diff --git a/UIcompare/general/code/demo/entry/src/ohosTest/ets/TestAbility/pages/flex/FlexLayoutWeightPage004.ets b/UIcompare/general/code/demo/entry/src/ohosTest/ets/TestAbility/pages/flex/FlexLayoutWeightPage004.ets
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bafe20ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UIcompare/general/code/demo/entry/src/ohosTest/ets/TestAbility/pages/flex/FlexLayoutWeightPage004.ets
@@ -0,0 +1,1021 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Shenzhen Kaihong Digital Industry Development Co., Ltd.
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import AttrsManager from '../../../test/model/AttrsManager'
+import web_webview from '@ohos.web.webview'
+import router from '@ohos.router';
+import { WaterFlowDataSource } from '../WaterFlowDataSource'
+class MyDataSource implements IDataSource {
+ private list: number[] = []
+ private listener: DataChangeListener
+ constructor(list: number[]) {
+ this.list = list
+ }
+ totalCount(): number {
+ return this.list.length
+ }
+ getData(index: number): any {
+ return this.list[index]
+ }
+ registerDataChangeListener(listener: DataChangeListener): void {
+ this.listener = listener
+ }
+ unregisterDataChangeListener() {
+ }
+struct FlexLayoutWeightPage004 {
+ controller: web_webview.WebviewController = new web_webview.WebviewController()
+ @State _generalAttr: string = 'aaa';//通用属性初始值
+ @State _flex: FlexOptions = { wrap: FlexWrap.NoWrap };
+ @State targetView: string = router.getParams() ? router.getParams()['view']['targetView'] : "" //当前测试的组件
+ @State componentKey: string = router.getParams() ? router.getParams()['view']['componentKey'] : "" //组件唯一标识
+ @State formId:number = 0;
+ @State messageCommon: string = ''
+ @State state: AnimationStatus = AnimationStatus.Initial
+ @State reverse: boolean = false
+ @State iterations: number = 1
+ @State value: number = 0
+ @State Number1: String[] = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']
+ private arr: number[] = [0, 1, 2]
+ private arr1: number[] = [0, 1]
+ private swiperController: SwiperController = new SwiperController()
+ private data: MyDataSource = new MyDataSource([])
+ @State fontColor: string = '#182431'
+ @State selectedFontColor: string = '#007DFF'
+ @State currentIndex: number = 0
+ private controller1: TabsController = new TabsController()
+ private settings: RenderingContextSettings = new RenderingContextSettings(true)
+ private context1: CanvasRenderingContext2D = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(this.settings)
+ private context2: CanvasRenderingContext2D = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(this.settings)
+ private context3: CanvasRenderingContext2D = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(this.settings)
+ private context4: CanvasRenderingContext2D = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(this.settings)
+ private selectedTime: Date = new Date('2023-07-09T08:00:00')
+ textTimerController: TextTimerController = new TextTimerController()
+ private selectedDate: Date = new Date('2023-06-02')
+ private fromStart: boolean = true
+ private step: number = 10
+ private loop: number = Infinity
+ private src: string = "Running Marquee starts rolling Running Marquee starts rolling"
+ @State isActive: boolean = false
+ @State dex: number = 0
+ @State current: number = 1
+ @State text: string = ''
+ controller3: TextInputController = new TextInputController()
+ @State minSize: number = 50
+ @State maxSize: number = 100
+ @State fontSize: number = 24
+ scroller1: Scroller = new Scroller()
+ datasource: WaterFlowDataSource = new WaterFlowDataSource()
+ private itemWidthArray: number[] = []
+ private itemHeightArray: number[] = []
+ @Builder NavigationTitle() {
+ Column() {
+ Text('Title')
+ .fontColor('#182431')
+ .fontSize(30)
+ .lineHeight(41)
+ .fontWeight(700)
+ Text('subtitle')
+ .fontColor('#182431')
+ .fontSize(14)
+ .lineHeight(19)
+ .opacity(0.4)
+ .margin({ top: 2, bottom: 20 })
+ }.alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start)
+ }
+ @Builder itemFoot() {
