The audio_standard repository is used to implement audio-related features, including audio playback, recording, volume management and device management.
Figure 1 Position in the subsystem architecture
Basic Concepts
- Sampling
Sampling is a process to obtain discrete-time signals by extracting samples from analog signals in a continuous time domain at a specific interval.
- Sampling rate
Sampling rate is the number of samples extracted from a continuous signal per second to form a discrete signal. It is measured in Hz. Generally, human hearing range is from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Common audio sampling rates include 8 kHz, 11.025 kHz, 22.05 kHz, 16 kHz, 37.8 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, and 96 kHz.
- Channel
Channels refer to different spatial positions where independent audio signals are recorded or played. The number of channels is the number of audio sources used during audio recording, or the number of speakers used for audio playback.
- Audio frame
Audio data is in stream form. For the convenience of audio algorithm processing and transmission, it is generally agreed that a data amount in a unit of 2.5 to 60 milliseconds is one audio frame. This unit is called sampling time, and its length is specific to codecs and the application requirements.
Pulse code modulation PCM
is a method used to digitally represent sampled analog signals. It converts continuous-time analog signals into discrete-time digital signal samples.
Directory Structure
The structure of the repository directory is as follows:
/foundation/multimedia/audio_standard # Audio code
├── frameworks # Framework code
│ ├── native # Internal Native API Implementation.
| | Pulseaudio, libsndfile build configuration and pulseaudio-hdi modules
│ └── js # External JS API Implementation
└── napi # JS NAPI API Implementation
├── interfaces # Interfaces
│ ├── inner_api # Internal Native APIs
│ └── kits # External JS APIs
├── sa_profile # Service configuration profile
├── services # Service code
├── LICENSE # License file
└── # Build file
Usage Guidelines
Audio Playback
You can use APIs provided in this repository to convert audio data into audible analog signals, play the audio signals using output devices, and manage playback tasks. The following steps describe how to use AudioRenderer to develop the audio playback function:
Use Create API with required renderer configuration to get AudioRenderer instance.
AudioRendererOptions rendererOptions; rendererOptions.streamInfo.samplingRate = AudioSamplingRate::SAMPLE_RATE_44100; rendererOptions.streamInfo.encoding = AudioEncodingType::ENCODING_PCM; rendererOptions.streamInfo.format = AudioSampleFormat::SAMPLE_S16LE; rendererOptions.streamInfo.channels = AudioChannel::STEREO; rendererOptions.rendererInfo.contentType = ContentType::CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC; rendererOptions.rendererInfo.streamUsage = StreamUsage::STREAM_USAGE_MEDIA; rendererOptions.rendererInfo.rendererFlags = 0; unique_ptr<AudioRenderer> audioRenderer = AudioRenderer::Create(rendererOptions);
(Optional) Static APIs GetSupportedFormats(), GetSupportedChannels(), GetSupportedEncodingTypes(), GetSupportedSamplingRates() can be used to get the supported values of the params.
(Optional) use audioRenderer->GetRendererInfo(AudioRendererInfo &) and audioRenderer->GetStreamInfo(AudioStreamInfo &) to retrieve the current renderer configuration values.
Inorder to listen to Audio Interrupt and state change events, it would be required to register to RendererCallbacks using audioRenderer->SetRendererCallback
class AudioRendererCallbackImpl : public AudioRendererCallback { void OnInterrupt(const InterruptEvent &interruptEvent) override { if (interruptEvent.forceType == INTERRUPT_FORCE) { // Forced actions taken by the framework switch (interruptEvent.hintType) { case INTERRUPT_HINT_PAUSE: // Force paused. Pause Writing. isRenderPaused_ = true; case INTERRUPT_HINT_STOP: // Force stopped. Stop Writing. isRenderStopped_ = true; } } if (interruptEvent.forceType == INTERRUPT_SHARE) { // Actions not forced, apps can choose to handle. switch (interruptEvent.hintType) { case INTERRUPT_HINT_PAUSE: // Do Pause, if required. case INTERRUPT_HINT_RESUME: // After force pause, resume if needed when this hint is received. audioRenderer->Start(); } } } void OnStateChange(const RendererState state) override { switch (state) { case RENDERER_PREPARED: // Renderer prepared case RENDERER_RUNNING: // Renderer in running state case RENDERER_STOPPED: // Renderer stopped case RENDERER_RELEASED: // Renderer released case RENDERER_PAUSED: // Renderer paused } } } std::shared_ptr<AudioRendererCallback> audioRendererCB = std::make_shared<AudioRendererCallbackImpl>(); audioRenderer->SetRendererCallback(audioRendererCB);
Implement AudioRendererCallback class, override OnInterrupt function and register this instance using SetRendererCallback API. On registering to the callback, the application would receive the interrupt events.
