Signed-off-by: zhouyongfei <zhouyongfei@huawei.com>
Input Method Framework, is used to connect the application and input method. the application can input text through the input method
Warehouse path
Introduction to framework code
The input method framework currently has four modules, as follows:
- Application client
Path: /base/miscservices/inputmethod/frameworks/inputmethod_controller
Function: realize the service delivery of application and input method framework, including the binding between application and input method service, application display and hiding request for input method, etc
- Input method client
Path: /base/miscservices/inputmethod/frameworks/inputmethod_ability
Function: the intermediate bridge between input method framework service and input method delivery, including monitoring the current status of input method, etc
- Input method service
Path: /base/miscservices/inputmethod/services
Function: as the core of the input method framework, the main processing logic of the input method is completed here
- Input method JS interface
Path: /base/miscservices/inputmethod/interfaces/kits/JS
Function: the temporarily exposed JS interface is mainly reserved for calling input methods
Main functions supported by the framework
Click in the edit attribute control to invoke the default input method application through the input method framework
Typing can be carried out through the input method application, and characters can be input to the application client on the screen
Debugging method
- Compile command
./build.sh --product-name (Fill in the specific product name, such as:Hi3516DV300) --build-target inputmethod_native
- push so file
in $root\out\ohos-arm-release\miscservices\inputmethod_native, push libinputmethod_client.z.so libinputmethod_ability.z.so libinputmethod_service.z.so to system/lib,and push libinputmethodability.z.so to system/lib/module, and make sure the four so files is readable at least.
- reboot
####Participation contribution
- Fork warehouse
- Submission code
- Create a new pull request
- Commit is complete