VS: improve handling of source files with special extensions in .csproj

Mainly <Link> and <DependentUpon> tags are added to connect generated
and manually edited files. Special file extensions that are take care
of are:

 - .Designer.cs
 - .xaml.cs
 - .settings
 - .resx
 - .xaml
This commit is contained in:
Michael Stürmer 2017-01-17 16:09:38 +01:00
parent cab8f26211
commit 90cb408323
7 changed files with 229 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -362,8 +362,11 @@ Properties on Source Files

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Sets the ``<CopyToOutputDirectory>`` tag for a source file in a
Visual Studio project file. Valid values are ``Never``, ``Always``
and ``PreserveNewest``.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Boolean property to specify if the file should be included within a VSIX
extension package. This is needed for development of Visual Studio

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
This property allows to specify the resource generator to be used
on this file. It defaults to ``PublicResXFileCodeGenerator`` if
not set.
This property only applies to C# projects.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* The :ref:`Visual Studio Generators` for VS 2010 and above
learned some more source file properties:
- :prop_sf:`VS_RESOURCE_GENERATOR` (C# only): allows setting the resource
- :prop_sf:`VS_COPY_TO_OUT_DIR`: parameter to set if file should be copied
to output directory (values: ``Never``, ``Always``, ``PreserveNewest``)
- :prop_sf:`VS_INCLUDE_IN_VSIX`: boolean property to include file include
Visual Studio extension package

View File

@ -19,7 +19,16 @@ vs-native-csharp-support
that specifically targets C# contains ``CSharp`` as a part of
their names.
* More finetuning of C# targets can be done using target
properties. Specifically the Visual Studio related target
* More finetuning of C# targets can be done using target and source
file properties. Specifically the Visual Studio related target
properties (``VS_*``) are worth a look (for setting toolset
versions, root namespaces, assembly icons, ...).
* **Auto-"linking"** in .csproj files: In C#/.NET development with
Visual Studio there is a number of visual editors used which
generate code. Both the generated files and the ones edited
with the UI are connected in the ``.csproj`` file using
``<DependentUpon>`` tags. If CMake finds within a C# project
any source file with extension ``.Designer.cs`` or ``.xaml.cs``,
it checks sibling files with extension ``.xaml``, ``.settings``,
``.resx`` or ``.cs`` and establishes the dependency connection.