This will have information on the audio interrupt forced action taken by the Audio framework and also the action hints to be handled by the application. Refer to audio_renderer.h and audio_info.h for more details.
Similarly, renderer state change callbacks can be received by overriding OnStateChange function in AudioRendererCallback class. Refer to audio_renderer.h for the list of renderer states.
In order to get callbacks for frame mark position and/or frame period position, register for the corresponding callbacks in audio renderer using audioRenderer->SetRendererPositionCallback and/or audioRenderer->SetRendererPeriodPositionCallback functions respectively.
class RendererPositionCallbackImpl : public RendererPositionCallback { void OnMarkReached(const int64_t &framePosition) override { // frame mark reached // framePosition is the frame mark number } } std::shared_ptr<RendererPositionCallback> framePositionCB = std::make_shared<RendererPositionCallbackImpl>(); //markPosition is the frame mark number for which callback is requested. audioRenderer->SetRendererPositionCallback(markPosition, framePositionCB); class RendererPeriodPositionCallbackImpl : public RendererPeriodPositionCallback { void OnPeriodReached(const int64_t &frameNumber) override { // frame period reached // frameNumber is the frame period number } } std::shared_ptr<RendererPeriodPositionCallback> periodPositionCB = std::make_shared<RendererPeriodPositionCallbackImpl>(); //framePeriodNumber is the frame period number for which callback is requested. audioRenderer->SetRendererPeriodPositionCallback(framePeriodNumber, periodPositionCB);
For unregistering the position callbacks, call the corresponding audioRenderer->UnsetRendererPositionCallback and/or audioRenderer->UnsetRendererPeriodPositionCallback APIs.
Call audioRenderer->Start() function on the AudioRenderer instance to start the playback task.
Get the buffer length to be written, using GetBufferSize API.
Read the audio data to be played from the source(for example, an audio file) and transfer it into the bytes stream. Call the Write function repeatedly to write the render data.
bytesToWrite = fread(buffer, 1, bufferLen, wavFile); while ((bytesWritten < bytesToWrite) && ((bytesToWrite - bytesWritten) > minBytes)) { int32_t retBytes = audioRenderer->Write(buffer + bytesWritten, bytesToWrite - bytesWritten); if (bytesWritten < 0) break; bytesWritten += retBytes; }
Incase of audio interrupts, application can encounter write failures. Interrupt unaware applications can check the renderer state using GetStatus API before writing audio data further. Interrupt aware applications will have more details accessible via AudioRendererCallback..
while ((bytesWritten < bytesToWrite) && ((bytesToWrite - bytesWritten) > minBytes)) { int32_t retBytes = audioRenderer->Write(buffer.get() + bytesWritten, bytesToWrite - bytesWritten); if (retBytes < 0) { // Error occured if (audioRenderer_->GetStatus() == RENDERER_PAUSED) { // Query the state and take appropriate action isRenderPaused_ = true; int32_t seekPos = bytesWritten - bytesToWrite; fseek(wavFile, seekPos, SEEK_CUR)) } break; } bytesWritten += retBytes; }
Call audioRenderer->Drain() to drain the playback stream.
Call audioRenderer->Stop() function to Stop rendering.
After the playback task is complete, call the audioRenderer->Release() function on the AudioRenderer instance to release the stream resources.
Use audioRenderer->SetVolume(float) and audioRenderer->GetVolume() to set and get Track Volume. Value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0
Provided the basic playback usecase above.
Please refer audio_renderer.h and audio_info.h for more such useful APIs.
Audio Recording
You can use the APIs provided in this repository for your application to record voices using input devices, convert the voices into audio data, and manage recording tasks. The following steps describe how to use AudioCapturer to develop the audio recording function:
Use Create API with required capturer configuration to get AudioCapturer instance.
AudioCapturerOptions capturerOptions; capturerOptions.streamInfo.samplingRate = AudioSamplingRate::SAMPLE_RATE_48000; capturerOptions.streamInfo.encoding = AudioEncodingType::ENCODING_PCM; capturerOptions.streamInfo.format = AudioSampleFormat::SAMPLE_S16LE; capturerOptions.streamInfo.channels = AudioChannel::MONO; capturerOptions.capturerInfo.sourceType = SourceType::SOURCE_TYPE_MIC; capturerOptions.capturerInfo.capturerFlags = CAPTURER_FLAG;; unique_ptr<AudioCapturer> audioCapturer = AudioCapturer::Create(capturerOptions);
(Optional) Static APIs GetSupportedFormats(), GetSupportedChannels(), GetSupportedEncodingTypes(), GetSupportedSamplingRates() can be used to get the supported values of the params.
(Optional) use audioCapturer->GetCapturerInfo(AudioCapturerInfo &) and audioCapturer->GetStreamInfo(AudioStreamInfo &) to retrieve the current capturer configuration values.
