xliu 9849598f97 1.add arraylist and ArkPrivate. 2.add special container in stub. 3.fix Switch
Signed-off-by: xliu <>
Change-Id: I4082326fa075bce0c5c7bf8e6873282086fe5d6e
2022-01-04 19:30:40 +08:00

742 lines
31 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ecmascript/accessor_data.h"
#include "ecmascript/base/number_helper.h"
#include "ecmascript/compiler/circuit.h"
#include "ecmascript/compiler/circuit_builder.h"
#include "ecmascript/compiler/gate.h"
#include "ecmascript/compiler/machine_type.h"
#include "ecmascript/compiler/stub_descriptor.h"
#include "ecmascript/ic/ic_handler.h"
#include "ecmascript/ic/proto_change_details.h"
#include "ecmascript/js_array.h"
#include "ecmascript/js_function.h"
#include "ecmascript/js_object.h"
#include "ecmascript/js_tagged_value.h"
#include "ecmascript/layout_info.h"
#include "ecmascript/message_string.h"
#include "ecmascript/tagged_dictionary.h"
namespace panda::ecmascript::kungfu {
using namespace panda::ecmascript;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
#define DEFVARIABLE(varname, type, val) Stub::Variable varname(GetEnvironment(), type, NextVariableId(), val)
class CompilationConfig {
enum class Triple {
explicit CompilationConfig(const std::string &triple)
: triple_(GetTripleFromString(triple)),
~CompilationConfig() = default;
inline bool IsArm32() const
return triple_ == Triple::TRIPLE_ARM32;
inline bool IsAArch64() const
return triple_ == Triple::TRIPLE_AARCH64;
inline bool IsAmd64() const
return triple_ == Triple::TRIPLE_AMD64;
Triple GetTriple() const
return triple_;
uint32_t GetGlueOffset(JSThread::GlueID id) const
return glueTable_.GetOffset(id);
class GlueTable {
explicit GlueTable(Triple triple)
switch (triple) {
case Triple::TRIPLE_AMD64:
case Triple::TRIPLE_AARCH64:
offsetTable_ = {
case Triple::TRIPLE_ARM32:
offsetTable_ = {
~GlueTable() = default;
uint32_t GetOffset(JSThread::GlueID id) const
return offsetTable_[static_cast<size_t>(id)];
std::array<uint32_t, static_cast<size_t>(JSThread::GlueID::NUMBER_OF_GLUE)> offsetTable_ {};
inline Triple GetTripleFromString(const std::string &triple)
if ("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu") == 0) {
return Triple::TRIPLE_AMD64;
if ("aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu") == 0) {
return Triple::TRIPLE_AARCH64;
if ("arm-unknown-linux-gnu") == 0) {
return Triple::TRIPLE_ARM32;
Triple triple_;
GlueTable glueTable_;
class Stub {
class Environment;
class Label;
class Variable;
class Label {
class LabelImpl {
LabelImpl(Environment *env, GateRef control)
: env_(env), control_(control), predeControl_(-1), isSealed_(false)
~LabelImpl() = default;
void Seal();
void WriteVariable(Variable *var, GateRef value);
GateRef ReadVariable(Variable *var);
void Bind();
void MergeAllControl();
void MergeAllDepend();
void AppendPredecessor(LabelImpl *predecessor);
std::vector<LabelImpl *> GetPredecessors() const
return predecessors_;
void SetControl(GateRef control)
control_ = control;
void SetPreControl(GateRef control)
predeControl_ = control;
void MergeControl(GateRef control)
if (predeControl_ == -1) {
predeControl_ = control;
control_ = predeControl_;
} else {
GateRef GetControl() const
return control_;
void SetDepend(GateRef depend)
depend_ = depend;
GateRef GetDepend() const
return depend_;
bool IsNeedSeal() const;
bool IsSealed() const
return isSealed_;
bool IsLoopHead() const;
bool IsControlCase() const;
GateRef ReadVariableRecursive(Variable *var);
Environment *env_;
GateRef control_;
GateRef predeControl_ {-1};
GateRef dependRelay_ {-1};
GateRef depend_ {-1};
GateRef loopDepend_ {-1};
std::vector<GateRef> otherPredeControls_;
bool isSealed_ {false};
std::map<Variable *, GateRef> valueMap_;
std::vector<GateRef> phi;
std::vector<LabelImpl *> predecessors_;
std::map<Variable *, GateRef> incompletePhis_;
explicit Label() = default;
explicit Label(Environment *env);
explicit Label(LabelImpl *impl) : impl_(impl) {}
~Label() = default;
Label(Label const &label) = default;
Label &operator=(Label const &label) = default;
Label(Label &&label) = default;
Label &operator=(Label &&label) = default;
inline void Seal();
inline void WriteVariable(Variable *var, GateRef value);
inline GateRef ReadVariable(Variable *var);
inline void Bind();
inline void MergeAllControl();
inline void MergeAllDepend();
inline void AppendPredecessor(const Label *predecessor);
inline std::vector<Label> GetPredecessors() const;
