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1360 lines
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/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */
#include "cmServerProtocol.h"
#include "cmAlgorithms.h"
#include "cmExternalMakefileProjectGenerator.h"
#include "cmFileMonitor.h"
#include "cmGeneratorExpression.h"
#include "cmGeneratorTarget.h"
#include "cmGlobalGenerator.h"
#include "cmInstallGenerator.h"
#include "cmInstallTargetGenerator.h"
#include "cmLinkLineComputer.h"
#include "cmLocalGenerator.h"
#include "cmMakefile.h"
#include "cmProperty.h"
#include "cmServer.h"
#include "cmServerDictionary.h"
#include "cmSourceFile.h"
#include "cmState.h"
#include "cmStateDirectory.h"
#include "cmStateSnapshot.h"
#include "cmStateTypes.h"
#include "cmSystemTools.h"
#include "cmTarget.h"
#include "cmTest.h"
#include "cm_uv.h"
#include "cmake.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
// Get rid of some windows macros:
#undef max
namespace {
std::vector<std::string> getConfigurations(const cmake* cm)
std::vector<std::string> configurations;
auto makefiles = cm->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetMakefiles();
if (makefiles.empty()) {
return configurations;
if (configurations.empty()) {
return configurations;
bool hasString(const Json::Value& v, const std::string& s)
return !v.isNull() &&
std::any_of(v.begin(), v.end(),
[s](const Json::Value& i) { return i.asString() == s; });
template <class T>
Json::Value fromStringList(const T& in)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
for (std::string const& i : in) {
return result;
std::vector<std::string> toStringList(const Json::Value& in)
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (auto const& it : in) {
return result;
void getCMakeInputs(const cmGlobalGenerator* gg, const std::string& sourceDir,
const std::string& buildDir,
std::vector<std::string>* internalFiles,
std::vector<std::string>* explicitFiles,
std::vector<std::string>* tmpFiles)
const std::string cmakeRootDir = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot() + '/';
std::vector<cmMakefile*> const& makefiles = gg->GetMakefiles();
for (cmMakefile const* mf : makefiles) {
for (std::string const& lf : mf->GetListFiles()) {
const std::string startOfFile = lf.substr(0, cmakeRootDir.size());
const bool isInternal = (startOfFile == cmakeRootDir);
const bool isTemporary = !isInternal && (lf.find(buildDir + '/') == 0);
std::string toAdd = lf;
if (!sourceDir.empty()) {
const std::string& relative =
cmSystemTools::RelativePath(sourceDir.c_str(), lf.c_str());
if (toAdd.size() > relative.size()) {
toAdd = relative;
if (isInternal) {
if (internalFiles) {
} else {
if (isTemporary) {
if (tmpFiles) {
} else {
if (explicitFiles) {
} // namespace
cmServerRequest::cmServerRequest(cmServer* server, cmConnection* connection,
const std::string& t, const std::string& c,
const Json::Value& d)
: Type(t)
, Cookie(c)
, Data(d)
, Connection(connection)
, m_Server(server)
void cmServerRequest::ReportProgress(int min, int current, int max,
const std::string& message) const
this->m_Server->WriteProgress(*this, min, current, max, message);
void cmServerRequest::ReportMessage(const std::string& message,
const std::string& title) const
m_Server->WriteMessage(*this, message, title);
cmServerResponse cmServerRequest::Reply(const Json::Value& data) const
cmServerResponse response(*this);
return response;
cmServerResponse cmServerRequest::ReportError(const std::string& message) const
cmServerResponse response(*this);
return response;
cmServerResponse::cmServerResponse(const cmServerRequest& request)
: Type(request.Type)
, Cookie(request.Cookie)
void cmServerResponse::SetData(const Json::Value& data)
assert(this->m_Payload == PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN);
if (!data[kCOOKIE_KEY].isNull() || !data[kTYPE_KEY].isNull()) {
this->SetError("Response contains cookie or type field.");
this->m_Payload = PAYLOAD_DATA;
this->m_Data = data;
void cmServerResponse::SetError(const std::string& message)
assert(this->m_Payload == PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN);
this->m_Payload = PAYLOAD_ERROR;
