openharmony_ci 339ac736f7
!8286 fix UpdateMainMethodIndex multi thread bug
Merge pull request !8286 from wpy111/master
2024-07-24 11:57:55 +00:00

500 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ecmascript/common.h"
#include "ecmascript/jspandafile/constpool_value.h"
#include "ecmascript/jspandafile/method_literal.h"
#include "ecmascript/log_wrapper.h"
#include "ecmascript/mem/c_containers.h"
#include "ecmascript/taskpool/task.h"
#include "libpandafile/file-inl.h"
#include "libpandafile/file_items.h"
#include "libpandafile/literal_data_accessor.h"
namespace panda {
namespace ecmascript {
class JSPandaFile {
struct JSRecordInfo {
uint32_t mainMethodIndex {0};
bool isCjs {false};
bool isJson {false};
bool isSharedModule {false};
int jsonStringId {-1};
CUnorderedSet<const EcmaVM *> vmListOfParsedConstPool;
int moduleRecordIdx {-1};
bool hasTopLevelAwait {false};
CUnorderedMap<uint32_t, uint64_t> constpoolMap;
uint32_t lazyImportIdx {0};
uint32_t classId {CLASSID_OFFSET_NOT_FOUND};
CString npmPackageName;
void SetParsedConstpoolVM(const EcmaVM *vm)
bool IsParsedConstpoolOfCurrentVM(const EcmaVM *vm) const
auto iter = vmListOfParsedConstPool.find(vm);
if (iter != vmListOfParsedConstPool.end()) {
return true;
return false;
static constexpr char ENTRY_FUNCTION_NAME[] = "func_main_0";
static constexpr char ENTRY_MAIN_FUNCTION[] = "_GLOBAL::func_main_0";
static constexpr char PATCH_MAIN_FUNCTION[] = "_GLOBAL::patch_main_0";
static constexpr char PATCH_FUNCTION_NAME_0[] = "patch_main_0";
static constexpr char PATCH_FUNCTION_NAME_1[] = "patch_main_1";
static constexpr char MODULE_CLASS[] = "L_ESModuleRecord;";
static constexpr char COMMONJS_CLASS[] = "L_CommonJsRecord;";
static constexpr char HASTLA_CLASS[] = "L_HasTopLevelAwait;";
static constexpr char IS_COMMON_JS[] = "isCommonjs";
static constexpr char IS_JSON_CONTENT[] = "jsonFileContent";
static constexpr char MODULE_RECORD_IDX[] = "moduleRecordIdx";
static constexpr char IS_SHARED_MODULE[] = "isSharedModule";
static constexpr char HAS_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT[] = "hasTopLevelAwait";
static constexpr char LAZY_IMPORT[] = "moduleRequestPhaseIdx";
static constexpr char PACKAGE_NAME[] = "pkgName@";
static constexpr char MERGE_ABC_NAME[] = "";
static constexpr char NPM_PATH_SEGMENT[] = "node_modules";
static constexpr char PACKAGE_PATH_SEGMENT[] = "pkg_modules";
static constexpr char BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH[] = "/data/storage/el1/bundle/";
static constexpr int PACKAGE_NAME_LEN = 8;
static constexpr int TYPE_SUMMARY_OFFSET_NOT_FOUND = 0;
static constexpr int CLASSID_OFFSET_NOT_FOUND = 0;
static constexpr int32_t PF_OFFSET = 0;
JSPandaFile(const panda_file::File *pf, const CString &descriptor);
class TranslateClassesTask : public Task {
TranslateClassesTask(int32_t id, JSThread *thread, JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile,
const std::shared_ptr<CString> &methodNamePtr)
: Task(id), thread_(thread), jsPandaFile_(jsPandaFile), methodNamePtr_(methodNamePtr) {};
~TranslateClassesTask() override = default;
bool Run(uint32_t threadIndex) override;
