/* * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const ts = require('typescript'); let sourceFile = null; let lastNoteStr = ''; let lastNodeName = ''; const referencesMap = new Map(); const referencesModuleMap = new Map(); const kitFileNeedDeleteMap = new Map(); /** * @enum {string} references地址的切换类型 */ const REFERENCE_TYPE = { TOLOCAL: 'toLocal', TORIGHTSDK: 'toRightSDK', TOSDK: 'toSDK', }; const PATT = { GET_REFERENCE: /\/\/\/\s*/g, GET_REFERENCEURL: /\/\/\/\s*/g, REFERENCEURL_LOCAL: /(.\/)?(\S*)@internal\/component\/ets\/(\S*)/g, REFERENCEURL_RIGHTSDK: /(..\/)(\S*)build-tools\/ets-loader\/declarations\/(\S*)/g, REFERENCEURL_SDK: /(..\/)(\S*)component\/(\S*)/g, }; function collectDeclaration(url) { // 入口 try { const utPath = path.resolve(__dirname, url); const arktsPath = path.resolve(utPath, '../arkts'); const kitPath = path.resolve(utPath, '../kits'); const utFiles = []; readFile(utPath, utFiles); // 读取文件 readFile(arktsPath, utFiles); // 读取文件 tsTransform(utFiles, deleteSystemApi); tsTransformKitFile(kitPath); } catch (error) { console.error('DELETE_SYSTEM_PLUGIN ERROR: ', error); } } /** * 解析url目录下方的kit文件,删除对应systemapi * @param { string } kitPath kit文件路径 */ function tsTransformKitFile(kitPath) { kitFileNeedDeleteMap.delete(''); if (kitFileNeedDeleteMap.length === 0) { return; } const kitFiles = []; readFile(kitPath, kitFiles); // 读取文件 kitFiles.forEach((kitFile) => { const kitName = processFileNameWithoutExt(kitFile).replace('@kit.', ''); const content = fs.readFileSync(kitFile, 'utf-8'); const fileName = processFileName(kitFile); let sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(fileName, content, ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017, true); const sourceInfo = getKitNewSourceFile(sourceFile, kitName); if (isEmptyFile(sourceInfo.sourceFile)) { return; } const printer = ts.createPrinter({ newLine: ts.NewLineKind.LineFeed }); let result = printer.printNode(ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, sourceInfo.sourceFile, sourceFile); if (sourceInfo.copyrightMessage !== '') { result = sourceInfo.copyrightMessage + result; } writeFile(kitFile, result); }); } /** * 处理kit中需要删除的节点,在其他文件被systemapi修饰的api * @param { ts.SourceFile } sourceFile * @param { string } kitName * @returns 删除完的节点,全部删除为空字符串 */ function getKitNewSourceFile(sourceFile, kitName) { const newStatements = []; const needDeleteExportName = new Set(); const needDeleteMap = kitFileNeedDeleteMap.get(kitName); let copyrightMessage = ''; // 初始化ts工厂 const factory = ts.factory; sourceFile.statements.forEach((statement, index) => { if (ts.isImportDeclaration(statement)) { const newStatement = processKitImportDeclaration(statement, needDeleteMap, needDeleteExportName); if (newStatement) { newStatements.push(newStatement); } else if (index === 0) { copyrightMessage = sourceFile.getFullText().replace(sourceFile.getText(), ''); } } else if (ts.isExportDeclaration(statement)) { const exportSpecifiers = statement.exportClause.elements.filter((item) => { return !needDeleteExportName.has(item.name.escapedText.toString()); }); if (exportSpecifiers.length !== 0) { statement.exportClause = factory.updateNamedExports(statement.exportClause, exportSpecifiers); newStatements.push(statement); } } }); sourceFile = factory.updateSourceFile(sourceFile, newStatements); return { sourceFile, copyrightMessage }; } /** * 根据节点和需要删除的节点数据生成新节点 * @param { ts.ImportDeclaration } statement 需要处理的import节点 * @param { Map} needDeleteMap 需要删除的节点数据 * @param { Map} needDeleteExportName 需要删除的导出节点 * @returns { ts.ImportDeclaration | undefined } 返回新的import节点,全部删除为undefined */ function processKitImportDeclaration(statement, needDeleteMap, needDeleteExportName) { // 初始化ts工厂 