this->m_ErrorMessage = message;
bool cmServerResponse::IsComplete() const
return this->m_Payload != PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN;
bool cmServerResponse::IsError() const
assert(this->m_Payload != PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN);
return this->m_Payload == PAYLOAD_ERROR;
std::string cmServerResponse::ErrorMessage() const
if (this->m_Payload == PAYLOAD_ERROR) {
return this->m_ErrorMessage;
return std::string();
Json::Value cmServerResponse::Data() const
assert(this->m_Payload != PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN);
return this->m_Data;
bool cmServerProtocol::Activate(cmServer* server,
const cmServerRequest& request,
std::string* errorMessage)
this->m_Server = server;
this->m_CMakeInstance = cm::make_unique<cmake>(cmake::RoleProject);
const bool result = this->DoActivate(request, errorMessage);
if (!result) {
this->m_CMakeInstance = nullptr;
return result;
cmFileMonitor* cmServerProtocol::FileMonitor() const
return this->m_Server ? this->m_Server->FileMonitor() : nullptr;
void cmServerProtocol::SendSignal(const std::string& name,
const Json::Value& data) const
if (this->m_Server) {
this->m_Server->WriteSignal(name, data);
cmake* cmServerProtocol::CMakeInstance() const
return this->m_CMakeInstance.get();
bool cmServerProtocol::DoActivate(const cmServerRequest& /*request*/,
std::string* /*errorMessage*/)
return true;
std::pair<int, int> cmServerProtocol1::ProtocolVersion() const
return std::make_pair(1, 2);
static void setErrorMessage(std::string* errorMessage, const std::string& text)
if (errorMessage) {
*errorMessage = text;
static bool testHomeDirectory(cmState* state, std::string& value,
std::string* errorMessage)
const std::string cachedValue =
if (value.empty()) {
value = cachedValue;
return true;
const std::string suffix = "/CMakeLists.txt";
const std::string cachedValueCML = cachedValue + suffix;
const std::string valueCML = value + suffix;
if (!cmSystemTools::SameFile(valueCML, cachedValueCML)) {
std::string("\"CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY\" is set but "
"incompatible with configured "
"source directory value."));
return false;
return true;
static bool testValue(cmState* state, const std::string& key,
std::string& value, const std::string& keyDescription,
std::string* errorMessage)
const char* entry = state->GetCacheEntryValue(key);
const std::string cachedValue =
entry == nullptr ? std::string() : std::string(entry);
if (value.empty()) {
value = cachedValue;
if (!cachedValue.empty() && cachedValue != value) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("\"") + key +
"\" is set but incompatible with configured " +
keyDescription + " value.");
return false;
return true;
bool cmServerProtocol1::DoActivate(const cmServerRequest& request,
std::string* errorMessage)
std::string sourceDirectory = request.Data[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY].asString();
const std::string buildDirectory =
std::string generator = request.Data[kGENERATOR_KEY].asString();
std::string extraGenerator = request.Data[kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY].asString();
std::string toolset = request.Data[kTOOLSET_KEY].asString();
std::string platform = request.Data[kPLATFORM_KEY].asString();
if (buildDirectory.empty()) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("\"") + kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY +
"\" is missing.");
return false;
cmake* cm = CMakeInstance();
if (cmSystemTools::PathExists(buildDirectory)) {
if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(buildDirectory)) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("\"") + kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY +
"\" exists but is not a directory.");
return false;
const std::string cachePath = cm->FindCacheFile(buildDirectory);
if (cm->LoadCache(cachePath)) {
cmState* state = cm->GetState();
// Check generator:
if (!testValue(state, "CMAKE_GENERATOR", generator, "generator",
errorMessage)) {
return false;
// check extra generator:
if (!testValue(state, "CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR", extraGenerator,
