2006-09-30 16:02:39 +00:00
qBittorrent - A BitTorrent client in C++ / Qt4.1
*** Necessary if qt3 is default on your system ***
export QTDIR=/usr/include/qt4
export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH
*** End ***
make && make install
will install and execute qBittorrent hopefully without any problems.
- Qt >= 4.1 (libqt-devel, libqtxml, libqtgui, libqtcore, libqtnetwork)
2006-09-30 18:48:16 +00:00
- rb_libtorrent by Arvid Norberg (>= v0.11 REQUIRED)
2006-09-30 16:02:39 +00:00
-> http://libtorrent.sf.net
Be carefull: another library (the one used by rtorrent) use the same name.
These are TWO different libraries and qBittorrent will only work with the one provided
on sourceforge (created by Arvid Norberg). The two libraries conflicts with each other.
- libboost: libboost-filesystem, libboost-date-time, libboost-thread, libboost-serialization
- libcurl
- python >= 2.3 (previous might work - not tested): needed by search engine.
Christophe Dumez <chris@qbittorrent.org>