This commit is contained in:
wang-yaya1117 2021-05-17 18:01:49 +08:00
parent 676ab94fe6
commit 4479de26a5
3 changed files with 61 additions and 59 deletions

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# HUKS<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001133264329"></a>
- [Introduction](#section19960105154710)
- [Directory Structure](#section11146193674920)
- [Repositories Involved](#section1554141575016)
## Introduction<a name="section19960105154710"></a>
HUKS is a universal key management service. It provides KeyStore and Crypto APIs for applications to perform key management, encryption, and decryption operations.
HUKS consists of native APIs, the hardware abstraction layer \(HAL\), and Core Module.
1. Native APIs are implemented using the C language to ensure consistency among all devices, and include the APIs for key generation, encryption, and decryption.
2. HAL shields differences between hardware and OSs and defines the unified APIs for HUKS. It contains platform algorithm libraries, file systems, and logs.
3. Core Module depends on the HAL and provides core functions such as encryption and decryption, signature verification, and key storage.
## Directory Structure<a name="section11146193674920"></a>
├── huks
│ ├── frameworks
│ │ └── huks_lite HUKS code implementation
│ └── interfaces
│ └── innerkits
│ └── huks_lite HUKS APIs
## Repositories Involved<a name="section1554141575016"></a>
[Security subsystem](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/readme/security-subsystem.md)

README_en.md Normal file
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# HUKS<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001148528849"></a>
- [Introduction](#section11660541593)
- [Directory Structure](#section161941989596)
- [Repositories Involved](#section1371113476307)
## Introduction<a name="section11660541593"></a>
Harmony Universal KeyStore \(HUKS\) provides key library capabilities for applications, such as key management and cryptographic operations on keys. HUKS also provides APIs for applications to import or generate keys.
HUKS consists of the following modules:
- HUKS SDK layer: provides HUKS APIs for applications.
- HUKS service layer: implements functions such as HUKS key management and storage.
- HUKS engine layer: HUKS core module, which generates, encrypts, and decrypts keys. In a commercial version for L2 devices, this module must run in a secure environment such as a TEE or a chip with security capabilities. A secure environment requires dedicated hardware and is therefore implemented only by emulation in the open-source code.
## Directory Structure<a name="section161941989596"></a>
├ frameworks # Framework code, which is used by interfaces and services
│ └ huks_standard # HUKS module in a standard system
| └ huks_lite # L0 and L1 code implementation
├ interfaces # APIs
│ └ innerkits
│ └ huks_standard
│ └ huks_lite
└ services
└ huks_standard
## Repositories Involved<a name="section1371113476307"></a>

README_zh.md Executable file → Normal file
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# HUKS组件<a name="ZH-CN_TOPIC_0000001133264329"></a>
# HUKS组件<a name="ZH-CN_TOPIC_0000001148528849"></a>
- [简介](#section19960105154710)
- [目录](#section11146193674920)
- [相关仓](#section1554141575016)
- [简介](#section11660541593)
- [目录](#section161941989596)
- [相关仓](#section1371113476307)
## 简介<a name="section19960105154710"></a>
## 简介<a name="section11660541593"></a>
HUKSHarmony Universal KeyStore鸿蒙通用密钥库系统向应用提供密钥库能力包括密钥管理及密钥的密码学操作等功能。HUKS所管理的密钥可以由应用导入或者由应用调用HUKS接口生成
1. HUKS 北向接口提供统一的对外API用C语言实现保持所有设备一致主要包括密钥生成API、加解密API等
2. HUKS HAL层屏蔽底层硬件和OS的差异定义HUKS需要的统一底层API主要包括平台算法库、IO和LOG等
3. HUKS Core Module依赖HAL层提供核心功能如加解密、签名验签、密钥存储等。
## 目录<a name="section11146193674920"></a>
- HUKS Service层实现HUKS密钥管理、存储等功能。
- HUKS Engine层HUKS核心模块负责密钥生成以及加解密等工作。对于L2设备该部分模块在商用场景下必须在安全环境下运行包括TEE或者具备安全能力的芯片等。由于安全环境需要特定硬件支持因此在开源代码中为模拟实现。
## 目录<a name="section161941989596"></a>
├── huks
│ ├── frameworks
│ │ └── huks_lite HUKS代码实现
│ └── interfaces
│ └── innerkits
│ └── huks_lite HUKS提供接口
├ frameworks # 框架代码, 作为基础功能目录, 被interfaces和services使用.
│ └ huks_standard # huks标准模块, 即表示L2的HUKS模块
| └ huks_lite # huks L0和L1代码实现
├ interfaces # 接口API代码
│ └ innerkits
│ └ huks_standard
│ └ huks_lite
└ services
└ huks_standard
## 相关仓<a name="section1554141575016"></a>
## 相关仓<a name="section1371113476307"></a>