/* ** Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Erik de Castro Lopo ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "sfconfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #else #include "sf_unistd.h" #endif #include #include "dft_cmp.h" #include "utils.h" #define BUFFER_LENGTH 10000 #define SAMPLE_RATE 44010 static void short_lrw_test (const char *filename, int filetype, const short * output, int out_len) ; static void int_lrw_test (const char *filename, int filetype, const int * output, int out_len) ; static void float_lrw_test (const char *filename, int filetype, const float * output, int out_len) ; static void double_lrw_test (const char *filename, int filetype, const double * output, int out_len) ; static short short_data [BUFFER_LENGTH] ; static int int_data [BUFFER_LENGTH] ; static float float_data [BUFFER_LENGTH] ; static double double_data [BUFFER_LENGTH] ; int main (int argc, char *argv []) { int do_all ; size_t k ; if (argc != 2) { printf ("Usage : %s \n", argv [0]) ; printf (" Where is one of the following:\n") ; printf (" alac - test CAF/ALAC file functions\n") ; printf (" all - perform all tests\n") ; exit (1) ; } ; for (k = 0 ; k < ARRAY_LEN (short_data) ; k++) { int value = k / 32 ; int_data [k] = (value & 1 ? -1 : 1) * value ; short_data [k] = int_data [k] ; float_data [k] = int_data [k] / 32000.0 ; double_data [k] = int_data [k] / 32000.0 ; } do_all = ! strcmp (argv [1], "all") ; if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "alac") == 0) { short_lrw_test ("alac.caf", SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_ALAC_16, short_data, ARRAY_LEN (short_data)) ; int_lrw_test ("alac.caf", SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_ALAC_32, int_data, ARRAY_LEN (int_data)) ; float_lrw_test ("alac.caf", SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_ALAC_32, float_data, ARRAY_LEN (float_data)) ; double_lrw_test ("alac.caf", SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_ALAC_32, double_data, ARRAY_LEN (double_data)) ; } ; return 0 ; } /* main */ /*============================================================================================ * Here are the test functions. */ static void short_lrw_test (const char *filename, int filetype, const short * output, int out_len) { SNDFILE *file ; SF_INFO sfinfo ; int k ; short input [BUFFER_LENGTH] ; print_test_name ("short_lrw_test", filename) ; exit_if_true (BUFFER_LENGTH > out_len, "\n\nLine %d: Bad array length.\n", __LINE__) ; sfinfo.samplerate = SAMPLE_RATE ; sfinfo.frames = out_len ; sfinfo.channels = 1 ; sfinfo.format = filetype ; file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ; test_write_short_or_die (file, 0, output, out_len, __LINE__) ; sf_close (file) ; memset (input, 0, sizeof (input)) ; file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ; exit_if_true (sfinfo.format != filetype, "\n\nLine %d: Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, filetype, sfinfo.format) ; exit_if_true (sfinfo.frames < out_len, "\n\nLine %d: Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%" PRId64 " should be %d)\n", __LINE__, sfinfo.frames, DFT_DATA_LENGTH) ; exit_if_true (sfinfo.channels != 1, "\n\nLine %d: Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ; check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ; test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, input, out_len, __LINE__) ; sf_close (file) ; for (k = 0 ; k < out_len ; k++) exit_if_true (input [k] != output [k], "\n\nLine: %d: Error on input %d, expected %d, got %d\n", __LINE__, k, output [k], input [k]) ; puts ("ok") ; unlink (filename) ; return ; } /* short_lrw_test */ static void int_lrw_test (const char *filename, int filetype, const int * output, int out_len) { SNDFILE *file ; SF_INFO sfinfo ; int k ; int input [BUFFER_LENGTH] ; print_test_name ("int_lrw_test", filename) ; exit_if_true (BUFFER_LENGTH > out_len, "\n\nLine %d: Bad array length.