+ Column() {
+ Text(`Footer`)
+ .fontSize(10)
+ .backgroundColor(Color.Red)
+ .width(50)
+ .height(50)
+ .align(Alignment.Center)
+ .margin({ top: 2 })
+ }
+ }
+ getSize() {
+ let ret = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.maxSize)
+ return (ret > this.minSize ? ret : this.minSize)
+ }
+ getItemSizeArray() {
+ for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ this.itemWidthArray.push(this.getSize())
+ this.itemHeightArray.push(this.getSize())
+ }
+ }
+ @Styles commonStyle1(){
+ .width('33%')
+ .height(200)
+ // .margin({top:260})
+ .backgroundColor('#FFC0CB')
+ .layoutWeight(this._generalAttr)
+ // .key(this.componentKey)
+ }
+ @Styles tabStyle1(){
+ .width('33%')
+ .height(200)
+ .backgroundColor('#FFC0CB')
+ .layoutWeight(this._generalAttr)
+ // .key(this.componentKey)
+ }
+ @Styles commonStyleEasy1(){
+ .width('33%')
+ // .margin({top:260})
+ .backgroundColor('#FFC0CB')
+ .layoutWeight(this._generalAttr)
+ // .key(this.componentKey)
+ }
+ @Styles commonStyle2(){
+ .width('33%')
+ .height(200)
+ // .margin({top:260})
+ .backgroundColor('#ADD8E6')
+ // .key(this.componentKey)
+ }
+ @Styles tabStyle2(){
+ .width('33%')
+ .height(200)
+ .backgroundColor('#ADD8E6')
+ // .key(this.componentKey)
+ }
+ @Styles commonStyleEasy2(){
+ .width('33%')
+ // .margin({top:260})
+ .backgroundColor('#ADD8E6')
+ // .key(this.componentKey)
+ }
+ @Styles commonStyle3(){
+ .width('33%')
+ .height(200)
+ // .margin({top:260})
+ .backgroundColor('#98FB98')
+ // .key(this.componentKey)
+ }
+ @Styles tabStyle3(){
+ .width('33%')
+ .height(200)
+ .backgroundColor('#98FB98')
+ // .key(this.componentKey)
+ }
+ @Styles commonStyleEasy3(){
+ .width('33%')
+ // .margin({top:260})
+ .backgroundColor('#98FB98')
+ // .key(this.componentKey)
+ }
+ @Styles commonStyle4(){
+ .width('33%')
+ .height(200)
+ // .margin({top:260})
+ .backgroundColor('#FA8072')
+ // .key(this.componentKey)
+ }
+ @Styles tabStyle4(){
+ .width('33%')
+ .height(200)
+ .backgroundColor('#FA8072')
+ // .key(this.componentKey)
+ }
+ @Styles commonStyleEasy4(){
+ .width('33%')
+ // .margin({top:260})
+ .backgroundColor('#FA8072')
+ // .key(this.componentKey)
+ }
+ @Builder TabBuilder(index: number, name: string) {
+ Column() {
+ Text(name)
+ .fontColor(this.currentIndex === index ? this.selectedFontColor : this.fontColor)
+ .fontSize(16)
+ .fontWeight(this.currentIndex === index ? 500 : 400)
+ .lineHeight(22)
+ .margin({ top: 17, bottom: 7 })
+ Divider()
+ .strokeWidth(2)
+ .color('#007DFF')
+ .opacity(this.currentIndex === index ? 1 : 0)
+ }.width('100%')
+ }
+ //ScrollBar组件
+ private scroller: Scroller = new Scroller()
+ aboutToAppear(): void {
+ let list = []
+ for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
+ list.push(i.toString());
+ }
+ this.data = new MyDataSource(list)
+ this.getItemSizeArray()
+ }
+ onPageShow() {
+ console.info('FocusPage onPageShow');
+ AttrsManager.registerDataChange(value => this._generalAttr = value)
+ }
+ // @ts-nocheck
+ build() {
+ Column() {
+ Flex(this._flex) {
+ if (this.targetView == 'AlphabetIndexer') {
+ AlphabetIndexer({ arrayValue: ['A', 'B', 'C'], selected: 0 })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Blank') {
+ Blank()
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Button') {
+ Button("button",{ type: ButtonType.Normal, stateEffect: true })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Checkbox') {
+ // Column(){
+ Checkbox({name: 'checkbox1', group: 'checkboxGroup'})
+ .select(true)
+ .selectedColor(0xed6f21)
+ .height(150)
+ .commonStyleEasy1()
+ // }
+ // .width(200)
+ // .height(150)
+ // .border({width:2})
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'CheckboxGroup') {
+ // Column(){
+ CheckboxGroup({ group: 'checkboxGroup' })
+ .selectedColor('#007DFF')
+ .height(150)
+ .commonStyleEasy1()
+ // }
+ // .width(200)
+ // .height(150)
+ // .border({width:2})
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'DataPanel') {
+ DataPanel({ values: [50, 12, 8, 5] })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'DatePicker') {
+ DatePicker({ selected: this.selectedDate } )