JSThread *thread_ {nullptr};
JSPandaFile *jsPandaFile_ {nullptr};
std::shared_ptr<CString> methodNamePtr_;
const CString &GetJSPandaFileDesc() const
return desc_;
CString PUBLIC_API GetNormalizedFileDesc() const;
void SetHapPath(const CString &hapPath)
hapPath_ = hapPath;
const CString &GetJSPandaFileHapPath() const
return hapPath_;
static CString PUBLIC_API GetNormalizedFileDesc(const CString &desc);
uint32_t GetChecksum() const
return checksum_;
const panda_file::File *GetPandaFile() const
return pf_;
const char *GetMethodName(EntityId methodId);
const char *GetCpuProfilerMethodName(EntityId methodId);
CString GetRecordName(EntityId methodId);
CString PUBLIC_API GetRecordNameWithBundlePack(EntityId methodIdx);
MethodLiteral* GetMethodLiterals() const
return methodLiterals_;
void SetMethodLiteralToMap(MethodLiteral *methodLiteral)
ASSERT(methodLiteral != nullptr);
methodLiteralMap_.emplace(methodLiteral->GetMethodId().GetOffset(), methodLiteral);
const CUnorderedMap<uint32_t, MethodLiteral *> &GetMethodLiteralMap() const
return methodLiteralMap_;
MethodLiteral *GetMethodLiteralByIndex(uint32_t index) const
auto info = methodLiteralMap_.find(index);
if (info != methodLiteralMap_.end()) {
return info->second;
return nullptr;
uint32_t GetNumMethods() const
return numMethods_;
uint32_t GetConstpoolIndex() const
return constpoolIndex_;
uint32_t GetMainMethodIndex(const CString &recordName = ENTRY_FUNCTION_NAME) const
if (IsBundlePack()) {
return jsRecordInfo_.begin()->second->mainMethodIndex;
auto info = jsRecordInfo_.find(recordName);
if (info != jsRecordInfo_.end()) {
return info->second->mainMethodIndex;
LOG_ECMA(ERROR) << "can not get main method index: " << recordName;
return 0;
const CUnorderedMap<uint32_t, uint64_t> *GetConstpoolMapByReocrd(const CString &recordName) const
auto info = jsRecordInfo_.find(recordName);
if (info != jsRecordInfo_.end()) {
return &info->second->constpoolMap;
LOG_FULL(FATAL) << "find entryPoint failed: " << recordName;
const CUnorderedMap<uint32_t, uint64_t> &GetConstpoolMap() const
return constpoolMap_;
uint32_t PUBLIC_API GetOrInsertConstantPool(ConstPoolType type, uint32_t offset,
const CUnorderedMap<uint32_t, uint64_t> *constpoolMap = nullptr);
void UpdateMainMethodIndex(uint32_t mainMethodIndex, const CString &recordName = ENTRY_FUNCTION_NAME)
LockHolder lock(jsRecordInfoMutex_);
if (IsBundlePack()) {
jsRecordInfo_.begin()->second->mainMethodIndex = mainMethodIndex;
} else {
auto info = jsRecordInfo_.find(recordName);
if (info != jsRecordInfo_.end()) {
info->second->mainMethodIndex = mainMethodIndex;
PUBLIC_API MethodLiteral *FindMethodLiteral(uint32_t offset) const;
int GetModuleRecordIdx(const CString &recordName = ENTRY_FUNCTION_NAME) const
if (IsBundlePack()) {
return jsRecordInfo_.begin()->second->moduleRecordIdx;
auto info = jsRecordInfo_.find(recordName);
if (info != jsRecordInfo_.end()) {
return info->second->moduleRecordIdx;
// The array subscript will not have a negative number, and returning -1 means the search failed
return -1;
int GetHasTopLevelAwait(const CString &recordName = ENTRY_FUNCTION_NAME) const
