Spell out the supported algorithms in a definition list in the
`string(<HASH>)` command documentation. Revise the `file(<HASH>)`
command and CPack module documentation to reference it instead of
duplicating the list.
Per-source copyright/license notice headers that spell out copyright holder
names and years are hard to maintain and often out-of-date or plain wrong.
Precise contributor information is already maintained automatically by the
version control tool. Ultimately it is the receiver of a file who is
responsible for determining its licensing status, and per-source notices are
merely a convenience. Therefore it is simpler and more accurate for
each source to have a generic notice of the license name and references to
more detailed information on copyright holders and full license terms.
Our `Copyright.txt` file now contains a list of Contributors whose names
appeared source-level copyright notices. It also references version control
history for more precise information. Therefore we no longer need to spell
out the list of Contributors in each source file notice.
Replace CMake per-source copyright/license notice headers with a short
description of the license and links to `Copyright.txt` and online information
available from "https://cmake.org/licensing". The online URL also handles
cases of modules being copied out of our source into other projects, so we
can drop our notices about replacing links with full license text.
Run the `Utilities/Scripts/filter-notices.bash` script to perform the majority
of the replacements mechanically. Manually fix up shebang lines and trailing
newlines in a few files. Manually update the notices in a few files that the
script does not handle.
We support setting CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT to a symbolic value like "macosx".
Modules/Platform/Darwin-Initialize.cmake takes care of finding the
actual SDK path on disk. Use that result to set CPACK_OSX_SYSROOT
If variable is set to TRUE, values of all variables prefixed with CPACK_
will be escaped so special characters such as dolar sign, quotes or
foreward slash will not be lost. By default variable is treated as set
to FALSE for back compatibility.
The cpack_encode_variables macro is changed into a function to remove
scope pollution. There should be no other effects.
Mangling is prevented by using a function instead of a macro for setting
default value of some CPack variables. Function is meant for internal use
in CPack.cmake only.
Old macro is deprecated but kept for backwards compatibility - was
intended for internal use only as it can't be used for CPack after
CPack.cmake script is included.
Patch removes local workarounds that were required by old macro,
fixes default setting of variables that by default inherit value from
another variable that already went through old default setting macro
(e.g. value of CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY caused error for
wrong escapes if CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY contained escaped
back slashes) and provides a test for correct escaping of characters.
When targeting Windows with a 64-bit architecture, use "$PROGRAMFILES64"
to get the Program Files folder. Use CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P to check for
the architecture size instead of CMAKE_CL_64 because the latter is not
defined for all compilers.
Inspired-by: Hugh Sorby <h.sorby@auckland.ac.nz>
Inspired-by: İsmail Dönmez <ismail@donmez.ws>
Since commit 7d47c693 (Drop compatibility with CMake < 2.4, 2013-10-08)
we no longer need to use the configure_file IMMEDIATE option to support
compatibility modes less than 2.0.
As mentioned in commit 4693cf84 (Xcode: Detect new default locations of
Xcode 4.3 bits and pieces) PackageMaker was split out of Xcode 4.3 and
above into a separate Auxiliary tools package. Since Xcode 5.0 or so,
Apple no longer distributes PackageMaker as part of the available
development tools so it can only be obtained from old packages.
Disable the CPACK_BINARY_PACKAGEMAKER option by default as is the case
for most other tool-dependent generators.
Drop #end and #module. Convert #section to a subsection header.
Convert #variable to the cmake domain "variable" directive.
Convert #macro to the cmake domain "command" directive.
Perform minor formatting fixes in text near these changes.
This new CPack generator produces an *.msi installer file.
Requires having the WiX Toolset installed in order to work
Download the WiX Toolset installer "WiX36.exe" here:
Ancient versions of CMake required else(), endif(), and similar block
termination commands to have arguments matching the command starting the
block. This is no longer the preferred style.
Run the following shell code:
for c in else endif endforeach endfunction endmacro endwhile; do
echo 's/\b'"$c"'\(\s*\)(.\+)/'"$c"'\1()/'
done >convert.sed &&
git ls-files -z -- bootstrap '*.cmake' '*.cmake.in' '*CMakeLists.txt' |
egrep -z -v '^(Utilities/cm|Source/kwsys/)' |
egrep -z -v 'Tests/CMakeTests/While-Endwhile-' |
xargs -0 sed -i -f convert.sed &&
rm convert.sed
If CPACK_NSIS_ENABLE_UNINSTALL_BEFORE_INSTALL is set to ON the NSIS installer will look for a previous installed version and ask the user about uninstall.
This concerns all variables common to all CPack generators.
Variables mainly used and/or set in CPack.cmake are documented
therein. C++ built-in variables are documented in
CPack help will be searched in any CPack*.cmake file located
near to CPack.cmake file. The script files is parsed iff
the first line begin with ##section. Moreover the documentation
section name is specified on the remaining part of the line
minus the space immediately following ##section.
- Enhance extract doc parser. Seems robust now. The legacy
module documentation parser works as before ignoring
the new markup.
- Proof of concept for CPack (generic), CPack RPM and CPack Deb
generator for macro and variables.
Try cpack --help-command and cpack --help-variables
The language is very simple. It use ##<keyword> special comment
which opens a structured documentation block and ##end closes it.
This may be used to extract documentation for macro as 'command'
and 'variables' such that cpack --help-command and --help-variable
does parse builtin modules files (CPack.cmake, CPackComponent.cmake,
...) in order to extract the corresponding doc.
Fix NSIS template to more thoroughly use CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY.
This allows different versions of software to have a separate sections in the
registry to keep track of things (installed components, and uninstall stuff).
Change default of CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY to follow the value of
CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY so if an installation overwrites another installation,
the proper registry entries are more likely to be overwritten.
Fix CPack/NSIS generator to not insert code in the NSIS template to skip installation
of already installed components. This enables a repair like behavior and also enables
installing patch releases on top of an older installation.
Control the root directory of the default directory presented to
the end user of an NSIS installer by a CPack variable.
Previously, the value used in the NSIS script was $PROGRAMFILES,
which is equivalent to the "ProgramFiles" environment variable.
That default value is still the same, but now a project may
override the value by setting this new variable.
MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN is frequently used with NSIS and provides a checkbox
on the finish page of an installer which specifies whether the specified
executable should be run when the installer exits. This commit adds support
for this setting in CPack.
NSIS installers default to assuming the executables exist in a
directory named "bin" under the installation directory. As this
isn't usual for Windows programs, the addition of this variable
allows the customization of this directory and links still to be
created correctly.