Daniel Reimer 6363d12091 Finished my last run through the scripts. IMO they are well now. But as I said. First some more ppl have to test them before I release anything.
- Cleaned whitespace
- PS Variable nulling does not remove them, more keeps a empty variable. This was the reason for the "buildno.h not found" error fixed yesterday. This is not bad in the situations where it still happened, but now we remove them fully.
- Updated changelog and readme.

svn path=/trunk/tools/RosBE/; revision=992
2009-05-12 15:02:44 +00:00

289 lines
9.7 KiB

:: PROJECT: RosBE - ReactOS Build Environment for Windows
:: LICENSE: GNU General Public License v2. (see LICENSE.txt)
:: FILE: Root/Config.cmd
:: PURPOSE: A Basic Config.rbuild Creator for ReactOS.
:: COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2009 Daniel Reimer <>
@echo off
if not defined _ROSBE_DEBUG set _ROSBE_DEBUG=0
if %_ROSBE_DEBUG% == 1 (
@echo on
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
title ReactOS Build Configurator
:: Receive the first Parameter and decide what to do.
if /i "%1" == "delete" (
echo config.rbuild will be permanently deleted. All your settings will be gone.
echo Continue?
set /p YESNO="(yes), (no)"
if /i "!YESNO!"=="yes" goto :CONT
if /i "!YESNO!"=="y" goto :CONT
goto :NOK
if exist "config.rbuild" (
del "config.rbuild"
echo Main Configuration File was found and deleted.
) else (
echo Main Configuration File was not found in ReactOS Source Tree.
if exist "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" (
del "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild"
echo Working Configuration File was found and deleted.
) else (
echo Working Configuration File was not found in ReactOS Source Tree.
goto :NOK
if /i "%1" == "update" (
echo old config.rbuild will be deleted and will be updated with a recent,
echo default one. You will need to reconfigure it to your wishes later.
echo Continue?
set /p YESNO="(yes), (no)"
if /i "!YESNO!"=="yes" goto :CONT2
if /i "!YESNO!"=="y" goto :CONT2
goto :NOK
del "%_ROSBE_BASEDIR%\*.rbuild"
del "config.rbuild"
copy "config.template.rbuild" "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild"
echo Successfully Updated.
goto :NOK
if not "%1" == "" (
echo Unknown parameter specified. Try 'help [COMMAND]'.
goto :NOK
:: Check if config.rbuild already exists. If not, get a working copy.
if not exist "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" (
copy "config.template.rbuild" "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild"
:: Help prevent non-useful bug reports/questions.
echo *** Configurations other than release/debug are not useful for ***
echo *** posting bug reports, and generally not very useful for ***
echo *** IRC/Forum discussion. Please refrain from doing so unless ***
echo *** you are sure about what you are doing. ***
set /p YESNO="(yes), (no)"
if /i "%YESNO%"=="yes" goto :OK
if /i "%YESNO%"=="y" goto :OK
goto :NOK
:: Check if config.template.rbuild is newer than config.rbuild, if it is then
:: inform the user and offer an update.
if exist ".\config.rbuild" (
"%_ROSBE_BASEDIR%\Tools\chknewer.exe" ".\config.template.rbuild" ".\config.rbuild"
if !errorlevel! == 1 (
echo *** config.template.rbuild is newer than working config.rbuild ***
echo *** The Editor cannot continue with this file. Do you wanna ***
echo *** update to the most recent one? You need to reset all your ***
echo *** previously made settings. ***
set /p YESNO="(yes), (no)"
if /i "!YESNO!"=="yes" goto :YES
if /i "!YESNO!"=="y" goto :YES
goto :NOK
del "%APPDATA%\RosBE\*.rbuild"
del "config.rbuild"
copy "config.template.rbuild" "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild"
goto :OK
:: Start with reading settings from config.rbuild and let the user edit them.
echo Sub-Architecture to build for.
echo Default is: none
for /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`"type "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" | find "SARCH" | find "property name""`) do set SARCH=%%i
set SARCH=%SARCH:~7,-1%
echo Right now: %SARCH%
set /p SARCH_CH="(), (xbox)"
echo Generate instructions for this CPU type. Specify one of:
echo Intel: i386, i486, i586, pentium, pentium-mmx, i686, pentiumpro, pentium2
echo pentium3, pentium3m, pentium-m, pentium4, pentium4m, prescott, nocona
echo core2
echo AMD: k6, k6-2, k6-3, athlon, athlon-tbird, athlon-4, athlon-xp, athlon-mp, k8
echo opteron, athlon64, athlon-fx, opteron-sse3, barcelona, geode
echo IDT: winchip-c6, winchip2
echo VIA: c3, c3-2
echo Default is: pentium
for /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`"type "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" | find "OARCH" | find "property name""`) do set OARCH=%%i
set OARCH=%OARCH:~7,-1%
echo Right now: %OARCH%
set /p OARCH_CH=
if "%OARCH_CH%" == "" (
echo Which CPU ReactOS should be optimized for. Specify one of the above CPUs or
echo generic. When this option is not used, GCC will optimize for the processor
echo specified by OARCH.
echo Default is: i686
for /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`"type "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" | find "TUNE" | find "property name""`) do set TUNE=%%i
set TUNE=%TUNE:~7,-1%
echo Right now: %TUNE%
set /p TUNE_CH=
if "%TUNE_CH%" == "" (