const factory = ts.factory; const importClause = statement.importClause; if (!ts.isImportClause(importClause)) { return statement; } const importPath = statement.moduleSpecifier.text.replace('../', ''); if (needDeleteMap === undefined || !needDeleteMap.has(importPath)) { const hasFilePath = hasFileByImportPath(importPath); return hasFilePath ? statement : undefined; } const currImportInfo = needDeleteMap.get(importPath); let defaultName = ''; let importNodeNamedBindings = []; if (importClause.name) { if (currImportInfo.default === importClause.name.escapedText.toString()) { //import buffer from "../@ohos.buffer"; needDeleteExportName.add(currImportInfo.default); } else { defaultName = importClause.name.escapedText.toString(); } } const namedBindings = importClause.namedBindings; if (namedBindings !== undefined && ts.isNamedImports(namedBindings)) { const elements = namedBindings.elements; elements.forEach((element) => { const exportName = element.propertyName ? element.propertyName.escapedText.toString() : element.name.escapedText.toString(); if (!currImportInfo.exportName.has(exportName)) { importNodeNamedBindings.push(factory.createImportSpecifier(element.propertyName, element.name)); } else { needDeleteExportName.add(element.name.escapedText.toString()); } }); } if (defaultName !== '' || importNodeNamedBindings.length !== 0) { const newImportNode = factory.createImportDeclaration( undefined, undefined, factory.createImportClause( false, defaultName === '' ? undefined : factory.createIdentifier(defaultName), importNodeNamedBindings.length === 0 ? undefined : factory.createNamedImports(importNodeNamedBindings) ), statement.moduleSpecifier ); return newImportNode; } return undefined; } /** * 判断文件路径对应的文件是否存在 * @param {string} importPath kit文件import * @returns {boolean} importPath是否存在 */ function hasFileByImportPath(importPath) { let fileDir = path.resolve(apiSourcePath); if (importPath.startsWith('@arkts')) { fileDir = path.resolve(apiSourcePath, '../arkts'); } const flag = ['.d.ts', '.d.ets'].some(ext => { const filePath = path.resolve(fileDir, `${importPath}${ext}`); return fs.existsSync(filePath); }); return flag; } /** * 统一处理文件名称,修改后缀等 * @param {string} filePath 文件路径 * @returns {string} filename 文件名称 */ function processFileName(filePath) { return path .basename(filePath) .replace(/\.d\.ts$/g, '.ts') .replace(/\.d\.ets$/g, '.ets'); } function processFileNameWithoutExt(filePath) { return path .basename(filePath) .replace(/\.d\.ts$/g, '') .replace(/\.d\.ets$/g, '') .replace(/\.ts$/g, '') .replace(/\.ets$/g, ''); } /** * 遍历所有文件进行处理 * @param {Array} utFiles 所有文件 * @param {deleteSystemApi} callback 回调函数 */ function tsTransform(utFiles, callback) { utFiles.forEach((url) => { const apiBaseName = path.basename(url); if (/\.json/.test(url) || apiBaseName === 'index-full.d.ts') { // 特殊类型文件处理 const content = fs.readFileSync(url, 'utf-8'); writeFile(url, content); } else if (/\.d\.ts/.test(apiBaseName) || /\.d\.ets/.test(apiBaseName)) { // dts文件处理 let content = fs.readFileSync(url, 'utf-8'); // 文件内容 const fileName = processFileName(url); let references = content.match(PATT.GET_REFERENCE); if (references) { referencesMap.set(url, { references: references }); for (let index = 0; index < references.length; index++) { const item = references[index]; content = content.replace(item, ''); } } ts.transpileModule(content, { compilerOptions: { target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017, }, fileName: fileName, transformers: { before: [callback(url)] }, }); } }); } /** * 切换references或者references中path的格式 * @param {string} references references或者references中的path * @param {REFERENCE_TYPE} reverse 切换类型 * @returns {string} */ function referencesToOthers(references, type) { let referencesurl; let hasFullpatt = references.match(PATT.GET_REFERENCEURL); let isFullReferenceurl = hasFullpatt && hasFullpatt.length > 0; if (isFullReferenceurl) { referencesurl = RegExp.