label);
void Branch(GateRef condition, Label *trueLabel, Label *falseLabel);
void Switch(GateRef index, Label *defaultLabel, int64_t *keysValue, Label *keysLabel, int numberOfKeys);
void LoopBegin(Label *loopHead);
void LoopEnd(Label *loopHead);
// call operation
GateRef CallRuntime(GateRef glue, int index, const std::initializer_list<GateRef>& args);
GateRef CallRuntime(GateRef glue, int index, GateRef argc, GateRef argv);
GateRef CallNGCRuntime(GateRef glue, int index, const std::initializer_list<GateRef>& args);
GateRef CallStub(GateRef glue, int index, const std::initializer_list<GateRef>& args);
void DebugPrint(GateRef thread, std::initializer_list<GateRef> args);
void FatalPrint(GateRef thread, std::initializer_list<GateRef> args);
// memory
GateRef Load(VariableType type, GateRef base, GateRef offset);
GateRef Load(VariableType type, GateRef base);
void Store(VariableType type, GateRef glue, GateRef base, GateRef offset, GateRef value);
// arithmetic
GateRef TaggedCastToIntPtr(GateRef x);
GateRef Int16Add(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32Add(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64Add(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef DoubleAdd(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef PtrAdd(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef PtrSub(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef PointerSub(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef IntPtrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int16Sub(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32Sub(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64Sub(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef DoubleSub(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32Mul(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64Mul(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef DoubleMul(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef DoubleDiv(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32Div(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32Mod(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef DoubleMod(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64Div(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef IntPtrDiv(GateRef x, GateRef y);
// bit operation
GateRef Int32Or(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int8And(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32And(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef IntPtrAnd(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef BoolAnd(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef BoolOr(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32Not(GateRef x);
GateRef BoolNot(GateRef x);
GateRef Int32Xor(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef FixLoadType(GateRef x);
GateRef Int64Or(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef IntPtrOr(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64And(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64Xor(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64Not(GateRef x);
GateRef Int16LSL(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32LSL(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64LSL(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef IntPtrLSL(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int8LSR(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32LSR(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64LSR(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef IntPtrLSR(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32ASR(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef TaggedIsInt(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsDouble(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsObject(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsNumber(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsHole(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsNotHole(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsUndefined(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsException(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsSpecial(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsHeapObject(GateRef x);
GateRef ObjectAddressToRange(GateRef x);
GateRef InYoungGeneration(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsGeneratorObject(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsPropertyBox(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsWeak(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsPrototypeHandler(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsTransitionHandler(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsString(GateRef obj);
GateRef TaggedIsStringOrSymbol(GateRef obj);
GateRef GetNextPositionForHash(GateRef last, GateRef count, GateRef size);
GateRef DoubleIsNAN(GateRef x);
GateRef DoubleIsINF(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsNull(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsUndefinedOrNull(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsTrue(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsFalse(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsBoolean(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedGetInt(GateRef x);
