
246 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
domain: MSDP
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: subscribes to the device status}
UID: {type: INT32, desc: subscribes to the device status uid}
PACKAGE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: devicestatus pkgname}
TYPE: {type: INT32, desc: deviceStatus type}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: unsubscribes from the device status}
UID: {type: INT32, desc: unsubscribes from the device status uid}
PACKAGE_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: devicestatus pkgname}
TYPE: {type: INT32, desc: deviceStatus type}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: prepare coordination}
MONITOR_ID: {type: INT32, desc: Monitor_Id}
ISOPEN: {type: BOOL, desc: IsOpen}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Prepare Coordination Successfully}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: prepare coordination}
MONITOR_ID: {type: INT32, desc: Monitor_Id}
ISOPEN: {type: BOOL, desc: IsOpen}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Prepare Coordination Failed}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: unprepare coordination}
ISCLOSE: {type: BOOL, desc: IsClose}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Unprepare Coordination Successfully}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: unprepare coordination}
ISCLOSE: {type: BOOL, desc: IsClose}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Unprepare Coordination Failed}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: start remote coordination}
LOCALNETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: localNetworkId}
REMOTENETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: remoteNetworkId}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Start Remote Coordination Successfully}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: start remote coordination}
LOCALNETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: localNetworkId}
REMOTENETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: remoteNetworkId}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Start Remote Coordination Failed}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Start Remote Accordination Result}
REMOTENETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: remoteNetWorkId}
ISSUCCESS: {type: BOOL, desc: IsSuccess}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Start Remote Accordination Result Failed}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: stop remote coordination}
REMOTENETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: remoteNetWorkId}
SESSIONID: {type: INT32, desc: sessionId}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Stop Remote Accordination Successfully}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: stop remote coordination}
REMOTENETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: remoteNetWorkId}
SESSIONID: {type: INT32, desc: sessionId}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Stop Remote Accordination Failed}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: stop remote coordination result}
REMOTENETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: remoteNetWorkId}
SESSIONID: {type: INT32, desc: sessionId}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Stop Remote Accordination Result Failed}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: distributed input start remote input}
REMOTENETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: remoteNetWorkId}
ORIGINNETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: originNetWorkId}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: D_input Start Remote Input Failed}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: distributed input stop remote input}
REMOTENETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: remoteNetWorkId}
ORIGINNETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: originNetWorkId}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: D_input Stop Remote Input Failed}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: distributed input stop remote input}
ORIGINNETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: originNetWorkId}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: D_input Stop Remote Input Failed}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: distributed input prepare remote input}
DEVICEID: {type: STRING, desc: deviceId}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: D_input Prepare Remote Input Failed}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: distributed input prepare remote input}
REMOTENETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: remoteNetWorkId}
ORIGINNETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: originNetWorkId}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: D_input Prepare Remote Input Failed}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: distributed input unprepare remote input}
DEVICEID: {type: STRING, desc: deviceId}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: D_input Unprepare Remote Input Failed}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: distributed input unprepare remote input}
REMOTENETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: remoteNetWorkId}
ORIGINNETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: originNetWorkId}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: D_input Unprepare Remote Input Failed}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: open softbus result}
REMOTENETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: remoteNetWorkId}
PARA: {type: INT32, desc: tag information}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Open SoftBus Result Failed}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: start drag}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Start Drag Successfully}
CURDRAGSTATE: {type: STRING, desc: dragstate}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: start drag}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Start Drag Failed}
CURDRAGSTATE: {type: STRING, desc: dragstate}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Set Drag Window Visible}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Set Drag Window Visible Successfully}
ISVISBLE: {type: BOOL, desc: IsVisible}
CURDRAGSTATE: {type: STRING, desc: dragstate}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Set Drag Window Visible}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Set Drag Window Visible Failed}
ISVISBLE: {type: BOOL, desc: IsVisible}
CURDRAGSTATE: {type: STRING, desc: dragstate}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Update Drag Style}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Update Drag Style Successfully}
DRAGSTYLE: {type: STRING, desc: dragstyle}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Update Drag Style}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Update Drag Style Failed}
DRAGSTYLE: {type: STRING, desc: dragstyle}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Send Drag Data}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Send Token Id Failed}
TARGETID: {type: INT32, desc: targetTid}
UDKEY: {type: STRING, desc: udkey}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Stop Drag}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Stop Drag Successfully}
CURDRAGSTATE: {type: STRING, desc: dragstate}
ANIMATE: {type: BOOL, desc: animate}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Stop Drag}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Stop Drag Failed}
CURDRAGSTATE: {type: STRING, desc: dragstate}
ANIMATE: {type: BOOL, desc: animate}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Notify Drag Result}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Notify Drag Result Successfully}
DRAGRESULT: {type: STRING, desc: DragResult}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Notify Drag Result}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Notify Drag Result Failed}
DRAGRESULT: {type: STRING, desc: DragResult}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Cooperate Drag}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: On Coordination And The State Change Successfully}
PRESTATE: {type: STRING, desc: PreviousState}
UPDATESTATE: {type: STRING, desc: UpdateState}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Cooperate Drag}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: The Current Coordination State Is Out}
CURSTATE: {type: STRING, desc: CurrentState}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Cooperate Drag Result}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Coordination Drag Result Successfully}
DEVICEID: {type: STRING, desc: remotedeviceId}
SESSIONID: {type: STRING, desc: sessionId}
CURSTATE: {type: STRING, desc: CurCoordinationState}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: MINOR, tag: deviceStatus, desc: Cooperate Drag Result}
MSG: {type: STRING, desc: Coordination Drag Result Failed}
DEVICEID: {type: STRING, desc: remotedeviceId}
SESSIONID: {type: STRING, desc: sessionId}
CURSTATE: {type: STRING, desc: CurCoordinationState}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: CRITICAL, desc: Drag behavior, preserve: false}
ORG_PKG: {type: STRING, desc: business pkg name}
FUNC: {type: STRING, desc: current function name}
BIZ_STATE: {type: INT32, desc: business state}
BIZ_STAGE: {type: INT32, desc: business stage}
BIZ_SCENE: {type: INT32, desc: business scene}
STAGE_RES: {type: INT32, desc: stage result}
ERROR_CODE: {type: INT32, desc: error code}
HOST_PKG: {type: STRING, desc: host module name}
LOCAL_NET_ID: {type: STRING, desc: local device network id}
PEER_NET_ID: {type: STRING, desc: peer device network id}
DRAG_SUMMARY: {type: STRING, desc: drag summary}
APP_CALLER: {type: STRING, desc: app caller}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: CRITICAL, desc: Cooperate, preserve: false}
ORG_PKG: {type: STRING, desc: business pkg name}
FUNC: {type: STRING, desc: current function name}
BIZ_STATE: {type: INT32, desc: business state}
BIZ_STAGE: {type: INT32, desc: business stage}
STAGE_RES: {type: INT32, desc: stage result}
BIZ_SCENE: {type: INT32, desc: business scene}
ERROR_CODE: {type: INT32, desc: error code}
HOST_PKG: {type: STRING, desc: host module name}
LOCAL_NET_ID: {type: STRING, desc: local device network id}
PEER_NET_ID: {type: STRING, desc: peer device network id}
TO_CALL_PKG: {type: STRING, desc: to call package}
LOCAL_DEV_TYPE: {type: STRING, desc: local device type}
PEER_DEV_TYPE: {type: STRING, desc: peer device type}