$2; } else { referencesurl = references; } let currentType = ''; if (referencesurl.match(PATT.REFERENCEURL_LOCAL)) { currentType = REFERENCE_TYPE.TOLOCAL; } else if (referencesurl.match(PATT.REFERENCEURL_RIGHTSDK)) { currentType = REFERENCE_TYPE.TORIGHTSDK; } else if (referencesurl.match(PATT.REFERENCEURL_SDK)) { currentType = REFERENCE_TYPE.TOSDK; } if (currentType === '' || currentType === type) { return references; } let starturl = ''; let fileName = ''; switch (currentType) { case REFERENCE_TYPE.TOLOCAL: starturl = RegExp.$2; fileName = RegExp.$3; break; case REFERENCE_TYPE.TORIGHTSDK: starturl = RegExp.$2; fileName = RegExp.$3; break; case REFERENCE_TYPE.TOSDK: starturl = RegExp.$2; fileName = RegExp.$3; break; default: break; } let finallyurl; switch (type) { case REFERENCE_TYPE.TOLOCAL: finallyurl = `${starturl === '' ? './' : ''}${starturl}@internal/component/ets/${fileName}`; break; case REFERENCE_TYPE.TORIGHTSDK: finallyurl = `../${starturl}build-tools/ets-loader/declarations/${fileName}`; break; case REFERENCE_TYPE.TOSDK: finallyurl = `../${starturl}component/${fileName}`; break; default: break; } if (isFullReferenceurl) { finallyurl = `/// `; } return finallyurl; } /** * 读取目录下所有文件 * @param {string} dir 文件目录 * @param {Array} utFiles 所有文件 */ function readFile(dir, utFiles) { try { const files = fs.readdirSync(dir); files.forEach((element) => { const filePath = path.join(dir, element); const status = fs.statSync(filePath); if (status.isDirectory()) { readFile(filePath, utFiles); } else { utFiles.push(filePath); } }); } catch (e) { console.log('ETS ERROR: ' + e); } } function writeFile(url, data, option) { if (fs.existsSync(outputPath)) { fs.rmdirSync(outputPath, { recursive: true }); } const newFilePath = path.resolve(outputPath, path.relative(__dirname, url)); fs.mkdir(path.dirname(newFilePath), { recursive: true }, (err) => { if (err) { console.log(`ERROR FOR CREATE PATH ${err}`); } else { if (data === '') { fs.rmSync(newFilePath); return; } fs.writeFileSync(newFilePath, data, option, (err) => { if (err) { console.log(`ERROR FOR CREATE FILE ${err}`); } }); } }); } const globalModules = new Map(); /** * 每个文件处理前回调函数第二个 * @param {string} url 文件路径 * @returns {Function} */ function formatImportDeclaration(url, copyrightMessage = '', isCopyrightDeleted = false) { return (context) => { const allIdentifierSet = new Set([]); return (node) => { sourceFile = node; collectAllIdentifier(node); // 获取所有标识符 formatValue = formatAllNodes(url, node, allIdentifierSet); // 获取所有节点 node = formatValue.node; const referencesMessage = formatValue.referencesMessage; if (formatValue.isCopyrightDeleted) { copyrightMessage = formatValue.copyrightMessage; isCopyrightDeleted = formatValue.isCopyrightDeleted; } if (!isEmptyFile(node)) { const printer = ts.createPrinter({ newLine: ts.NewLineKind.LineFeed }); let result = printer.printNode(ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, node, sourceFile); if (isCopyrightDeleted) { // 当第一个节点被删除时会同步删除整个文件jsdoc result = copyrightMessage + '\n' + result; } copyrightMessage = node.getFullText().replace(node.getText(), ''); if (referencesMessage) { // 将references写入文件 result = result.substring(0, copyrightMessage.length) + '\n' + referencesMessage + result.substring(copyrightMessage.length); } writeFile(url, result); } return node; }; function collectAllIdentifier(node) { if (ts.isSourceFile(node) && node.statements) { node.statements.forEach((stat) => { if (!ts.isImportDeclaration(stat)) { ts.visitEachChild(stat, collectAllNodes, context); } }); } } function collectAllNodes(node) { if (ts.isIdentifier(node)) { allIdentifierSet.add(node.escapedText.toString()); } return ts.visitEachChild(node, collectAllNodes, context); } }; } function formatAllNodes(url, node, allIdentifierSet, copyrightMessage = '', isCopyrightDeleted = false) { let referencesMessage = ''; let currReferencesModule = formatAllNodesReferences(url); if (ts.isSourceFile(node) && node.statements) { const newStatements = []; node.statements.forEach((statement) => { if (ts.isImportDeclaration(statement)) { const importInfo = formatAllNodesImportDeclaration( node, statement, url, currReferencesModule, allIdentifierSet ); if (importInfo.statement) { newStatements.push(statement); } else if (importInfo.isCopyrightDeleted) { copyrightMessage = importInfo.copyrightMessage; isCopyrightDeleted = importInfo.isCopyrightDeleted; } } else if (ts.isStructDeclaration(statement)) { statement = ts.factory.updateStructDeclaration( statement, statement.decorators, statement.modifiers, statement.name, statement.typeParameters, statement.heritageClauses, statement.members.slice(1) ); newStatements.push(statement); } else { newStatements.push(statement); } }); currReferencesModule.forEach((item) => { if (item.isUsed) { referencesMessage += item.reference + '\n'; } }); node = ts.factory.updateSourceFile(node, newStatements); } return { node, referencesMessage, copyrightMessage, isCopyrightDeleted }; } function hasCopyright(node) { return /http\:\/\/www\.apache\.org\/licenses\/LICENSE\-2\.0/g.test(node.getFullText().replace(node.getText(), '')); } /** * 处理References节点 * @param {ts.node} node 当前节点 * @param {string} url 文件路径 * @returns {Array} currReferencesModule 返回该文件的references数据 */ function formatAllNodesReferences(url) { globalModules.clear(); let currReferences = []; let currReferencesModule = []; if (referencesMap.has(url)) { currReferences = referencesMap.get(url); currReferencesModule = currReferences.references.map((element, index) => { element.match(PATT.GET_REFERENCEURL); let referencePath = RegExp.$2; referencePath = referencesToOthers(referencePath, REFERENCE_TYPE.TOLOCAL); let fullReferencePath = path.resolve(path.dirname(url), referencePath); let module = referencesModuleMap.get(fullReferencePath); for (const key in module) { if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(module, key)) { globalModules.set(key, index); } } return { modules: module, fullReferencePath: fullReferencePath, reference: element, isUsed: false }; }); } return currReferencesModule; } /** * 处理Import节点 去除未使用、不存在、References中没有对应模块的导入 * @param {ts.node} node 当前节点 * @param {ts.ImportDeclaration} statement 导入节点 * @param {string} url 文件路径 * @param {string} url 文件路径 * @param {Set} allIdentifierSet 该文件的所有Identifier关键字 * @returns {{statement:ts.ImportDeclaration,copyrightMessage:string,isCopyrightDeleted:boolean}} statement 处理完成的导入节点、copyrightMessage */ function formatAllNodesImportDeclaration(node, statement, url, currReferencesModule, allIdentifierSet) { // 是import节点 import { AsyncCallback } from './@ohos.base'; const clauseSet = new Set([]); if (statement.importClause && ts.isImportClause(statement.importClause)) { // 标识符 const clauseNode = statement.importClause; if (!clauseNode.namedBindings && clauseNode.name && ts.isIdentifier(clauseNode.name)) { // 没有大括号的标识符 clauseSet.add(clauseNode.name.escapedText.toString()); } else if ( clauseNode.namedBindings && clauseNode.namedBindings.name && ts.isIdentifier(clauseNode.namedBindings.name) ) { // 没有标识符 *号 clauseSet.add(clauseNode.namedBindings.name.escapedText.toString()); } else if (clauseNode.namedBindings && clauseNode.namedBindings.elements) { // 