There are various communication modes \(such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth\), and the usage of different communication modes varies greatly and often leads to problems. In addition, the convergence, sharing, and conflict of communication links cannot be handled. DSoftBus manages unified distributed communications between near-field devices and provides APIs for device discovery, connection, networking, and data transmission, regardless of the link type. It mainly provides the following capabilities:
You can use the APIs provided by DSoftBus to implement fast communications between devices without caring about the communication details, thereby deploying and running services across platforms.
- The devices between which you want to set up a connection must be in the same LAN.
- Before setting up a connection between two devices, you must bind the devices. For details about the binding process, see relevant descriptions in the Security subsystem readme file.
>A device can proactively discover a smartphone only when the smartphone has the Visible to all nearby devices feature enabled. (This feature is available in Settings > Super Device > Visible to > All nearby devices.)
2. Wait for the connection result. If **JoinLNN\(\)** returns success, the DSoftBus accepts the connection request and notifies you of the connection result through the callback. The **addr** parameter in the callback matches the **target** parameter in **JoinLNN\(\)**. If **retCode** in the callback is **0**, the connection is successful. In this case, the value of **networkId** is valid and will be used in the data transmission and disconnection APIs. If the value of **retCode** is not **0**, the connection fails, and the value of **networkId** is invalid.
3. Transmit data using transmission APIs.
4. Initiate a disconnection request with the **networkId** and the callback.
5. Wait until the disconnection is complete. The **networkId** parameter in **OnLeaveLNNResult\(\)** matches **networkId** in **LeaveLNN\(\)**. If **retCode** in the callback is **0**, the disconnection is successful; otherwise, the disconnection fails. If the disconnection is successful, **networkId** becomes invalid and can no longer be used.
6. Register and unregister callbacks for device state changes.
1. Create a session server with a listener. You can use the listener to monitor events such as opening and closing a session, and receiving messages or bytes.
// Callbacks for session management
typedef struct {
int (*OnSessionOpened)(int sessionId, int result);
void (*OnSessionClosed)(int sessionId);
void (*OnBytesReceived)(int sessionId, const void *data, unsigned int dataLen);
void (*OnMessageReceived)(int sessionId, const void *data, unsigned int dataLen);