# makefile - Simple makefile to build the various RosBE tools. .PHONY: all clean CC := gcc CFLAGS := ${HOST_CFLAGS} -Wall -O2 -o LFLAGS := -s WINVER := 0x502 all: buildtime chknewer chkslash cpucount echoh flash getdate scut tee buildtime: buildtime.c ${CC} ${CFLAGS} buildtime buildtime.c chknewer: chknewer.c ${CC} ${CFLAGS} chknewer chknewer.c chkslash: chkslash.c ${CC} ${CFLAGS} chkslash chkslash.c cpucount: cpucount.c ${CC} ${CFLAGS} cpucount cpucount.c echoh: echoh.c ${CC} ${CFLAGS} echoh echoh.c flash: flash.c ${CC} -DWINVER=${WINVER} -D_WIN32_WINNT=${WINVER} ${CFLAGS} flash flash.c getdate: getdate.c ${CC} ${CFLAGS} getdate getdate.c scut: scut.c ${CC} ${CFLAGS} scut scut.c tee: tee.c ${CC} ${CFLAGS} tee tee.c clean: del /f buildtime.exe chknewer.exe chkslash.exe cpucount.exe echoh.exe flash.exe getdate.exe scut.exe tee.exe