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Divider') {
+ Divider()
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Gauge') {
+ Gauge({ value: 75 })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Image') {
+ // Column(){
+ Image($r("app.media.icon")).objectFit(ImageFit.Contain)
+ .height(150)
+ .commonStyleEasy1()
+ // }
+ // .width(200)
+ // .height(150)
+ // .border({width:2})
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'ImageAnimator') {
+ ImageAnimator()
+ .images([
+ {
+ src: $r('app.media.icon1'),
+ width:50,
+ height:50,
+ top:30,
+ left:30
+ },
+ ])
+ .duration(2000)
+ .fixedSize(false)
+ .state(this.state)
+ .reverse(this.reverse)
+ .iterations(this.iterations)
+ .onStart(() => {
+ console.info('Start')
+ })
+ .onPause(() => {
+ console.info('Pause')
+ })
+ .onRepeat(() => {
+ console.info('Repeat')
+ })
+ .onCancel(() => {
+ console.info('Cancel')
+ })
+ .onFinish(() => {
+ console.info('Finish')
+ this.state = AnimationStatus.Stopped
+ })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'LoadingProgress') {
+ LoadingProgress()
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Marquee') {
+ Marquee({
+ start: false,
+ step: this.step,
+ loop: this.loop,
+ fromStart: this.fromStart,
+ src: this.src
+ })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Menu') {
+ Menu() {
+ MenuItem({ content: "MenuItem1" })
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'MenuItem') {
+ MenuItem({ content: "MenuItem1" })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'MenuItemGroup') {
+ MenuItemGroup({ header: "标题" })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Navigation') {
+ Navigation()
+ .title(this.NavigationTitle)
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'NavRouter') {
+ NavRouter() {
+ Row() {
+ Text(`NavRouter`)
+ .fontSize(10)
+ .fontWeight(500)
+ .textAlign(TextAlign.Center)
+ }
+ .width('80%')
+ .height('30%')
+ NavDestination() {
+ Text(`NavDestination`).fontSize(50)
+ Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row }) {
+ Row() {
+ Image($r('app.media.icon')).width(40).height(40).borderRadius(40).margin({ right: 15 })
+ Text('今天共有七节课').fontSize(30)
+ }.padding({ left: 15 })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'NavDestination') {
+ NavDestination()
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'PatternLock') {
+ PatternLock()
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Progress') {
+ Progress({ value: 10 })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ .border({width:2})
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'QRCode') {
+ QRCode('hello world')
+ .commonStyle1()
+ .border({width:2})
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Radio') {
+ Radio({ value: 'Radio1', group: 'radioGroup' })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Rating') {
+ Rating({ rating: 3.5 })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'RichText') {
+ RichText('
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'ScrollBar') {
+ ScrollBar({ scroller: this.scroller, direction: ScrollBarDirection.Vertical,state: BarState.On }) {
+ Text("ScrollBar")
+ .width('80')
+ .height(100)
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Search') {
+ Search()
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Select') {
+ Select([{ value: 'aaa' },
+ { value: 'bbb' }])
+ .value('Select')
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Slider') {
+ Slider()
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Span') {
+ Text() {
+ Span('This is the Span component')
+ .commonStyle1()
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.targetView == 'Stepper') {
+ Stepper()
+ .commonStyle1()
+ }
+ else if (this.targetView == 'StepperItem') {
+ Stepper() {
+ StepperItem()
+ .commonStyle1()
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.targetView == 'Text') {
+ Text('text')
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'TextArea') {
+ TextArea({
+ text:"The text area",
+ placeholder: 'The text area can hold an unlimited amount of text. input your word...'
