use super::utils; use clap::{arg, error::Error, error::ErrorKind, value_parser, Arg, Command}; #[track_caller] fn assert_error( err: Error, expected_kind: ErrorKind, expected_output: &str, stderr: bool, ) { let actual_output = err.to_string(); assert_eq!( stderr, err.use_stderr(), "Should Use STDERR failed. Should be {} but is {}", stderr, err.use_stderr() ); assert_eq!(expected_kind, err.kind()); utils::assert_eq(expected_output, actual_output) } #[test] fn app_error() { static MESSAGE: &str = "error: failed for mysterious reasons Usage: test [OPTIONS] --all For more information, try '--help'. "; let cmd = Command::new("test") .arg( Arg::new("all") .short('a') .long("all") .required(true) .action(clap::ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Also do versioning for private crates (will not be published)"), ) .arg( Arg::new("exact") .long("exact") .help("Specify inter dependency version numbers exactly with `=`"), ) .arg( Arg::new("no_git_commit") .long("no-git-commit") .help("Do not commit version changes"), ) .arg( Arg::new("no_git_push") .long("no-git-push") .help("Do not push generated commit and tags to git remote"), ); let mut cmd = cmd; let expected_kind = ErrorKind::InvalidValue; let err = cmd.error(expected_kind, "failed for mysterious reasons"); assert_error(err, expected_kind, MESSAGE, true); } #[test] fn value_validation_has_newline() { let res = Command::new("test") .arg( arg!() .value_parser(value_parser!(usize)) .help("Network port to use"), ) .try_get_matches_from(["test", "foo"]); assert!(res.is_err()); let err = res.unwrap_err(); assert!( err.to_string().ends_with('\n'), "Errors should have a trailing newline, got {:?}", err.to_string() ); } #[test] fn kind_prints_help() { let cmd = Command::new("test"); let res = cmd .try_get_matches_from(["test", "--help"]) .map_err(|e| e.apply::()); assert!(res.is_err()); let err = res.unwrap_err(); let expected_kind = ErrorKind::DisplayHelp; static MESSAGE: &str = "\ Usage: test Options: -h, --help Print help "; assert_error(err, expected_kind, MESSAGE, false); } #[test] fn kind_formats_validation_error() { let cmd = Command::new("test"); let res = cmd .try_get_matches_from(["test", "unused"]) .map_err(|e| e.apply::()); assert!(res.is_err()); let err = res.unwrap_err(); let expected_kind = ErrorKind::UnknownArgument; static MESSAGE: &str = "\ error: unexpected argument found "; assert_error(err, expected_kind, MESSAGE, true); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "error-context")] fn rich_formats_validation_error() { let cmd = Command::new("test"); let res = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["test", "unused"]); assert!(res.is_err()); let err = res.unwrap_err(); let expected_kind = ErrorKind::UnknownArgument; static MESSAGE: &str = "\ error: unexpected argument 'unused' found Usage: test For more information, try '--help'. "; assert_error(err, expected_kind, MESSAGE, true); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "error-context")] fn suggest_trailing() { let cmd = Command::new("rg").arg(arg!([PATTERN])); let res = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["rg", "--foo"]); assert!(res.is_err()); let err = res.unwrap_err(); let expected_kind = ErrorKind::UnknownArgument; static MESSAGE: &str = "\ error: unexpected argument '--foo' found note: to pass '--foo' as a value, use '-- --foo' Usage: rg [PATTERN] For more information, try '--help'. "; assert_error(err, expected_kind, MESSAGE, true); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "error-context")] fn trailing_already_in_use() { let cmd = Command::new("rg").arg(arg!([PATTERN])); let res = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["rg", "--", "--foo", "--foo"]); assert!(res.is_err()); let err = res.unwrap_err(); let expected_kind = ErrorKind::UnknownArgument; static MESSAGE: &str = "\ error: unexpected argument '--foo' found Usage: rg [PATTERN] For more information, try '--help'. "; assert_error(err, expected_kind, MESSAGE, true); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "error-context")] fn cant_use_trailing() { let cmd = Command::new("test"); let res = cmd.try_get_matches_from(["test", "--foo"]); assert!(res.is_err()); let err = res.unwrap_err(); let expected_kind = ErrorKind::UnknownArgument; static MESSAGE: &str = "\ error: unexpected argument '--foo' found Usage: test For more information, try '--help'. "; assert_error(err, expected_kind, MESSAGE, true); }