"extra generator", errorMessage)) {
return false;
// check sourcedir:
if (!testHomeDirectory(state, sourceDirectory, errorMessage)) {
return false;
// check toolset:
if (!testValue(state, "CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET", toolset, "toolset",
errorMessage)) {
return false;
// check platform:
if (!testValue(state, "CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM", platform, "platform",
errorMessage)) {
return false;
if (sourceDirectory.empty()) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("\"") + kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY +
"\" is unset but required.");
return false;
if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(sourceDirectory)) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("\"") + kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY +
"\" is not a directory.");
return false;
if (generator.empty()) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("\"") + kGENERATOR_KEY +
"\" is unset but required.");
return false;
std::vector<cmake::GeneratorInfo> generators;
auto baseIt = std::find_if(generators.begin(), generators.end(),
[&generator](const cmake::GeneratorInfo& info) {
return info.name == generator;
if (baseIt == generators.end()) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("Generator \"") + generator +
"\" not supported.");
return false;
auto extraIt = std::find_if(
generators.begin(), generators.end(),
[&generator, &extraGenerator](const cmake::GeneratorInfo& info) {
return info.baseName == generator && info.extraName == extraGenerator;
if (extraIt == generators.end()) {
std::string("The combination of generator \"" + generator +
"\" and extra generator \"" + extraGenerator +
"\" is not supported."));
return false;
if (!extraIt->supportsToolset && !toolset.empty()) {
std::string("Toolset was provided but is not supported by "
"the requested generator."));
return false;
if (!extraIt->supportsPlatform && !platform.empty()) {
std::string("Platform was provided but is not supported "
"by the requested generator."));
return false;
this->GeneratorInfo =
GeneratorInformation(generator, extraGenerator, toolset, platform,
sourceDirectory, buildDirectory);
this->m_State = STATE_ACTIVE;
return true;
void cmServerProtocol1::HandleCMakeFileChanges(const std::string& path,
int event, int status)
assert(status == 0);
if (!m_isDirty) {
m_isDirty = true;
SendSignal(kDIRTY_SIGNAL, Json::objectValue);
Json::Value obj = Json::objectValue;
obj[kPATH_KEY] = path;
Json::Value properties = Json::arrayValue;
if (event & UV_RENAME) {
if (event & UV_CHANGE) {
obj[kPROPERTIES_KEY] = properties;
SendSignal(kFILE_CHANGE_SIGNAL, obj);
const cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1::Process(
const cmServerRequest& request)
assert(this->m_State >= STATE_ACTIVE);
if (request.Type == kCACHE_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCache(request);
if (request.Type == kCMAKE_INPUTS_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCMakeInputs(request);
if (request.Type == kCODE_MODEL_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCodeModel(request);
if (request.Type == kCOMPUTE_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCompute(request);
if (request.Type == kCONFIGURE_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessConfigure(request);
if (request.Type == kFILESYSTEM_WATCHERS_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessFileSystemWatchers(request);
if (request.Type == kGLOBAL_SETTINGS_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessGlobalSettings(request);
if (request.Type == kSET_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessSetGlobalSettings(request);
if (request.Type == kCTEST_INFO_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCTests(request);
return request.ReportError("Unknown command!");
bool cmServerProtocol1::IsExperimental() const
return true;
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1::ProcessCache(
const cmServerRequest& request)
cmState* state = this->CMakeInstance()->GetState();
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
std::vector<std::string> allKeys = state->GetCacheEntryKeys();
