Luis Ibanez f90e258941 ENH: Updated with respect to MFC CMakeSetup. New cache entries are now
colored in red. The browsers for recent directories only popup if
     there is at least one in the list.
2001-10-27 23:47:23 -04:00

117 lines
3.8 KiB

# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0009
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
gridx 5
gridy 5
snap 3
class CMakeSetupGUI {open
} {
Function {CMakeSetupGUI()} {open
} {
Fl_Window dialogWindow {
label CMakeSetupDialog
callback {recentSourceDirectoriesBrowser->hide();
xywh {646 144 562 373} resizable visible
} {
Fl_Input sourcePathTextInput {
label {Where is the source code: }
callback {SetSourcePath( sourcePathTextInput->value() );}
xywh {219 15 200 20} labelsize 11 when 8 textsize 11
Fl_Button {} {
label {Browse...}
callback {BrowseForSourcePath();}
xywh {453 14 65 22} shortcut 0x80073 labelsize 11
Fl_Input binaryPathTextInput {
label {Where do you want to build the binaries: }
callback {SetBinaryPath( binaryPathTextInput->value() );}
xywh {219 50 200 20} labelsize 11 when 8 textsize 11
Fl_Button {} {
label {Browse...}
callback {BrowseForBinaryPath();}
xywh {453 49 65 22} shortcut 0x80062 labelsize 11
Fl_Button m_CancelButton {
label Quit
callback {ClickOnCancel();}
xywh {435 331 77 23} shortcut 0x80071 labelsize 11
Fl_Button m_ConfigureButton {
label {Configure Only}
callback {ClickOnConfigure();}
xywh {50 332 120 23} shortcut 0x8006d labelsize 11
Fl_Group {} {
xywh {25 80 515 222} box ENGRAVED_BOX labelsize 11 align 0 resizable
} {
Fl_Scroll cacheValuesScroll {
label {Cache Values} open
xywh {40 98 485 190} type BOTH_ALWAYS box DOWN_FRAME labelsize 11 align 5 when 1 resizable
} {
Fl_Pack propertyListPack {
xywh {40 99 485 185} resizable
} {}
Fl_Box {} {
label {Right click on cache entries for additional options}
xywh {160 305 275 25} labelsize 11
Fl_Button {} {
label {@\#2>}
callback {ShowRecentSourceDirectories();}
xywh {420 15 22 21} labeltype SYMBOL_LABEL
Fl_Button {} {
label {@\#2>}
callback {ShowRecentBinaryDirectories();}
xywh {420 50 22 21} labeltype SYMBOL_LABEL
Fl_Browser recentSourceDirectoriesBrowser {
callback {SelectOneRecentSourceDirectory();}
xywh {15 35 535 115} type Hold box BORDER_BOX hide
Fl_Browser recentBinaryDirectoriesBrowser {
callback {SelectOneRecentBinaryDirectory();}
xywh {15 70 535 115} type Hold box BORDER_BOX hide
Fl_Button m_OKButton {
label {Configure and Generate Makefiles}
callback {ClickOnOK();} selected
xywh {210 332 190 23} shortcut 0x8006d labelsize 11
Function {~CMakeSetupGUI()} {} {}
Function {Close(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {BrowseForSourcePath(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {BrowseForBinaryPath(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {Show(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {SetBinaryPath(const char *)} {return_type {virtual bool}
} {}
Function {SetSourcePath(const char *)} {return_type {virtual bool}
} {}
Function {ShowRecentBinaryDirectories(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {ShowRecentSourceDirectories(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {SelectOneRecentBinaryDirectory(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {SelectOneRecentSourceDirectory(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {ClickOnConfigure(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {ClickOnOK(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {ClickOnCancel(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}