wupengyong 91d17eef48 add gc runtime stat
Signed-off-by: wupengyong <>
Change-Id: I3ae2008018ee7741367991abf457cafe27e871c7
2021-09-11 15:40:49 +08:00

479 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ecmascript/base/config.h"
namespace panda::ecmascript {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
V(RunInternal) \
V(Ldnan) \
V(Ldinfinity) \
V(Ldglobalthis) \
V(Ldundefined) \
V(Ldboolean) \
V(Ldnumber) \
V(Ldstring) \
V(Ldbigint) \
V(Ldnull) \
V(Ldsymbol) \
V(Ldfunction) \
V(Ldglobal) \
V(Ldtrue) \
V(Ldfalse) \
V(Tonumber) \
V(Toboolean) \
V(Add2Dyn) \
V(Sub2Dyn) \
V(Mul2Dyn) \
V(Div2Dyn) \
V(Mod2Dyn) \
V(EqDyn) \
V(NotEqDyn) \
V(LessDyn) \
V(LessEqDyn) \
V(GreaterDyn) \
V(GreaterEqDyn) \
V(StrictNotEqDyn) \
V(StrictEqDyn) \
V(Shl2Dyn) \
V(Shr2Dyn) \
V(Ashr2Dyn) \
V(And2Dyn) \
V(Or2Dyn) \
V(Xor2Dyn) \
V(NegDyn) \
V(NotDyn) \
V(IncDyn) \
V(DecDyn) \
V(ExpDyn) \
V(ThrowDyn) \
V(LdObjByIndexDyn) \
V(StObjByIndexDyn) \
V(LdObjByNameDyn) \
V(StObjByNameDyn) \
V(LdObjByValueDyn) \
V(StObjByValueDyn) \
V(StOwnByNameDyn) \
V(StOwnByIdDyn) \
V(StOwnByValueDyn) \
V(Trygetobjprop) \
V(Delobjprop) \
V(Defineglobalvar) \
V(Definelocalvar) \
V(Definefuncexpr) \
V(DefinefuncDyn) \
V(DefineNCFuncDyn) \
V(NewobjDynrange) \
V(RefeqDyn) \
V(TypeofDyn) \
V(LdnewobjrangeDyn) \
V(IsinDyn) \
V(InstanceofDyn) \
V(NewobjspreadDyn) \
V(CallArg0Dyn) \
V(CallArg1Dyn) \
V(CallArg2Dyn) \
V(CallArg3Dyn) \
V(CallThisRangeDyn) \
V(CallRangeDyn) \
V(CallSpreadDyn) \
V(NewlexenvDyn) \
V(StlexvarDyn) \
V(LdlexvarDyn) \
V(LdlexenvDyn) \
V(GetUnmappedArgs) \
V(GetPropIterator) \
V(CreateIterResultObj) \
V(DefineGeneratorFunc) \
V(SuspendGenerator) \
V(ResumeGenerator) \
V(GetResumeMode) \
V(CreateGeneratorObj) \
V(DefineAsyncFunc) \
V(DefineGetterSetterByValue) \
V(AsyncFunctionEnter) \
V(AsyncFunctionAwaitUncaught) \
V(AsyncFunctionResolveOrReject) \
V(ThrowUndefined) \
V(ThrowConstAssignment) \
V(ThrowUndefinedIfHole) \
V(Copyrestargs) \
V(Trystobjprop) \
V(GetTemplateObject) \
V(GetIterator) \
V(ThrowIfNotObject) \
V(ThrowThrowNotExists) \
V(CreateObjectWithExcludedKeys) \
V(ThrowPatternNonCoercible) \
V(IterNext) \
V(CloseIterator) \
V(StArraySpread) \
V(GetCallSpreadArgs) \
V(TryLoadICByName) \
V(LoadICByName) \
V(GetPropertyByName) \
V(TryLoadICByValue) \
V(LoadICByValue) \
V(TryStoreICByName) \
V(StoreICByName) \
V(TryStoreICByValue) \
V(StoreICByValue) \
V(NotifyInlineCache) \
V(CompressCollector_RunPhases) \
V(OldSpaceCollector_RunPhases) \
V(SemiSpaceCollector_RunPhases) \
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
V(Array, Constructor) \
V(Array, From) \
V(Array, Of) \
V(Array, IsArray) \
V(Array, Entries) \
V(Array, Species) \
V(Array, Concat) \
V(Array, CopyWithin) \
V(Array, Fill) \