有花括号的标识符 clauseNode.namedBindings.elements.forEach((ele) => { if (ele.name && ts.isIdentifier(ele.name)) { clauseSet.add(ele.name.escapedText.toString()); } }); } } const importSpecifier = statement.moduleSpecifier.getText().replace(/[\'\"]/g, ''); const dtsImportSpecifierPath = path.resolve(url, `../${importSpecifier}.d.ts`); // import 文件路径判断 const detsImportSpecifierPath = path.resolve(url, `../${importSpecifier}.d.ets`); // import 文件路径判断 let hasImportSpecifierFile = fs.existsSync(dtsImportSpecifierPath) || fs.existsSync(detsImportSpecifierPath); let hasImportSpecifierInModules = globalModules.has(importSpecifier); if ((hasImportSpecifierFile || hasImportSpecifierInModules) && clauseSet.size > 0) { let currModule = []; if (hasImportSpecifierInModules) { let index = globalModules.get(importSpecifier); currModule = currReferencesModule[index].modules[importSpecifier]; } const clasueCheckList = []; let exsitClauseSet = new Set([]); for (const clause of clauseSet) { let flag = allIdentifierSet.has(clause); if (hasImportSpecifierInModules) { flag = allIdentifierSet.has(clause) && currModule.includes(clause); } if (flag) { // 标识符使用到了当前import中的引用 exsitClauseSet.add(clause); clasueCheckList.push('exist'); } else { clasueCheckList.push('non-exist'); } } let hasExsitStatus = false; let hasNonExsitStatus = false; clasueCheckList.forEach((ele) => { if (ele === 'exist') { hasExsitStatus = true; } else { hasNonExsitStatus = true; } }); if (hasExsitStatus) { // 有使用到的标识符 if (hasNonExsitStatus) { // 有没有使用到的标识符 const newSpecifiers = []; statement.importClause.namedBindings.elements.forEach((element) => { if (exsitClauseSet.has(element.name.escapedText.toString())) { newSpecifiers.push(element); } }); statement.importClause.namedBindings = ts.factory.updateNamedImports( statement.importClause.namedBindings, newSpecifiers ); } if (hasImportSpecifierInModules) { let index = globalModules.get(importSpecifier); currReferencesModule[index].isUsed = true; } return { statement }; } else if (hasCopyright(statement)) { return { copyrightMessage: node.getFullText().replace(node.getText(), ''), isCopyrightDeleted: true }; } } else if (hasCopyright(statement)) { return { copyrightMessage: node.getFullText().replace(node.getText(), ''), isCopyrightDeleted: true }; } return { statement: undefined, copyrightMessage: '', isCopyrightDeleted: false }; } /** * 每个文件处理前回调函数第一个 * @callback deleteSystemApi * @param {string} url 文件路径 * @returns {Function} */ function deleteSystemApi(url) { return (context) => { return (node) => { const fullText = String(node.getFullText()); const copyrightMessage = fullText.replace(node.getText(), '').split(/\/\*\*/)[0]; let kitName = ''; if (fullText.match(/\@kit (.*)\r?\n/g)) { kitName = RegExp.$1.replace(/\s/g, ''); } sourceFile = node; const deleteNode = processSourceFile(node, kitName); // 处理最外层节点 node = processVisitEachChild(context, deleteNode.node); if (!isEmptyFile(node)) { const printer = ts.createPrinter({ newLine: ts.NewLineKind.LineFeed }); const result = printer.printNode(ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, node, sourceFile); if (referencesMap.has(url)) { resolveReferences(url); } const fileName = processFileName(url); ts.transpileModule(result, { compilerOptions: { target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017, }, fileName: fileName, transformers: { before: [formatImportDeclaration(url, copyrightMessage, deleteNode.isCopyrightDeleted)] }, }); } return node; }; }; } exports.deleteSystemApi = deleteSystemApi; /** * 遍历每个文件下的所有节点,然后删除节点 * @param node * @returns */ /** * 处理最外层的节点看是否删除 * @param node 解析过后的节点 * @param kitName 当前文件kitName * @returns */ function processSourceFile(node, kitName) { let