+ })
+ .placeholderFont({ size: 16, weight: 400 })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'TextClock') {
+ TextClock()
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'TextInput') {
+ TextInput({ text: this.text, placeholder: 'input your word...', controller: this.controller3 })
+ .placeholderFont({ size: 14, weight: 400 })
+ .width(200)
+ .height(40)
+ .margin(20)
+ .fontSize(12)
+ .fontColor(Color.Black)
+ .inputFilter('[a-z]', (e) => {
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(e))
+ })
+ .onChange((value: string) => {
+ this.text = value
+ })
+ .commonStyleEasy1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'TextPicker') {
+ TextPicker({ range: ['apple1', 'orange2', 'peach3', 'grape4'] })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'TextTimer') {
+ TextTimer({ isCountDown: true, count: 30000, controller: this.textTimerController })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'TimePicker') {
+ TimePicker({
+ selected: this.selectedTime,
+ })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Toggle1') {
+ Toggle({ type: ToggleType.Switch, isOn: false })
+ .selectedColor('#007DFF')
+ .switchPointColor('#FFFFFF')
+ .onChange((isOn: boolean) => {
+ console.info('Component status:' + isOn)
+ })
+ .width(120)
+ .height(60)
+ .commonStyleEasy1()
+ }
+ else if (this.targetView == 'Toggle2') {
+ Toggle({ type: ToggleType.Checkbox, isOn: false })
+ .selectedColor('#007DFF')
+ .switchPointColor('#FFFFFF')
+ .onChange((isOn: boolean) => {
+ console.info('Component status:' + isOn)
+ })
+ .width(120)
+ .height(60)
+ .commonStyleEasy1()
+ }
+ else if (this.targetView == 'Toggle3') {
+ Toggle({ type: ToggleType.Button, isOn: false })
+ .selectedColor('#007DFF')
+ .switchPointColor('#FFFFFF')
+ .onChange((isOn: boolean) => {
+ console.info('Component status:' + isOn)
+ })
+ .width(120)
+ .height(60)
+ .commonStyleEasy1()
+ }
+ else if (this.targetView == 'Badge') {
+ Badge({
+ value: 'New',
+ position: BadgePosition.Right,
+ style: { badgeSize: 16, badgeColor: '#FA2A2D' }
+ }) {
+ Text('list2').width(27).height(60).fontSize(14).fontColor('#182431')
+ }.width(49.5).height(60)
+ .commonStyleEasy1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Column') {
+ Column(){
+ Text("Column 1111")
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'ColumnSplit') {
+ ColumnSplit() {
+ Text('ColumnSplit')
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Counter') {
+ // Column(){
+ Counter() {
+ Text(this.value.toString())
+ }
+ .onInc(() => {
+ this.value++
+ })
+ .onDec(() => {
+ this.value--
+ })
+ .width(120)
+ .height(50)
+ .commonStyleEasy1()
+ // }
+ // .width(120)
+ // .height(200)
+ // .border({width:2})
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Flex') {
+ Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.RowReverse }) {
+ Text('1').width('20%').height(50)
+ Text('2').width('20%').height(50)
+ Text('3').width('20%').height(50)
+ Text('4').width('20%').height(50)
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'GridCol') {
+ GridRow() {
+ GridCol({ span: 5 }) {
+ Text("GridCol GridCol").height(50)
+ }.borderWidth(2)
+ .commonStyle1()
+ .margin({top:0})
+ }.width(300)
+ .height(200)
+ .borderWidth(2)
+ .margin({top:260})
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'GridRow') {
+ GridRow() {
+ GridCol({span:6}) {
+ Text('GridRow').height(80)
+ }
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Grid') {
+ Grid() {
+ ForEach(this.Number1, (day: string) => {
