/* * Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef OHOS_ROSEN_WM_COMMON_H #define OHOS_ROSEN_WM_COMMON_H #include #include #include namespace OHOS { namespace Rosen { using DisplayId = uint64_t; /** * @brief Enumerates type of window */ enum class WindowType : uint32_t { APP_WINDOW_BASE = 1, APP_MAIN_WINDOW_BASE = APP_WINDOW_BASE, WINDOW_TYPE_APP_MAIN_WINDOW = APP_MAIN_WINDOW_BASE, APP_MAIN_WINDOW_END, APP_SUB_WINDOW_BASE = 1000, WINDOW_TYPE_MEDIA = APP_SUB_WINDOW_BASE, WINDOW_TYPE_APP_SUB_WINDOW, WINDOW_TYPE_APP_COMPONENT, APP_SUB_WINDOW_END, APP_WINDOW_END = APP_SUB_WINDOW_END, SYSTEM_WINDOW_BASE = 2000, BELOW_APP_SYSTEM_WINDOW_BASE = SYSTEM_WINDOW_BASE, WINDOW_TYPE_WALLPAPER = SYSTEM_WINDOW_BASE, WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP, BELOW_APP_SYSTEM_WINDOW_END, ABOVE_APP_SYSTEM_WINDOW_BASE = 2100, WINDOW_TYPE_APP_LAUNCHING = ABOVE_APP_SYSTEM_WINDOW_BASE, WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK_SLICE, WINDOW_TYPE_INCOMING_CALL, WINDOW_TYPE_SEARCHING_BAR, WINDOW_TYPE_SYSTEM_ALARM_WINDOW, WINDOW_TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_FLOAT, WINDOW_TYPE_FLOAT, WINDOW_TYPE_TOAST, WINDOW_TYPE_STATUS_BAR, WINDOW_TYPE_PANEL, WINDOW_TYPE_KEYGUARD, WINDOW_TYPE_VOLUME_OVERLAY, WINDOW_TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, WINDOW_TYPE_DRAGGING_EFFECT, WINDOW_TYPE_POINTER, WINDOW_TYPE_LAUNCHER_RECENT, WINDOW_TYPE_LAUNCHER_DOCK, WINDOW_TYPE_BOOT_ANIMATION, WINDOW_TYPE_FREEZE_DISPLAY, WINDOW_TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION, WINDOW_TYPE_FLOAT_CAMERA, WINDOW_TYPE_PLACEHOLDER, WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG, WINDOW_TYPE_SCREENSHOT, WINDOW_TYPE_GLOBAL_SEARCH, WINDOW_TYPE_SYSTEM_TOAST, WINDOW_TYPE_SYSTEM_FLOAT, WINDOW_TYPE_PIP, WINDOW_TYPE_THEME_EDITOR, WINDOW_TYPE_NAVIGATION_INDICATOR, WINDOW_TYPE_HANDWRITE, WINDOW_TYPE_SCENE_BOARD, WINDOW_TYPE_KEYBOARD_PANEL, WINDOW_TYPE_SCREEN_CONTROL, ABOVE_APP_SYSTEM_WINDOW_END, SYSTEM_SUB_WINDOW_BASE = 2500, WINDOW_TYPE_SYSTEM_SUB_WINDOW = SYSTEM_SUB_WINDOW_BASE, SYSTEM_SUB_WINDOW_END, SYSTEM_WINDOW_END = SYSTEM_SUB_WINDOW_END, WINDOW_TYPE_UI_EXTENSION = 3000 }; /** * @brief Enumerates state of window. */ enum class WindowState : uint32_t { STATE_INITIAL, STATE_CREATED, STATE_SHOWN, STATE_HIDDEN, STATE_FROZEN, STATE_UNFROZEN, STATE_DESTROYED, STATE_BOTTOM = STATE_DESTROYED // Add state type after STATE_DESTROYED is not allowed. }; /** * @brief Enumerates blur style of window. */ enum class WindowBlurStyle : uint32_t { WINDOW_BLUR_OFF = 0, WINDOW_BLUR_THIN, WINDOW_BLUR_REGULAR, WINDOW_BLUR_THICK }; /** * @brief Enumerates mode supported of window. */ enum WindowModeSupport : uint32_t { WINDOW_MODE_SUPPORT_FULLSCREEN = 1 << 0, WINDOW_MODE_SUPPORT_FLOATING = 1 << 1, WINDOW_MODE_SUPPORT_SPLIT_PRIMARY = 1 << 2, WINDOW_MODE_SUPPORT_SPLIT_SECONDARY = 1 << 3, WINDOW_MODE_SUPPORT_PIP = 1 << 4, WINDOW_MODE_SUPPORT_ALL = WINDOW_MODE_SUPPORT_FLOATING | WINDOW_MODE_SUPPORT_FULLSCREEN | WINDOW_MODE_SUPPORT_SPLIT_PRIMARY | WINDOW_MODE_SUPPORT_SPLIT_SECONDARY | WINDOW_MODE_SUPPORT_PIP }; /** * @brief Enumerates mode of window. */ enum class WindowMode : uint32_t { WINDOW_MODE_UNDEFINED = 0, WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN = 1, WINDOW_MODE_SPLIT_PRIMARY = 100, WINDOW_MODE_SPLIT_SECONDARY, WINDOW_MODE_FLOATING, WINDOW_MODE_PIP }; /** * @brief Enumerates status of window. */ enum class WindowStatus : uint32_t { WINDOW_STATUS_UNDEFINED = 0, WINDOW_STATUS_FULLSCREEN = 1, WINDOW_STATUS_MAXIMIZE, WINDOW_STATUS_MINIMIZE, WINDOW_STATUS_FLOATING, WINDOW_STATUS_SPLITSCREEN }; /** * @brief Enumerates error code of window. */ enum class WMError : int32_t { WM_OK = 0, WM_DO_NOTHING, WM_ERROR_NO_MEM, WM_ERROR_DESTROYED_OBJECT, WM_ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW, WM_ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_MODE_OR_SIZE, WM_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, WM_ERROR_INVALID_PERMISSION, WM_ERROR_NOT_SYSTEM_APP, WM_ERROR_NO_REMOTE_ANIMATION, WM_ERROR_INVALID_DISPLAY, WM_ERROR_INVALID_PARENT, WM_ERROR_OPER_FULLSCREEN_FAILED, WM_ERROR_REPEAT_OPERATION, WM_ERROR_INVALID_SESSION, WM_ERROR_INVALID_CALLING, WM_ERROR_SYSTEM_ABNORMALLY, WM_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT = 801, // the value do not change.It is defined on all system. WM_ERROR_NEED_REPORT_BASE = 1000, // error code > 1000 means need report. WM_ERROR_NULLPTR, WM_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, WM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM, WM_ERROR_SAMGR, WM_ERROR_IPC_FAILED, WM_ERROR_NEED_REPORT_END, WM_ERROR_START_ABILITY_FAILED, WM_ERROR_PIP_DESTROY_FAILED, WM_ERROR_PIP_STATE_ABNORMALLY, WM_ERROR_PIP_CREATE_FAILED, WM_ERROR_PIP_INTERNAL_ERROR, WM_ERROR_PIP_REPEAT_OPERATION }; /** * @brief Enumerates error code of window only used for js api. */ enum class WmErrorCode : int32_t { WM_OK = 0, WM_ERROR_NO_PERMISSION = 201, WM_ERROR_NOT_SYSTEM_APP = 202, WM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM = 401, WM_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT = 801, WM_ERROR_REPEAT_OPERATION = 1300001, WM_ERROR_STATE_ABNORMALLY = 1300002, WM_ERROR_SYSTEM_ABNORMALLY = 1300003, WM_ERROR_INVALID_CALLING = 1300004, WM_ERROR_STAGE_ABNORMALLY = 1300005, WM_ERROR_CONTEXT_ABNORMALLY = 1300006, WM_ERROR_START_ABILITY_FAILED = 1300007, WM_ERROR_INVALID_DISPLAY = 1300008, WM_ERROR_INVALID_PARENT = 1300009, WM_ERROR_OPER_FULLSCREEN_FAILED = 1300010, WM_ERROR_PIP_DESTROY_FAILED = 1300011, WM_ERROR_PIP_STATE_ABNORMALLY = 1300012, WM_ERROR_PIP_CREATE_FAILED = 1300013, WM_ERROR_PIP_INTERNAL_ERROR = 1300014, WM_ERROR_PIP_REPEAT_OPERATION = 1300015 }; /** * @brief Enumerates setting flag of systemStatusBar. */ enum class SystemBarSettingFlag : uint32_t { DEFAULT_SETTING = 0, COLOR_SETTING = 1, ENABLE_SETTING = 1 << 1, ALL_SETTING = 0b11 }; inline SystemBarSettingFlag operator|(SystemBarSettingFlag lhs, SystemBarSettingFlag rhs) { using T = std::underlying_type_t; return static_cast(static_cast(lhs) | static_cast(rhs)); } /** * @brief Enumerates flag of window. */ enum class WindowFlag : uint32_t { WINDOW_FLAG_NEED_AVOID = 1, WINDOW_FLAG_PARENT_LIMIT = 1 << 1, WINDOW_FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED = 1 << 2, WINDOW_FLAG_FORBID_SPLIT_MOVE = 