inline void SetControl(GateRef control);
inline void SetPreControl(GateRef control);
inline void MergeControl(GateRef control);
inline GateRef GetControl() const;
inline GateRef GetDepend() const;
inline void SetDepend(GateRef depend);
friend class Environment;
LabelImpl *GetRawLabel() const
return impl_;
LabelImpl *impl_ {nullptr};
class Environment {
using LabelImpl = Label::LabelImpl;
explicit Environment(size_t arguments, Circuit *circuit);
Label *GetCurrentLabel() const
return currentLabel_;
void SetCurrentLabel(Label *label)
currentLabel_ = label;
CircuitBuilder &GetCircuitBuilder()
return builder_;
Circuit *GetCircuit()
return circuit_;
void SetCompilationConfig(const CompilationConfig *cfg)
compCfg_ = cfg;
inline bool IsArm32() const
return compCfg_->IsArm32();
inline bool IsAArch64() const
return compCfg_->IsAArch64();
inline bool IsAmd64() const
return compCfg_->IsAmd64();
inline bool IsArch64Bit() const
return compCfg_->IsAmd64() || compCfg_->IsAArch64();
inline bool IsArch32Bit() const
return compCfg_->IsArm32();
uint32_t GetGlueOffset(JSThread::GlueID id) const
return compCfg_->GetGlueOffset(id);
inline TypeCode GetTypeCode(GateRef gate) const;
inline Label GetLabelFromSelector(GateRef sel);
inline void AddSelectorToLabel(GateRef sel, Label label);
inline LabelImpl *NewLabel(Environment *env, GateRef control = -1);
inline void PushCurrentLabel(Label *entry);
inline void PopCurrentLabel();
inline void SetFrameType(FrameType type);
inline GateRef GetArgument(size_t index) const;
const CompilationConfig *compCfg_;
Label *currentLabel_ {nullptr};
Circuit *circuit_;
CircuitBuilder builder_;
std::unordered_map<GateRef, LabelImpl *> phiToLabels_;
std::vector<GateRef> arguments_;
Label entry_;
std::vector<LabelImpl *> rawLabels_;
std::stack<Label *> stack_;
class Variable {
Variable(Environment *env, MachineType type, uint32_t id, GateRef value) : id_(id), type_(type), env_(env)
env_->GetCurrentLabel()->WriteVariable(this, value);
~Variable() = default;
void Bind(GateRef value)
currentValue_ = value;
GateRef Value() const
return currentValue_;
MachineType Type() const
return type_;
bool IsBound() const
return currentValue_ != 0;
Variable &operator=(const GateRef value)
env_->GetCurrentLabel()->WriteVariable(this, value);
return *this;
GateRef operator*()
return env_->GetCurrentLabel()->ReadVariable(this);
GateRef AddPhiOperand(GateRef val);
GateRef AddOperandToSelector(GateRef val, size_t idx, GateRef in);
GateRef TryRemoveTrivialPhi(GateRef phi);
void RerouteOuts(const std::vector<Out *> &outs, Gate *newGate);
bool IsSelector(GateRef gate) const
return env_->GetCircuit()->IsSelector(gate);
bool IsSelector(const Gate *gate) const
return gate->GetOpCode() >= OpCode::VALUE_SELECTOR_JS
&& gate->GetOpCode() <= OpCode::VALUE_SELECTOR_FLOAT64;
uint32_t GetId() const
return id_;
uint32_t id_;
MachineType type_;
GateRef currentValue_ {0};
Environment *env_;
class SubCircuitScope {
explicit SubCircuitScope(Environment *env, Label *entry) : env_(env)
Environment *env_;
explicit Stub(const char *name, int argCount, Circuit *circuit)
: env_(argCount, circuit), methodName_(name)
virtual ~Stub() = default;
virtual void GenerateCircuit(const CompilationConfig *cfg)
Environment *GetEnvironment()
return &env_;
int NextVariableId()
return nextVariableId_++;
std::string GetMethodName() const
return methodName_;
// constant
inline GateRef GetInt32Constant(int32_t value);
inline GateRef GetWord64Constant(uint64_t value);
inline GateRef GetArchRelateConstant(uint64_t value);
inline GateRef TrueConstant();
inline GateRef FalseConstant();
inline GateRef GetBooleanConstant(bool value);
inline GateRef GetDoubleConstant(double value);
inline GateRef GetUndefinedConstant(MachineType type = MachineType::TAGGED);
inline GateRef GetHoleConstant(MachineType type = MachineType::TAGGED);
inline GateRef GetNullConstant(MachineType type = MachineType::TAGGED);
inline GateRef GetExceptionConstant(MachineType type = MachineType::TAGGED);
inline GateRef ArchRelatePtrMul(GateRef x, GateRef y);
// parameter
inline GateRef Argument(size_t index);
inline GateRef Int1Argument(size_t index);
inline GateRef Int32Argument(size_t index);
inline GateRef Int64Argument(size_t index);
inline GateRef TaggedArgument(size_t index);
inline GateRef TaggedPointerArgument(size_t index, TypeCode type = TypeCode::NOTYPE);
inline GateRef PtrArgument(size_t index, TypeCode type = TypeCode::NOTYPE);
