Just modify the cache var property rather than using set() to hide it.
Otherwise the set() includes other values added to the temporary list.
Closes: #16406
The `-mwindows` flag is needed to avoid creating an additional console
window when starting SDL applications built with MinGW. There is no
`mwindows` library.
See also https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2007-04/msg00027.html
Per-source copyright/license notice headers that spell out copyright holder
names and years are hard to maintain and often out-of-date or plain wrong.
Precise contributor information is already maintained automatically by the
version control tool. Ultimately it is the receiver of a file who is
responsible for determining its licensing status, and per-source notices are
merely a convenience. Therefore it is simpler and more accurate for
each source to have a generic notice of the license name and references to
more detailed information on copyright holders and full license terms.
Our `Copyright.txt` file now contains a list of Contributors whose names
appeared source-level copyright notices. It also references version control
history for more precise information. Therefore we no longer need to spell
out the list of Contributors in each source file notice.
Replace CMake per-source copyright/license notice headers with a short
description of the license and links to `Copyright.txt` and online information
available from "https://cmake.org/licensing". The online URL also handles
cases of modules being copied out of our source into other projects, so we
can drop our notices about replacing links with full license text.
Run the `Utilities/Scripts/filter-notices.bash` script to perform the majority
of the replacements mechanically. Manually fix up shebang lines and trailing
newlines in a few files. Manually update the notices in a few files that the
script does not handle.
Add an architecture-specific library directory path suffix for each
component. Use different search path for SDL_sound. Project files in
VisualC directory suggest that a win32lib will hold the libraries.
Reported-by: Paul Hampson <Paul.Hampson@Pobox.com>
Also add a comment explaining the purpose of the include/SDL* path
suffixes. As explained in commit 7cb51739 (FindSDL: Restore
accidentally dropped search paths (#13651), 2012-11-05) the include/SDL*
path suffixes are for looking in the ENV{SDLDIR} location.
Inspired-by: Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@pulkomandy.tk>
Cleanup in commit 9ed24c53 (FindSDL: Remove from find_... calls PATHS
that are set by default, 2012-09-04) accidentally dropped some search
paths. Restore the dropped PATH_SUFFIXES and add more suffixes needed
to search paths that were previously hard-coded.
Reported-by: Gino van den Bergen <gino@dtecta.com>
68c6b13 FindSDL: Stay compatible with old input variables
9ed24c5 FindSDL: Remove from find_... calls PATHS that are set by default
38a0f71 FindSDL: Add my copyright tag to all FindSDL_* modules
020d213 FindSDL: Add version support
61a566c FindSDL: Format documentation
22154c7 FindSDL: Update documentation
4541c07 FindSDL: Add version support for FindSDL_ttf
a28c247 FindSDL: Use SDL_TTF prefix for variables
9f5dbf4 FindSDL: Update documentation
d83f80d FindSDL: Add version support for FindSDL_mixer
c10b691 FindSDL: Use SDL_MIXER prefix for variables
326beca FindSDL: Use same capitalization for FPHSA as file name
cfe5b87 FindSDL: Version support for FindSDL_sound
776d3fe FindSDL: Format the documentation
a5194e2 FindSDL: Add "cmake_minimum_required" to "try_compile" project
Especially remove "lib64" when the given paths are all Unix ones and "lib" is
also explicitely given. In that case CMake will search "lib64" anyway for
platforms where it is known to make sense.
Instead of directly passing $ENV{SOMEVAR} to a find_* call pass in ENV SOMEVAR.
This will make sure the paths will get correctly handled through different
platforms, especially on Windows.
Also fixes one place where paths with windows delimiters (\) were hardcoded to
use forward slashes.
Ancient versions of CMake required else(), endif(), and similar block
termination commands to have arguments matching the command starting the
block. This is no longer the preferred style.
Run the following shell code:
for c in else endif endforeach endfunction endmacro endwhile; do
echo 's/\b'"$c"'\(\s*\)(.\+)/'"$c"'\1()/'
done >convert.sed &&
git ls-files -z -- bootstrap '*.cmake' '*.cmake.in' '*CMakeLists.txt' |
egrep -z -v '^(Utilities/cm|Source/kwsys/)' |
egrep -z -v 'Tests/CMakeTests/While-Endwhile-' |
xargs -0 sed -i -f convert.sed &&
rm convert.sed
This adds copyright/license notification blocks CMake's find-modules.
Many of the modules had no notices at all. Some had notices referring
to the BSD license already. This commit normalizes existing notices and
adds missing notices.
- The find_* commands now provide a HINTS option.
- The option specifies paths to be preferred over the system paths.
- Many Find* modules were using two find calls with NO_DEFAULT_PATH
to approximate the behavior, but that blocked users from overriding
things with CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.
- This commit uses the HINTS feature to get desired behavior in
only one find command call.
BUG: FindSDL now has flag it responds to so it will not find/link against SDLmain. This is required to build libraries instead of applications since they don't have main().
ENH: All modules have a predictable search order, where environmental variables are searched before system paths. This is designed to make automation easier for those that need to automatically build projects without intervention but may be using alternative install locations for isolated testing.
ENH: New modules for OpenSceneGraph, Freetype, GDAL, Lua, QuickTime, GIFLIB, Producer, OpenThreads.
STYLE: Added documentation explaining peculuar SDL_LIBRARY_TEMP variable in SDL
module when library find is incomplete.
FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(), so cmake modules can specify their own
better failure messages. If the default is ok use "DEFAULT_MSG".
Do this also for FindBoost.cmake (#5349)