+ ForEach(this.Number1, (day: string) => {
+ GridItem() {
+ Text(day)
+ .fontSize(16)
+ .width('100%')
+ .height('100%')
+ .textAlign(TextAlign.Center)
+ }
+ }, day => day)
+ }, day => day)
+ }
+ .columnsTemplate('1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr')
+ .rowsTemplate('1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr')
+ .columnsGap(10)
+ .rowsGap(10)
+ .width('90%')
+ .height(300)
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'GridItem') {
+ Grid() {
+ GridItem()
+ .commonStyle1()
+ }
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'List') {
+ List({ space: 20, initialIndex: 0 }) {
+ ForEach(this.arr, (item) => {
+ ListItem() {
+ Text('List' + item)
+ .width('80%')
+ .height(30)
+ .fontSize(12)
+ .textAlign(TextAlign.Center)
+ }
+ }, item => item)
+ }
+ .listDirection(Axis.Vertical) // 排列方向
+ .scrollBar(BarState.Off)
+ .divider({ strokeWidth: 2, color: 0xFFFFFF, startMargin: 20, endMargin: 20 }) // 每行之间的分界线
+ .edgeEffect(EdgeEffect.Spring) // 滑动到边缘无效果
+ .onScrollIndex((firstIndex: number, lastIndex: number) => {
+ console.info('first' + firstIndex)
+ console.info('last' + lastIndex)
+ })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'ListItem') {
+ List() {
+ ListItem(){
+ Text('ListItem')
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ .margin({top:0})
+ }
+ .width(370)
+ .height(280)
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'ListItemGroup') {
+ List() {
+ ListItemGroup() {
+ ListItem() {
+ Text('ListItemGroup')
+ .margin({left:20})
+ .height(40)
+ }
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ .margin({top:0})
+ }
+ .width(200)
+ .height(150)
+ .border({width:2})
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Navigator') {
+ Navigator({ target: '/pages/BackgroundColorPage' }){
+ Text('Go to ' + '/pages/BackgroundColorPage')
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Panel') {
+ Panel(true) {
+ // 展示日程
+ Column() {
+ Text('Today Calendar').fontSize(12)
+ }
+ }
+ .type(PanelType.Foldable).mode(PanelMode.Mini)
+ .dragBar(true) // 默认开启
+ .halfHeight(500) // 默认一半
+ .commonStyle1()
+ .border({width:2})
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Refresh') {
+ Refresh({ refreshing: true })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ }
+ else if (this.targetView == 'RelativeContainer') {
+ RelativeContainer() {
+ Row()
+ .width(30)
+ .height(30)
+ .backgroundColor("#FF3333")
+ .alignRules({
+ top: { anchor: "__container__", align: VerticalAlign.Top },
+ left: { anchor: "__container__", align: HorizontalAlign.Start },
+ right:{anchor: "__container__", align: HorizontalAlign.Center},
+ bottom:{anchor: "__container__", align: VerticalAlign.Center},
+ })
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Row') {
+ Row(){
+ Text("Row Row Row")
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'RowSplit') {
+ RowSplit() {
+ Text('1')
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Scroll') {
+ Scroll(this.scroller) {
+ Column() {
+ ForEach(this.arr, (item) => {
+ Text(item.toString())
+ .width('30%')
+ .height(60)
+ .border({width:2})
+ .borderRadius(15)
+ .fontSize(16)
+ .textAlign(TextAlign.Center)
+ .margin({ top: 10 })
+ }, item => item)
+ }.width('100%')
+ }
+ .scrollable(ScrollDirection.Vertical) // 滚动方向纵向
+ .scrollBar(BarState.On) // 滚动条常驻显示
+ .scrollBarColor(Color.Gray) // 滚动条颜色
+ .scrollBarWidth(10) // 滚动条宽度
+ .edgeEffect(EdgeEffect.None)
+ .onScroll((xOffset: number, yOffset: number) => {
+ console.info(xOffset + ' ' + yOffset)