GateRef Int8BuildTaggedTypeWithNoGC(GateRef x);
GateRef Int16BuildTaggedWithNoGC(GateRef x);
GateRef Int16BuildTaggedTypeWithNoGC(GateRef x);
GateRef IntBuildTaggedWithNoGC(GateRef x);
GateRef IntBuildTaggedTypeWithNoGC(GateRef x);
GateRef DoubleBuildTaggedWithNoGC(GateRef x);
GateRef DoubleBuildTaggedTypeWithNoGC(GateRef x);
GateRef CastDoubleToInt64(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedTrue();
GateRef TaggedFalse();
// compare operation
GateRef Int8Equal(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32Equal(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32NotEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64Equal(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef DoubleEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64NotEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef DoubleLessThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef DoubleLessThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef DoubleGreaterThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef DoubleGreaterThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32GreaterThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32LessThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32GreaterThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32LessThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32UnsignedGreaterThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32UnsignedLessThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int32UnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64GreaterThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64LessThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64LessThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64GreaterThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64UnsignedLessThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef IntPtrGreaterThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
// cast operation
GateRef ChangeInt64ToInt32(GateRef val);
GateRef ChangeInt64ToIntPtr(GateRef val);
GateRef ChangeInt32ToIntPtr(GateRef val);
// math operation
GateRef Sqrt(GateRef x);
GateRef GetSetterFromAccessor(GateRef accessor);
GateRef GetElementsArray(GateRef object);
void SetElementsArray(GateRef glue, GateRef object, GateRef elementsArray);
GateRef GetPropertiesArray(GateRef object);
// SetProperties in js_object.h
void SetPropertiesArray(GateRef glue, GateRef object, GateRef propsArray);
GateRef GetLengthOfTaggedArray(GateRef array);
// object operation
GateRef IsJSHClass(GateRef obj);
GateRef LoadHClass(GateRef object);
void StoreHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef object, GateRef hclass);
void CopyAllHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef dstHClass, GateRef scrHClass);
GateRef GetObjectType(GateRef hClass);
GateRef IsDictionaryMode(GateRef object);
GateRef IsDictionaryModeByHClass(GateRef hClass);
GateRef IsDictionaryElement(GateRef hClass);
GateRef NotBuiltinsConstructor(GateRef object);
GateRef IsClassConstructorFromBitField(GateRef bitfield);
GateRef IsClassConstructor(GateRef object);
GateRef IsClassPrototype(GateRef object);
GateRef IsExtensible(GateRef object);
GateRef TaggedObjectIsEcmaObject(GateRef obj);
GateRef IsSymbol(GateRef obj);
GateRef IsString(GateRef obj);
GateRef TaggedIsBigInt(GateRef obj);
GateRef IsBigInt(GateRef obj);
GateRef IsJsProxy(GateRef obj);
GateRef IsJSFunctionBase(GateRef obj);
GateRef IsConstructor(GateRef object);
GateRef IsBuiltinsConstructor(GateRef object);
GateRef IsBase(GateRef func);
GateRef IsJsArray(GateRef obj);
GateRef IsJSObject(GateRef obj);
GateRef IsWritable(GateRef attr);
GateRef IsAccessor(GateRef attr);
GateRef IsInlinedProperty(GateRef attr);
GateRef IsField(GateRef attr);
GateRef IsNonExist(GateRef attr);
GateRef HandlerBaseIsAccessor(GateRef attr);
GateRef HandlerBaseIsJSArray(GateRef attr);
GateRef HandlerBaseIsInlinedProperty(GateRef attr);
GateRef HandlerBaseGetOffset(GateRef attr);
GateRef IsInvalidPropertyBox(GateRef obj);
GateRef GetValueFromPropertyBox(GateRef obj);
void SetValueToPropertyBox(GateRef glue, GateRef obj, GateRef value);
GateRef GetTransitionFromHClass(GateRef obj);
GateRef GetTransitionHandlerInfo(GateRef obj);
GateRef IsInternalAccessor(GateRef attr);
GateRef GetProtoCell(GateRef object);
GateRef GetPrototypeHandlerHolder(GateRef object);
GateRef GetPrototypeHandlerHandlerInfo(GateRef object);
GateRef GetHasChanged(GateRef object);
GateRef HclassIsPrototypeHandler(GateRef hclass);
GateRef HclassIsTransitionHandler(GateRef hclass);
GateRef HclassIsPropertyBox(GateRef hclass);
GateRef PropAttrGetOffset(GateRef attr);
// SetDictionaryOrder func in property_attribute.h
GateRef SetDictionaryOrderFieldInPropAttr(GateRef attr, GateRef value);
GateRef GetPrototypeFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
GateRef GetLayoutFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
GateRef GetBitFieldFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
GateRef GetLengthFromString(GateRef value);
GateRef GetHashcodeFromString(GateRef glue, GateRef value);
void SetBitFieldToHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef bitfield);
void SetPrototypeToHClass(VariableType type, GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef proto);
