cy7717 b49851ad7c 格式化调整
Signed-off-by: cy7717 <>
2022-11-30 19:34:42 +08:00

199 lines
8.3 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include "ability_connect_callback_proxy.h"
#include "ability_manager_interface.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "i_input_client.h"
#include "i_input_control_channel.h"
#include "i_input_data_channel.h"
#include "i_input_method_agent.h"
#include "i_input_method_core.h"
#include "input_attribute.h"
#include "input_control_channel_stub.h"
#include "input_method_info.h"
#include "input_method_property.h"
#include "input_method_setting.h"
#include "inputmethod_sysevent.h"
#include "iremote_object.h"
#include "keyboard_type.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "message_handler.h"
#include "platform.h"
namespace OHOS {
namespace MiscServices {
class RemoteObjectDeathRecipient : public IRemoteObject::DeathRecipient {
using RemoteDiedHandler = std::function<void(const wptr<IRemoteObject> &)>;
void SetDeathRecipient(RemoteDiedHandler handler);
void OnRemoteDied(const wptr<IRemoteObject> &remote) override;
RemoteDiedHandler handler_;
struct ClientInfo {
int pid; // the process id of the process in which the input client is running
int uid; // the uid of the process in which the input client is running
int userId; // the user if of the user under which the input client is running
int displayId; // the display id on which the input client is showing
sptr<IInputClient> client; // the remote object handler for the service to callback to the input client
sptr<IInputDataChannel> channel; // the remote object handler for IMSA callback to input client
sptr<RemoteObjectDeathRecipient> deathRecipient;
InputAttribute attribute; // the input attribute of the input client
struct ResetManager {
uint32_t num{ 0 };
time_t last{};
/*! \class PerUserSession
\brief The class provides session management in input method management service
This class manages the sessions between input clients and input method engines for each unlocked user.
class PerUserSession {
enum : int32_t {
DEFAULT_IME = 0, // index for default input method service
SECURITY_IME, // index for security input method service
MAX_IME // the maximum count of ims started for a user
explicit PerUserSession(int userId);
void SetCurrentIme(InputMethodInfo *ime);
void SetSecurityIme(InputMethodInfo *ime);
void SetInputMethodSetting(InputMethodSetting *setting);
void ResetIme(InputMethodInfo *defaultIme, InputMethodInfo *securityIme);
void OnPackageRemoved(const std::u16string &packageName);
int32_t OnPrepareInput(const ClientInfo &clientInfo);
int32_t OnStartInput(sptr<IInputClient> client, bool isShowKeyboard);
int32_t OnStopInput(sptr<IInputClient> client);
int32_t OnReleaseInput(sptr<IInputClient> client);
int32_t OnSetCoreAndAgent(sptr<IInputMethodCore> core, sptr<IInputMethodAgent> agent);
int OnHideKeyboardSelf(int flags);
int OnShowKeyboardSelf();
int OnGetKeyboardWindowHeight(int &retHeight);
KeyboardType *GetCurrentKeyboardType();
int OnSettingChanged(const std::u16string &key, const std::u16string &value);
void CreateWorkThread(MessageHandler &handler);
void JoinWorkThread();
void StopInputService(std::string imeId);
static bool StartInputService();
int32_t OnInputMethodSwitched(const Property &property, const SubProperty &subProperty);
void SetCurrentSubProperty(const SubProperty &subProperty);
SubProperty GetCurrentSubProperty();
int userId_; // the id of the user to whom the object is linking
int userState = UserState::USER_STATE_STARTED; // the state of the user to whom the object is linking
int displayId; // the id of the display screen on which the user is
std::map<sptr<IRemoteObject>, std::shared_ptr<ClientInfo>> mapClients;
static const int MIN_IME = 2;
static const int MAX_RESTART_NUM = 3;
static const int IME_RESET_TIME_OUT = 300;
static const int MAX_RESET_WAIT_TIME = 1600000;
InputMethodInfo *currentIme[MAX_IME] = { nullptr, nullptr }; // 0 - the default ime. 1 - security ime
InputControlChannelStub *localControlChannel[MAX_IME];
sptr<IInputControlChannel> inputControlChannel[MAX_IME];
std::mutex imsCoreLock_;
sptr<IInputMethodCore> imsCore[MAX_IME]; // the remote handlers of input method service
sptr<IRemoteObject> inputMethodToken[MAX_IME]; // the window token of keyboard
int currentKbdIndex[MAX_IME]; // current keyboard index
int lastImeIndex = DEFAULT_IME; // The last ime which showed keyboard
InputMethodSetting *inputMethodSetting; // The pointer referred to the object in PerUserSetting
sptr<IInputMethodAgent> imsAgent;
std::mutex clientLock_;
sptr<IInputClient> currentClient; // the current input client
sptr<IInputClient> needReshowClient = nullptr; // the input client for which keyboard need to re-show
sptr<RemoteObjectDeathRecipient> imsDeathRecipient = nullptr;
MessageHandler *msgHandler = nullptr; // message handler working with Work Thread
std::thread workThreadHandler; // work thread handler
std::recursive_mutex mtx; // mutex to lock the operations among multi work threads
std::mutex resetLock;
ResetManager manager[MAX_IME];
PerUserSession(const PerUserSession &);
PerUserSession &operator=(const PerUserSession &);
PerUserSession(const PerUserSession &&);
PerUserSession &operator=(const PerUserSession &&);
KeyboardType *GetKeyboardType(int imeIndex, int typeIndex);
void ResetCurrentKeyboardType(int imeIndex);
int OnCurrentKeyboardTypeChanged(int index, const std::u16string &value);
void CopyInputMethodService(int imeIndex);
std::shared_ptr<ClientInfo> GetClientInfo(sptr<IRemoteObject> inputClient);
void WorkThread();
void OnClientDied(sptr<IInputClient> remote);
void OnImsDied(sptr<IInputMethodCore> remote);
void OnAdvanceToNext();
void OnSetDisplayMode(int mode);
void OnRestartIms(int index, const std::u16string &imeId);
void OnUserLocked();
int AddClient(sptr<IRemoteObject> inputClient, const ClientInfo &clientInfo);
void RemoveClient(sptr<IRemoteObject> inputClient);
int StartInputMethod(int index);
int StopInputMethod(int index);
int ShowKeyboard(const sptr<IInputClient> &inputClient, bool isShowKeyboard);
int HideKeyboard(const sptr<IInputClient> &inputClient);
int GetImeIndex(const sptr<IInputClient> &inputClient);
static sptr<AAFwk::IAbilityManager> GetAbilityManagerService();
void SendAgentToSingleClient(const ClientInfo &clientInfo);
void InitInputControlChannel();
void SendAgentToAllClients();
void ResetImeError(uint32_t index);
bool IsRestartIme(uint32_t index);
void ClearImeData(uint32_t index);
void SetCurrentClient(sptr<IInputClient> client);
sptr<IInputClient> GetCurrentClient();
void SetImsCore(int32_t index, sptr<IInputMethodCore> core);
sptr<IInputMethodCore> GetImsCore(int32_t index);
int32_t SetClientState(bool isAlive);
static inline bool IsValid(int32_t index)
return index >= DEFAULT_IME && index <= SECURITY_IME;
inline bool IsIMEEqual()
return GetImsCore(DEFAULT_IME) == GetImsCore(SECURITY_IME);
std::mutex propertyLock_;
SubProperty currentSubProperty;
} // namespace MiscServices
} // namespace OHOS