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\ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\b\f1\fs16 CMake Version 1.6 patch 7
\par }{\f1\fs16 This is the 1.6 release of CMake for Windows. If you find bugs send them to kitware@kitware.com with a subject of CMake Bug. See http://www.cmake.org for additional information.
\par Changes from 1.6.6 to 1.6.7
\par Added support for Vis
ual Studio 2003. Fixed a bug where LINK_FLAGS were not getting passed to Visual Studio generators. Added a fix for MipsPro 7.3. Fix for C++ object file rule for nmake. A fix for search paths in the FindCable and FindFLTK modules. A fix for the TRY_COMPIL
E command when make \endash
I is used. A fix to support very long lines in CmakeList files. Improved the MACRO command to provide warnings whan a MACRO is not properly closed with a matching END_MACRO. Fixed the REMOVE command to not ignore the first argument. Fix
ed the STRING command to be inherited. Fixed some keyboard issues with ccmake on the SGI. Fix to ccmake to not report and error if non error message occur.
Fixed some flags for C++ shared libs on SunOS and win32 executables on Borland. A fix in the implementation of the CheckIncludeFiles.cmake module. Improved error messages when a bad generator was selected. More robust CheckSymbolExists.cmake module.
\par Changes from 1.6.5 to 1.6.6
\par This patch include the following fixes: A fix to the FindGTK module, a fix to the FIND_LIBRARY command to not mistake directories as libraries, a fix in the tab order so that the MFC gui
buttons tab more consistently, a fix to the CheckSymbolExists module so that extra semicolons will not be added, a fix so that if the same subdirectory is added multiple times with the SUBDIRS command it will be ignored after the first time, a fix to cac
he the results of CheckTypeSize and TestForSTDNameSpace.
\par Changes from 1.6.4 to 1.6.5
\par A fix to the TestForANSIForScope module so that it doesn't keep check each configure. A fix to the Visual studio 7 generator to better support Visual studio 7.1. A fix f
or nmake makefiles that include out of build libraries that have lib as part of their formal name. A fix for Borland makefile dependencies causing some dependencies to be unrecognized by Borland's make. An improvement to the Windows GUI such that if you h
ave MSVC7 installed it will be the default generator for new projects.
\par Changes from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4
\par A fix for TRY_COMPILE on Windows 95, 98, ME. A fix for windows nmake builds with spaces in the path. A minor fix for the FindLibrary command. Some fixes for the FindJNI.cmake module for MacOSX.
\par Changes from 1.6.2 to 1.6.3
\par Fix a bug in the NOTFOUND error reporting code. Fixed some compiler flags for HPUX. Fixed an overflow bug in the curses interface for UNIX.
\par Changes from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2
\par Improved reporting of libraries and include paths that are not found. A fix to the EXPORT_LIBRARY_DEPENDENCIES command.
\par }{\b\f1\fs16
\par }{\f1\fs16 Changes from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1
\par Mostly UNIX fixes. No significant changes for MS Windows.
\par Changes from 1.4 to 1.6
\par The were a number of new features adde
d in version 1.6. The most significant are support for TRY_COMPILE, TRY_RUN, MACRO, and LOAD_COMMAND. With TRY_COMPILE and TRY_RUN you can test for most any aspect of a compiler. The MACRO command can clean up complex CMakeLists files. The LOADED_COMMAND
command allows you to create your own commands using a C API for complex operations. There were a number of fixes and improved support for all platforms.
\par }} |