# Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import("//build/ohos.gni") import("./hiperf.gni") declare_args() { hiperf_feature_mingw_uapi_dir = "../../kernel/linux/patches/linux-5.10/prebuilts/usr/include" } function_disable_define = [] config("hiperf_inner_config") { visibility = [ ":*" ] ldflags = [] cflags = code_check_flag defines = function_disable_define if (hiperf_code_analyze && is_ohos) { cflags += code_analyze_flag cflags -= [ "-Werror" ] } if (is_mingw) { # lld: error: unable to find library -latomic # lld: error: unable to find library -ldl # lld: error: unable to find library -lrt ldflags += [ "-Wl,--whole-archive", "-lpthread", "-Wl,--no-whole-archive", ] } else if (is_linux) { ldflags += [ "-Wl,--whole-archive", "-lpthread", "-latomic", "-ldl", "-lrt", "-Wl,--no-whole-archive", ] } include_dirs = [ "${hiperf_path}/include" ] # debug link # ldflags += [ "-v"] if (hiperf_debug) { defines += [ "HIPERF_DEBUG", "HIPERF_DEBUG_PRINTF", # if u want to see printf in the log ? ] } if (hiperf_check_time) { defines += [ "HIPERF_DEBUG_TIME" ] } cflags += [ "-std=c++17" ] defines += [ "is_mingw=${is_mingw}" ] defines += [ "is_linux=${is_linux}" ] defines += [ "is_ohos=${is_ohos}" ] defines += [ "is_emulator=${is_emulator}" ] defines += [ "is_double_framework=${is_double_framework}" ] if (hiperf_target_host) { defines += [ "target_cpu_${host_cpu}" ] } else { defines += [ "target_cpu_${target_cpu}" ] } if (is_mingw) { cflags += [ "-includeMingW64Fix.h" ] defines += [ "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" ] defines += [ "__LITTLE_ENDIAN_BITFIELD" ] include_dirs += [ "${hiperf_path}/include/nonlinux/", hiperf_feature_mingw_uapi_dir, ] } if (hiperf_test_coverage && is_ohos) { cflags += [ "-fprofile-arcs", "-ftest-coverage", ] ldflags += [ "--coverage" ] } } sources_platform_common = [ "./src/perf_file_format.cpp", "./src/command.cpp", "./src/subcommand.cpp", "./src/option.cpp", "./src/utilities.cpp", "./src/symbols_file.cpp", "./src/virtual_runtime.cpp", "./src/virtual_thread.cpp", "./src/perf_file_reader.cpp", "./src/perf_event_record.cpp", "./src/dwarf_encoding.cpp", "./src/subcommand_help.cpp", "./src/subcommand_dump.cpp", "./src/subcommand_report.cpp", "./src/report.cpp", "./src/report_json_file.cpp", "./src/register.cpp", "./src/unique_stack_table.cpp", ] if (is_ohos) { sources_platform_common += [ "./src/callstack.cpp" ] } if (hiperf_debug) { sources_platform_common += [ "./src/debug_logger.cpp", "./src/option_debug.cpp", ] } sources_platform_linux = [ "./src/perf_events.cpp", "./src/tracked_command.cpp", "./src/ring_buffer.cpp", "./src/perf_file_writer.cpp", "./src/subcommand_stat.cpp", "./src/subcommand_record.cpp", "./src/subcommand_list.cpp", ] common_deps = [ ":support_elf", ":support_protobuf", "//third_party/bounds_checking_function:libsec_static", "//third_party/zlib:libz", ] common_configs = [ ":hiperf_inner_config", "//third_party/bounds_checking_function:libsec_public_config", "../../commonlibrary/c_utils/base:utils_config", "//third_party/googletest:gtest_config", ] if (is_ohos) { common_deps += [ "//third_party/bounds_checking_function:libsec_shared" ] common_deps -= [ "//third_party/bounds_checking_function:libsec_static" ] } if (hiperf_target_static) { common_deps -= [ ":support_protobuf" ] } if (hiperf_use_libunwind) { common_deps += [ ":support_libunwind" ] } config("hiperf_syspara_config") { defines = [ "CONFIG_HAS_SYSPARA" ] } config("libunwinder_config") { defines = [ "HAVE_LIBUNWINDER=1" ] } if (hiperf_use_libunwinder) { common_configs += [ ":libunwinder_config" ] } if (is_ohos && hiperf_use_syspara) { common_configs += [ ":hiperf_syspara_config" ] } ohos_source_set("hiperf_platform_common") { part_name = "hiperf" subsystem_name = "developtools" use_exceptions = true public_deps = common_deps public_configs = common_configs defines = [] if (is_ohos) { external_deps = [ "c_utils:utils", "faultloggerd:libunwinder_static", "hilog:libhilog", "init:libbegetutil", "ipc:ipc_core", "samgr:samgr_proxy", ] if (bundle_framework_enable) { external_deps += [ "bundle_framework:appexecfwk_base", "bundle_framework:appexecfwk_core", ] defines += [ "BUNDLE_FRAMEWORK_ENABLE" ] } } else { external_deps = [ "faultloggerd:unwinder_host" ] defines += [ "CONFIG_NO_HILOG" ] } sources = sources_platform_common } config("platform_linux_config") { defines = [ "SUPPORT_PERF_EVENT" ] } ohos_source_set("hiperf_platform_linux") { part_name = "hiperf" subsystem_name = "developtools" use_exceptions = true public_deps = common_deps public_configs = common_configs if (is_ohos) { external_deps = [ "faultloggerd:libunwinder_static", "init:libbegetutil", ] } else { external_deps = [ "faultloggerd:unwinder_host" ] } public_configs += [ ":platform_linux_config" ] configs = [ "interfaces/innerkits/native:hiperf_client_config" ] sources = sources_platform_linux } config("libunwind_config") { defines = [ "HAVE_LIBUNWIND=1" ] } ohos_source_set("support_libunwind") { part_name = "hiperf" subsystem_name = "developtools" public_configs = common_configs public_configs += [ ":libunwind_config" ] if (hiperf_target_host) { public_deps = [ "//third_party/libunwind:unwind_source_${host_cpu}" ] } else { if (target_cpu == "arm64") { public_deps = [ "//third_party/libunwind:unwind_source_arm64_opt" ] } else { public_deps = [ "//third_party/libunwind:unwind_source_${target_cpu}" ] } } } config("elf_config") { } ohos_source_set("support_elf") { part_name = "hiperf" subsystem_name = "developtools" public_configs = common_configs public_configs += [ ":elf_config" ] } config("protobuf_config") { defines = [ "HAVE_PROTOBUF=1" ] include_dirs = [ "//third_party/protobuf/src", "//third_party/protobuf/src/google", "//third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf", ] } ohos_source_set("support_protobuf") { part_name = "hiperf" subsystem_name = "developtools" use_exceptions = true #protobuf public_configs = common_configs public_configs += [ ":protobuf_config" ] public_deps = [ ":proto_file_cpp", "//third_party/bounds_checking_function:libsec_static", ] if (is_ohos) { external_deps = [ "faultloggerd:libunwinder_static" ] } else { external_deps = [ "faultloggerd:unwinder_host" ] } sources = [ "./src/report_protobuf_file.cpp" ] } #protobuf { proto_file_defines = [ # add your proto file here "report_sample", ] proto_base_dir = "proto" proto_out_dir = "$target_gen_dir" + "/" + proto_base_dir proto_file_codegen = [] proto_file_sources = [] foreach(proto_file, proto_file_defines) { proto_file_codegen += [ "$proto_out_dir" + "/" + "$proto_file.pb.h", "$proto_out_dir" + "/" + "$proto_file.pb.cc", ] proto_file_sources += [ "$proto_base_dir" + "/" + "$proto_file.proto" ] } # this is so bad , but someone config the protoc's subsystem_name # the better way is build system need provider host tools path or prebuild tools path protoc_subsystem_out_path = "thirdparty/protobuf" if (default_toolchain == current_toolchain) { #if target build host_out_path = "/" + get_label_info(host_toolchain, "name") } else { #if host build (for some linke mingw) host_out_path = "/../" + get_label_info(host_toolchain, "name") } host_protoc_path = root_out_dir + host_out_path + "/" + protoc_subsystem_out_path + "/protoc" action("hiperf_host_build_proto") { deps = [ "//third_party/protobuf:protoc(//build/toolchain/linux:clang_x64)" ] args = [] outputs = proto_file_codegen sources = [] script = "proto/build_proto.sh" args += [ rebase_path(host_protoc_path) ] args += [ "--proto_path", rebase_path(proto_base_dir), ] args += [ "--cpp_out", rebase_path(proto_out_dir), ] foreach(proto_file_source, proto_file_sources) { #tell gn to check which files as source time sources += [ rebase_path(proto_file_source) ] args += [ rebase_path(proto_file_source) ] } } config("proto_file_cpp_config") { include_dirs = [ proto_out_dir ] } ohos_source_set("proto_file_cpp") { part_name = "hiperf" subsystem_name = "developtools" cflags = [] deps = [ ":hiperf_host_build_proto" ] public_deps = [ "//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_lite_static" ] sources = proto_file_codegen public_configs = [ ":proto_file_cpp_config" ] } #protobuf } ohos_executable("hiperf") { install_enable = true sources = [ "./src/main.cpp" ] deps = [ ":hiperf_etc", ":hiperf_platform_common", ":hiperf_platform_linux", ] if (hiperf_target_static) { static_link = true } if (is_linux || is_mingw) { # ld.lld: error: attempted static link of dynamic object hiviewdfx/hilog_native/libhilog.so static_link = true } external_deps = [ "faultloggerd:libunwinder_static" ] subsystem_name = "developtools" part_name = "hiperf" } ohos_executable("hiperf_host") { sources = [ "./src/main.cpp" ] deps = [ ":hiperf_platform_common" ] if (use_musl) { static_link = true } external_deps = [ "faultloggerd:unwinder_host" ] subsystem_name = "developtools" part_name = "hiperf" } ohos_prebuilt_etc("hiperf.para") { source = "etc/hiperf.para" install_images = [ "system", "updater", ] module_install_dir = "etc/param" part_name = "hiperf" subsystem_name = "developtools" } ohos_prebuilt_etc("hiperf.para.dac") { source = "etc/hiperf.para.dac" install_images = [ "system", "updater", ] module_install_dir = "etc/param" part_name = "hiperf" subsystem_name = "developtools" } ohos_prebuilt_etc("hiperf.cfg") { source = "etc/hiperf.cfg" relative_install_dir = "init" subsystem_name = "developtools" part_name = "hiperf" } group("hiperf_etc") { deps = [ ":hiperf.cfg", ":hiperf.para", ":hiperf.para.dac", ] } ohos_source_set("hiperf_platform_host") { part_name = "hiperf" subsystem_name = "developtools" sources = [ "./src/hiperf_libreport.cpp" ] public_deps = [ ":hiperf_platform_common" ] external_deps = [ "faultloggerd:unwinder_host" ] } ohos_shared_library("hiperf_host_lib") { public_deps = [ ":hiperf_platform_host" ] output_name = "hiperf_report" ldflags = [ "-static-libstdc++" ] subsystem_name = "developtools" part_name = "hiperf" } ohos_executable("hiperf_host_lib_demo") { sources = [ "./src/hiperf_libreport_demo.cpp" ] deps = [ ":hiperf_host_lib" ] include_dirs = [ "${hiperf_path}/include" ] subsystem_name = "developtools" part_name = "hiperf" } ohos_copy("hiperf_host_python") { sources = [ "./script" ] outputs = [ target_out_dir + "/host/" ] module_source_dir = target_out_dir + "/$target_name" module_install_name = "" subsystem_name = "developtools" part_name = "hiperf" } ohos_source_set("hiperf_code_analyze") { part_name = "hiperf" deps = [ ":hiperf_platform_common", ":hiperf_platform_linux", ] } group("hiperf_target") { if (hiperf_target_host) { deps = [ ":hiperf(${host_toolchain})" ] } else { deps = [ ":hiperf" ] } } group("hiperf_test_target") { testonly = true deps = [ "test:hiperf_test" ] } group("hiperf_target_all") { if (!is_emulator) { if (is_double_framework) { deps = [ ":hiperf_target" ] } else { deps = [] if (!use_libfuzzer) { deps += [ ":hiperf_host(//build/toolchain/linux:clang_x64)", # host linux ":hiperf_host(//build/toolchain/mingw:mingw_x86_64)", # host mingw ":hiperf_host_lib(//build/toolchain/linux:clang_x64)", # host linux ":hiperf_host_lib(//build/toolchain/mingw:mingw_x86_64)", # host_mingw ":hiperf_host_lib_demo(//build/toolchain/linux:clang_x64)", # host_linux ":hiperf_host_python", ] } deps += [ ":hiperf_target", "interfaces/innerkits/native:hiperf_client", # c++ api ] if (is_ohos) { deps += [ "interfaces/kits/js/napi:hiperf_client_napi" ] # js api } } } } group("hiperf_demo") { if (hiperf_target_host) { deps = [ "demo/cpp:hiperf_demo(${host_toolchain})" ] } else { deps = [ "demo/cpp:hiperf_demo" ] } } group("hiperf_example_cmd") { if (hiperf_target_host) { deps = [ "demo/cpp:hiperf_example_cmd(${host_toolchain})" ] } else { deps = [ "demo/cpp:hiperf_example_cmd" ] } } group("hiperf_all") { testonly = true if (hiperf_code_analyze) { deps = [ ":hiperf_code_analyze" ] } else { deps = [ ":hiperf_example_cmd", ":hiperf_target_all", ] if (!is_double_framework) { deps += [ ":hiperf_demo", ":hiperf_test_target", ] } } }