+ })
+ .onScrollEdge((side: Edge) => {
+ console.info('To the edge')
+ })
+ .onScrollEnd(() => {
+ console.info('Scroll Stop')
+ })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'SideBarContainer') {
+ SideBarContainer(SideBarContainerType.Embed) {
+ Column() {
+ ForEach(this.arr1, (item, index) => {
+ Column({ space: 5 }) {
+ Text("Index0" + item)
+ .fontSize(25)
+ .fontColor(this.current === item ? '#0A59F7' : '#999')
+ .fontFamily('source-sans-pro,cursive,sans-serif')
+ }
+ .onClick(() => {
+ this.current = item
+ })
+ }, item => item)
+ }.width('40%')
+ Column() {
+ Text('SideBarContainer').fontSize(10)
+ }
+ .margin({ top: 20, left: 20, right: 30 })
+ }
+ .sideBarWidth(150)
+ .minSideBarWidth(50)
+ .maxSideBarWidth(100)
+ .onChange((value: boolean) => {
+ console.info('status:' + value)
+ })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Stack') {
+ Stack({ alignContent: Alignment.Center }) {
+ Text('First child, show in bottom').width('40%').height('40%').backgroundColor(0xd2cab3).align(Alignment.Top)
+ Text('Second child, show in top').width('25%').height('25%').backgroundColor(0xc1cbac).align(Alignment.Top)
+ }.width('100%').height(150).margin({ top: 5 })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Swiper') {
+ Swiper(this.swiperController) {
+ LazyForEach(this.data, (item: string) => {
+ Text(item).width('30%').height('30%').textAlign(TextAlign.Center).fontSize(30)
+ }, item => item)
+ }
+ .cachedCount(2)
+ .index(1)
+ .autoPlay(true)
+ .interval(4000)
+ .indicator(true)
+ .loop(true)
+ .duration(1000)
+ .itemSpace(0)
+ .curve(Curve.Linear)
+ .onChange((index: number) => {
+ console.info(index.toString())
+ })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Tabs') {
+ Tabs({ barPosition: BarPosition.Start, controller: this.controller1 }) {
+ TabContent() {
+ Column().width('20%').height('20%')
+ }.tabBar(this.TabBuilder(0, 'green'))
+ TabContent() {
+ Column().width('30%').height('30%')
+ }.tabBar(this.TabBuilder(1, 'blue'))
+ }
+ .vertical(false)
+ .barMode(BarMode.Fixed)
+ .barWidth(360)
+ .barHeight(56)
+ .animationDuration(400)
+ .onChange((index: number) => {
+ this.currentIndex = index
+ })
+ .width(360)
+ .height(296)
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'TabContent') {
+ Tabs({ barPosition: BarPosition.Start, controller: this.controller1 }) {
+ TabContent() {
+ Column().width('30%').height('30%')
+ }.tabBar(this.TabBuilder(0, 'green'))
+ // .commonStyle1()
+ .tabStyle1()
+ TabContent() {
+ Column().width('40%').height('40%')
+ }.tabBar(this.TabBuilder(1, 'blue'))
+ // .commonStyle1()
+ .tabStyle1()
+ }
+ .vertical(false)
+ .barMode(BarMode.Fixed)
+ .barWidth(200)
+ .barHeight(60)
+ .animationDuration(400)
+ .onChange((index: number) => {
+ this.currentIndex = index
+ })
+ .width(200)
+ .height(150)
+ .margin({ top: 260 })
+ }
+ else if (this.targetView == 'FlowItem') {
+ WaterFlow() {
+ FlowItem(){
+ Text("N FlowItem" ).fontSize(12).height('16')
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ }
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'WaterFlow') {
+ WaterFlow({ footer: this.itemFoot.bind(this), scroller: this.scroller }) {
+ LazyForEach(this.datasource, (item: number) => {
+ FlowItem() {
+ Column() {
+ Text("N" + item).fontSize(12).height('16')
+ Image('/pages/images/icon.png')
+ .objectFit(ImageFit.Fill)
+ .width('100%')
+ .layoutWeight(1)
+ }
+ }
+ .width('100%')
+ .height(this.itemHeightArray[item])
+ }, item => item)
+ }