Json::Value list = Json::arrayValue;
std::vector<std::string> keys = toStringList(request.Data[kKEYS_KEY]);
if (keys.empty()) {
keys = allKeys;
} else {
for (auto const& i : keys) {
if (std::find(allKeys.begin(), allKeys.end(), i) == allKeys.end()) {
return request.ReportError("Key \"" + i + "\" not found in cache.");
std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end());
for (auto const& key : keys) {
Json::Value entry = Json::objectValue;
entry[kKEY_KEY] = key;
entry[kTYPE_KEY] =
entry[kVALUE_KEY] = state->GetCacheEntryValue(key);
Json::Value props = Json::objectValue;
bool haveProperties = false;
for (auto const& prop : state->GetCacheEntryPropertyList(key)) {
haveProperties = true;
props[prop] = state->GetCacheEntryProperty(key, prop);
if (haveProperties) {
entry[kPROPERTIES_KEY] = props;
result[kCACHE_KEY] = list;
return request.Reply(result);
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1::ProcessCMakeInputs(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State < STATE_CONFIGURED) {
return request.ReportError("This instance was not yet configured.");
const cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
const cmGlobalGenerator* gg = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
const std::string cmakeRootDir = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot();
const std::string buildDir = cm->GetHomeOutputDirectory();
const std::string sourceDir = cm->GetHomeDirectory();
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY] = sourceDir;
result[kCMAKE_ROOT_DIRECTORY_KEY] = cmakeRootDir;
std::vector<std::string> internalFiles;
std::vector<std::string> explicitFiles;
std::vector<std::string> tmpFiles;
getCMakeInputs(gg, sourceDir, buildDir, &internalFiles, &explicitFiles,
Json::Value array = Json::arrayValue;
Json::Value tmp = Json::objectValue;
tmp[kIS_CMAKE_KEY] = true;
tmp[kIS_TEMPORARY_KEY] = false;
tmp[kSOURCES_KEY] = fromStringList(internalFiles);
tmp = Json::objectValue;
tmp[kIS_CMAKE_KEY] = false;
tmp[kIS_TEMPORARY_KEY] = false;
tmp[kSOURCES_KEY] = fromStringList(explicitFiles);
tmp = Json::objectValue;
tmp[kIS_CMAKE_KEY] = false;
tmp[kIS_TEMPORARY_KEY] = true;
tmp[kSOURCES_KEY] = fromStringList(tmpFiles);
result[kBUILD_FILES_KEY] = array;
return request.Reply(result);
class LanguageData
bool operator==(const LanguageData& other) const;
void SetDefines(const std::set<std::string>& defines);
bool IsGenerated = false;
std::string Language;
std::string Flags;
std::vector<std::string> Defines;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>> IncludePathList;
bool LanguageData::operator==(const LanguageData& other) const
return Language == other.Language && Defines == other.Defines &&
Flags == other.Flags && IncludePathList == other.IncludePathList &&
IsGenerated == other.IsGenerated;
void LanguageData::SetDefines(const std::set<std::string>& defines)
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (std::string const& i : defines) {
std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
Defines = std::move(result);
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<LanguageData>
std::size_t operator()(const LanguageData& in) const
using std::hash;
size_t result =
hash<std::string>()(in.Language) ^ hash<std::string>()(in.Flags);
for (auto const& i : in.IncludePathList) {
result = result ^ (hash<std::string>()(i.first) ^
(i.second ? std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() : 0));
for (auto const& i : in.Defines) {
result = result ^ hash<std::string>()(i);
result =
result ^ (in.IsGenerated ? std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() : 0);
return result;
} // namespace std
static Json::Value DumpSourceFileGroup(const LanguageData& data,
const std::vector<std::string>& files,
const std::string& baseDir)
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
if (!data.Language.empty()) {
result[kLANGUAGE_KEY] = data.Language;
if (!data.Flags.empty()) {
result[kCOMPILE_FLAGS_KEY] = data.Flags;
if (!data.IncludePathList.empty()) {
Json::Value includes = Json::arrayValue;
for (auto const& i : data.IncludePathList) {
Json::Value tmp = Json::objectValue;
tmp[kPATH_KEY] = i.first;