1 << 3, WINDOW_FLAG_WATER_MARK = 1 << 4, WINDOW_FLAG_IS_MODAL = 1 << 5, WINDOW_FLAG_HANDWRITING = 1 << 6, WINDOW_FLAG_IS_TOAST = 1 << 7, WINDOW_FLAG_IS_APPLICATION_MODAL = 1 << 8, WINDOW_FLAG_END = 1 << 9, }; /** * @brief Enumerates flag of multiWindowUIType. */ enum class WindowUIType : uint8_t { PHONE_WINDOW = 0, PC_WINDOW, PAD_WINDOW, INVALID_WINDOW }; /** * @brief Used to map from WMError to WmErrorCode. */ const std::map WM_JS_TO_ERROR_CODE_MAP { {WMError::WM_OK, WmErrorCode::WM_OK }, {WMError::WM_DO_NOTHING, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_STATE_ABNORMALLY }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_DESTROYED_OBJECT, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_STATE_ABNORMALLY }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_STATE_ABNORMALLY }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_INVALID_PERMISSION, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_NO_PERMISSION }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_NOT_SYSTEM_APP, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_NOT_SYSTEM_APP }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_STATE_ABNORMALLY }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_STATE_ABNORMALLY }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_MODE_OR_SIZE, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_STATE_ABNORMALLY }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_IPC_FAILED, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_SYSTEM_ABNORMALLY }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_NO_MEM, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_SYSTEM_ABNORMALLY }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_NO_REMOTE_ANIMATION, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_SYSTEM_ABNORMALLY }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_INVALID_DISPLAY, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_INVALID_DISPLAY }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_INVALID_PARENT, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_INVALID_PARENT }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_OPER_FULLSCREEN_FAILED, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_OPER_FULLSCREEN_FAILED }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_REPEAT_OPERATION, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_REPEAT_OPERATION }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_NULLPTR, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_STATE_ABNORMALLY }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_SAMGR, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_SYSTEM_ABNORMALLY }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_START_ABILITY_FAILED, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_START_ABILITY_FAILED }, {WMError::WM_ERROR_SYSTEM_ABNORMALLY, WmErrorCode::WM_ERROR_SYSTEM_ABNORMALLY }, }; /** * @brief Enumerates window size change reason. */ enum class WindowSizeChangeReason : uint32_t { UNDEFINED = 0, MAXIMIZE, RECOVER, ROTATION, DRAG, DRAG_START, DRAG_END, RESIZE, MOVE, HIDE, TRANSFORM, CUSTOM_ANIMATION_SHOW, FULL_TO_SPLIT, SPLIT_TO_FULL, FULL_TO_FLOATING, FLOATING_TO_FULL, PIP_START, PIP_SHOW, PIP_AUTO_START, PIP_RATIO_CHANGE, PIP_RESTORE, END }; /** * @brief Enumerates window gravity. */ enum class WindowGravity : uint32_t { WINDOW_GRAVITY_FLOAT = 0, WINDOW_GRAVITY_BOTTOM }; /** * @brief Enumerates window session type. */ enum class WindowSessionType : uint32_t { SCENE_SESSION = 0, EXTENSION_SESSION = 1 }; /** * @brief Enumerates window tag. */ enum class WindowTag : uint32_t { MAIN_WINDOW = 0, SUB_WINDOW = 1, SYSTEM_WINDOW = 2 }; /** * @brief Enumerates drag event. */ enum class DragEvent : uint32_t { DRAG_EVENT_IN = 1, DRAG_EVENT_OUT, DRAG_EVENT_MOVE, DRAG_EVENT_END }; /** * @brief Enumerates layout mode of window. */ enum class WindowLayoutMode : uint32_t { BASE = 0, CASCADE = BASE, TILE = 1, END, }; namespace { constexpr uint32_t SYSTEM_COLOR_WHITE = 0xE5FFFFFF; constexpr uint32_t SYSTEM_COLOR_BLACK = 0x66000000; constexpr float UNDEFINED_BRIGHTNESS = -1.0f; constexpr float MINIMUM_BRIGHTNESS = 0.0f; constexpr float MAXIMUM_BRIGHTNESS = 1.0f; constexpr uint32_t INVALID_WINDOW_ID = 0; constexpr int32_t INVALID_PID = -1; constexpr int32_t INVALID_UID = -1; } /** * @struct PointInfo. * * @brief Point info. */ struct PointInfo { int32_t x; int32_t y; }; /** * @class Transform * * @brief parameter of transform and rotate. */ class Transform { public: Transform() : pivotX_(0.5f), pivotY_(0.5f), scaleX_(1.f), scaleY_(1.f), scaleZ_(1.f), rotationX_(0.f), rotationY_(0.f), rotationZ_(0.f), translateX_(0.f), translateY_(0.f), translateZ_(0.f) {} ~Transform() {} bool operator==(const Transform& right) const { return NearZero(scaleX_ - right.scaleX_) && NearZero(scaleY_ - right.scaleY_) && NearZero(scaleZ_ - right.scaleZ_) && NearZero(pivotX_ - right.pivotX_) && NearZero(pivotY_ - right.pivotY_) && NearZero(translateX_ - right.translateX_) && NearZero(translateY_ - right.translateY_) && NearZero(translateZ_ - right.translateZ_) && NearZero(rotationX_ - right.rotationX_) && NearZero(rotationY_ - right.rotationY_) && NearZero(rotationZ_ - right.rotationZ_); } bool operator!=(const Transform& right) const { return !(*this == right); } static const Transform& Identity() { static Transform I; return I; } float pivotX_; float pivotY_; float scaleX_; float scaleY_; float scaleZ_; float rotationX_; float rotationY_; float rotationZ_; float translateX_; float translateY_; float translateZ_; void Unmarshalling(Parcel& parcel) { pivotX_ = parcel.ReadFloat(); pivotY_ = parcel.ReadFloat(); scaleX_ = parcel.ReadFloat(); scaleY_ = parcel.ReadFloat(); scaleZ_ = parcel.ReadFloat(); rotationX_ = parcel.ReadFloat(); rotationY_ = parcel.ReadFloat(); rotationZ_ = parcel.ReadFloat(); translateX_ = parcel.ReadFloat(); translateY_ = parcel.ReadFloat(); translateZ_ = parcel.ReadFloat(); } bool Marshalling(Parcel& parcel) const { return parcel.WriteFloat(pivotX_) && parcel.WriteFloat(pivotY_) && parcel.WriteFloat(scaleX_) && parcel.WriteFloat(scaleY_) && parcel.WriteFloat(scaleZ_) && parcel.WriteFloat(rotationX_) && parcel.WriteFloat(rotationY_) && parcel.WriteFloat(rotationZ_) && parcel.WriteFloat(translateX_) && parcel.WriteFloat(translateY_) && parcel.WriteFloat(translateZ_); } private: static inline bool NearZero(float val) { return -0.001f < val && val < 0.001f; } }; /** * @struct SystemBarPropertyFlag * * @brief Flag of system bar */ struct SystemBarPropertyFlag { bool enableFlag = false; bool backgroundColorFlag = false; bool contentColorFlag = false; bool enableAnimationFlag = false; }; /** * @struct Rect * * @brief Window Rect. */ struct Rect { int32_t posX_; int32_t posY_; uint32_t width_; uint32_t height_; bool operator==(const Rect& a) const { return (posX_ == a.posX_ && posY_ == a.posY_ && width_ == a.width_ && height_ == a.height_); } bool operator!=(const Rect& a) const { return !this->operator==(a); } bool IsInsideOf(const Rect& a) const { return (posX_ >= a.posX_ && posY_ >= a.posY_ && posX_ + width_ <= a.posX_ + a.width_ && posY_ + height_ <= a.posY_ + a.height_); } bool IsUninitializedRect() const { return (posX_ == 0 && posY_ == 0 && width_ == 0 && height_ == 0); } bool IsUninitializedSize() const { return width_ == 0 && height_ == 0; } }; /** * @struct SystemBarProperty * * @brief Property of system bar. */ struct SystemBarProperty { bool enable_; uint32_t backgroundColor_; uint32_t contentColor_; bool enableAnimation_; SystemBarSettingFlag settingFlag_; SystemBarProperty() : enable_(true), backgroundColor_(SYSTEM_COLOR_BLACK), contentColor_(SYSTEM_COLOR_WHITE), enableAnimation_(false), settingFlag_(SystemBarSettingFlag::DEFAULT_SETTING) {} SystemBarProperty(bool enable, uint32_t background, uint32_t content, bool enableAnimation) : enable_(enable), backgroundColor_(background), contentColor_(content), enableAnimation_(enableAnimation), settingFlag_(SystemBarSettingFlag::DEFAULT_SETTING) {} SystemBarProperty(bool enable, uint32_t background, uint32_t content) : enable_(enable), backgroundColor_(background), contentColor_(content), enableAnimation_(false), settingFlag_(SystemBarSettingFlag::DEFAULT_SETTING) {} SystemBarProperty(bool enable, uint32_t background, uint32_t content, bool enableAnimation, SystemBarSettingFlag settingFlag) : enable_(enable), backgroundColor_(background), contentColor_(content), enableAnimation_(enableAnimation), settingFlag_(settingFlag) {} bool operator == (const SystemBarProperty& a) const { return (enable_ == a.enable_ && backgroundColor_ == a.backgroundColor_ && contentColor_ == a.contentColor_ && enableAnimation_ == a.enableAnimation_); } }; /** * @brief Enumerates avoid area type. */ enum class AvoidAreaType : uint32_t { TYPE_START = 0, TYPE_SYSTEM = TYPE_START, // area of SystemUI TYPE_CUTOUT, // cutout of screen TYPE_SYSTEM_GESTURE, // area for system gesture TYPE_KEYBOARD, // area for soft input keyboard TYPE_NAVIGATION_INDICATOR, // area for navigation indicator TYPE_END, }; /** * @brief Enumerates color space. */ enum class ColorSpace : uint32_t { COLOR_SPACE_DEFAULT = 0, // Default color space. COLOR_SPACE_WIDE_GAMUT, // Wide gamut color space. The specific wide color gamut depends on the screen. }; /** * @brief Enumerates occupied area type. */ enum class OccupiedAreaType : uint32_t { TYPE_INPUT, // area of input window }; /** * @brief Enumerates window maximize mode. */ enum class