\n", __LINE__) ; sfinfo.samplerate = SAMPLE_RATE ; sfinfo.frames = out_len ; sfinfo.channels = 1 ; sfinfo.format = filetype ; file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ; test_write_int_or_die (file, 0, output, out_len, __LINE__) ; sf_close (file) ; memset (input, 0, sizeof (input)) ; file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ; exit_if_true (sfinfo.format != filetype, "\n\nLine %d: Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, filetype, sfinfo.format) ; exit_if_true (sfinfo.frames < out_len, "\n\nLine %d: Incorrect number of frames in file (too int). (%" PRId64 " should be %d)\n", __LINE__, sfinfo.frames, DFT_DATA_LENGTH) ; exit_if_true (sfinfo.channels != 1, "\n\nLine %d: Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ; check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ; test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, input, out_len, __LINE__) ; sf_close (file) ; for (k = 0 ; k < out_len ; k++) exit_if_true (input [k] != output [k], "\n\nLine: %d: Error on input %d, expected %d, got %d\n", __LINE__, k, output [k], input [k]) ; puts ("ok") ; unlink (filename) ; return ; } /* int_lrw_test */ static void float_lrw_test (const char *filename, int filetype, const float * output, int out_len) { SNDFILE *file ; SF_INFO sfinfo ; int k ; float input [BUFFER_LENGTH] ; print_test_name ("float_lrw_test", filename) ; exit_if_true (BUFFER_LENGTH > out_len, "\n\nLine %d: Bad array length.\n", __LINE__) ; sfinfo.samplerate = SAMPLE_RATE ; sfinfo.frames = out_len ; sfinfo.channels = 1 ; sfinfo.format = filetype ; file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ; test_write_float_or_die (file, 0, output, out_len, __LINE__) ; sf_close (file) ; memset (input, 0, sizeof (input)) ; file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ; exit_if_true (sfinfo.format != filetype, "\n\nLine %d: Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, filetype, sfinfo.format) ; exit_if_true (sfinfo.frames < out_len, "\n\nLine %d: Incorrect number of frames in file (too float). (%" PRId64 " should be %d)\n", __LINE__, sfinfo.frames, DFT_DATA_LENGTH) ; exit_if_true (sfinfo.channels != 1, "\n\nLine %d: Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ; check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ; test_read_float_or_die (file, 0, input, out_len, __LINE__) ; sf_close (file) ; for (k = 0 ; k < out_len ; k++) exit_if_true (fabs (input [k] - output [k]) > 0.00001, "\n\nLine: %d: Error on input %d, expected %f, got %f\n", __LINE__, k, output [k], input [k]) ; puts ("ok") ; unlink (filename) ; return ; } /* float_lrw_test */ static void double_lrw_test (const char *filename, int filetype, const double * output, int out_len) { SNDFILE *file ; SF_INFO sfinfo ; int k ; double input [BUFFER_LENGTH] ; print_test_name ("double_lrw_test", filename) ; exit_if_true (BUFFER_LENGTH > out_len, "\n\nLine %d: Bad array length.\n", __LINE__) ; sfinfo.samplerate = SAMPLE_RATE ; sfinfo.frames = out_len ; sfinfo.channels = 1 ; sfinfo.format = filetype ; file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ; test_write_double_or_die (file, 0, output, out_len, __LINE__) ; sf_close (file) ; memset (input, 0, sizeof (input)) ; file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ; exit_if_true (sfinfo.format != filetype, "\n\nLine %d: Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, filetype, sfinfo.format) ; exit_if_true (sfinfo.frames < out_len, "\n\nLine %d: Incorrect number of frames in file (too double). (%" PRId64 " should be %d)\n", __LINE__, sfinfo.frames, DFT_DATA_LENGTH) ; exit_if_true (sfinfo.channels != 1, "\n\nLine %d: Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ; check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ; test_read_double_or_die (file, 0, input, out_len, __LINE__) ; sf_close (file) ; for (k = 0 ; k < out_len ; k++) exit_if_true (fabs (input [k] - output [k]) > 0.00001, "\n\nLine: %d: Error on input %d, expected %f, got %f\n", __LINE__, k, output [k], input [k]) ; puts ("ok") ; unlink (filename) ; return ; } /* double_lrw_test */