isCopyrightDeleted = false; const newStatements = []; const newStatementsWithoutExport = []; const deleteSystemApiSet = new Set(); let needDeleteExport = { fileName: '', default: '', exportName: new Set(), }; isCopyrightDeleted = addNewStatements(node, newStatements, deleteSystemApiSet, needDeleteExport); newStatements.forEach((statement) => { const names = getExportIdentifierName(statement); if (names.length === 0) { newStatementsWithoutExport.push(statement); return; } if (names.length === 1 && !deleteSystemApiSet.has(names[0])) { //exports.name = test; //export default test1 //export {test1} newStatementsWithoutExport.push(statement); return; } processExportNode(statement, node, needDeleteExport, names, deleteSystemApiSet, newStatementsWithoutExport); }); if (needDeleteExport.fileName !== '') { let kitMap = kitFileNeedDeleteMap.get(kitName); if (kitMap === undefined) { kitMap = new Map([[needDeleteExport.fileName, needDeleteExport]]); } else { kitMap.set(needDeleteExport.fileName, needDeleteExport); } kitFileNeedDeleteMap.set(kitName, kitMap); } return { node: ts.factory.updateSourceFile(node, newStatementsWithoutExport, node.isDeclarationFile, node.referencedFiles), isCopyrightDeleted, }; } function processExportNode(statement, node, needDeleteExport, names, deleteSystemApiSet, newStatementsWithoutExport) { //删除export节点信息 if (ts.isExportAssignment(statement)) { //export default abilityAccessCtrl; needDeleteExport.fileName = processFileNameWithoutExt(node.fileName); needDeleteExport.default = statement.expression.escapedText.toString(); } else if (ts.isExportDeclaration(statement)) { //export {test1 as test,testa as test2} let needExport = false; const newSpecifiers = []; names.forEach((name, index) => { if (!deleteSystemApiSet.has(name)) { //未被删除的节点 newSpecifiers.push(statement.exportClause.elements[index]); needExport = true; } else { //被删除的节点 needDeleteExport.fileName = processFileNameWithoutExt(node.fileName); needDeleteExport.exportName.add(statement.name.escapedText.toString()); } }); if (needExport) { statement.exportClause = ts.factory.updateNamedExports(statement.exportClause, newSpecifiers); newStatementsWithoutExport.push(statement); } } } function addNewStatements(node, newStatements, deleteSystemApiSet, needDeleteExport) { let isCopyrightDeleted = false; node.statements.forEach((statement, index) => { if (!isSystemapi(statement)) { newStatements.push(statement); return; } if (index === 0) { isCopyrightDeleted = true; } if (ts.isVariableStatement(statement)) { deleteSystemApiSet.add(variableStatementGetEscapedText(statement)); } else if ( ts.isModuleDeclaration(statement) || ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(statement) || ts.isClassDeclaration(statement) || ts.isEnumDeclaration(statement) || ts.isStructDeclaration(statement) || ts.isTypeAliasDeclaration(statement) ) { if (statement && statement.name && statement.name.escapedText) { deleteSystemApiSet.add(statement.name.escapedText.toString()); } setDeleteExport(statement, node, needDeleteExport, deleteSystemApiSet); } else if (ts.isExportAssignment(statement) || ts.isExportDeclaration(statement)) { setDeleteExport(statement, node, needDeleteExport, deleteSystemApiSet); } }); return isCopyrightDeleted; } function setDeleteExport(statement, node, needDeleteExport, deleteSystemApiSet) { if (ts.isExportAssignment(statement) && deleteSystemApiSet.has(statement.expression.escapedText.toString())) { needDeleteExport.fileName = processFileNameWithoutExt(node.fileName); needDeleteExport.default = statement.expression.escapedText.toString(); } else if (ts.isExportDeclaration(statement)) { needDeleteExport.fileName = processFileNameWithoutExt(node.fileName); statement.exportClause.elements.forEach((element) => { const exportName = element.propertyName ? element.propertyName.escapedText.toString() : element.name.escapedText.toString(); if (deleteSystemApiSet.has(exportName)) { needDeleteExport.exportName.add(element.name.escapedText.toString()); } }); } //export namespace test {} const modifiers = statement.modifiers; if (modifiers === undefined) { return; } const exportFlag = modifiers.some((modifier) => modifier.