inline GateRef Float32Argument(size_t index);
inline GateRef Float64Argument(size_t index);
inline GateRef Alloca(int size, TypeCode type = TypeCode::NOTYPE);
// control flow
inline GateRef Return(GateRef value);
inline GateRef Return();
inline void Bind(Label *label);
void Jump(Label *label);
void Branch(GateRef condition, Label *trueLabel, Label *falseLabel);
void Switch(GateRef index, Label *defaultLabel, int64_t *keysValue, Label *keysLabel, int numberOfKeys);
void Seal(Label *label)
void LoopBegin(Label *loopHead);
void LoopEnd(Label *loopHead);
// call operation
inline GateRef CallStub(StubDescriptor *descriptor, GateRef glue, GateRef target,
std::initializer_list<GateRef> args);
inline GateRef CallStub(StubDescriptor *descriptor, GateRef glue, GateRef target, GateRef depend,
std::initializer_list<GateRef> args);
inline GateRef CallRuntime(StubDescriptor *descriptor, GateRef glue, GateRef target,
std::initializer_list<GateRef> args);
inline GateRef CallRuntime(StubDescriptor *descriptor, GateRef glue, GateRef target, GateRef depend,
std::initializer_list<GateRef> args);
inline void DebugPrint(GateRef thread, std::initializer_list<GateRef> args);
// memory
inline GateRef Load(MachineType type, GateRef base, GateRef offset);
inline GateRef Load(MachineType type, GateRef base);
GateRef Store(MachineType type, GateRef glue, GateRef base, GateRef offset, GateRef value);
// arithmetic
inline GateRef Int32Add(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int64Add(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef DoubleAdd(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef PtrAdd(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef PtrSub(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef ArchRelateAdd(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef ArchRelateSub(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int32Sub(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int64Sub(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef DoubleSub(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int32Mul(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int64Mul(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef DoubleMul(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef DoubleDiv(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int32Div(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word32Div(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int32Mod(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef DoubleMod(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Int64Div(GateRef x, GateRef y);
// bit operation
inline GateRef Word32Or(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word32And(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word32Not(GateRef x);
GateRef Word32Xor(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef FixLoadType(GateRef x);
inline GateRef Word64Or(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word64And(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word64Xor(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word64Not(GateRef x);
inline GateRef Word32LSL(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word64LSL(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word32LSR(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word64LSR(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Word32Sar(GateRef x, GateRef y);
GateRef Word64Sar(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef TaggedIsInt(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsDouble(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsObject(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsNumber(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsHole(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsNotHole(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsUndefined(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsSpecial(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsHeapObject(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsPropertyBox(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsWeak(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsPrototypeHandler(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsTransitionHandler(GateRef x);
GateRef TaggedIsString(GateRef obj);
GateRef TaggedIsStringOrSymbol(GateRef obj);