View File

@ -610,30 +610,91 @@ void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteEmbeddedResourceGroup()
this->GeneratorTarget->GetResxSources(resxObjs, "");
if (!resxObjs.empty()) {
this->WriteString("<ItemGroup>\n", 1);
std::string srcDir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
for (std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>::const_iterator oi =
oi != resxObjs.end(); ++oi) {
std::string obj = (*oi)->GetFullPath();
this->WriteString("<EmbeddedResource Include=\"", 2);
bool useRelativePath = false;
if (csproj == this->ProjectType && this->InSourceBuild) {
// If we do an in-source build and the resource file is in a
// subdirectory
// of the .csproj file, we have to use relative pathnames, otherwise
// visual studio does not show the file in the IDE. Sorry.
if (obj.find(srcDir) == 0) {
obj = this->ConvertPath(obj, true);
useRelativePath = true;
(*this->BuildFileStream) << obj << "\">\n";
this->WriteString("<DependentUpon>", 3);
std::string hFileName = obj.substr(0, obj.find_last_of(".")) + ".h";
(*this->BuildFileStream) << hFileName << "</DependentUpon>\n";
if (csproj != this->ProjectType) {
this->WriteString("<DependentUpon>", 3);
std::string hFileName = obj.substr(0, obj.find_last_of(".")) + ".h";
(*this->BuildFileStream) << hFileName << "</DependentUpon>\n";
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i =
i != this->Configurations.end(); ++i) {
this->WritePlatformConfigTag("LogicalName", i->c_str(), 3);
if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_GLOBAL_ROOTNAMESPACE") ||
// Handle variant of VS_GLOBAL_<variable> for RootNamespace.
this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_GLOBAL_RootNamespace")) {
(*this->BuildFileStream) << "$(RootNamespace).";
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i =
i != this->Configurations.end(); ++i) {
this->WritePlatformConfigTag("LogicalName", i->c_str(), 3);
if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_GLOBAL_ROOTNAMESPACE") ||
// Handle variant of VS_GLOBAL_<variable> for RootNamespace.
this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("VS_GLOBAL_RootNamespace")) {
(*this->BuildFileStream) << "$(RootNamespace).";
(*this->BuildFileStream) << "%(Filename)";
(*this->BuildFileStream) << ".resources";
(*this->BuildFileStream) << "</LogicalName>\n";
} else {
std::string binDir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory();
// If the resource was NOT added using a relative path (which should
// be the default), we have to provide a link here
if (!useRelativePath) {
std::string link;
if (obj.find(srcDir) == 0) {
link = obj.substr(srcDir.length() + 1);
} else if (obj.find(binDir) == 0) {
link = obj.substr(binDir.length() + 1);
} else {
link = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(obj);
if (!link.empty()) {
this->WriteString("<Link>", 3);
(*this->BuildFileStream) << link << "</Link>\n";
// Determine if this is a generated resource from a .Designer.cs file
std::string designerResource =
cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath((*oi)->GetFullPath()) + "/" +
(*oi)->GetFullPath()) +
if (cmsys::SystemTools::FileExists(designerResource)) {
std::string generator = "PublicResXFileCodeGenerator";
if (const char* g = (*oi)->GetProperty("VS_RESOURCE_GENERATOR")) {
generator = g;
this->WriteString("<Generator>", 3);
(*this->BuildFileStream) << cmVS10EscapeXML(generator)
<< "</Generator>\n";
if (designerResource.find(srcDir) == 0) {
designerResource = designerResource.substr(srcDir.length() + 1);
} else if (designerResource.find(binDir) == 0) {
designerResource = designerResource.substr(binDir.length() + 1);
} else {
designerResource =
this->WriteString("<LastGenOutput>", 3);
(*this->BuildFileStream) << designerResource << "</LastGenOutput>\n";
(*this->BuildFileStream) << "%(Filename)";
(*this->BuildFileStream) << ".resources";
(*this->BuildFileStream) << "</LogicalName>\n";
this->WriteString("</EmbeddedResource>\n", 2);
@ -661,6 +722,24 @@ void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteXamlFilesGroup()
this->WriteSource(xamlType, *oi, ">\n");
if (csproj == this->ProjectType && !this->InSourceBuild) {
// add <Link> tag to written XAML source if necessary
const std::string srcDir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
const std::string binDir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory();
std::string link;
if (obj.find(srcDir) == 0) {
link = obj.substr(srcDir.length() + 1);
} else if (obj.find(binDir) == 0) {
link = obj.substr(binDir.length() + 1);
} else {
link = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(obj);
if (!link.empty()) {
this->WriteString("<Link>", 3);