Capturer state change callbacks can be received by overriding OnStateChange function in AudioCapturerCallback class, and registering the callback instance using audioCapturer->SetCapturerCallback API.
class AudioCapturerCallbackImpl : public AudioCapturerCallback { void OnStateChange(const CapturerState state) override { switch (state) { case CAPTURER_PREPARED: // Capturer prepared case CAPTURER_RUNNING: // Capturer in running state case CAPTURER_STOPPED: // Capturer stopped case CAPTURER_RELEASED: // Capturer released } } } std::shared_ptr<AudioCapturerCallback> audioCapturerCB = std::make_shared<AudioCapturerCallbackImpl>(); audioCapturer->SetCapturerCallback(audioCapturerCB);
In order to get callbacks for frame mark position and/or frame period position, register for the corresponding callbacks in audio capturer using audioCapturer->SetCapturerPositionCallback and/or audioCapturer->SetCapturerPeriodPositionCallback functions respectively.
class CapturerPositionCallbackImpl : public CapturerPositionCallback { void OnMarkReached(const int64_t &framePosition) override { // frame mark reached // framePosition is the frame mark number } } std::shared_ptr<CapturerPositionCallback> framePositionCB = std::make_shared<CapturerPositionCallbackImpl>(); //markPosition is the frame mark number for which callback is requested. audioCapturer->SetCapturerPositionCallback(markPosition, framePositionCB); class CapturerPeriodPositionCallbackImpl : public CapturerPeriodPositionCallback { void OnPeriodReached(const int64_t &frameNumber) override { // frame period reached // frameNumber is the frame period number } } std::shared_ptr<CapturerPeriodPositionCallback> periodPositionCB = std::make_shared<CapturerPeriodPositionCallbackImpl>(); //framePeriodNumber is the frame period number for which callback is requested. audioCapturer->SetCapturerPeriodPositionCallback(framePeriodNumber, periodPositionCB);
For unregistering the position callbacks, call the corresponding audioCapturer->UnsetCapturerPositionCallback and/or audioCapturer->UnsetCapturerPeriodPositionCallback APIs.
Call audioCapturer->Start() function on the AudioCapturer instance to start the recording task.
Get the buffer length to be read, using GetBufferSize API.
Read the captured audio data and convert it to a byte stream. Call the read function repeatedly to read data untill you want to stop recording
// set isBlocking = true/false for blocking/non-blocking read bytesRead = audioCapturer->Read(*buffer, bufferLen, isBlocking); while (numBuffersToCapture) { bytesRead = audioCapturer->Read(*buffer, bufferLen, isBlockingRead); if (bytesRead < 0) { break; } else if (bytesRead > 0) { fwrite(buffer, size, bytesRead, recFile); // example shows writes the recored data into a file numBuffersToCapture--; } }
(Optional) Call audioCapturer->Flush() to flush the capture buffer of this stream.
Call the audioCapturer->Stop() function on the AudioCapturer instance to stop the recording.
After the recording task is complete, call the audioCapturer->Release() function on the AudioCapturer instance to release the stream resources.
Provided the basic recording usecase above. Please refer audio_capturer.h and audio_info.h for more APIs.
Audio Management
You can use the APIs provided in audio_system_manager.h to control volume and device.
- Use GetInstance API to get AudioSystemManager instance.
AudioSystemManager *audioSystemMgr = AudioSystemManager::GetInstance();
Volume Control
- Use GetMaxVolume and GetMinVolume APIs to query the Maximum & Minimum volume level allowed for the stream. Use this volume range to set the volume.
AudioSystemManager::AudioVolumeType streamType = AudioSystemManager::AudioVolumeType::STREAM_MUSIC; int32_t maxVol = audioSystemMgr->GetMaxVolume(streamType); int32_t minVol = audioSystemMgr->GetMinVolume(streamType);
- Use SetVolume and GetVolume APIs to set and get the volume level of the stream.
int32_t result = audioSystemMgr->SetVolume(streamType, 10); int32_t vol = audioSystemMgr->GetVolume(streamType);
- Use SetMute and IsStreamMute APIs to set and get the mute status of the stream.
int32_t result = audioSystemMgr->SetMute(streamType, true); bool isMute = audioSystemMgr->IsStreamMute(streamType);
- Use SetRingerMode and GetRingerMode APIs to set and get ringer modes. Refer AudioRingerMode enum in audio_info.h for supported ringer modes.
int32_t result = audioSystemMgr->SetRingerMode(RINGER_MODE_SILENT); AudioRingerMode ringMode = audioSystemMgr->GetRingerMode();
- Use SetMicrophoneMute and IsMicrophoneMute APIs to mute/unmute the mic and to check if mic muted.
int32_t result = audioSystemMgr->SetMicrophoneMute(true); bool isMicMute = audioSystemMgr->IsMicrophoneMute();
Device control
Use GetDevices, deviceType_ and deviceRole_ APIs to get audio I/O devices information. For DeviceFlag, DeviceType and DeviceRole enums refer audio_info.h.
