# Building for Android Assuming the Android Ndk is installed at location `/path/to/toolchain`, building libsndfile for Android (arm-linux-androideabi) should be as simple as: ``` autoreconf -vif export ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_HOME=/path/to/android/toolchain ./Scripts/android-configure.sh make ``` The `Scripts/android-configure.sh` contains four of variables; `ANDROID_NDK_VER`, `ANDROID_GCC_VER`, `ANDROID_API_VER` and `ANDROID_TARGET` that can be overridden by setting them before the script is run. Since I (erikd), do almost zero Android development, I am happy accept patches for this documentation and script to improve its utility for real Android developers. --- ## Using CMake (Tested on Linux) For convenience, export the following variables: ``` export ANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a export ANDROID_PLATFORM_API_LEVEL=29 export NDK_ROOT=/path/to/android/ndk ``` Set `ANDROID_ABI`, `ANDROID_PLATFORM_API_LEVEL` according to your target system. Now cd into the libsndfile root directory, and run ``` cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$NDK_ROOT/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_ABI=$ANDROID_ABI -DANDROID_PLATFORM=$ANDROID_PLATFORM_API_LEVEL ``` cd into `build` and run make ``` cd build make [-j ] ``` This will build libsndfile for android.