if (i.second) {
tmp[kIS_SYSTEM_KEY] = i.second;
result[kINCLUDE_PATH_KEY] = includes;
if (!data.Defines.empty()) {
result[kDEFINES_KEY] = fromStringList(data.Defines);
result[kIS_GENERATED_KEY] = data.IsGenerated;
Json::Value sourcesValue = Json::arrayValue;
for (auto const& i : files) {
const std::string relPath =
cmSystemTools::RelativePath(baseDir.c_str(), i.c_str());
sourcesValue.append(relPath.size() < i.size() ? relPath : i);
result[kSOURCES_KEY] = sourcesValue;
return result;
static Json::Value DumpSourceFilesList(
cmGeneratorTarget* target, const std::string& config,
const std::map<std::string, LanguageData>& languageDataMap)
// Collect sourcefile groups:
std::vector<cmSourceFile*> files;
target->GetSourceFiles(files, config);
std::unordered_map<LanguageData, std::vector<std::string>> fileGroups;
for (cmSourceFile* file : files) {
LanguageData fileData;
fileData.Language = file->GetLanguage();
if (!fileData.Language.empty()) {
const LanguageData& ld = languageDataMap.at(fileData.Language);
cmLocalGenerator* lg = target->GetLocalGenerator();
cmGeneratorExpressionInterpreter genexInterpreter(
lg, target, config, target->GetName(), fileData.Language);
std::string compileFlags = ld.Flags;
const std::string COMPILE_FLAGS("COMPILE_FLAGS");
if (const char* cflags = file->GetProperty(COMPILE_FLAGS)) {
genexInterpreter.Evaluate(cflags, COMPILE_FLAGS));
fileData.Flags = compileFlags;
fileData.IncludePathList = ld.IncludePathList;
std::set<std::string> defines;
if (const char* defs = file->GetProperty(COMPILE_DEFINITIONS)) {
defines, genexInterpreter.Evaluate(defs, COMPILE_DEFINITIONS));
const std::string defPropName =
"COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_" + cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config);
if (const char* config_defs = file->GetProperty(defPropName)) {
lg->AppendDefines(defines, genexInterpreter.Evaluate(
defines.insert(ld.Defines.begin(), ld.Defines.end());
fileData.IsGenerated = file->GetPropertyAsBool("GENERATED");
std::vector<std::string>& groupFileList = fileGroups[fileData];
const std::string baseDir = target->Makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
for (auto const& it : fileGroups) {
Json::Value group = DumpSourceFileGroup(it.first, it.second, baseDir);
if (!group.isNull()) {
return result;
static Json::Value DumpCTestInfo(cmLocalGenerator* lg, cmTest* testInfo,
const std::string& config)
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kCTEST_NAME] = testInfo->GetName();
// Concat command entries together. After the first should be the arguments
// for the command
std::string command;
for (auto const& cmd : testInfo->GetCommand()) {
command.append(" ");
// Remove any config specific variables from the output.
cmGeneratorExpression ge;
auto cge = ge.Parse(command.c_str());
const char* processed = cge->Evaluate(lg, config);
result[kCTEST_COMMAND] = processed;
// Build up the list of properties that may have been specified
Json::Value properties = Json::arrayValue;
for (auto& prop : testInfo->GetProperties()) {
Json::Value entry = Json::objectValue;
entry[kKEY_KEY] = prop.first;
// Remove config variables from the value too.
auto cge_value = ge.Parse(prop.second.GetValue());
const char* processed_value = cge_value->Evaluate(lg, config);
entry[kVALUE_KEY] = processed_value;
result[kPROPERTIES_KEY] = properties;
return result;
static void DumpMakefileTests(cmLocalGenerator* lg, const std::string& config,
Json::Value* result)
auto mf = lg->GetMakefile();
std::vector<cmTest*> tests;
mf->GetTests(config, tests);
for (auto test : tests) {
Json::Value tmp = DumpCTestInfo(lg, test, config);
if (!tmp.isNull()) {
static Json::Value DumpCTestProjectList(const cmake* cm,
std::string const& config)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
auto globalGen = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
for (const auto& projectIt : globalGen->GetProjectMap()) {
Json::Value pObj = Json::objectValue;
pObj[kNAME_KEY] = projectIt.first;
Json::Value tests = Json::arrayValue;
// Gather tests for every generator
for (const auto& lg : projectIt.second) {
// Make sure they're generated.