void SetProtoChangeDetailsToHClass(VariableType type, GateRef glue, GateRef hClass,
GateRef protoChange);
void SetLayoutToHClass(VariableType type, GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef attr);
void SetEnumCacheToHClass(VariableType type, GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef key);
void SetTransitionsToHClass(VariableType type, GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef transition);
void SetIsProtoTypeToHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef value);
GateRef IsProtoTypeHClass(GateRef hClass);
void SetPropertyInlinedProps(GateRef glue, GateRef obj, GateRef hClass,
GateRef value, GateRef attrOffset, VariableType type = VariableType::JS_ANY());
void IncNumberOfProps(GateRef glue, GateRef hClass);
GateRef GetNumberOfPropsFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
void SetNumberOfPropsToHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef value);
GateRef GetObjectSizeFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
GateRef GetInlinedPropsStartFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
GateRef GetInlinedPropertiesFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
void ThrowTypeAndReturn(GateRef glue, int messageId, GateRef val);
GateRef GetValueFromTaggedArray(VariableType returnType, GateRef elements, GateRef index);
void SetValueToTaggedArray(VariableType valType, GateRef glue, GateRef array, GateRef index, GateRef val);
void UpdateValueAndAttributes(GateRef glue, GateRef elements, GateRef index, GateRef value, GateRef attr);
GateRef IsSpecialIndexedObj(GateRef jsType);
GateRef IsSpecialContainer(GateRef jsType);
GateRef IsAccessorInternal(GateRef value);
template<typename DictionaryT>
GateRef GetAttributesFromDictionary(GateRef elements, GateRef entry);
template<typename DictionaryT>
GateRef GetValueFromDictionary(VariableType returnType, GateRef elements, GateRef entry);
template<typename DictionaryT>
GateRef GetKeyFromDictionary(VariableType returnType, GateRef elements, GateRef entry);
GateRef GetPropAttrFromLayoutInfo(GateRef layout, GateRef entry);
GateRef GetPropertiesAddrFromLayoutInfo(GateRef layout);
GateRef GetPropertyMetaDataFromAttr(GateRef attr);
GateRef GetKeyFromLayoutInfo(GateRef layout, GateRef entry);
GateRef FindElementWithCache(GateRef glue, GateRef layoutInfo, GateRef hClass,
GateRef key, GateRef propsNum);
GateRef FindElementFromNumberDictionary(GateRef glue, GateRef elements, GateRef index);
GateRef FindEntryFromNameDictionary(GateRef glue, GateRef elements, GateRef key);
GateRef IsMatchInTransitionDictionary(GateRef element, GateRef key, GateRef metaData, GateRef attr);
GateRef FindEntryFromTransitionDictionary(GateRef glue, GateRef elements, GateRef key, GateRef metaData);
GateRef JSObjectGetProperty(VariableType returnType, GateRef obj, GateRef hClass, GateRef propAttr);
void JSObjectSetProperty(GateRef glue, GateRef obj, GateRef hClass, GateRef attr, GateRef value);
GateRef ShouldCallSetter(GateRef receiver, GateRef holder, GateRef accessor, GateRef attr);
GateRef CallSetterHelper(GateRef glue, GateRef holder, GateRef accessor, GateRef value);
GateRef SetHasConstructorCondition(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key);
GateRef AddPropertyByName(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key, GateRef value, GateRef propertyAttributes);
GateRef IsUtf16String(GateRef string);
GateRef IsUtf8String(GateRef string);
GateRef IsInternalString(GateRef string);
GateRef IsDigit(GateRef ch);
GateRef StringToElementIndex(GateRef string);
GateRef TryToElementsIndex(GateRef key);
GateRef ComputePropertyCapacityInJSObj(GateRef oldLength);
GateRef FindTransitions(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef hclass, GateRef key, GateRef attr);
GateRef TaggedToRepresentation(GateRef value);
GateRef LoadFromField(GateRef receiver, GateRef handlerInfo);
GateRef LoadGlobal(GateRef cell);
GateRef LoadElement(GateRef receiver, GateRef key);
GateRef TryToElementsIndex(GateRef glue, GateRef key);
GateRef CheckPolyHClass(GateRef cachedValue, GateRef hclass);
GateRef LoadICWithHandler(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef holder, GateRef handler);
GateRef StoreICWithHandler(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef holder,
GateRef value, GateRef handler);
GateRef ICStoreElement(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key,
GateRef value, GateRef handlerInfo);
GateRef GetArrayLength(GateRef object);
GateRef DoubleToInt(GateRef glue, GateRef x);
void StoreField(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef value, GateRef handler);
void StoreWithTransition(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef value, GateRef handler);
GateRef StoreGlobal(GateRef glue, GateRef value, GateRef cell);
void JSHClassAddProperty(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key, GateRef attr);
void NotifyHClassChanged(GateRef glue, GateRef oldHClass, GateRef newHClass);
GateRef TaggedCastToInt64(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedCastToInt32(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedCastToDouble(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedCastToWeakReferentUnChecked(GateRef x);
GateRef ChangeInt32ToFloat64(GateRef x);