V(Array, Filter) \
V(Array, Find) \
V(Array, FindIndex) \
V(Array, IndexOf) \
V(Array, Join) \
V(Array, Keys) \
V(Array, LastIndexOf) \
V(Array, Map) \
V(Array, Pop) \
V(Array, Push) \
V(Array, Reduce) \
V(Array, ReduceRight) \
V(Array, Reverse) \
V(Array, Shift) \
V(Array, Slice) \
V(Array, Some) \
V(Array, Sort) \
V(Array, Splice) \
V(Array, ToLocaleString) \
V(Array, ToString) \
V(Array, Unshift) \
V(Array, Values) \
V(ArrayBuffer, Constructor) \
V(ArrayBuffer, Slice) \
V(ArrayBuffer, GetValueFromBuffer) \
V(ArrayBuffer, SetValueInBuffer) \
V(ArrayBuffer, CloneArrayBuffer) \
V(ArrayBuffer, AllocateArrayBuffer) \
V(AsyncFunction, Constructor) \
V(Boolean, Constructor) \
V(Boolean, ThisBooleanValue) \
V(DataView, Constructor) \
V(DataView, GetBuffer) \
V(DataView, GetByteLength) \
V(DataView, GetOffset) \
V(DataView, GetViewValue) \
V(DataView, SetViewValue) \
V(Date, Constructor) \
V(Date, Now) \
V(Date, UTC) \
V(Date, Parse) \
V(Date, GetDateField) \
V(Date, GetTime) \
V(Date, SetTime) \
V(Date, ToJSON) \
V(Date, ValueOf) \
V(Date, ToPrimitive) \
V(Function, Constructor) \
V(Function, PrototypeApply) \
V(Function, PrototypeBind) \
V(Function, PrototypeCall) \
V(Function, PrototypeToString) \
V(Function, PrototypeHasInstance) \
V(Generator, Constructor) \
V(Generator, PrototypeNext) \
V(Generator, PrototypeReturn) \
V(Generator, PrototypeThrow) \
V(Global, IsFinite) \
V(Global, IsNaN) \
V(Global, PrintEntryPoint) \
V(Global, NewobjDynrange) \
V(Global, CallJsBoundFunction) \
V(Global, CallJsProxy) \
V(Global, DecodeURI) \
V(Global, EncodeURI) \
V(Global, DecodeURIComponent) \
V(Global, EncodeURIComponent) \
V(Iterator, Constructor) \
V(Iterator, Next) \
V(Iterator, Throw) \
V(Iterator, Return) \
V(Iterator, GetObj) \
V(Json, Parse) \
V(Json, Stringify) \
V(Map, Constructor) \
V(Map, Species) \
V(Map, Clear) \
V(Map, Delete) \
V(Map, Entries) \
V(Map, Get) \
V(Map, Has) \
V(Map, Keys) \
V(Map, Set) \
V(Map, GetSize) \
V(Map, Values) \
V(Math, Abs) \
V(Math, Acos) \
V(Math, Acosh) \
V(Math, Asin) \
V(Math, Asinh) \
V(Math, Atan) \
V(Math, Atanh) \
V(Math, Atan2) \
V(Math, Cbrt) \
V(Math, Ceil) \
V(Math, Clz32) \
V(Math, Cos) \
V(Math, Cosh) \
V(Math, Exp) \
V(Math, Expm1) \
V(Math, Floor) \
V(Math, Fround) \
V(Math, Hypot) \
V(Math, Imul) \
V(Math, Log) \
V(Math, Log1p) \
V(Math, Log10) \
V(Math, Log2) \
V(Math, Max) \
V(Math, Min) \
V(Math, Pow) \
V(Math, Random) \
V(Math, Round) \
V(Math, Sign) \
V(Math, Sin) \
V(Math, Sinh) \
V(Math, Sqrt) \
V(Math, Tan) \
V(Math, Tanh) \
V(Math, Trunc) \
V(Number, Constructor) \
V(Number, IsFinite) \
V(Number, IsInteger) \
V(Number, IsNaN) \
V(Number, IsSafeInteger) \
V(Number, ParseFloat) \
V(Number, ParseInt) \
V(Number, ToExponential) \