inline GateRef GetNextPositionForHash(GateRef last, GateRef count, GateRef size);
inline GateRef DoubleIsNAN(GateRef x);
inline GateRef DoubleIsINF(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsNull(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsUndefinedOrNull(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsTrue(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsFalse(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedIsBoolean(GateRef x);
inline GateRef IntBuildTaggedWithNoGC(GateRef x);
inline GateRef Int64BuildTaggedWithNoGC(GateRef x);
inline GateRef DoubleBuildTaggedWithNoGC(GateRef x);
inline GateRef CastDoubleToInt64(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedTrue();
inline GateRef TaggedFalse();
// compare operation
inline GateRef Word32Equal(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word32NotEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word64Equal(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef DoubleEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word64NotEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int32GreaterThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int32LessThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int32GreaterThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int32LessThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word32GreaterThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word32LessThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word32LessThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word32GreaterThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int64GreaterThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int64LessThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int64LessThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Int64GreaterThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word64GreaterThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word64LessThan(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word64LessThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
inline GateRef Word64GreaterThanOrEqual(GateRef x, GateRef y);
// cast operation
inline GateRef ChangeInt64ToInt32(GateRef val);
inline GateRef ChangeInt64ToUintPtr(GateRef val);
inline GateRef ChangeInt32ToUintPtr(GateRef val);
// math operation
GateRef Sqrt(GateRef x);
inline GateRef GetSetterFromAccessor(GateRef accessor);
inline GateRef GetElementsArray(GateRef object);
inline void SetElementsArray(GateRef glue, GateRef object, GateRef elementsArray);
inline GateRef GetPropertiesArray(GateRef object);
// SetProperties in js_object.h
inline void SetPropertiesArray(GateRef glue, GateRef object, GateRef propsArray);
inline GateRef GetLengthofTaggedArray(GateRef array);
// object operation
inline GateRef IsJSHClass(GateRef obj);
inline GateRef LoadHClass(GateRef object);
inline void StoreHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef object, GateRef hclass);
void CopyAllHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef dstHClass, GateRef scrHClass);
inline GateRef GetObjectType(GateRef hClass);
inline GateRef IsDictionaryMode(GateRef object);
inline GateRef IsDictionaryModeByHClass(GateRef hClass);
inline GateRef IsDictionaryElement(GateRef hClass);
inline GateRef NotBuiltinsConstructor(GateRef object);
inline GateRef IsClassConstructor(GateRef object);
inline GateRef IsExtensible(GateRef object);
inline GateRef IsEcmaObject(GateRef obj);
inline GateRef IsSymbol(GateRef obj);
inline GateRef IsString(GateRef obj);
inline GateRef IsJsProxy(GateRef obj);
inline GateRef IsJsArray(GateRef obj);
inline GateRef IsWritable(GateRef attr);
inline GateRef IsAccessor(GateRef attr);
inline GateRef IsInlinedProperty(GateRef attr);
inline GateRef IsField(GateRef attr);
inline GateRef IsNonExist(GateRef attr);
inline GateRef HandlerBaseIsAccessor(GateRef attr);
inline GateRef HandlerBaseIsJSArray(GateRef attr);
inline GateRef HandlerBaseIsInlinedProperty(GateRef attr);
inline GateRef HandlerBaseGetOffset(GateRef attr);
inline GateRef IsInvalidPropertyBox(GateRef obj);
inline GateRef GetValueFromPropertyBox(GateRef obj);
inline void SetValueToPropertyBox(GateRef glue, GateRef obj, GateRef value);
inline GateRef GetTransitionFromHClass(GateRef obj);
inline GateRef GetTransitionHandlerInfo(GateRef obj);
inline GateRef IsInternalAccessor(GateRef attr);
