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\ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\b\f1\fs28 CMake Version 1.2 patch 2
\par }{\b\f1\fs20
\par This is the 1.2 patch 2 release of CMake for Windows. If you find bugs send them to kitware@kitware.com with a subject of CMake Bug. See http://www.cmake.org for additional information.
\par Changes from 1.2 patch 1 to 1.2 patch 2
\par Fixed an odd condition in the IF command. Added .h files into the DSP file if they are in the list of source files.
\par Changes from 1.2 to 1.2 patch 1
\par Fixed the IF MATCHES command to consider that the argument may not be defined. Fixed the Add Custom Command to restore previous functionality. Modified Source Files command to have the ability to handle files that are generated by the build process.
\par Changes from 1.0 to 1.2
\par CMake now is
much more selective about creating new dsp files significantly reducing the number of reloads done in Visual Studio. A new option to the IF command was added that tests if a file exists: IF (EXISTS filename) A number of fixes were added to the boreland an
nmake build options. Borland now supports building shared and static libraries. A fix to the FIND_PATH command that could cause cmake to think the cache is always changing. Added CMAKE_EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS so that flags can be passed specifically to the link
er. Enhancements to many modules and templates.
\par Changes from 1.0 to 1.0 Patch 1
\par Improvements in many of the Find\'85 modules so that they are more capable of finding packages. Some minor bug fixes to solve a couple problems when first building a project. Change to using \endash k instead of \endash i as the flag for the make rule.
\par Changes from 0.98 to 1.0
\par Fixed some modules to make better use of the advanced flag. Changed the default Borland flags for c code to display less windows. Fixed cmaketest to handle windows pa
ths. Added support for custom commands on libraries and executables for nmake and Borland (see ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND). Support for single quoted arguments, the single quotes are removed when read in, but spaces inside of them are kept. Added options to contr
ol MARK_AS_ADVANCED so that advanced options can be made \'93non advanced\'94 for some sites.
\par Changes from 0.96 to 0.98
\par Addition of advanced options to reduce the number of options displayed to most users. Addition of a VARIABLE_REQUIRES command to check if all
required parameters are specified. Many fixes to the Borland generator. Addition of a nmake generator. Addition of a easy to use wizard mode from the command line. Online help for CmakeSetup. Addition of some commands to fascilitate generating QT code. N
ew support for adding custom commands form a CMake list file. Support for adding custom commands onto libraries and executables. Many new modules.
\par Changes from 0.94 to 0.96
\par Improved the Boolean MFC GUI boxes. Better tracking of recently used directories.
Better handling of internal cache entries in the GUI. A bug where some cache entries were not updated after the initial pass when they used variables. Some documentation fixes.
\par Changes from 0.92 to 0.94
\par Fixed the FIND_FILE command to not fail if the file isn\rquote
t found. Added a command to support mangled mesa. Removed the nightly Dart targets and some of the experimental Dart targets from Dart.cmake on windows. Made Debug the default configuration for windo
ws. Added a first cut at support for Borland thanks to John Biddiscomb. Many fixes for Window98.
\par Changes from 0.8 to 0.92
\par Added better support for network paths in the binary or source trees. Performance improvements. Bug fixes when switching between mu
ltiple CMake projects, the cache was getting corrupted. Added ctest program to run any tests specified with the ADD_TEST command. Added more test cases for CMake. Fixed problem where $OUTDIR was used when $INTDIR should have been used. This primarily impa
cted people with a CMake based project that depended on another CMake based project. Improvements to the LOAD_CACHE command to support multiple projects sharing a cache.
\par Changes from 0.6 to 0.8
\par Better support for parallel builds on UNIX with SUBDIR_DEPEN
DS command. Support for libraries that must be static or shared. Addition of the FOREACH command. Cleanup of the cache / makefile interface. Many improvements to the GUI including highlighting of changed or new cache entries. Addition of the INSTALL_PRO
GRAM command to install executable programs or scripts. Improved options on the IF command including AND, OR, and MATCHES. Performance improvements. Many bug fixes. }{\f1\fs20
\par }} |