Change-Id: I4de808114cc01938192ac93b789ebbdf6a4d95ae Signed-off-by: leiguangyu <leiguangyu@huawei.com>
hiperf is a command-line debugging tool provided by OpenHarmony for developers. It can capture performance data of a specific program or the entire system, like the kernel's perf tool. hiperf can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Directory Structure
├── demo # Demo program
│ ├── cpp # C++ demo program, which demonstrates how to call APIs to simulate sampling scenarios.
│ └── js # JS demo program, which demonstrates how to call APIs.
├── include # Project header files.
│ └── nonlinux # Header file for cross compilation (non-Linux platform)
├── interfaces # APIs
│ ├── innerkits # C++ APIs.
│ └── kits # JS APIs
├── proto # Definition of the data structure exported to proto by the report command
├── script # Host scripts, including HTML
│ └── test # Unit test of the script
├── src # Source code
└── test # Unit test of the source code
hiperf must be used with Python 3.7.0 or later.
Dependency | Version |
Python | 3.7.0 |
Basic Settings
- Ensure that the hiperf component name is in the JSON file of the Product Definition.
- Product Definition
- Add
- Add
- Product Definition
Build Commands
Description | Parameter |
Build only the binary executable files of the current device platform. | --build-target hiperf_target |
Build all components (including unit tests) of all platforms. | --build-target hiperf_all |
Build the tool for x86_64 Linux. | --gn-args "hiperf_target_host=true" |
Build the unit test. | --build-target hiperf_unittest |
Build the unit test interface (command line). | --build-target hiperf_interfacetest |
Build Target | Running Platform | File Location | File Name |
Dev command-line program | arm | out\ohos-arm-release\developtools\hiperf\hiperf | hiperf |
linux | out\ohos-arm-release\clang_x64\developtools\hiperf | hiperf | |
Host command-line program | Linux | out\ohos-arm-release\clang_x64\developtools\hiperf | hiperf_host |
Windows | out\ohos-arm-release\mingw_x86_64\developtools\hiperf | hiperf_host.exe | |
Dynamic library of the host | Linux | out\ohos-arm-release\clang_x64\developtools\hiperf | libhiperf_report.so |
Windows | out\ohos-arm-release\mingw_x86_64\developtools\hiperf | libhiperf_report.dll |
You can also run developtools/hiperf/script/package.sh after the build to package the files to the out folder.
└── developtools
├── hiperf
│ ├── bin # All binary files
│ │ ├── linux # Linux platform
│ │ │ └── x86_64
│ │ │ ├── hiperf_host # Executable program run by the PC. The Report and Dump commands are supported.
│ │ │ └── libhiperf_report.so # Lib file run by the PC. It is used by the Python script.
│ │ ├── ohos
│ │ │ └── arm # Arm platform
│ │ │ └── hiperf # Executable program run by the board
│ │ └── windows # Windows
│ │ └── x86_64
│ │ ├── hiperf_host.exe # Executable program run by the PC
│ │ └── libhiperf_report.dll # Lib file run by the PC
│ │
│ │ # Python files run by the PC
│ ├── command_script.py # Script of the hiperf commands, used to generate sampling data
│ ├── hiperf_utils.py # Utility class of hiperf
│ ├── loadlib_test.py # Lib test script
│ ├── make_diff.py # Script used to generate Diff data
│ ├── make_report.py # Script used to generate a report from the sampled data
│ ├── recv_binary_cache.py # Script used to collect the symbol table
│ └── report.html # Template of the HTML display page
└── hiperf.tar.gz # Package of the preceding files
hiperf with Debug Symbols
Find exe.unstripped and lib.unstripped in the out directory. For example:
Test Code
Test code is provided in hiperf_example_cmd.cpp to verify sampling functions of thread scheduling, memory allocation, and CPU load.
The code is located in:
Help information about the test command:
./hiperf_example_cmd --help
this is a demo test command
Use the following commands to simulate different scenarios
this page
--thread <number>
setup the thread number, default is 5 second
--time <time>
setup run sec, default is 10 second
--stack <level>
setup stack level, default is 5
setup skip the start, default wait the start
will run some code in each stack level
will run mmap code in the loop
Main Command Format
hiperf [options] COMMAND [args for command]
- [options]
- Optional parameter.
- Debugging commands, such as enabling the logging function.
- Mandatory parameter.
- Name of a sub-function, for example, record or report.
- [args for command]
- Parameters of the sub-function
You can run the --help command to view help information.
--help [command]
[command] --help
Both formats are supported.
Parameter | Description |
--help [command] | Displays the help information about the specified function. |
--debug | Enables the debug logs of the DEBUG level. |
--verbose | Enables the debug logs of the VERBOSE level. |
--much | Enables the debug logs of the MUCH level. |
--mixlog | Displays mixed debug logs to the screen (stdout). |
--logtag <tagA [,tagB] [,tagC]> | Enables the debug logs of the MUCH level for the specified module. |
--hilog | Prints logs to Hilog. |
--logpath | Specifies the log path. |
--nodebug | Stops printing any logs. |
The list command lists all the perf events supported by the performance monitoring unit (PMU).
The event names are used for the -e and -g parameters of the stat and record commands.
Usage: hiperf list [event type name]
List the hardware events supported by the PMU. The command also lists the events that are not supported by the PMU.
hiperf list hw
The stat command monitors the specified application and periodically prints the values of performance counters.
Usage: hiperf stat [options] [command [command-args]]
Collect performance counter information of running [command].
Monitor the performance counter of the process on CPU 0 for 3 seconds.
hiperf stat -a -d 3 -c 0
The record command samples the specified application and saves the sampling data to a file (perf.data by default).
Usage: hiperf record [options] [command [command-args]]
Collect performance sampling information of running [command].
Sample all processes in the system for 3 seconds and display detailed log information.
hiperf record -d 3 -a --verbose
The dump command reads the perf.data file without processing it.
You can verify the correctness of the raw sampling data.
Usage:hiperf dump [option] \<filename\>
Dump specific parts of specified file.
The report command displays the sampling data (read from perf.data) and converts it to the required format (for example, JSON or ProtoBuf).
Usage: hiperf report [option] \<filename\>
Displays the sampling data.
Output a common report, with the minimum display percentage of 1%.
hiperf report --limit-percent 1
Run scripts to perform sampling operations (which can easily generate HTML reports).
Run command_script.py to sample data. This script is the packaging script of the report command.
Usage: command_script.py [-h]
(-app PACKAGE_NAME | -lp LOCAL_PROGRAM | -cmd CMD | -p [PID [PID ...]] | -t [TID [TID ...]] | -sw)
[-o OUTPUT_PERF_DATA] [--not_hdc_root]
Collect performance sampling information of running [command].
Sample the com.ohos.launch package.
python command_script.py -app com.ohos.launch
Sample the hdcd process.
python command_script.py -lp hdcd
Collecting Symbol Tables
Run recv_binary_cache.py to collect symbol tables. The tool searches for the ELF in the specified paths based on the related files and libraries recorded in perf.data and their buildids.
Usage: recv_binary_cache.py [-h] [-i PERF_DATA]
Recv binaries needed by perf.data from device to binary_cache directory.
The following specifies two symbol table paths.
python recv_binary_cache.py -l Z:\OHOS_MASTER\out\ohos-arm-release\lib.unstripped Z:\OHOS_MASTER\out\ohos-arm-release\exe.unstripped
The symbol table files will be copied to the binary_cache folder.
The tool preferentially searches for the specified symbol table paths. If no path is specified, the tool copies the files in the device.
Displaying Sampled Data
Run make_report.py to display the sampled data in an HTML page.
Usage: make_report.py [-h] [-i PERF_DATA] [-r REPORT_HTML]
To make a report, you need to enter the data source and the path of the
An HTML file is generated. The default file name is hiperf_report.html.
python make_report.py
- Displaying the home page
- Displaying the flame graph.
Can't find hdc_std in PATH environment.
python command_script.py -lp ps
['../..\\..\\platform-tools\\hdc', 'version']
['hdc', 'version']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "command_script.py", line 367, in <module>
File "command_script.py", line 361, in main
profiler = PerformanceProfile(args)
File "command_script.py", line 143, in __init__
self.hdc = HdcInterface(root_authority=not args.not_hdc_root)
File "Z:\OHOS_MASTER\out\host\developtools\hiperf\hiperf_utils.py", line 173, in __init__
raise Exception("Can't find hdc in PATH environment.")
Exception: Can't find hdc_std in PATH environment.
Check whether the PATH environment variable contains the hdc executable file.
Run the following commands:
where hdc_std
Repositories Involved
Development Toolchain Subsystem