inline GateRef GetProtoCell(GateRef object);
inline GateRef GetPrototypeHandlerHolder(GateRef object);
inline GateRef GetPrototypeHandlerHandlerInfo(GateRef object);
inline GateRef GetHasChanged(GateRef object);
inline GateRef HclassIsPrototypeHandler(GateRef hclass);
inline GateRef HclassIsTransitionHandler(GateRef hclass);
inline GateRef HclassIsPropertyBox(GateRef hclass);
inline GateRef PropAttrGetOffset(GateRef attr);
// SetDictionaryOrder func in property_attribute.h
inline GateRef SetDictionaryOrderFieldInPropAttr(GateRef attr, GateRef value);
inline GateRef GetPrototypeFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
inline GateRef GetLayoutFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
inline GateRef GetBitFieldFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
inline GateRef SetBitFieldToHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef bitfield);
inline GateRef SetPrototypeToHClass(MachineType type, GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef proto);
inline GateRef SetProtoChangeDetailsToHClass(MachineType type, GateRef glue, GateRef hClass,
GateRef protoChange);
inline GateRef SetLayoutToHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef attr);
inline GateRef SetParentToHClass(MachineType type, GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef parent);
inline GateRef SetEnumCacheToHClass(MachineType type, GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef key);
inline GateRef SetTransitionsToHClass(MachineType type, GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef transition);
inline void SetIsProtoTypeToHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef value);
inline GateRef IsProtoTypeHClass(GateRef hClass);
inline void SetPropertyInlinedProps(GateRef glue, GateRef obj, GateRef hClass,
GateRef value, GateRef attrOffset);
inline void IncNumberOfProps(GateRef glue, GateRef hClass);
inline GateRef GetNumberOfPropsFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
inline void SetNumberOfPropsToHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef value);
inline GateRef GetObjectSizeFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
inline GateRef GetInlinedPropsStartFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
inline GateRef GetInlinedPropertiesFromHClass(GateRef hClass);
void ThrowTypeAndReturn(GateRef glue, int messageId, GateRef val);
inline GateRef GetValueFromTaggedArray(MachineType returnType, GateRef elements, GateRef index);
inline void SetValueToTaggedArray(MachineType valType, GateRef glue, GateRef array, GateRef index, GateRef val);
inline void UpdateValueAndAttributes(GateRef glue, GateRef elements, GateRef index, GateRef value, GateRef attr);
inline GateRef IsSpecialIndexedObj(GateRef jsType);
inline GateRef IsSpecialContainer(GateRef jsType);
inline GateRef IsAccessorInternal(GateRef value);
template<typename DictionaryT = NameDictionary>
GateRef GetAttributesFromDictionary(GateRef elements, GateRef entry);
template<typename DictionaryT = NameDictionary>
GateRef GetValueFromDictionary(MachineType returnType, GateRef elements, GateRef entry);
template<typename DictionaryT = NameDictionary>
GateRef GetKeyFromDictionary(MachineType returnType, GateRef elements, GateRef entry);
inline GateRef GetPropAttrFromLayoutInfo(GateRef layout, GateRef entry);
inline GateRef GetPropertiesAddrFromLayoutInfo(GateRef layout);
inline GateRef GetPropertyMetaDataFromAttr(GateRef attr);
inline GateRef GetKeyFromLayoutInfo(GateRef layout, GateRef entry);
GateRef IsMatchInNumberDictionary(GateRef key, GateRef other);
GateRef FindElementWithCache(GateRef glue, GateRef layoutInfo, GateRef hClass,
GateRef key, GateRef propsNum);
GateRef FindElementFromNumberDictionary(GateRef glue, GateRef elements, GateRef key);
GateRef FindEntryFromNameDictionary(GateRef glue, GateRef elements, GateRef key);
GateRef IsMatchInTransitionDictionary(GateRef element, GateRef key, GateRef metaData, GateRef attr);
GateRef FindEntryFromTransitionDictionary(GateRef glue, GateRef elements, GateRef key, GateRef metaData);
GateRef JSObjectGetProperty(MachineType returnType, GateRef obj, GateRef hClass, GateRef propAttr);
void JSObjectSetProperty(GateRef glue, GateRef obj, GateRef hClass, GateRef attr, GateRef value);
GateRef ShouldCallSetter(GateRef receiver, GateRef holder, GateRef accessor, GateRef attr);
GateRef CallSetterUtil(GateRef glue, GateRef holder, GateRef accessor, GateRef value);