DeviceFlag deviceFlag = ALL_DEVICES_FLAG; vector<sptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor>> audioDeviceDescriptors = audioSystemMgr->GetDevices(deviceFlag); for (auto &audioDeviceDescriptor : audioDeviceDescriptors) { cout << audioDeviceDescriptor->deviceType_ << endl; cout << audioDeviceDescriptor->deviceRole_ << endl; }
Use SetDeviceActive and IsDeviceActive APIs to Actiavte/Deactivate the device and to check if the device is active.
ActiveDeviceType deviceType = SPEAKER; int32_t result = audioSystemMgr->SetDeviceActive(deviceType, true); bool isDevActive = audioSystemMgr->IsDeviceActive(deviceType);
Use SetDeviceChangeCallback API to register for device change events. Clients will recieve callback when a device is connected/disconnected. OnDeviceChange function will be called and client will receive DeviceChangeAction object, which will contain following parameters:
type : DeviceChangeType which specifies whether device is connected or disconnected.
deviceDescriptors : Array of AudioDeviceDescriptor object which specifies the type of device and its role(input/output device).class DeviceChangeCallback : public AudioManagerDeviceChangeCallback { public: DeviceChangeCallback = default; ~DeviceChangeCallback = default; void OnDeviceChange(const DeviceChangeAction &deviceChangeAction) override { cout << deviceChangeAction.type << endl; for (auto &audioDeviceDescriptor : deviceChangeAction.deviceDescriptors) { cout << audioDeviceDescriptor->deviceType_ << endl; cout << audioDeviceDescriptor->deviceRole_ << endl; } } }; auto callback = std::make_shared<DeviceChangeCallback>(); audioSystemMgr->SetDeviceChangeCallback(callback);
Other useful APIs such as IsStreamActive, SetAudioParameter and GetAudioParameter are also provided. Please refer audio_system_manager.h for more details
Applications can register for change in system volume using AudioManagerNapi::On. Here when an application registers to volume change event, whenever there is change in volume, the application is notified with following parameters: volumeType : The AudioVolumeType for which volume is updated volume : The curret volume level set. updateUi : Whether the volume change details need to be shown or not. (If volume is updated through volume key up/down we set the updateUi flag to true, in other scenarios the updateUi is set as false).
const audioManager = audio.getAudioManager(); export default { onCreate() { audioManager.on('volumeChange', (volumeChange) ==> {'volumeType = '+volumeChange.volumeType);'volume = '+volumeChange.volume);'updateUi = '+volumeChange.updateUi); } } }
Audio Scene
- Use SetAudioscene and getAudioScene APIs to change and check the audio strategy, respectively.
int32_t result = audioSystemMgr->SetAudioScene(AUDIO_SCENE_PHONE_CALL); AudioScene audioScene = audioSystemMgr->GetAudioScene();
Please refer AudioScene enum in audio_info.h for supported audio scenes.
JavaScript Usage:
JavaScript apps can use the APIs provided by audio manager to control the volume and the device.
Please refer for JavaScript usage of audio volume and device management.
Ringtone Management
You can use the APIs provided in iringtone_sound_manager.h and iringtone_player.h for ringtone playback functions.
- Use CreateRingtoneManager API to get IRingtoneSoundManager instance.
std::shared_ptr<IRingtoneSoundManager> ringtoneManagerClient = RingtoneFactory::CreateRingtoneManager();
- Use SetSystemRingtoneUri API to set the system ringtone uri.
std::string uri = "/data/media/test.wav"; RingtoneType ringtoneType = RINGTONE_TYPE_DEFAULT; ringtoneManagerClient->SetSystemRingtoneUri(context, uri, ringtoneType);
- Use GetRingtonePlayer API to get IRingtonePlayer instance.
std::unique_ptr<IRingtonePlayer> ringtonePlayer = ringtoneManagerClient->GetRingtonePlayer(context, ringtoneType);
- Use Configure API to configure the ringtone player.
float volume = 1; bool loop = true; ringtonePlayer.Configure(volume, loop);
- Use Start, Stop, and Release APIs on ringtone player instance to control playback states.
ringtonePlayer.Start(); ringtonePlayer.Stop(); ringtonePlayer.Release();
- Use GetTitle API to get the title of current system ringtone.
- Use GetRingtoneState to the the ringtone playback state - RingtoneState
- Use GetAudioRendererInfo to get the AudioRendererInfo to check the content type and stream usage.