MaximizeMode : uint32_t { MODE_AVOID_SYSTEM_BAR, MODE_FULL_FILL, MODE_RECOVER }; /** * @brief Enumerates window animation. */ enum class WindowAnimation : uint32_t { NONE, DEFAULT, INPUTE, CUSTOM }; /** * @class AvoidArea * * @brief Area needed to avoid. */ class AvoidArea : virtual public RefBase { public: Rect topRect_ { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; Rect leftRect_ { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; Rect rightRect_ { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; Rect bottomRect_ { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; bool operator==(const AvoidArea& a) const { return (topRect_ == a.topRect_ && leftRect_ == a.leftRect_ && rightRect_ == a.rightRect_ && bottomRect_ == a.bottomRect_); } bool operator!=(const AvoidArea& a) const { return !this->operator==(a); } static inline bool ReadParcel(Parcel& parcel, Rect& rect) { return parcel.ReadInt32(rect.posX_) && parcel.ReadInt32(rect.posY_) && parcel.ReadUint32(rect.width_) && parcel.ReadUint32(rect.height_); } static inline bool WriteParcel(Parcel& parcel, const Rect& rect) { return parcel.WriteInt32(rect.posX_) && parcel.WriteInt32(rect.posY_) && parcel.WriteUint32(rect.width_) && parcel.WriteUint32(rect.height_); } bool isEmptyAvoidArea() const { return topRect_.IsUninitializedRect() && leftRect_.IsUninitializedRect() && rightRect_.IsUninitializedRect() && bottomRect_.IsUninitializedRect(); } }; using OnCallback = std::function; /** * @struct VsyncCallback * * @brief Vsync callback */ struct VsyncCallback { OnCallback onCallback; }; /** * @brief Enumerates window update type. */ enum class WindowUpdateType : int32_t { WINDOW_UPDATE_ADDED = 1, WINDOW_UPDATE_REMOVED, WINDOW_UPDATE_FOCUSED, WINDOW_UPDATE_BOUNDS, WINDOW_UPDATE_ACTIVE, WINDOW_UPDATE_PROPERTY }; struct WindowLimits { uint32_t maxWidth_ = INT32_MAX; uint32_t maxHeight_ = INT32_MAX; uint32_t minWidth_ = 1; uint32_t minHeight_ = 1; float maxRatio_ = FLT_MAX; float minRatio_ = 0.0f; float vpRatio_ = 1.0f; WindowLimits() {} WindowLimits(uint32_t maxWidth, uint32_t maxHeight, uint32_t minWidth, uint32_t minHeight, float maxRatio, float minRatio) : maxWidth_(maxWidth), maxHeight_(maxHeight), minWidth_(minWidth), minHeight_(minHeight), maxRatio_(maxRatio), minRatio_(minRatio) {} WindowLimits(uint32_t maxWidth, uint32_t maxHeight, uint32_t minWidth, uint32_t minHeight, float maxRatio, float minRatio, float vpRatio) : maxWidth_(maxWidth), maxHeight_(maxHeight), minWidth_(minWidth), minHeight_(minHeight), maxRatio_(maxRatio), minRatio_(minRatio), vpRatio_(vpRatio) {} bool IsEmpty() const { return (maxHeight_ == 0 || minHeight_ == 0 || maxWidth_ == 0 || minWidth_ == 0); } }; /** * @struct TitleButtonRect * * @brief An area of title buttons relative to the upper right corner of the window. */ struct TitleButtonRect { int32_t posX_; int32_t posY_; uint32_t width_; uint32_t height_; bool operator==(const TitleButtonRect& a) const { return (posX_ == a.posX_ && posY_ == a.posY_ && width_ == a.width_ && height_ == a.height_); } bool operator!