DumpMakefileTests(lg, config, &tests);
pObj[kCTEST_INFO] = tests;
return result;
static Json::Value DumpCTestConfiguration(const cmake* cm,
const std::string& config)
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kNAME_KEY] = config;
result[kPROJECTS_KEY] = DumpCTestProjectList(cm, config);
return result;
static Json::Value DumpCTestConfigurationsList(const cmake* cm)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
for (const std::string& c : getConfigurations(cm)) {
result.append(DumpCTestConfiguration(cm, c));
return result;
static Json::Value DumpTarget(cmGeneratorTarget* target,
const std::string& config)
cmLocalGenerator* lg = target->GetLocalGenerator();
const cmState* state = lg->GetState();
const cmStateEnums::TargetType type = target->GetType();
const std::string typeName = state->GetTargetTypeName(type);
Json::Value ttl = Json::arrayValue;
if (!hasString(ttl, typeName) || target->IsImported()) {
return Json::Value();
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kNAME_KEY] = target->GetName();
result[kTYPE_KEY] = typeName;
result[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY] = lg->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
result[kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY] = lg->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory();
if (type == cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) {
return result;
result[kFULL_NAME_KEY] = target->GetFullName(config);
if (target->Target->GetHaveInstallRule()) {
result[kHAS_INSTALL_RULE] = true;
Json::Value installPaths = Json::arrayValue;
auto targetGenerators = target->Makefile->GetInstallGenerators();
for (auto installGenerator : targetGenerators) {
auto installTargetGenerator =
if (installTargetGenerator != nullptr &&
installTargetGenerator->GetTarget()->Target == target->Target) {
auto dest = installTargetGenerator->GetDestination(config);
std::string installPath;
if (!dest.empty() && cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(dest.c_str())) {
installPath = dest;
} else {
std::string installPrefix =
installPath = installPrefix + '/' + dest;
result[kINSTALL_PATHS] = installPaths;
if (target->HaveWellDefinedOutputFiles()) {
Json::Value artifacts = Json::arrayValue;
target->GetFullPath(config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact));
if (target->IsDLLPlatform()) {
target->GetFullPath(config, cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact));
const cmGeneratorTarget::OutputInfo* output =
if (output && !output->PdbDir.empty()) {
artifacts.append(output->PdbDir + '/' + target->GetPDBName(config));
result[kARTIFACTS_KEY] = artifacts;
result[kLINKER_LANGUAGE_KEY] = target->GetLinkerLanguage(config);
std::string linkLibs;
std::string linkFlags;
std::string linkLanguageFlags;
std::string frameworkPath;
std::string linkPath;
cmLinkLineComputer linkLineComputer(lg,
lg->GetTargetFlags(&linkLineComputer, config, linkLibs, linkLanguageFlags,
linkFlags, frameworkPath, linkPath, target);
linkLibs = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkLibs);
linkFlags = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkFlags);
linkLanguageFlags = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkLanguageFlags);
frameworkPath = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(frameworkPath);
linkPath = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkPath);
if (!cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkLibs).empty()) {
result[kLINK_LIBRARIES_KEY] = linkLibs;
if (!cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkFlags).empty()) {
result[kLINK_FLAGS_KEY] = linkFlags;
if (!cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkLanguageFlags).empty()) {
result[kLINK_LANGUAGE_FLAGS_KEY] = linkLanguageFlags;
if (!frameworkPath.empty()) {
result[kFRAMEWORK_PATH_KEY] = frameworkPath;
if (!linkPath.empty()) {
result[kLINK_PATH_KEY] = linkPath;
const std::string sysroot =
if (!sysroot.empty()) {
result[kSYSROOT_KEY] = sysroot;
std::set<std::string> languages;
target->GetLanguages(languages, config);
std::map<std::string, LanguageData> languageDataMap;
for (std::string const& lang : languages) {
LanguageData& ld = languageDataMap[lang];
ld.Language = lang;
lg->GetTargetCompileFlags(target, config, lang, ld.Flags);
std::set<std::string> defines;
lg->GetTargetDefines(target, config, lang, defines);
std::vector<std::string> includePathList;
lg->GetIncludeDirectories(includePathList, target, lang, config, true);
for (std::string const& i : includePathList) {
std::make_pair(i, target->IsSystemIncludeDirectory(i, config)));
Json::Value sourceGroupsValue =
DumpSourceFilesList(target, config, languageDataMap);
if (!sourceGroupsValue.empty()) {
result[kFILE_GROUPS_KEY] = sourceGroupsValue;
return result;
static Json::Value DumpTargetsList(
const std::vector<cmLocalGenerator*>& generators, const std::string& config)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
std::vector<cmGeneratorTarget*> targetList;
for (auto const& lgIt : generators) {
const auto& list = lgIt->GetGeneratorTargets();
targetList.insert(targetList.end(), list.begin(), list.end());
std::sort(targetList.begin(), targetList.end());
for (cmGeneratorTarget* target : targetList) {
Json::Value tmp = DumpTarget(target, config);
if (!tmp.isNull()) {
return result;
static Json::Value DumpProjectList(const cmake* cm, std::string const& config)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
auto globalGen = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
for (auto const& projectIt : globalGen->GetProjectMap()) {
Json::Value pObj = Json::objectValue;
pObj[kNAME_KEY] = projectIt.first;
// All Projects must have at least one local generator
const cmLocalGenerator* lg = projectIt.second.at(0);
// Project structure information:
const cmMakefile* mf = lg->GetMakefile();
pObj[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY] = mf->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
pObj[kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY] = mf->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory();
pObj[kTARGETS_KEY] = DumpTargetsList(projectIt.second, config);
// For a project-level install rule it might be defined in any of its
// associated generators.
