more docs

This commit is contained in:
Geoffroy Couprie 2015-01-29 00:47:40 +01:00
parent 329dc53469
commit 5b5dcb92f8
3 changed files with 83 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,31 @@
//! Basic combination functions
//! Provides the flat_map, map, map_opt and map_res methods used elsewhere.
//! Traits provided here must be implemented for any new combination of I and O types in IResult<I,O>
use internal::*;
use internal::IResult::*;
/// flat_map is a method of IResult<R,S>, takes a function Fn(S) -> IResult<S,T>,
/// and returns a IResult<S,T>
/// ```
/// use nom::IResult::Done;
/// use nom::FlatMapper;
/// use std::str;
/// Done((),()).flat_map(|data| { println!("data: {:?}", data); Done(data,())});
/// ```
pub trait FlatMapper<O:?Sized,N:?Sized> {
fn flat_map<F:Fn(O) -> IResult<O,N>>(& self, f: F) -> IResult<O,N>;
/// derives flat_map implementation for a list of IResult types with referenced types
/// like str or vectors
/// ```
/// //flat_map_ref_impl! { [bool] [uint] };
/// ```
macro_rules! flat_map_ref_impl {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
@ -25,6 +46,11 @@ flat_map_ref_impl! {
str [bool] [char] [usize] [u8] [u16] [u32] [u64] [isize] [i8] [i16] [i32] [i64] [f32] [f64]
/// derives flat_map implementation for a list of specific IResult types
/// ```
/// //flat_map_impl! { bool uint };
/// ```
macro_rules! flat_map_impl {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
@ -56,11 +82,22 @@ impl<R,T> FlatMapper<(), T> for IResult<R,()> {
/// map_opt and map_res are used to combine common functions with parsers
/// ```
/// use nom::IResult::Done;
/// use nom::Mapper;
/// use std::str;
/// let res = Done((),"abcd".as_bytes()).map_res(|&: data| { str::from_utf8(data) });
/// assert_eq!(res, Done((), "abcd"));
/// ```
pub trait Mapper<I,O,N> {
fn map_opt<F: Fn(O) -> Option<N>>(& self, f: F) -> IResult<I,N>;
fn map_res<P,F: Fn(O) -> Result<N,P>>(& self, f: F) -> IResult<I,N>;
/// derives map_opt and map_res implementations for a list of IResult types with referenced types
/// like str or vectors
macro_rules! map_ref_impl {
($i:ty, $o:ty) => (
@ -227,6 +264,15 @@ impl<T> Mapper<(),(), T> for IResult<(),()> {
/// map applies a parser function directly to the output of another parser function
/// use nom::IResult::Done;
/// use nom::Mapper2;
/// use std::str;
/// let res = Done((),"abcd".as_bytes()).map(|data| { str::from_utf8(data).unwrap() });
/// assert_eq!(res, Done((), "abcd"));
pub trait Mapper2<I,O,N> {
fn map<F: Fn(O) -> N>(& self, f: F) -> IResult<I,N>;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,28 @@
//! Useful parser combinators
//! A number of useful parser combinators have already been implemented.
//! Some of them use macros, other are implemented through functions.
//! Hopefully, the syntax will converge to onely one way in the future,
//! but the macros system makes no promises.
extern crate collections;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use internal::*;
use internal::IResult::*;
/// declares a byte array as a suite to recognize
/// consumes the recognized characters
/// ```
/// /*
/// tag!(x "abcd".as_bytes());
/// let r = Done((), "abcdabcdefgh".as_bytes()).flat_map(x);
/// assert_eq!(r, Done("efgh".as_bytes(), "abcd".as_bytes()));
/// */
/// ```
macro_rules! tag(
($name:ident $inp:expr) => (
@ -17,6 +36,22 @@ macro_rules! tag(
/// chains parsers and returns the result of only one of them
/// ```
/// /*
/// tag!(x "abcd".as_bytes());
/// tag!(y "efgh".as_bytes());
/// fn ret_int(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u8> { Done(i,1) };
/// // parse the x tag two times, return an int, parse the y tag
/// o!(z<&[u8], u8> x ~ x ~ [ ret_int ] ~ y);
/// let r = Done((), "abcdabcdefgh".as_bytes()).flat_map(z);
/// assert_eq!(r, Done("".as_bytes(), 1));
/// */
/// ```
macro_rules! o(
($name:ident<$i:ty,$o:ty> $f1:ident ~ $($rest:tt)*) => (

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
//! # Data producers
//! Data producers
//! The goal of data producers is to parse data as soon as it is generated.
//! ## Example
//! # Example
//! ```
//! // invalid code for rustdoc