V(Number, ToFixed) \
V(Number, ToLocaleString) \
V(Number, ToPrecision) \
V(Number, ToString) \
V(Number, ValueOf) \
V(Number, ThisNumberValue) \
V(Object, Constructor) \
V(Object, Assign) \
V(Object, Create) \
V(Object, DefineProperties) \
V(Object, DefineProperty) \
V(Object, Freeze) \
V(Object, GetOwnPropertyDesciptor) \
V(Object, GetOwnPropertyKeys) \
V(Object, GetOwnPropertyNames) \
V(Object, GetOwnPropertySymbols) \
V(Object, GetPrototypeOf) \
V(Object, Is) \
V(Object, Keys) \
V(Object, PreventExtensions) \
V(Object, Seal) \
V(Object, SetPrototypeOf) \
V(Object, HasOwnProperty) \
V(Object, IsPrototypeOf) \
V(Object, ToLocaleString) \
V(Object, GetBuiltinTag) \
V(Object, ToString) \
V(Object, ValueOf) \
V(Object, ProtoGetter) \
V(Object, ProtoSetter) \
V(PromiseHandler, Resolve) \
V(PromiseHandler, Reject) \
V(PromiseHandler, Executor) \
V(PromiseHandler, ResolveElementFunction) \
V(PromiseJob, Reaction) \
V(PromiseJob, ResolveThenableJob) \
V(Promise, Constructor) \
V(Promise, All) \
V(Promise, Race) \
V(Promise, Reject) \
V(Promise, Resolve) \
V(Promise, GetSpecies) \
V(Promise, Catch) \
V(Promise, Then) \
V(Promise, PerformPromiseThen) \
V(Proxy, Constructor) \
V(Proxy, Revocable) \
V(Proxy, InvalidateProxyFunction) \
V(Reflect, Apply) \
V(Reflect, Constructor) \
V(Reflect, DefineProperty) \
V(Reflect, DeleteProperty) \
V(Reflect, Get) \
V(Reflect, GetOwnPropertyDescriptor) \
V(Reflect, GetPrototypeOf) \
V(Reflect, Has) \
V(Reflect, OwnKeys) \
V(Reflect, PreventExtensions) \
V(Reflect, Set) \
V(Reflect, SetPrototypeOf) \
V(RegExp, Constructor) \
V(RegExp, Exec) \
V(RegExp, Test) \
V(RegExp, ToString) \
V(RegExp, GetFlags) \
V(RegExp, GetSpecies) \
V(RegExp, Match) \
V(RegExp, Replace) \
V(RegExp, Search) \
V(RegExp, Split) \
V(RegExp, Create) \
V(Set, Constructor) \
V(Set, Species) \
V(Set, Add) \
V(Set, Clear) \
V(Set, Delete) \
V(Set, Entries) \
V(Set, Has) \
V(Set, GetSize) \
V(Set, Values) \
V(StringIterator, Next) \
V(String, Constructor) \
V(String, FromCharCode) \
V(String, FromCodePoint) \
V(String, Raw) \
V(String, GetSubstitution) \
V(String, CharAt) \
V(String, CharCodeAt) \
V(String, CodePointAt) \
V(String, Concat) \
V(String, EndsWith) \
V(String, Includes) \
V(String, IndexOf) \
V(String, LastIndexOf) \
V(String, LocaleCompare) \
V(String, Match) \
V(String, Normalize) \
V(String, Repeat) \
V(String, Replace) \
V(String, Search) \
V(String, Slice) \
V(String, Split) \
V(String, StartsWith) \
V(String, Substring) \
V(String, ToLocaleLowerCase) \
V(String, ToLocaleUpperCase) \
V(String, ToLowerCase) \
V(String, ToString) \
V(String, ToUpperCase) \
V(String, Trim) \
V(String, GetStringIterator) \
V(String, SubStr) \
V(Symbol, Constructor) \
V(Symbol, ToString) \
V(Symbol, ValueOf) \