=(const TitleButtonRect& a) const { return !this->operator==(a); } bool IsInsideOf(const TitleButtonRect& a) const { return (posX_ >= a.posX_ && posY_ >= a.posY_ && posX_ + width_ <= a.posX_ + a.width_ && posY_ + height_ <= a.posY_ + a.height_); } bool IsUninitializedRect() const { return (posX_ == 0 && posY_ == 0 && width_ == 0 && height_ == 0); } }; /** * Config of keyboard animation */ class KeyboardAnimationCurve : public Parcelable { public: KeyboardAnimationCurve() = default; KeyboardAnimationCurve(const std::string& curveType, const std::vector& curveParams, uint32_t duration) : curveType_(curveType), duration_(duration) { curveParams_.assign(curveParams.begin(), curveParams.end()); } virtual bool Marshalling(Parcel& parcel) const override { if (!parcel.WriteString(curveType_)) { return false; } auto paramSize = curveParams_.size(); if (paramSize == 4) { // 4: param size if (!parcel.WriteUint32(static_cast(paramSize))) { return false; } for (auto& param : curveParams_) { if (!parcel.WriteFloat(param)) { return false; } } } else { if (!parcel.WriteUint32(0)) { return false; } } if (!parcel.WriteUint32(duration_)) { return false; } return true; } static KeyboardAnimationCurve* Unmarshalling(Parcel& parcel) { KeyboardAnimationCurve* config = new KeyboardAnimationCurve; uint32_t paramSize = 0; if (!parcel.ReadString(config->curveType_) || !parcel.ReadUint32(paramSize)) { delete config; return nullptr; } if (paramSize == 4) { // 4: paramSize for (uint32_t i = 0; i < paramSize; i++) { float param = 0.0f; if (!parcel.ReadFloat(param)) { delete config; return nullptr; } else { config->curveParams_.push_back(param); } } } if (!parcel.ReadUint32(config->duration_)) { delete config; return nullptr; } return config; } std::string curveType_ = ""; std::vector curveParams_ = {}; uint32_t duration_ = 0; }; struct KeyboardAnimationConfig { KeyboardAnimationCurve curveIn; KeyboardAnimationCurve curveOut; }; enum class MaximizePresentation { FOLLOW_APP_IMMERSIVE_SETTING = 0, // follow app set immersiveStateEnable EXIT_IMMERSIVE = 1, // immersiveStateEnable will be set as false ENTER_IMMERSIVE = 2, // immersiveStateEnable will be set as true // immersiveStateEnable will be set as true, titleHoverShowEnabled and dockHoverShowEnabled will be set as false ENTER_IMMERSIVE_DISABLE_TITLE_AND_DOCK_HOVER = 3, }; enum class BackupAndRestoreType : int32_t { NONE = 0, // no backup and restore CONTINUATION = 1, // distribute APP_RECOVERY = 2, // app recovery RESOURCESCHEDULE_RECOVERY = 3, // app is killed due to resource schedule }; enum class ExtensionWindowAttribute : int32_t { SYSTEM_WINDOW = 0, SUB_WINDOW = 1, UNKNOWN = 2 }; struct SystemWindowOptions { int32_t windowType = -1; }; enum class ModalityType : uint8_t { WINDOW_MODALITY, APPLICATION_MODALITY, }; struct SubWindowOptions { std::string title; bool decorEnabled = false; bool isModal = false; bool isTopmost = false; ModalityType modalityType = ModalityType::WINDOW_MODALITY; }; struct ExtensionWindowConfig { std::string windowName; ExtensionWindowAttribute windowAttribute = ExtensionWindowAttribute::UNKNOWN; Rect windowRect; SubWindowOptions subWindowOptions; SystemWindowOptions systemWindowOptions; }; } } #endif // OHOS_ROSEN_WM_COMMON_H