if (IsBundlePack()) {
return jsRecordInfo_.begin()->second->hasTopLevelAwait;
auto info = jsRecordInfo_.find(recordName);
if (info != jsRecordInfo_.end()) {
return info->second->hasTopLevelAwait;
return false;
Span<const uint32_t> GetClasses() const
return pf_->GetClasses();
inline bool IsExternal(panda_file::File::EntityId id) const
return pf_->IsExternal(id);
inline bool Contain(uint8_t *data) const
uintptr_t header = ToUintPtr(GetHeader());
uintptr_t dataPointer = ToUintPtr(data);
if (header < dataPointer && dataPointer < (header + GetFileSize())) {
return true;
return false;
inline panda_file::File::StringData GetStringData(panda_file::File::EntityId id) const
return pf_->GetStringData(id);
panda_file::File::EntityId ResolveMethodIndex(panda_file::File::EntityId id, uint16_t idx) const
return pf_->ResolveMethodIndex(id, idx);
panda_file::LiteralDataAccessor GetLiteralDataAccessor() const
EntityId literalArraysId = pf_->GetLiteralArraysId();
panda_file::LiteralDataAccessor lda(*pf_, literalArraysId);
return lda;
uint32_t GetConstpoolNum() const
return pf_->GetHeader()->num_indexes;
Span<const panda_file::File::EntityId> GetMethodIndex(const panda_file::File::IndexHeader *indexHeader) const
return pf_->GetMethodIndex(indexHeader);
const void *GetHeader() const
return static_cast<const void *>(pf_->GetHeader());
uint32_t GetFileSize() const
return pf_->GetHeader()->file_size;
bool CheckAndGetRecordInfo(const CString &recordName, JSRecordInfo **recordInfo) const;
const JSRecordInfo* GetRecordInfo(const CString &recordName);
CString GetJsonStringId(const JSRecordInfo &jsRecordInfo) const;
bool PUBLIC_API IsModule(const JSRecordInfo *jsRecordInfo) const
return jsRecordInfo->moduleRecordIdx != -1;
bool IsCjs(const JSRecordInfo *jsRecordInfo) const
return jsRecordInfo->isCjs;
bool IsJson(const JSRecordInfo *jsRecordInfo) const
return jsRecordInfo->isJson;
bool IsSharedModule(const JSRecordInfo *jsRecordInfo) const
return jsRecordInfo->isSharedModule;
bool IsBundlePack() const
return isBundlePack_;
bool IsLoadedAOT() const
return (GetAOTFileInfoIndex() != INVALID_INDEX);
uint32_t GetFileUniqId() const
return static_cast<uint32_t>(GetPandaFile()->GetUniqId());
bool IsNewVersion() const
return isNewVersion_;
bool HasRecord(const CString &recordName) const
return jsRecordInfo_.find(recordName) != jsRecordInfo_.end();
JSRecordInfo &FindRecordInfo(const CString &recordName)
auto info = jsRecordInfo_.find(recordName);
// check entry name, fix framework abc find recordName fail bug
if (recordName == "_GLOBAL") {
info = jsRecordInfo_.find(ENTRY_FUNCTION_NAME);
if (info == jsRecordInfo_.end()) {
LOG_FULL(FATAL) << "find recordName failed: " << recordName;
return *(info->second);
// note : it only uses in TDD
void InsertJSRecordInfo(const CString &recordName)
JSRecordInfo* info = new JSRecordInfo();
jsRecordInfo_.insert({recordName, info});
const CUnorderedMap<CString, JSRecordInfo*> &GetJSRecordInfo() const
return jsRecordInfo_;
static CString ParseEntryPoint(const CString &desc)
return desc.substr(1, desc.size() - 2); // 2 : skip symbol "L" and ";"
void CheckIsBundlePack();