GateRef ChangeUInt32ToFloat64(GateRef x);
GateRef ChangeFloat64ToInt32(GateRef x);
GateRef ChangeTaggedPointerToInt64(GateRef x);
GateRef ChangeInt64ToTagged(GateRef x);
GateRef CastInt64ToFloat64(GateRef x);
GateRef SExtInt32ToInt64(GateRef x);
GateRef SExtInt1ToInt64(GateRef x);
GateRef SExtInt1ToInt32(GateRef x);
GateRef ZExtInt8ToInt16(GateRef x);
GateRef ZExtInt32ToInt64(GateRef x);
GateRef ZExtInt1ToInt64(GateRef x);
GateRef ZExtInt1ToInt32(GateRef x);
GateRef ZExtInt8ToInt32(GateRef x);
GateRef ZExtInt8ToInt64(GateRef x);
GateRef ZExtInt8ToPtr(GateRef x);
GateRef ZExtInt16ToPtr(GateRef x);
GateRef SExtInt32ToPtr(GateRef x);
GateRef ZExtInt16ToInt32(GateRef x);
GateRef ZExtInt16ToInt64(GateRef x);
GateRef TruncInt64ToInt32(GateRef x);
GateRef TruncPtrToInt32(GateRef x);
GateRef TruncInt64ToInt1(GateRef x);
GateRef TruncInt32ToInt1(GateRef x);
GateRef GetGlobalConstantAddr(GateRef index);
GateRef GetGlobalConstantString(ConstantIndex index);
GateRef IsCallableFromBitField(GateRef bitfield);
GateRef IsCallable(GateRef obj);
GateRef GetOffsetFieldInPropAttr(GateRef attr);
GateRef SetOffsetFieldInPropAttr(GateRef attr, GateRef value);
GateRef SetIsInlinePropsFieldInPropAttr(GateRef attr, GateRef value);
void SetHasConstructorToHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef value);
void UpdateValueInDict(GateRef glue, GateRef elements, GateRef index, GateRef value);
GateRef GetBitMask(GateRef bitoffset);
GateRef IntPtrEuqal(GateRef x, GateRef y);
void SetValueWithBarrier(GateRef glue, GateRef obj, GateRef offset, GateRef value);
GateRef GetPropertyByIndex(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef index);
GateRef GetPropertyByName(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key);
GateRef SetPropertyByIndex(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef index, GateRef value, bool useOwn);
GateRef SetPropertyByName(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key,
GateRef value, bool useOwn); // Crawl prototype chain
GateRef SetPropertyByValue(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key, GateRef value, bool useOwn);
GateRef GetParentEnv(GateRef object);
GateRef GetPropertiesFromLexicalEnv(GateRef object, GateRef index);
void SetPropertiesToLexicalEnv(GateRef glue, GateRef object, GateRef index, GateRef value);
GateRef GetFunctionBitFieldFromJSFunction(GateRef object);
GateRef GetHomeObjectFromJSFunction(GateRef object);
GateRef GetCallFieldFromMethod(GateRef method);
void SetLexicalEnvToFunction(GateRef glue, GateRef object, GateRef lexicalEnv);
GateRef GetGlobalObject(GateRef glue);
GateRef GetEntryIndexOfGlobalDictionary(GateRef entry);
GateRef GetBoxFromGlobalDictionary(GateRef object, GateRef entry);
GateRef GetValueFromGlobalDictionary(GateRef object, GateRef entry);
GateRef GetPropertiesFromJSObject(GateRef object);
template<OpCode::Op Op, MachineType Type>
GateRef BinaryOp(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef GetGlobalOwnProperty(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key);
// fast path
GateRef FastEqual(GateRef left, GateRef right);
GateRef FastStrictEqual(GateRef glue, GateRef left, GateRef right);
GateRef FastMod(GateRef gule, GateRef left, GateRef right);
GateRef FastTypeOf(GateRef left, GateRef right);
GateRef FastMul(GateRef left, GateRef right);
GateRef FastDiv(GateRef left, GateRef right);
GateRef FastAdd(GateRef left, GateRef right);
GateRef FastSub(GateRef left, GateRef right);
GateRef FastToBoolean(GateRef value);
// Add SpecialContainer
GateRef GetContainerProperty(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef index, GateRef jsType);
GateRef JSAPIContainerGet(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef index);
// Exception handle
GateRef HasPendingException(GateRef glue);
void ReturnExceptionIfAbruptCompletion(GateRef glue);
// method operator
GateRef IsJSFunction(GateRef obj);
GateRef IsBoundFunction(GateRef obj);
GateRef GetMethodFromJSFunction(GateRef jsfunc);
GateRef IsNativeMethod(GateRef method);
GateRef HasAotCode(GateRef method);
GateRef GetExpectedNumOfArgs(GateRef method);
// proxy operator
GateRef GetMethodFromJSProxy(GateRef proxy);
GateRef GetHandlerFromJSProxy(GateRef proxy);
GateRef GetTargetFromJSProxy(GateRef proxy);
inline void SavePcIfNeeded(GateRef glue);
inline GateRef ComputeTaggedArraySize(GateRef length);
inline GateRef GetGlobalConstantValue(
VariableType type, GateRef glue, ConstantIndex index);
void InitializeTaggedArrayWithSpeicalValue(
GateRef glue, GateRef array, GateRef value, GateRef start, GateRef length);
GateRef AllocateInYoung(GateRef glue, GateRef size);
GateRef NewLexicalEnv(GateRef glue, GateRef numSlots, GateRef parent);
GateRef CallGetterHelper(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef holder, GateRef accessor);
GateRef JSCallDispatch(GateRef glue, GateRef func, GateRef actualNumArgs,
JSCallMode mode, std::initializer_list<GateRef> args);
using BinaryOperation = std::function<GateRef(Environment*, GateRef, GateRef)>;
template<OpCode::Op Op>
GateRef FastAddSubAndMul(GateRef left, GateRef right);
GateRef FastBinaryOp(GateRef left, GateRef right,
const BinaryOperation& intOp, const BinaryOperation& floatOp);
CircuitBuilder builder_;
Environment env_;
std::string methodName_;
} // namespace panda::ecmascript::kungfu