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword); const defaultFlag = modifiers.some((modifier) => modifier.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword); if (exportFlag && defaultFlag) { needDeleteExport.fileName = processFileNameWithoutExt(node.fileName); needDeleteExport.default = statement.name.escapedText.toString(); } else if (exportFlag) { needDeleteExport.fileName = processFileNameWithoutExt(node.fileName); needDeleteExport.exportName.add(statement.name.escapedText.toString()); } } /** * 获取export节点的名字,只获取第一个关键词 * @param {ts.node} statement * @returns {Array} */ function getExportIdentifierName(statement) { const names = []; if (ts.isExpressionStatement(statement)) { //exports.name = test; if (ts.isBinaryExpression(statement.expression)) { names.push(statement.expression.right.escapedText.toString()); } } else if (ts.isExportAssignment(statement)) { //export default test1 names.push(statement.expression.escapedText.toString()); } else if (ts.isExportDeclaration(statement)) { //export {test1} 、export {test1 as test} 、export * from './featureability' const exportClause = statement.exportClause; if (exportClause) { const specifiers = exportClause.elements; specifiers.forEach((specifier) => { if (ts.isExportSpecifier(specifier)) { const name = specifier.propertyName ? specifier.propertyName : specifier.name; names.push(name.escapedText.toString()); } }); } } return names; } /** * 遍历处理tsnode节点 * @param context 解析过后的内容 * @param node 解析过后的节点 * @returns ts.node */ function processVisitEachChild(context, node) { return ts.visitEachChild(node, processAllNodes, context); // 遍历所有子节点 function processAllNodes(node) { if (ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { const newMembers = []; node.members.forEach((member) => { if (!isSystemapi(member)) { newMembers.push(member); } }); node = ts.factory.updateInterfaceDeclaration( node, node.decorators, node.modifiers, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, newMembers ); } else if (ts.isClassDeclaration(node)) { const newMembers = []; node.members.forEach((member) => { if (!isSystemapi(member)) { newMembers.push(member); } }); node = ts.factory.updateClassDeclaration( node, node.decorators, node.modifiers, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, newMembers ); } else if (ts.isModuleDeclaration(node) && node.body && ts.isModuleBlock(node.body)) { const newStatements = []; node.body.statements.forEach((statement) => { if (!isSystemapi(statement)) { newStatements.push(statement); } }); const newModuleBody = ts.factory.updateModuleBlock(node.body, newStatements); node = ts.factory.updateModuleDeclaration(node, node.decorators, node.modifiers, node.name, newModuleBody); } else if (ts.isEnumDeclaration(node)) { const newMembers = []; node.members.forEach((member) => { if (!isSystemapi(member)) { newMembers.push(member); } }); node = ts.factory.updateEnumDeclaration(node, node.decorators, node.modifiers, node.name, newMembers); } else if (ts.isStructDeclaration(node)) { const newMembers = []; node.members.forEach((member, index) => { if (index >= 1 && !isSystemapi(member)) { newMembers.push(member); } }); node = ts.factory.updateStructDeclaration( node, node.decorators, node.modifiers, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, newMembers ); } return ts.visitEachChild(node, processAllNodes, context); } } /** * 解析reference * @param {string} url reference文件地址 */ function resolveReferences(url) { const obj = referencesMap.get(url); let references = obj.references; if (!references || references.length === 0) { return; } for (let index = 0; index < references.length; index++) { const element = references[index]; element.match(PATT.GET_REFERENCEURL); let referencePath = RegExp.