The part of *Memory base libraries* belongs to the subsystem named *Utils Subsystem*. It provides the system library for upper-layer services to operate memory, ensuring the stability of upper-layer services.
The memory system library provides interfaces for services to allocate and share shared memory. By allocating and sharing memory between hardware devices and user space, zero-copy memory between devices and processes is implemented to improve execution efficiency.
### libmeminfo system library (in planning)<a name="section_libmeminfo"></a>
It provides interfaces for memory usage queries. It is mainly used by memory footprint management service(hidumper) and low-memory killing service(lmks).
### libmemleak system library (in planning)<a name="section_libmemleak"></a>
It cooperates with malloc_debug to detect memory leaks of native heap.
### libpurgeable system library (in planning)<a name="section_libpurgeable"></a>
It provides management interfaces for discardable-type memory. It is mainly used by graphics and image codec libraries.
### libspeculative system library (in planning)<a name="section_libspeculative"></a>
It provides management interfaces for speculative-type memory. It is mainly used by system services for data pre-loading.
System developers can add or remove this part by configuring the product definition JSON file under **/productdefine/common/products** to enable or disable this part: