2014-07-12 17:30:19 -07:00

443 lines
16 KiB

// This file contains the build logic for the public repo
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
// Variables
var compilerDirectory = "src/compiler/";
var servicesDirectory = "src/services/";
var harnessDirectory = "src/harness/";
var libraryDirectory = "src/lib/";
var scriptsDirectory = "scripts/"
var builtDirectory = "built/";
var builtLocalDirectory = "built/local/";
var LKGDirectory = "bin/";
var copyright = "CopyrightNotice.txt";
var thirdParty = "ThirdPartyNoticeText.txt";
var compilerSources = [
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(compilerDirectory, f);
var servicesSources = [
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(compilerDirectory, f);
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(servicesDirectory, f);
var harnessSources = [
// TODO Re-enable
// "harnessLanguageService.ts",
// "fourslash.ts",
// TODO Re-enable fourslash and project tests
// "fourslashRunner.ts",
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(harnessDirectory, f);
var librarySourceMap = [
{ target: "lib.core.d.ts", sources: ["core.d.ts"] },
{ target: "lib.dom.d.ts", sources: ["importcore.d.ts", "extensions.d.ts", "dom.generated.d.ts"], },
{ target: "lib.webworker.d.ts", sources: ["importcore.d.ts", "extensions.d.ts", "webworker.generated.d.ts"], },
{ target: "lib.scriptHost.d.ts", sources: ["importcore.d.ts", "scriptHost.d.ts"], },
{ target: "lib.d.ts", sources: ["core.d.ts", "extensions.d.ts", "dom.generated.d.ts", "webworker.importscripts.d.ts", "scriptHost.d.ts"], },
var libraryTargets = (f) {
return path.join(builtLocalDirectory,;
// Prepends the contents of prefixFile to destinationFile
function prependFile(prefixFile, destinationFile) {
if (!fs.existsSync(prefixFile)) {
fail(prefixFile + " does not exist!");
if (!fs.existsSync(destinationFile)) {
fail(destinationFile + " failed to be created!");
var temp = "temptemp";
jake.cpR(prefixFile, temp, {silent: true});
fs.appendFileSync(temp, fs.readFileSync(destinationFile));
fs.renameSync(temp, destinationFile);
// concatenate a list of sourceFiles to a destinationFile
function concatenateFiles(destinationFile, sourceFiles) {
var temp = "temptemp";
// Copy the first file to temp
if (!fs.existsSync(sourceFiles[0])) {
fail(sourceFiles[0] + " does not exist!");
jake.cpR(sourceFiles[0], temp, {silent: true});
// append all files in sequence
for (var i = 1; i < sourceFiles.length; i++) {
if (!fs.existsSync(sourceFiles[i])) {
fail(sourceFiles[i] + " does not exist!");
fs.appendFileSync(temp, fs.readFileSync(sourceFiles[i]));
// Move the file to the final destination
fs.renameSync(temp, destinationFile);
var useDebugMode = false;
/* Compiles a file from a list of sources
* @param outFile: the target file name
* @param sources: an array of the names of the source files
* @param prereqs: prerequisite tasks to compiling the file
* @param prefixes: a list of files to prepend to the target file
* @param useBuiltCompiler: true to use the built compiler, false to use the LKG
* @param noOutFile: true to compile without using --out
function compileFile(outFile, sources, prereqs, prefixes, useBuiltCompiler, noOutFile) {
file(outFile, prereqs, function() {
var dir = useBuiltCompiler ? builtLocalDirectory : LKGDirectory;
var compilerFilename = "tc.js";
var options = "-removeComments --module commonjs -noImplicitAny "; //" -propagateEnumConstants "
var cmd = ( || process.env.TYPESCRIPT_HOST || "node") + " " + dir + compilerFilename + " " + options + " ";
if (useDebugMode) {
cmd = cmd + " " + path.join(harnessDirectory, "external/es5compat.ts") + " " + path.join(harnessDirectory, "external/json2.ts") + " ";
cmd = cmd + sources.join(" ") + (!noOutFile ? " -out " + outFile : "");
if (useDebugMode) {
cmd = cmd + " -sourcemap -mapRoot file:///" + path.resolve(path.dirname(outFile));
console.log(cmd + "\n");
var ex = jake.createExec([cmd]);
// Add listeners for output and error
ex.addListener("stdout", function(output) {
ex.addListener("stderr", function(error) {
ex.addListener("cmdEnd", function() {
if (!useDebugMode && prefixes && fs.existsSync(outFile)) {
for (var i in prefixes) {
prependFile(prefixes[i], outFile);
ex.addListener("error", function() {
console.log("Compilation of " + outFile + " unsuccessful");
}, {async: true});
// Prerequisite task for built directory and library typings
for (var i in libraryTargets) {
(function (i) {
var entry = librarySourceMap[i];
var target = libraryTargets[i];
var sources = [copyright].concat( (s) {
return path.join(libraryDirectory, s);
file(target, [builtLocalDirectory].concat(sources), function() {
concatenateFiles(target, sources);
// Lib target to build the library files
desc("Builds the library targets");
task("lib", libraryTargets);
// Generate diagnostics
var processDiagnosticMessagesJs = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "processDiagnosticMessages.js");
var processDiagnosticMessagesTs = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "processDiagnosticMessages.ts");
var diagnosticMessagesJson = path.join(compilerDirectory, "diagnosticMessages.json");
var diagnosticInfoMapTs = path.join(compilerDirectory, "diagnosticInformationMap.generated.ts");
// processDiagnosticMessages script
// The generated diagnostics map; built for the compiler and for the 'generate-diagnostics' task
file(diagnosticInfoMapTs, [processDiagnosticMessagesJs, diagnosticMessagesJson], function () {
var cmd = "node " + processDiagnosticMessagesJs + " " + diagnosticMessagesJson;
var ex = jake.createExec([cmd]);
// Add listeners for output and error
ex.addListener("stdout", function(output) {
ex.addListener("stderr", function(error) {
ex.addListener("cmdEnd", function() {
}, {async: true})
desc("Generates a diagnostic file in TypeScript based on an input JSON file");
task("generate-diagnostics", [diagnosticInfoMapTs])
// Local target to build the compiler and services
var tcFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "tc.js");
compileFile(tcFile, compilerSources, [builtLocalDirectory, copyright].concat(compilerSources), [copyright], /*useBuiltCompiler:*/ false);
var tcServicesFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "services.js");
compileFile(tcServicesFile, servicesSources, [builtLocalDirectory, copyright].concat(servicesSources), [copyright], /*useBuiltCompiler:*/ true);
// Local target to build the compiler and services
desc("Builds the full compiler and services");
task("local", ["generate-diagnostics", "lib", tcFile, tcServicesFile]);
// Local target to build the compiler and services
desc("Emit debug mode files with sourcemaps");
task("debug", function() {
useDebugMode = true;
// Set the default task to "local"
task("default", ["local"]);
// Cleans the built directory
desc("Cleans the compiler output, declare files, and tests");
task("clean", function() {
// Makes a new LKG. This target does not build anything, but errors if not all the outputs are present in the built/local directory
desc("Makes a new LKG out of the built js files");
task("LKG", libraryTargets, function() {
var expectedFiles = [tcFile, tcServicesFile].concat(libraryTargets);
var missingFiles = expectedFiles.filter(function (f) {
return !fs.existsSync(f);
if (missingFiles.length > 0) {
fail("Cannot replace the LKG unless all built targets are present in directory " + builtLocalDirectory +
". The following files are missing:\n" + missingFiles.join("\n"));
// Copy all the targets into the LKG directory
for (i in expectedFiles) {
jake.cpR(expectedFiles[i], LKGDirectory);
//var resourceDirectories = fs.readdirSync(builtLocalResourcesDirectory).map(function(p) { return path.join(builtLocalResourcesDirectory, p); });
// {
// jake.cpR(d, LKGResourcesDirectory);
// Test directory
// Task to build the tests infrastructure using the built compiler
var run = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "run.js");
compileFile(run, harnessSources, [builtLocalDirectory, tcFile].concat(libraryTargets).concat(harnessSources), [], /*useBuiltCompiler:*/ true);
var localBaseline = "tests/baselines/local/";
var refBaseline = "tests/baselines/reference/";
var localRwcBaseline = "tests/baselines/rwc/local/";
var refRwcBaseline = "tests/baselines/rwc/reference/";
desc("Builds the test infrastructure using the built compiler");
task("tests", ["local", run].concat(libraryTargets));
function exec(cmd) {
var ex = jake.createExec([cmd]);
// Add listeners for output and error
ex.addListener("stdout", function(output) {
ex.addListener("stderr", function(error) {
ex.addListener("cmdEnd", function() {
} catch(e) {
console.log('Exception: ' + e)
function cleanTestDirs() {
// Clean the local baselines directory
if (fs.existsSync(localBaseline)) {
// Clean the local Rwc baselines directory
if (fs.existsSync(localRwcBaseline)) {
// used to pass data from jake command line directly to run.js
function writeTestConfigFile(tests, testConfigFile) {
console.log('Running test(s): ' + tests);
var testConfigContents = '{\n' + '\ttest: [\'' + tests + '\']\n}';
fs.writeFileSync('test.config', testConfigContents);
desc("Runs the tests using the built run.js file. Syntax is jake runtests. Optional parameters 'host=', 'tests=[regex], reporter=[list|spec|json|<more>]'.");
task("runtests", ["tests", builtLocalDirectory], function() {
host = "mocha"
tests = process.env.test || process.env.tests;
var testConfigFile = 'test.config';
if(fs.existsSync(testConfigFile)) {
if(tests) {
writeTestConfigFile(tests, testConfigFile);
colors = process.env.colors || process.env.color
colors = colors ? ' --no-colors ' : ''
tests = tests ? ' -g ' + tests : '';
reporter = process.env.reporter || process.env.r || 'dot';
var cmd = host + " -R " + reporter + tests + colors + ' ' + run;
}, {async: true});
// Browser tests
var nodeServerOutFile = 'tests/webTestServer.js'
var nodeServerInFile = 'tests/webTestServer.ts'
compileFile(nodeServerOutFile, [nodeServerInFile], [builtLocalDirectory, tcFile], [], true, true);
desc("Runs browserify on run.js to produce a file suitable for running tests in the browser");
task("browserify", ["tests", builtLocalDirectory, nodeServerOutFile], function() {
var cmd = 'browserify built/local/run.js -o built/local/bundle.js';
}, {async: true});
desc("Runs the tests using the built run.js file like 'jake runtests'. Syntax is jake runtests-browser. Additional optional parameters tests=[regex], port=, browser=[chrome|IE]");
task("runtests-browser", ["tests", "browserify", builtLocalDirectory], function() {
host = "node"
port = process.env.port || '8888';
browser = process.env.browser || "IE";
tests = process.env.test || process.env.tests;
var testConfigFile = 'test.config';
if(fs.existsSync(testConfigFile)) {
if(tests) {
writeTestConfigFile(tests, testConfigFile);
tests = tests ? tests : '';
var cmd = host + " tests/webTestServer.js " + port + " " + browser + " " + tests
}, {async: true});
// Baseline Diff
desc("Diffs the compiler baselines using the diff tool specified by the %DIFF% environment variable");
task('diff', function () {
var cmd = "%DIFF% " + refBaseline + ' ' + localBaseline;
}, {async: true});
desc("Diffs the RWC baselines using the diff tool specified by the %DIFF% environment variable");
task('diff-rwc', function () {
var cmd = "%DIFF% " + refRwcBaseline + ' ' + localRwcBaseline;
}, {async: true});
desc("Builds the test sources and automation in debug mode");
task("tests-debug", ["setDebugMode", "tests"]);
// Makes the test results the new baseline
desc("Makes the most recent test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline");
task("baseline-accept", function(hardOrSoft) {
if (!hardOrSoft || hardOrSoft == "hard") {
fs.renameSync(localBaseline, refBaseline);
else if (hardOrSoft == "soft") {
var files = jake.readdirR(localBaseline);
for (var i in files) {
jake.cpR(files[i], refBaseline);
jake.rmRf(path.join(refBaseline, "local"));
desc("Makes the most recent rwc test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline");
task("baseline-accept-rwc", function() {
fs.renameSync(localRwcBaseline, refRwcBaseline);
// Webhost
var webhostPath = "tests/webhost/webtsc.ts";
var webhostJsPath = "tests/webhost/webtsc.js";
compileFile(webhostJsPath, [webhostPath], [tcFile, webhostPath].concat(libraryTargets), [], true);
desc("Builds the tsc web host");
task("webhost", [webhostJsPath], function() {
jake.cpR(path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "lib.d.ts"), "tests/webhost/", {silent: true});
// Perf compiler
var perftcPath = "tests/perftc.ts";
var perftcJsPath = "built/local/perftc.js";
compileFile(perftcJsPath, [perftcPath], [tcFile, perftcPath, "tests/perfsys.ts"].concat(libraryTargets), [], true);
desc("Builds augmented version of the compiler for perf tests");
task("perftc", [perftcJsPath]);