bool hasInstallRule = false;
for (const auto generator : projectIt.second) {
hasInstallRule =
generator->GetMakefile()->GetInstallGenerators().empty() == false;
if (hasInstallRule) {
pObj[kHAS_INSTALL_RULE] = hasInstallRule;
return result;
static Json::Value DumpConfiguration(const cmake* cm,
const std::string& config)
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kNAME_KEY] = config;
result[kPROJECTS_KEY] = DumpProjectList(cm, config);
return result;
static Json::Value DumpConfigurationsList(const cmake* cm)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
for (std::string const& c : getConfigurations(cm)) {
result.append(DumpConfiguration(cm, c));
return result;
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1::ProcessCodeModel(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State != STATE_COMPUTED) {
return request.ReportError("No build system was generated yet.");
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kCONFIGURATIONS_KEY] = DumpConfigurationsList(this->CMakeInstance());
return request.Reply(result);
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1::ProcessCompute(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State > STATE_CONFIGURED) {
return request.ReportError("This build system was already generated.");
if (this->m_State < STATE_CONFIGURED) {
return request.ReportError("This project was not configured yet.");
cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
int ret = cm->Generate();
if (ret < 0) {
return request.ReportError("Failed to compute build system.");
return request.Reply(Json::Value());
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1::ProcessConfigure(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State == STATE_INACTIVE) {
return request.ReportError("This instance is inactive.");
std::string errorMessage;
cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
this->GeneratorInfo.SetupGenerator(cm, &errorMessage);
if (!errorMessage.empty()) {
return request.ReportError(errorMessage);
// Make sure the types of cacheArguments matches (if given):
std::vector<std::string> cacheArgs = { "unused" };
bool cacheArgumentsError = false;
const Json::Value passedArgs = request.Data[kCACHE_ARGUMENTS_KEY];
if (!passedArgs.isNull()) {
if (passedArgs.isString()) {
} else if (passedArgs.isArray()) {
for (auto const& arg : passedArgs) {
if (!arg.isString()) {
cacheArgumentsError = true;
} else {
cacheArgumentsError = true;
if (cacheArgumentsError) {
"cacheArguments must be unset, a string or an array of strings.");
std::string sourceDir = cm->GetHomeDirectory();
const std::string buildDir = cm->GetHomeOutputDirectory();
cmGlobalGenerator* gg = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
if (buildDir.empty()) {
return request.ReportError("No build directory set via Handshake.");
if (cm->LoadCache(buildDir)) {
// build directory has been set up before
const char* cachedSourceDir =
if (!cachedSourceDir) {
return request.ReportError("No CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY found in cache.");
if (sourceDir.empty()) {
sourceDir = std::string(cachedSourceDir);
const char* cachedGenerator =
if (cachedGenerator) {
if (gg && gg->GetName() != cachedGenerator) {
return request.ReportError("Configured generator does not match with "
"CMAKE_GENERATOR found in cache.");
} else {
// build directory has not been set up before
if (sourceDir.empty()) {
return request.ReportError("No sourceDirectory set via "
"setGlobalSettings and no cache found in "
cmSystemTools::ResetErrorOccuredFlag(); // Reset error state
if (cm->AddCMakePaths() != 1) {
return request.ReportError("Failed to set CMake paths.");
if (!cm->SetCacheArgs(cacheArgs)) {
return request.ReportError("cacheArguments could not be set.");
int ret = cm->Configure();
if (ret < 0) {
return request.ReportError("Configuration failed.");
std::vector<std::string> toWatchList;
getCMakeInputs(gg, std::string(), buildDir, nullptr, &toWatchList, nullptr);