V(Symbol, For) \
V(Symbol, KeyFor) \
V(Symbol, DescriptionGetter) \
V(Symbol, ThisSymbolValue) \
V(Symbol, ToPrimitive) \
V(Symbol, SymbolDescriptiveString) \
V(TypedArray, BaseConstructor) \
V(TypedArray, From) \
V(TypedArray, Of) \
V(TypedArray, Species) \
V(TypedArray, GetBuffer) \
V(TypedArray, GetByteLength) \
V(TypedArray, GetByteOffset) \
V(TypedArray, CopyWithin) \
V(TypedArray, Entries) \
V(TypedArray, Every) \
V(TypedArray, Filter) \
V(TypedArray, ForEach) \
V(TypedArray, Keys) \
V(TypedArray, GetLength) \
V(TypedArray, Map) \
V(TypedArray, Set) \
V(TypedArray, Slice) \
V(TypedArray, Sort) \
V(TypedArray, Subarray) \
V(TypedArray, Values) \
V(TypedArray, ToStringTag) \
V(WeakMap, Constructor) \
V(WeakMap, Delete) \
V(WeakMap, Get) \
V(WeakMap, Has) \
V(WeakMap, Set) \
V(WeakSet, Constructor) \
V(WeakSet, Delete) \
V(WeakSet, Add) \
V(WeakSet, Has)
V(JSTaggedValue, ToString) \
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
#define BUILTINS_API_ID(class, name) BUILTINS_ID_##class##_##name,
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
#define GC_RUNPHASE_ID(name) name##_GC_TRACE_RUNPHASE,
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
#define ABSTRACT_OPERATION_ID(class, name) ABSTRACT_ID_##class##_##name,
enum EcmaRuntimeCallerId {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
#define INTERPRETER_TRACE(thread, name) \
[[maybe_unused]] JSThread *_js_thread_ = thread; \
[[maybe_unused]] EcmaRuntimeStat *_run_stat_ = _js_thread_->GetEcmaVM()->GetRuntimeStat(); \
RuntimeTimerScope interpret_##name##_scope_(thread, INTERPRETER_CALLER_ID(name) _run_stat_)
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
#define BUILTINS_API_TRACE(thread, class, name) \
[[maybe_unused]] JSThread *_js_thread_ = thread; \
[[maybe_unused]] EcmaRuntimeStat *_run_stat_ = _js_thread_->GetEcmaVM()->GetRuntimeStat(); \
RuntimeTimerScope builtins_##class##name##_scope_(thread, BUILTINS_API_ID(class, name) _run_stat_)
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
#define ABSTRACT_OPERATION_TRACE(thread, class, name) \
[[maybe_unused]] JSThread *_js_thread_ = thread; \
[[maybe_unused]] EcmaRuntimeStat *_run_stat_ = _js_thread_->GetEcmaVM()->GetRuntimeStat(); \
RuntimeTimerScope abstract_##class##name##_scope_(thread, ABSTRACT_OPERATION_ID(class, name) _run_stat_)
#define INTERPRETER_TRACE(thread, name) static_cast<void>(0) // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
#define BUILTINS_API_TRACE(thread, class, name) static_cast<void>(0) // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
#define ABSTRACT_OPERATION_TRACE(thread, class, name) static_cast<void>(0) // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
} // namespace panda::ecmascript