+ .columnsTemplate("1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr")
+ .itemConstraintSize({
+ minWidth: 0,
+ maxWidth: '100%',
+ minHeight: 0,
+ maxHeight: '100%'
+ })
+ .columnsGap(10)
+ .rowsGap(5)
+ .onReachStart(() => {
+ console.info("onReachStart")
+ })
+ .onReachEnd(() => {
+ console.info("onReachEnd")
+ })
+ .width('300')
+ .height('180')
+ .layoutDirection(FlexDirection.Column)
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Video') {
+ Video({
+ src: $r('app.media.tree')
+ })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Circle') {
+ // Column(){
+ Circle()
+ .height(40)
+ .commonStyleEasy1()
+ // }
+ // .width(200)
+ // .height(150)
+ // .border({width:2})
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Ellipse') {
+ Ellipse()
+ .width(150)
+ .height(100)
+ .fillOpacity(0)
+ .stroke(Color.Blue)
+ .strokeWidth(3)
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Line') {
+ Line()
+ .width(200)
+ .height(150)
+ .startPoint([0, 0])
+ .endPoint([50, 100])
+ .stroke(Color.Black)
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Polyline') {
+ Polyline({ width: 100, height: 100 })
+ .points([[10, 0], [40, 60], [100, 100]])
+ .fillOpacity(0)
+ .stroke(Color.Blue)
+ .strokeWidth(3)
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Polygon') {
+ Polygon({ width: 100, height: 100 })
+ .points([[0, 0], [50, 100], [100, 0]])
+ .fill(Color.Green)
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Path') {
+ Path()
+ .commands('M10 10 H100 V100 H0 Z')
+ .fillOpacity(0)
+ .stroke(Color.Black)
+ .strokeWidth(3)
+ .width(300)
+ .height(400)
+ .border({width:2})
+ .commonStyleEasy1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Rect') {
+ Rect()
+ .radius(20)
+ .height(40)
+ .stroke(Color.Transparent)
+ .commonStyleEasy1()
+ .margin({top:50})
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Shape') {
+ Shape() {
+ Rect().width('80%').height('70%')
+ }
+ .viewPort({ x: -100, y: 5, width: 320, height: 70 })
+ .stroke(Color.Black)
+ .strokeWidth(10)
+ .commonStyle1()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Canvas') {
+ Canvas(this.context1)
+ .onReady(() => {
+ this.context1.fillRect(0, 10, 30, 30)
+ })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ }else if (this.targetView == 'Web') {
+ Web({ src: $rawfile("index.html"), controller: this.controller })
+ .commonStyle1()
+ }else if (this.targetView == 'XComponent') {
+ XComponent({ id: 'xcomponentId-container', type: 'component' }) {
+ Text('Hello')
+ .fontSize(40)
+ Divider()
+ .margin(4)
+ .strokeWidth(2)
+ .color('#F1F3F5')
+ .width("80%")
+ Column() {
+ Text(this.messageCommon)
+ .fontSize(30)
+ }
+ }
+ .commonStyle1()
+ .border({width:2})
+ }
+ //第二个
+ if (this.targetView == 'AlphabetIndexer') {
+ AlphabetIndexer({ arrayValue: ['A', 'B', 'C'], selected: 0 })
+ .commonStyle2()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Blank') {
+ Blank()
+ .commonStyle2()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Button') {
+ Button("button",{ type: ButtonType.Normal, stateEffect: true })
+ .commonStyle2()
+ } else if (this.targetView == 'Checkbox') {
+ // Column(){
+ Checkbox({name: 'checkbox1', group: 'checkboxGroup'})
+ .select(true)
+ .selectedColor(0xed6f21)
+ .height(150)
+ .commonStyleEasy2()
+ // }
+ // .width(200)
+ // .height(150)
+ // .border({width:2})
+ }
+ }
+ .width(400)
+ .height(840)
+ .margin({left:40})
+ .backgroundColor('#FFFACD')
+ }.width('100%')
+ .height('100%')
+ .defaultFocus(true)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file