$2; referencePath = referencesToOthers(referencePath, REFERENCE_TYPE.TOLOCAL); let fullReferencePath = path.resolve(path.dirname(url), referencePath); if (fs.existsSync(fullReferencePath) && !referencesModuleMap.has(fullReferencePath)) { const content = fs.readFileSync(fullReferencePath, 'utf-8'); //文件内容 const fileName = processFileName(fullReferencePath); ts.transpileModule(content, { compilerOptions: { target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017, }, fileName: fileName, transformers: { before: [resolveCallback(fullReferencePath)] }, }); } } } function resolveCallback(url) { return (context) => { const allReferencesIdentifierSet = new Set([]); let allModule = {}; return (node) => { const referenceSourceFile = node; node.statements.forEach((statement) => { if ( ts.isModuleDeclaration(statement) && statement.name && ts.isStringLiteral(statement.name) && statement.body && ts.isModuleBlock(statement.body) && !isSystemapi(statement) ) { ts.visitEachChild(statement, collectAllIdentifier, context); dealExternalStatements(referenceSourceFile); allModule[statement.name.text.toString()] = [...allReferencesIdentifierSet]; allReferencesIdentifierSet.clear(); } }); referencesModuleMap.set(url, allModule); allModule = {}; return node; }; function dealExternalStatements(node) { node.statements.forEach((statement) => { let name = ''; if (isSystemapi(statement)) { if (ts.isVariableStatement(statement)) { name = variableStatementGetEscapedText(statement); } else if ( ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(statement) || ts.isClassDeclaration(statement) || ts.isEnumDeclaration(statement) ) { if (statement && statement.name && statement.name.escapedText) { name = statement.name.escapedText.toString(); } } allReferencesIdentifierSet.delete(name); } }); } function collectAllIdentifier(node) { if (isSystemapi(node)) { return; } if (ts.isIdentifier(node)) { allReferencesIdentifierSet.add(node.escapedText.toString()); } return ts.visitEachChild(node, collectAllIdentifier, context); } }; } function variableStatementGetEscapedText(statement) { let name = ''; if ( statement && statement.declarationList && statement.declarationList.declarations && statement.declarationList.declarations.length > 0 && statement.declarationList.declarations[0].name && statement.declarationList.declarations[0].name.escapedText ) { name = statement.declarationList.declarations[0].name.escapedText.toString(); } return name; } function isSystemapi(node) { const notesContent = node.getFullText().replace(node.getText(), '').replace(/[\s]/g, ''); const notesArr = notesContent.split(/\/\*\*/); const notesStr = notesArr[notesArr.length - 1]; if (notesStr.length !== 0) { return /@systemapi/g.test(notesStr); } return false; } function isEmptyFile(node) { let isEmpty = true; if (ts.isSourceFile(node) && node.statements) { for (let i = 0; i < node.statements.length; i++) { const statement = node.statements[i]; if (ts.isImportDeclaration(statement)) { continue; } isEmpty = false; break; } } return isEmpty; } const apiSourcePath = '../api'; const outputPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'output'); collectDeclaration(apiSourcePath); //入口