(*this->BuildFileStream) << link << "</Link>\n";
this->WriteString("<SubType>Designer</SubType>\n", 3);
this->WriteString("</", 2);
(*this->BuildFileStream) << xamlType << ">\n";
@ -1348,7 +1427,12 @@ void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteExtraSource(cmSourceFile const* sf)
std::string shaderEntryPoint;
std::string shaderModel;
std::string shaderAdditionalFlags;
std::string settingsGenerator;
std::string settingsLastGenOutput;
std::string sourceLink;
std::string subType;
std::string copyToOutDir;
std::string includeInVsix;
std::string ext = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(sf->GetExtension());
if (csproj == this->ProjectType) {
// EVERY extra source file must have a <Link>, otherwise it might not
@ -1405,6 +1489,28 @@ void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteExtraSource(cmSourceFile const* sf)
tool = "XML";
} else if (ext == "natvis") {
tool = "Natvis";
} else if (ext == "settings") {
// remove path to current source dir (if files are in current source dir)
if (!sourceLink.empty()) {
settingsLastGenOutput = sourceLink;
} else {
settingsLastGenOutput = sf->GetFullPath();
std::size_t pos = settingsLastGenOutput.find(".settings");
settingsLastGenOutput.replace(pos, 9, ".Designer.cs");
settingsGenerator = "SettingsSingleFileGenerator";
toolHasSettings = true;
} else if (ext == "vsixmanifest") {
subType = "Designer";
if (const char* c = sf->GetProperty("VS_COPY_TO_OUT_DIR")) {
copyToOutDir = c;
toolHasSettings = true;
if (sf->GetPropertyAsBool("VS_INCLUDE_IN_VSIX")) {
includeInVsix = "True";
tool = "Content";
toolHasSettings = true;
if (this->NsightTegra) {
@ -1495,10 +1601,35 @@ void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteExtraSource(cmSourceFile const* sf)
(*this->BuildFileStream) << cmVS10EscapeXML(shaderAdditionalFlags)
<< "</AdditionalOptions>\n";
if (!settingsGenerator.empty()) {
this->WriteString("<Generator>", 3);
(*this->BuildFileStream) << cmVS10EscapeXML(settingsGenerator)
<< "</Generator>\n";
if (!settingsLastGenOutput.empty()) {
this->WriteString("<LastGenOutput>", 3);
(*this->BuildFileStream) << cmVS10EscapeXML(settingsLastGenOutput)
<< "</LastGenOutput>\n";
if (!sourceLink.empty()) {
this->WriteString("<Link>", 3);
(*this->BuildFileStream) << cmVS10EscapeXML(sourceLink) << "</Link>\n";
if (!subType.empty()) {
this->WriteString("<SubType>", 3);
(*this->BuildFileStream) << cmVS10EscapeXML(subType) << "</SubType>\n";
if (!copyToOutDir.empty()) {
this->WriteString("<CopyToOutputDirectory>", 3);
(*this->BuildFileStream) << cmVS10EscapeXML(copyToOutDir)
<< "</CopyToOutputDirectory>\n";
if (!includeInVsix.empty()) {
this->WriteString("<IncludeInVSIX>", 3);
(*this->BuildFileStream) << cmVS10EscapeXML(includeInVsix)
<< "</IncludeInVSIX>\n";
this->WriteString("</", 2);
(*this->BuildFileStream) << tool << ">\n";
} else {
@ -1815,9 +1946,43 @@ bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::OutputSourceSpecificFlags(
sourceFileTags["Link"] = link;
// NOTE: in future commits additional props will be added!
// check if file is a generated .Designer.cs or .xaml.cs file
// to add additional necessary tags
const std::string fileExtension =
if (fileExtension == ".Designer.cs" || fileExtension == ".xaml.cs") {
f = f.substr(0, f.length() - fileExtension.length());
if (sourceFileTags.find("Link") == sourceFileTags.end() &&
!this->InSourceBuild) {
// add link fallback
sourceFileTags["Link"] =
cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(f) + fileExtension;
std::vector<std::string> extensions;
std::string dependencyExtension;
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = extensions.begin();
i != extensions.end(); ++i) {
if (cmsys::SystemTools::FileExists(f + *i)) {
dependencyExtension = *i;
// There should never be more than one match. Otherwise
// one cannot tell on which match the file depends.
if (dependencyExtension == ".resx") {
sourceFileTags["DesignTime"] = "True";
sourceFileTags["AutoGen"] = "True";
} else if (dependencyExtension == ".settings") {
sourceFileTags["DesignTimeSharedInput"] = "True";
sourceFileTags["AutoGen"] = "True";
sourceFileTags["DependentUpon"] =
cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(f) + dependencyExtension;
// write source file specific tags
if (!sourceFileTags.empty()) {
hasFlags = true;
@ -1825,7 +1990,7 @@ bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::OutputSourceSpecificFlags(
firstString = "";
for (CsPropMap::const_iterator i = sourceFileTags.begin();
i != sourceFileTags.end(); ++i) {
this->WriteString("<", 2);
this->WriteString("<", 3);
<< i->first << ">" << cmVS10EscapeXML(i->second) << "</" << i->first
<< ">\n";