# Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import("//build/ohos.gni") import("//build/test.gni") if (precise_xts) { import("//out/preloader/precise_run.gni") } declare_args() { SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT = "$root_out_dir/suites" SUITE_ARCHIVE_DIR = "$root_out_dir/suites/archives" TESTCONFIG_FILENAME = "Test.xml" XTS_ROOT = "//test/xts" ACTS_ROOT = "//test/xts/acts" HATS_ROOT = "//test/xts/hats" HITS_ROOT = "//test/xts/hits" DCTS_ROOT = "//test/xts/dcts" # create testsuite archive is time-consuming, do it only if necessary make_archive = false XTS_SUITENAME = getenv("XTS_SUITENAME") } template("ohos_testsuite_base") { assert(defined(invoker.project_type), "project_type is required in target ${target_name}") _part_name = "common" if (defined(invoker.part_name)) { _part_name = invoker.part_name } precise_build_boolean = true if (precise_xts && filter_include(precise_run, [ "all", _part_name, ]) == []) { print("precise_xts is on ,${_part_name} is not on build") precise_build_boolean = false } if (precise_build_boolean) { _subsystem_name = "common" if (defined(invoker.subsystem_name)) { _subsystem_name = invoker.subsystem_name } _project_type = invoker.project_type _build_part_boolean = false tmp_subsystem_part = "${_subsystem_name}_${_part_name}" _part_script_judge = "//test/xts/tools/build/judgePart.py" _script_judge_args1 = [ rebase_path("$preloader_output_dir") + "/parts_config.json", tmp_subsystem_part, "judgePart", ] _build_part_boolean_str = exec_script(rebase_path(_part_script_judge), _script_judge_args1, "trim string") if (_build_part_boolean_str == "True") { _build_part_boolean = true } if (_subsystem_name == "kernel" || _subsystem_name == "common") { _build_part_boolean = true } _test_files = "" if (defined(invoker.generated_testfiles)) { foreach(file, invoker.generated_testfiles) { _test_files = _test_files + "," + rebase_path("$root_gen_dir") + "/" + file } } _is_testbundle = defined(invoker.is_testbundle) && invoker.is_testbundle if (defined(invoker.sub_output_dir)) { _output_file_dir = rebase_path( "$root_out_dir/tests/moduletest/${invoker.sub_output_dir}") } else if (defined(invoker.module_out_path)) { _output_file_dir = rebase_path( "$root_out_dir/tests/moduletest/${invoker.module_out_path}") } else { _output_file_dir = rebase_path("$root_out_dir/tests/moduletest") } _output_file = "${_output_file_dir}/module_${target_name}" if (_project_type == "gtest" || _project_type == "ctestbundle") { _output_file = "${_output_file_dir}/${target_name}" _archive_filename = "${target_name}" if (_build_part_boolean == true) { target("ohos_moduletest", "module_${target_name}") { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") testonly = true } } else { print(tmp_subsystem_part + " is not build") if (defined(invoker.public_configs)) { print(invoker.public_configs) } if (defined(invoker.external_deps)) { print(invoker.external_deps) } if (defined(invoker.deps)) { print(invoker.deps) } if (defined(invoker.configs)) { print(invoker.configs) } if (defined(invoker.sources)) { print(invoker.sources) } not_needed(invoker, "*") } } else if (_project_type == "zunit" || _project_type == "javatestbundle") { _output_file = "${_output_file_dir}/module_${target_name}.dex" _archive_filename = "${target_name}.dex" if (_build_part_boolean == true) { target("ohos_java_moduletest", "module_${target_name}") { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") testonly = true } } } else if (_project_type == "hostjunit") { _output_file = "${_output_file_dir}/module_${target_name}.jar" if (defined(invoker.final_jar_path)) { _output_file = invoker.final_jar_path } _archive_filename = "${target_name}.jar" if (_build_part_boolean == true) { target("java_library", "module_${target_name}") { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") is_host_library = true } } } else if (_project_type == "testhap" || _project_type == "haptestbundle" || _project_type == "testhapassist" || _project_type == "testapp" || _project_type == "testappassist") { assert(defined(invoker.hap_name), "hap_name is required in target ${target_name}") assert(!defined(invoker.final_hap_path), "please use hap_name instead of final_hap_path") _hap_name = invoker.hap_name _final_hap_path = "" _target_name = "" _suite_out_dir = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/${XTS_SUITENAME}" subsystem_name = XTS_SUITENAME if (subsystem_name == "acts") { _suite_out_dir = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/${XTS_SUITENAME}/acts" } if (_project_type == "testhapassist") { _final_hap_path = "${_suite_out_dir}/testcases/${_hap_name}.hap" _target_name = target_name } else { _final_hap_path = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/haps/${_hap_name}.hap" _target_name = "module_${target_name}" } _output_file = _final_hap_path _archive_filename = "${_hap_name}.hap" if (_build_part_boolean == true) { if (_project_type == "testapp") { target("ohos_app", _target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") subsystem_name = XTS_SUITENAME hap_out_dir = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/haps" testonly = true } } else if (_project_type == "testappassist") { target("ohos_app", target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") subsystem_name = XTS_SUITENAME hap_out_dir = "${_suite_out_dir}/testcases" testonly = true } } else { target("ohos_hap", _target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") subsystem_name = XTS_SUITENAME final_hap_path = _final_hap_path testonly = true } } } else { print(tmp_subsystem_part + " is not build") not_needed(invoker, "*") } } else if (_project_type == "pythontest") { if (defined(invoker.outputs_dir)) { _out_put_dir = invoker.outputs_dir _archive_filename = "${_subsystem_name}/${_out_put_dir}" } else { _archive_filename = "${_subsystem_name}" } _test_files = invoker.output_file _deps = [] if (defined(invoker.deps)) { _deps = invoker.deps } } else if (_project_type == "js_test_hap") { _hap_name = invoker.test_hap_name _output_file = invoker.hap_source_path _archive_filename = "${_hap_name}.hap" } _apilibrary_deps = "" if (_is_testbundle && defined(invoker.deps)) { foreach(dep, invoker.deps) { _apilibrary_deps = _apilibrary_deps + "," + dep } } if (_project_type != "pythontest" && _project_type != "js_test_hap" && _project_type != "testhapassist" && _project_type != "testappassist") { _deps = [ ":module_${target_name}" ] } else if (_project_type == "pythontest") { print("this is pythontest") } else if (_project_type != "testhapassist" && _project_type != "testappassist") { _deps = [] } _suite_out_dir = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/${XTS_SUITENAME}" _archive_testfile = "" subsystem_name = XTS_SUITENAME if (subsystem_name == "acts") { _suite_out_dir = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/${XTS_SUITENAME}/acts" } if (_project_type == "testhapassist" || _project_type == "testappassist") { _archive_testfile = "${_suite_out_dir}/testcases/module_${_archive_filename}" } else if (_project_type == "testapp") { _hap_name = invoker.hap_name if (_hap_name == "validator" && subsystem_name == "acts") { _suite_out_dir = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/${XTS_SUITENAME}/acts-validator" _archive_testfile = "${_suite_out_dir}/testcases/${_archive_filename}" } else { _archive_testfile = "${_suite_out_dir}/testcases/${_archive_filename}" } } else { _archive_testfile = "${_suite_out_dir}/testcases/${_archive_filename}" } _arguments = [ "build_module_with_testbundle", "--build_gen_dir", rebase_path("$root_gen_dir"), "--build_target_name", target_name, "--buildgen_testfile", rebase_path(_output_file), "--project_path", rebase_path("."), "--test_xml", rebase_path(TESTCONFIG_FILENAME), "--project_type", _project_type, "--suite_out_dir", rebase_path("${_suite_out_dir}"), "--archive_testfile", rebase_path("${_archive_testfile}"), ] if (_subsystem_name != "") { _arguments += [ "--subsystem_name", _subsystem_name, ] } if (_part_name != "") { _arguments += [ "--part_name", _part_name, ] } if (_apilibrary_deps != "") { _arguments += [ "--apilibrary_deps", _apilibrary_deps, ] } if (_test_files != "") { _arguments += [ "--test_files", _test_files, ] } if (_build_part_boolean == true && _project_type != "testhapassist" && _project_type != "testappassist") { action(target_name) { deps = _deps script = rebase_path("//test/xts/tools/build/suite.py") args = _arguments outputs = [ _archive_testfile ] testonly = true } } else if (_build_part_boolean == false) { action(target_name) { script = rebase_path("//test/xts/tools/build/judgePart.py") args = _arguments outputs = [ _archive_testfile ] testonly = true } if (defined(_deps)) { print(_deps) } } } else { group(target_name) { print(target_name + " is not build") not_needed(invoker, "*") } } } template("ohos_moduletest_suite") { target("ohos_testsuite_base", "${target_name}") { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") if (!defined(module_out_path)) { module_out_path = "xts/modules" } project_type = "gtest" } } template("ohos_hap_suite") { target("ohos_testsuite_base", "${target_name}") { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") # auto add HJUnitRunner entry ability and test-framework if (defined(hap_profile)) { # NOTE:: the GN tool disallow source files located in the ${out_dir} # so we put the generated files in the xts dir. remember to REMOVE these. _profile_relative_path = rebase_path(hap_profile, rebase_path(XTS_ROOT)) _fixed_profile_path = "${XTS_ROOT}/autogen_apiobjs/${_profile_relative_path}" _fixer_script = rebase_path( "//test/xts/tools/build/adapter/haptest_manifest_fixer.py") exec_script(_fixer_script, [ "add_entryability", "--raw_file=" + rebase_path(hap_profile), "--dest_file=" + rebase_path(_fixed_profile_path), ]) hap_profile = _fixed_profile_path } if (defined(deps)) { deps += [ "//test/xts/tools/hjunit:testkit_harmonyjunitrunner_java" ] } else { deps = [ "//test/xts/tools/hjunit:testkit_harmonyjunitrunner_java" ] } project_type = "testhap" } } template("ohos_js_hap_suite") { target("ohos_testsuite_base", "${target_name}") { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") project_type = "testhap" #js_build_mode = "debug" } } template("ohos_js_app_suite") { target("ohos_testsuite_base", "${target_name}") { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") project_type = "testapp" } } template("ohos_shell_app_suite") { target("ohos_adapter_shell_app_suite", "${target_name}") { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") } } template("ohos_prebuilt_suite") { assert(!defined(invoker.source_files) || !defined(invoker.jar_path) || !defined(invoker.source_dir), "source_files, jar_path or source_dir must be specified one.") assert(!defined(invoker.final_jar_path), "final_jar_path is not allowed in target ${target_name}") if (defined(invoker.jar_path)) { _output_name = "${target_name}.jar" if (defined(invoker.output_name)) { _output_name = "${invoker.output_name}.jar" } _output_type = "tools" if (defined(invoker.output_type)) { _output_type = invoker.output_type } _final_jar_path = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/${XTS_SUITENAME}/${_output_type}/${_output_name}" target("java_prebuilt", "${target_name}") { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") final_jar_path = _final_jar_path is_host_library = true } } else { assert(defined(invoker.output_dir), "output_dir is require in target ${target_name}") _outputs = [] _copy_args = [ "--method_name", "copy_file", ] _deps = [] _output_dir = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/${XTS_SUITENAME}/${invoker.output_dir}" if (defined(invoker.source_dir)) { _copy_args += [ "--arguments", "output=" + rebase_path(_output_dir) + "#source_dirs=" + rebase_path(invoker.source_dir) + "#to_dir=True", ] _outputs = [ _output_dir ] } else if (defined(invoker.source_files)) { _sources = "" foreach(src, invoker.source_files) { _sources = _sources + rebase_path(src) + "," } _copy_args += [ "--arguments", "output=" + rebase_path(_output_dir) + "#sources=" + _sources + "#to_dir=True", ] _outputs = [ _output_dir ] } if (defined(invoker.deps)) { _deps = invoker.deps } action(target_name) { script = rebase_path("//test/xts/tools/build/utils.py") deps = _deps args = _copy_args outputs = _outputs } } } template("ohos_deploy_xdevice") { _suite_out_dir = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/${XTS_SUITENAME}" subsystem_name = XTS_SUITENAME if (subsystem_name == "acts") { _hap_name = target_name if (_hap_name == "validator") { _suite_out_dir = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/${XTS_SUITENAME}/acts-validator" } else { _suite_out_dir = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/${XTS_SUITENAME}/acts" } } _args = [ "build_xdevice", "--source_dir", rebase_path("//test/testfwk/xdevice"), "--suite_out_dir", rebase_path(_suite_out_dir), ] if (defined(invoker.configs_dir)) { _args += [ "--configs_dir", rebase_path(rebase_path(invoker.configs_dir)), ] } if (defined(invoker.resources_dir)) { _args += [ "--resources_dir", rebase_path(rebase_path(invoker.resources_dir)), ] } action(target_name) { testonly = true script = rebase_path("//test/xts/tools/build/suite.py") args = _args outputs = [ "${_suite_out_dir}/tools/xdevice-ohos-0.0.0.tar.gz", "${_suite_out_dir}/tools/xdevice-0.0.0.tar.gz", "${_suite_out_dir}/tools/xdevice-devicetest-0.0.0.tar.gz", "${_suite_out_dir}/tools/run.sh", "${_suite_out_dir}/tools/run.bat", ] } } template("ohos_test_suite") { _output = "${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/${target_name}.zip" _suite_path = rebase_path("${SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT}/${XTS_SUITENAME}") _suite_archive_dir = rebase_path("${SUITE_ARCHIVE_DIR}") _prebuilts_files = rebase_path("//xts/resource") _gen_args = [ "archive_suite", "--suite_path", _suite_path, "--prebuilts_resource", _prebuilts_files, "--suite_archive_dir", _suite_archive_dir, "--make_archive", "${make_archive}", ] _deps = [] if (defined(invoker.deps)) { _deps += invoker.deps } action(target_name) { testonly = true script = rebase_path("//test/xts/tools/build/suite.py") deps = _deps args = _gen_args outputs = [ _output ] } } template("pythontest_suite") { assert(defined(invoker.script), "script is required in target ${target_name}") _subsystem_name = "" if (defined(invoker.subsystem_name)) { _subsystem_name = invoker.subsystem_name } else { _local_path = rebase_path(".") _args1 = [ "--method_name", "get_subsystem_name", "--arguments", "path=${_local_path}", ] _subsystem_name = exec_script(rebase_path("//test/xts/tools/build/utils.py"), _args1, "trim string") } _deps = [] if (defined(invoker.deps)) { _deps = invoker.deps + _deps } _outputs_dir = "" if (defined(invoker.outputs_dir)) { _outputs_dir = invoker.outputs_dir } _output_file = rebase_path("${invoker.script}") target("ohos_testsuite_base", "${target_name}") { project_type = "pythontest" subsystem_name = _subsystem_name output_file = _output_file deps = _deps outputs_dir = _outputs_dir } } template("executable_suite") { assert(defined(invoker.suite_name), "suite_name is required in target ${target_name}") _suite_name = invoker.suite_name _local_path = rebase_path(".") _args1 = [ "--method_name", "get_subsystem_name", "--arguments", "path=${_local_path}", ] _subsystem_name = exec_script(rebase_path("//test/xts/tools/build/utils.py"), _args1, "trim string") _outputs_dir = "" if (defined(invoker.outputs_dir)) { _outputs_dir = "${invoker.outputs_dir}" } ohos_executable(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "test_type", "module_out_path", "visibility", ]) forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ]) if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } subsystem_name = "tests" part_name = "ssts" ohos_test = true testonly = true output_name = "$target_name" test_output_dir = "$SUITES_OUTPUT_ROOT/${_suite_name}/testcases/${_subsystem_name}/${_outputs_dir}" if (defined(invoker.output_extension)) { output_extension = invoker.output_extension } } } template("js_hap_suite") { assert(defined(invoker.hap_source_path), "hap_source_path is required in target ${target_name}") assert(defined(invoker.test_hap_name), "test_hap_name is required in target ${target_name}") if (defined(invoker.deps)) { _deps = invoker.deps } target("ohos_testsuite_base", "${target_name}") { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") project_type = "js_test_hap" } } template("ohos_hap_assist_suite") { target("ohos_testsuite_base", target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") project_type = "testhapassist" } } template("ohos_app_assist_suite") { target("ohos_testsuite_base", target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") project_type = "testappassist" } } template("ohos_sh_assist_suite") { _part_name = "common" if (defined(invoker.part_name)) { _part_name = invoker.part_name } precise_build_boolean = true if (precise_xts && filter_include(precise_run, [ "all", _part_name, ]) == []) { print("precise_xts is on ,${_part_name} is not on build") precise_build_boolean = false } if (precise_build_boolean) { action(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") } } else { group(target_name) { print(target_name + " is not build") not_needed(invoker, "*") } } }