# Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import("//build/config/clang/clang.gni") import("//build/ohos.gni") import("//build/test.gni") # Config args declare_args() { # ace debug flag, enable debug features: like dcheck, thread-checker, mem-monitor... enable_ace_debug = false # show the instance id in logs. enable_ace_instance_log = true # Disable glfw window to build for PC preview scenario. enable_glfw_window = false # Enable metal in iOS or MacOS shell_enable_metal = false # Enable pgo for building. ace_engine_feature_enable_pgo = false # Set pgo profdata path ace_engine_feature_pgo_path = "" # Enable atomic for building. ace_engine_feature_enable_atomic = false # Set Instruction Sched Model ace_engine_feature_sched_model = "" # Enable test coverage ace_engine_feature_enable_coverage = false # Enalbe point light ace_engine_feature_enable_point_light = true # Set atomicservice basic engine so path ace_engine_feature_asbng_path = "" # Sanitize debug ace_sanitize_debug = false # Enable when build for text engine adapter enable_graphic_text_gine = true # Don't use currentIdSafely in some function use_origin_scope = false # Enable split_mode support ace_engine_feature_enable_split_mode = false # Enable navigation split mode support ace_engine_feature_enable_nav_split_mode = false } enable_dump_drawcmd = false is_ohos_standard_system = is_standard_system && !is_arkui_x use_mingw_win = "${current_os}_${current_cpu}" == "mingw_x86_64" use_mac = "${current_os}_${current_cpu}" == "mac_x64" || "${current_os}_${current_cpu}" == "mac_arm64" use_ios = "${current_os}_${current_cpu}" == "ios_x64" || "${current_os}_${current_cpu}" == "ios_arm64" use_linux = "${current_os}_${current_cpu}" == "linux_x64" use_hilog = is_mingw || is_mac || is_linux || is_ohos || is_ohos_standard_system # Config path ace_root = "//foundation/arkui/ace_engine" hilog_root = "//base/hiviewdfx/hilog" ace_napi_frameworks = "//foundation/arkui/ace_engine/frameworks" ace_napi = "//foundation/arkui/napi" arkui_root = "//foundation/arkui" ace_graphic = "//foundation/graphic/graphic_2d" if (!defined(aosp_libs_dir)) { aosp_libs_dir = "//prebuilts/aosp_prebuilt_libs/asdk_libs" } libs_root = "${aosp_libs_dir}/sdk" ability_runtime_path = "//foundation/ability/ability_runtime" graphic_2d_path = "//foundation/graphic/graphic_2d" ark_ets_path = "//arkcompiler/ets_runtime" crossplatform_plugin_root = "//plugins" crossplatform_multimedia_root = "//foundation/multimedia" skia_root_new = "//third_party/skia" # arkui-x flutter_root = "//third_party/flutter" ace_flutter_engine_root = "$flutter_root/build" ark_toolchain_path = "//arkcompiler/toolchain" # Config toolchain windows_buildtool = "//build/toolchain/mingw:mingw_x86_64" if (!defined(default_aosp_source_dir)) { default_aosp_source_dir = "/" } objcopy_default = "${default_aosp_source_dir}/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/aarch64-linux-android/bin/objcopy" objcopy_mingw = "${default_aosp_source_dir}/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-w64-mingw32-4.8/x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/objcopy" objcopy_x86_64 = "${default_clang_base_path}/bin/llvm-objcopy" if ("${current_os}_${current_cpu}" == "mac_arm64") { mac_buildtool = "//build/toolchain/mac:clang_arm64" } else if ("${current_os}_${current_cpu}" == "mac_x64") { mac_buildtool = "//build/toolchain/mac:clang_x64" } objcopy_clang = "$clang_base_path/bin/llvm-objcopy" if (is_ohos_standard_system) { if (host_cpu == "arm64") { objcopy_default = "//prebuilts/clang/ohos/linux-aarch64/llvm/bin/llvm-objcopy" } else { objcopy_default = "//prebuilts/clang/ohos/linux-x86_64/llvm/bin/llvm-objcopy" } } else if (is_arkui_x) { if (host_os == "mac") { objcopy_default = objcopy_clang } else if (defined(aosp_objcopy)) { objcopy_default = aosp_objcopy } } # Config subsystem name ace_engine_subsystem = "arkui" # Config part name if (is_ohos_standard_system) { ace_engine_part = "ace_engine" hilog_deps = [ "hilog:libhilog" ] ark_runtime_path = "//arkcompiler/runtime_core" } else { if (is_arkui_x) { ace_engine_part = "ace_engine_cross" } else { ace_engine_part = "ace_engine_full" } hilog_deps = [ "hilog:libhilog" ] ark_runtime_path = "//arkcompiler/runtime_core" } # Config defines ace_wearable_defines = [ "WEARABLE_PRODUCT" ] ace_ivi_defines = [ "IVI_PRODUCT" ] ace_common_defines = [ "ACE_LOG_TAG=\"Ace\"" ] if (use_hilog) { ace_common_defines += [ "USE_HILOG" ] } if (enable_glfw_window) { ace_common_defines += [ "USE_GLFW_WINDOW" ] } if (use_clang_coverage) { ace_common_defines += [ "USE_CLANG_COVERAGE" ] } if (enable_ace_debug) { ace_common_defines += [ "ACE_DEBUG" ] } if (enable_ace_instance_log) { ace_common_defines += [ "ACE_INSTANCE_LOG" ] } if (enable_dump_drawcmd) { ace_common_defines += [ "DUMP_DRAW_CMD" ] } if (build_variant == "user") { ace_common_defines += [ "IS_RELEASE_VERSION" ] } ace_use_new_skia = true ace_use_rosen_drawing = false if (defined(use_rosen_drawing) && use_rosen_drawing) { ace_use_rosen_drawing = true ace_common_defines += [ "USE_ROSEN_DRAWING" ] } if (enable_graphic_text_gine) { ace_common_defines += [ "USE_GRAPHIC_TEXT_GINE" ] } if (!defined(global_parts_info) || defined(global_parts_info.account_os_account)) { os_account_exists = true ace_common_defines += [ "OS_ACCOUNT_EXISTS" ] } else { os_account_exists = false } if (is_emulator) { ace_common_defines += [ "IS_EMULATOR" ] } if (defined(global_parts_info)) { if (defined(global_parts_info.resourceschedule_frame_aware_sched) || defined( global_parts_info.hmosresourceschedule_frame_aware_sched_override)) { frame_trace_support = true } else { frame_trace_support = false } } if (defined(global_parts_info.multimedia_camera_framework)) { enable_camera_framework = true ace_common_defines += [ "CAMERA_FRAMEWORK_EXISTS" ] } else { enable_camera_framework = false } if (defined(global_parts_info.multimedia_player_framework) || is_arkui_x) { enable_player_framework = true ace_common_defines += [ "PLAYER_FRAMEWORK_EXISTS" ] } else { enable_player_framework = false } if (defined(global_parts_info.multimedia_audio_framework)) { enable_audio_framework = true ace_common_defines += [ "AUDIO_FRAMEWORK_EXISTS" ] } else { enable_audio_framework = false } if (!defined(global_parts_info) || defined(global_parts_info.security_security_component_manager)) { security_component_enable = true ace_common_defines += [ "SECURITY_COMPONENT_ENABLE" ] } else { security_component_enable = false } if (!defined(global_parts_info) || defined(global_parts_info.ability_form_fwk)) { form_fwk_enable = true } else { form_fwk_enable = false } if (defined(global_parts_info) && defined(global_parts_info.hiviewdfx_hicollie)) { uiservice_xcollie_enable = true } else { uiservice_xcollie_enable = false } if (ace_engine_feature_asbng_path == "") { ace_engine_feature_asbng_path_enable = false } else { ace_engine_feature_asbng_path_enable = true } ace_platforms = [] _ace_adapter_dir = rebase_path("$ace_root/adapter", root_build_dir) _adapters = exec_script("build/search.py", [ _ace_adapter_dir ], "list lines") foreach(item, _adapters) { import_var = { } import_var = { import("$ace_root/adapter/$item/build/platform.gni") } if (defined(import_var.platforms)) { foreach(platform, import_var.platforms) { if (!is_arkui_x || (is_arkui_x && defined(platform.cross_platform_support) && platform.cross_platform_support)) { if (defined(platform.name)) { ace_platforms += [ platform ] } } } } } current_platform = { } foreach(item, ace_platforms) { if ((use_mingw_win && item.name == "windows") || (use_mac && item.name == "mac") || (use_linux && item.name == "linux")) { current_platform = item } } if ((defined(use_origin_scope) && use_origin_scope) || (defined(force_scope) && force_scope)) { ace_common_defines += [ "USE_ORIGIN_SCOPE" ] } if (ace_engine_feature_enable_split_mode) { ace_common_defines += [ "ENABLE_SPLIT_MODE" ] } if (ace_engine_feature_enable_nav_split_mode) { ace_common_defines += [ "ENABLE_NAV_SPLIT_MODE" ] }