GateRef SetHasConstructorCondition(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key);
GateRef AddPropertyByName(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key, GateRef value, GateRef propertyAttributes);
GateRef IsUtf16String(GateRef string);
GateRef IsUtf8String(GateRef string);
GateRef IsInternalString(GateRef string);
GateRef IsDigit(GateRef ch);
GateRef StringToElementIndex(GateRef string);
GateRef TryToElementsIndex(GateRef key);
GateRef ComputePropertyCapacityInJSObj(GateRef oldLength);
GateRef FindTransitions(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef hclass, GateRef key, GateRef attr);
GateRef TaggedToRepresentation(GateRef value);
GateRef LoadFromField(GateRef receiver, GateRef handlerInfo);
GateRef LoadGlobal(GateRef cell);
GateRef LoadElement(GateRef receiver, GateRef key);
GateRef TryToElementsIndex(GateRef glue, GateRef key);
GateRef CheckPolyHClass(GateRef cachedValue, GateRef hclass);
GateRef LoadICWithHandler(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef holder, GateRef handler);
GateRef StoreICWithHandler(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef holder,
GateRef value, GateRef handler);
GateRef ICStoreElement(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key,
GateRef value, GateRef handlerInfo);
GateRef GetArrayLength(GateRef object);
void StoreField(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef value, GateRef handler);
void StoreWithTransition(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef value, GateRef handler);
GateRef StoreGlobal(GateRef glue, GateRef value, GateRef cell);
void JSHClassAddProperty(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key, GateRef attr);
void NotifyHClassChanged(GateRef glue, GateRef oldHClass, GateRef newHClass);
inline GateRef TaggedCastToInt64(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedCastToInt32(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedCastToDouble(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TaggedCastToWeakReferentUnChecked(GateRef x);
inline GateRef ChangeInt32ToFloat64(GateRef x);
inline GateRef ChangeFloat64ToInt32(GateRef x);
inline GateRef ChangeTaggedPointerToInt64(GateRef x);
inline GateRef CastInt64ToFloat64(GateRef x);
inline GateRef SExtInt32ToInt64(GateRef x);
inline GateRef SExtInt1ToInt64(GateRef x);
inline GateRef SExtInt1ToInt32(GateRef x);
inline GateRef ZExtInt32ToInt64(GateRef x);
inline GateRef ZExtInt1ToInt64(GateRef x);
inline GateRef ZExtInt1ToInt32(GateRef x);
inline GateRef ZExtInt8ToInt32(GateRef x);
inline GateRef ZExtInt16ToInt32(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TruncInt64ToInt32(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TruncInt64ToInt1(GateRef x);
inline GateRef TruncInt32ToInt1(GateRef x);
inline GateRef GetGlobalConstantAddr(GateRef index);
inline GateRef GetGlobalConstantString(ConstantIndex index);
inline GateRef IsCallable(GateRef obj);
inline GateRef GetOffsetFieldInPropAttr(GateRef attr);
inline GateRef SetOffsetFieldInPropAttr(GateRef attr, GateRef value);
inline GateRef SetIsInlinePropsFieldInPropAttr(GateRef attr, GateRef value);
inline void SetHasConstructorToHClass(GateRef glue, GateRef hClass, GateRef value);
inline void UpdateValueInDict(GateRef glue, GateRef elements, GateRef index, GateRef value);
void SetValueWithBarrier(GateRef glue, GateRef obj, GateRef offset, GateRef value);
GateRef GetPropertyByIndex(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef index);
GateRef GetPropertyByName(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key);
GateRef SetPropertyByIndex(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef index, GateRef value);
GateRef SetPropertyByName(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key,
GateRef value); // Crawl prototype chain
GateRef SetPropertyByNameWithOwn(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef key,
GateRef value); // Do not crawl the prototype chain
// Add SpecialContainer
GateRef GetContainerProperty(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef index, GateRef jsType);
GateRef SetContainerProperty(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef index, GateRef value, GateRef jsType);
GateRef JSArrayListGet(GateRef glue, GateRef receiver, GateRef index);
Environment env_;
std::string methodName_;
int nextVariableId_ {0};
} // namespace panda::ecmascript::kungfu