The environment requirements for using this module are as follows:
- Python version: 3.7.5 or later
- pySerial version: 3.3 or later
- Paramiko version: 2.7.1 or later
- RSA version: 4.0 or later
## Usage<a name="section2036431583"></a>
-**Installing XDevice**
1. Go to the installation directory of XDevice.
2. Open the console window and run the following command:
python install
-**Installing the extension**
1. Go to the installation directory of the XDevice extension.
2. Open the console and run the following command:
python install
-**Modifying the user\_config.xml file**
Configure information about your environment in the **user\_config.xml** file.
**1. Configure the environment.**
- For devices that support hdc connection, refer to the following note to configure the environment.
>![](figures/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:**
>**ip/port**: IP address and port of a remote device. By default, the parameter is left blank, indicating that the local device \(IP address:; port: the one used for hdc startup\) is used as the test device.
>**sn**: SN of the test devices specified for command execution. If this parameter is set to **SN1**, only device SN1 can execute the subsequent **run** commands. In this case, other devices are set as **Ignored** and not involved in the command execution. You can run the **list devices** command and check the value of **Allocation** to view the **sn** values. You can set multiple SNs and separate each two of them with a semicolon \(;\).
- For devices that support serial port connection, refer to the following note to configure the environment.
>![](figures/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:**
>**type**: device connection mode. The **com** mode indicates that the device is connected through the serial port.
>**label**: device type, for example, **wifiiot**
>**serial**: serial port
>- **serial/com**: serial port for local connection, for example, **COM20**
>- **serial/type**: serial port type. The value can be **cmd** \(serial port for test case execution\) or **deploy** \(serial port for system upgrade\).
> For the open-source project, the **cmd** and **deploy** serial ports are the same, and their **com** values are the same too.
>**server**: NFS mounting configuration. Set the value to **NfsServer**.
>**server/ip**: IP address of the mounting environment
>**server/port**: port number of the mounting environment
>**server/username**: user name for logging in to the server
>**server/password**: password for logging in to the server
>**server/dir**: external mount path
>**server/remote**: whether the NFS server and the XDevice executor are deployed on different devices. If yes, set this parameter to **true**. Otherwise, set it to **false**.
-**Specify the task type.**
-**Start the test framework.**
-**Execute test commands.**
Test framework commands can be classified into three groups: **help**, **list**, and **run**. Among them, **run** commands are most commonly used in the instruction sequence.
Queries help information about test framework commands.
>The structure of a basic **run** command is as follows:
>run [task name] -l module1;moudle2
>**task name**: task type. This parameter is optional. Generally, the value is **ssts**, **acts**, or **hits**.
>**-l**: test cases to execute. Use semicolons \(;\) to separate each two test cases.
>**module**: module to test. Generally, there is a **.json** file of the module in the **testcases** directory.
>In addition, other parameters can be attached to this command as constraints. Common parameters are as follows:
>**-sn**: specifies the devices for test case execution. If this parameter is set to **SN1**, only device SN1 executes the test cases.
>**-c**: specifies a new **user\_config.xml** file.
>**-rp**: indicates the path where the report is generated. The default directory is **xxx/xdevice/reports**. Priority of a specified directory is higher than that of the default one.
>**-tcpath**: indicates the environment directory, which is **xxx/xdevice/testcases** by default. Priority of a specified directory is higher than that of the default one.
>**-respath**: indicates the test suite directory, which is **xxx/xdevice/resource** by default. Priority of a specified directory is higher than that of the default one.
>**--reboot-per-module**: restarts the device before test case execution.
-**View the execution result.**
After executing the **run** commands, the test framework displays the corresponding logs on the console, and generates the execution report in the directory specified by the **-rp** parameter. If the parameter is not set, the report will be generated in the default directory.
Structure of the report directory (the default or the specified one)
├── result # Test case execution results of the module