[this](const std::string& p, int e, int s) {
this->HandleCMakeFileChanges(p, e, s);
m_isDirty = false;
return request.Reply(Json::Value());
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1::ProcessGlobalSettings(
const cmServerRequest& request)
cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
Json::Value obj = Json::objectValue;
// Capabilities information:
obj[kCAPABILITIES_KEY] = cm->ReportCapabilitiesJson(true);
obj[kDEBUG_OUTPUT_KEY] = cm->GetDebugOutput();
obj[kTRACE_KEY] = cm->GetTrace();
obj[kTRACE_EXPAND_KEY] = cm->GetTraceExpand();
obj[kWARN_UNINITIALIZED_KEY] = cm->GetWarnUninitialized();
obj[kWARN_UNUSED_KEY] = cm->GetWarnUnused();
obj[kWARN_UNUSED_CLI_KEY] = cm->GetWarnUnusedCli();
obj[kCHECK_SYSTEM_VARS_KEY] = cm->GetCheckSystemVars();
obj[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY] = this->GeneratorInfo.SourceDirectory;
obj[kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY] = this->GeneratorInfo.BuildDirectory;
// Currently used generator:
obj[kGENERATOR_KEY] = this->GeneratorInfo.GeneratorName;
obj[kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY] = this->GeneratorInfo.ExtraGeneratorName;
return request.Reply(obj);
static void setBool(const cmServerRequest& request, const std::string& key,
std::function<void(bool)> const& setter)
if (request.Data[key].isNull()) {
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1::ProcessSetGlobalSettings(
const cmServerRequest& request)
const std::vector<std::string> boolValues = {
for (std::string const& i : boolValues) {
if (!request.Data[i].isNull() && !request.Data[i].isBool()) {
return request.ReportError("\"" + i +
"\" must be unset or a bool value.");
cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
setBool(request, kDEBUG_OUTPUT_KEY,
[cm](bool e) { cm->SetDebugOutputOn(e); });
setBool(request, kTRACE_KEY, [cm](bool e) { cm->SetTrace(e); });
setBool(request, kTRACE_EXPAND_KEY, [cm](bool e) { cm->SetTraceExpand(e); });
[cm](bool e) { cm->SetWarnUninitialized(e); });
setBool(request, kWARN_UNUSED_KEY, [cm](bool e) { cm->SetWarnUnused(e); });
setBool(request, kWARN_UNUSED_CLI_KEY,
[cm](bool e) { cm->SetWarnUnusedCli(e); });
setBool(request, kCHECK_SYSTEM_VARS_KEY,
[cm](bool e) { cm->SetCheckSystemVars(e); });
return request.Reply(Json::Value());
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1::ProcessFileSystemWatchers(
const cmServerRequest& request)
const cmFileMonitor* const fm = FileMonitor();
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
Json::Value files = Json::arrayValue;
for (auto const& f : fm->WatchedFiles()) {
Json::Value directories = Json::arrayValue;
for (auto const& d : fm->WatchedDirectories()) {
result[kWATCHED_FILES_KEY] = files;
result[kWATCHED_DIRECTORIES_KEY] = directories;
return request.Reply(result);
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1::ProcessCTests(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State < STATE_COMPUTED) {
return request.ReportError("This instance was not yet computed.");
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
return request.Reply(result);
const std::string& generatorName, const std::string& extraGeneratorName,
const std::string& toolset, const std::string& platform,
const std::string& sourceDirectory, const std::string& buildDirectory)
: GeneratorName(generatorName)
, ExtraGeneratorName(extraGeneratorName)
, Toolset(toolset)
, Platform(platform)
, SourceDirectory(sourceDirectory)
, BuildDirectory(buildDirectory)
void cmServerProtocol1::GeneratorInformation::SetupGenerator(
cmake* cm, std::string* errorMessage)
const std::string fullGeneratorName =
GeneratorName, ExtraGeneratorName);
cmGlobalGenerator* gg = cm->CreateGlobalGenerator(fullGeneratorName);
if (!gg) {
std::string("Could not set up the requested combination of \"") +
kGENERATOR_KEY + "\" and \"" + kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY + "\"");