void CheckIsRecordWithBundleName(const CString &entry);
bool IsRecordWithBundleName() const
return isRecordWithBundleName_;
CString GetEntryPoint(const CString &recordName) const;
CString GetRecordName(const CString &entryPoint) const;
bool FindOhmUrlInPF(const CString &recordName, CString &entryPoint) const;
uint32_t GetAOTFileInfoIndex() const
return anFileInfoIndex_;
void SetAOTFileInfoIndex(uint32_t index)
if (IsLoadedAOT()) {
LOG_ECMA(ERROR) << "Set Aot file info index failed. desc: " << GetJSPandaFileDesc()
<< ", anFileIndex: " << anFileInfoIndex_ << " vs " << index;
anFileInfoIndex_ = index;
static bool IsEntryOrPatch(const CString &name)
return (name == PATCH_FUNCTION_NAME_0) || (name == ENTRY_FUNCTION_NAME);
void DeleteParsedConstpoolVM(const EcmaVM *vm)
for (auto &recordInfo : jsRecordInfo_) {
static FunctionKind PUBLIC_API GetFunctionKind(panda_file::FunctionKind funcKind);
static FunctionKind GetFunctionKind(ConstPoolType type);
static bool PUBLIC_API IsSendableFunctionKind(panda_file::FunctionKind funcKind)
return (static_cast<uint32_t>(funcKind) & SENDABLE_FUNCTION_MASK) != 0;
bool PUBLIC_API IsFirstMergedAbc() const;
const void *GetBase() const
return static_cast<const void *>(pf_->GetBase());
void ClearNameMap();
void TranslateClasses(JSThread *thread, const CString &methodName);
void InitializeUnMergedPF();
void InitializeMergedPF();
void WaitTranslateClassTaskFinished();
void NotifyTranslateClassTaskCompleted();
void IncreaseTaskCount();
void TranslateClass(JSThread *thread, const CString &methodName);
void PostInitializeMethodTask(JSThread *thread, const std::shared_ptr<CString> &methodNamePtr);
void ReduceTaskCount();
void SetAllMethodLiteralToMap();
size_t GetClassAndMethodIndex(size_t *methodIdx);
static constexpr size_t VERSION_SIZE = 4;
static constexpr std::array<uint8_t, VERSION_SIZE> OLD_VERSION {0, 0, 0, 2};
static constexpr uint32_t SENDABLE_FUNCTION_MASK = 1 << 3;
// please add member after *pf_. static constexpr int32_t PF_OFFSET = 0.
const panda_file::File *pf_ {nullptr};
CString hapPath_;
uint32_t constpoolIndex_ {0};
uint32_t checksum_ {0};
CUnorderedMap<uint32_t, MethodLiteral *> methodLiteralMap_;
CUnorderedMap<uint32_t, const char *> methodNameMap_;
CUnorderedMap<uint32_t, CString> recordNameMap_;
Mutex methodNameMapMutex_;
Mutex recordNameMapMutex_;
Mutex waitTranslateClassFinishedMutex_;
Mutex classIndexMutex_;
Mutex jsRecordInfoMutex_;
ConditionVariable waitTranslateClassFinishedCV_;
uint32_t runningTaskCount_ {0};
size_t classIndex_ {0};
size_t methodIndex_ {0};
CUnorderedMap<uint32_t, uint64_t> constpoolMap_;
uint32_t numMethods_ {0};
uint32_t numClasses_ {0};
MethodLiteral *methodLiterals_ {nullptr};
CString desc_;
uint32_t anFileInfoIndex_ {INVALID_INDEX};
bool isNewVersion_ {false};
// marge abc
bool isBundlePack_ {true}; // isBundlePack means app compile mode is JSBundle
CUnorderedMap<CString, JSRecordInfo*> jsRecordInfo_;
CUnorderedMap<CString, CString> npmEntries_;
bool isRecordWithBundleName_ {true};
static bool loadedFirstPandaFile;
bool isFirstPandafile_{false};
} // namespace ecmascript
} // namespace panda