echo What level do you want ReactOS to be optimized at.
echo This setting does not work if GDB is set.
echo 0 = off
echo 1 = Normal compiling. Recommended. It is the default setting in
echo official release builds and debug builds.
echo warning : 2,3,4,5 is not tested on ReactOS. Change at own risk.
for /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`"type "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" | find "OPTIMIZE" | find "property name""`) do set OPTIMIZE=%%i
echo Right now: %OPTIMIZE%
set /p OPTIMIZE_CH="(0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)"
if "%OPTIMIZE_CH%" == "" (
echo Whether to compile in the integrated kernel debugger.
echo Default is: 1
for /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`"type "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" | find "KDBG" | find "property name""`) do set KDBG=%%i
set KDBG=%KDBG:~7,-1%
echo Right now: %KDBG%
set /p KDBG_CH="(0), (1)"
if "%KDBG_CH%" == "" (
echo Whether to compile for debugging. No compiler optimizations will be
echo performed.
echo Default is: 1
for /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`"type "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" | find "DBG" | find "property name" | find /V "KDBG""`) do set DBG=%%i
set DBG=%DBG:~7,-1%
echo Right now: %DBG%
set /p DBG_CH="(0), (1)"
if "%DBG_CH%" == "" (
set DBG_CH=%DBG%
echo Whether to compile for debugging with GDB. If you don't use GDB,
echo don't enable this.
echo Default is: 0
for /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`"type "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" | find "GDB" | find "property name""`) do set GDB=%%i
set GDB=%GDB:~7,-1%
echo Right now: %GDB%
set /p GDB_CH="(0), (1)"
if "%GDB_CH%" == "" (
set GDB_CH=%GDB%
echo Whether to compile apps/libs with features covered software patents
echo or not. If you live in a country where software patents are
echo valid/apply, don't enable this (except they/you purchased a license
echo from the patent owner).
echo Default is: 0
for /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`"type "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" | find "NSWPAT" | find "property name""`) do set NSWPAT=%%i
set NSWPAT=%NSWPAT:~7,-1%
echo Right now: %NSWPAT%
set /p NSWPAT_CH="(0), (1)"
if "%NSWPAT_CH%" == "" (
echo Whether to compile with the KD protocol. This will disable support for
echo KDBG as well as rossym and symbol lookups, and allow WinDBG to connect
echo to ReactOS. This is currently not fully working, and requires kdcom
echo from Windows 2003 or TinyKRNL. Booting into debug mode with this flag
echo enabled will result in a failure to enter GUI mode. Do not enable
echo unless you know what you're doing.
echo Default is: 0
for /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`"type "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" | find "_WINKD_" | find "property name""`) do set WINKD=%%i
set WINKD=%WINKD:~7,-1%
echo Right now: %WINKD%
set /p WINKD_CH="(0), (1)"
if "%WINKD_CH%" == "" (
echo Whether to compile support for ELF files. Do not enable unless you know what
echo you're doing.
echo Default is: 0
for /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`"type "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" | find "_ELF_" | find "property name""`) do set ELF=%%i
set ELF=%ELF:~7,-1%
echo Right now: %ELF%
set /p ELF_CH="(0), (1)"
if "%ELF_CH%" == "" (
set ELF_CH=%ELF%
echo Whether to compile the multi processor versions for ntoskrnl and hal.
echo Default is: 1
for /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`"type "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" | find "BUILD_MP" | find "property name""`) do set BUILD_MP=%%i
set BUILD_MP=%BUILD_MP:~7,-1%
echo Right now: %BUILD_MP%
set /p BUILD_MP_CH="(0), (1)"
if "%BUILD_MP_CH%" == "" (
:: Generate a config.rbuild, copy it to the Source Tree and delete temp files.
echo ^<?xml version="1.0"?^>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<!DOCTYPE group SYSTEM "tools/rbuild/project.dtd"^>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<group^>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<property name="SARCH" value="%SARCH_CH%" /^>>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<property name="OARCH" value="%OARCH_CH%" /^>>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<property name="TUNE" value="%TUNE_CH%" /^>>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<property name="OPTIMIZE" value="%OPTIMIZE_CH%" /^>>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<property name="KDBG" value="%KDBG_CH%" /^>>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<property name="DBG" value="%DBG_CH%" /^>>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<property name="GDB" value="%GDB_CH%" /^>>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<property name="NSWPAT" value="%NSWPAT_CH%" /^>>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<property name="_WINKD_" value="%WINKD_CH%" /^>>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<property name="_ELF_" value="%ELF_CH%" /^>>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^<property name="BUILD_MP" value="%BUILD_MP_CH%" /^>>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
echo ^</group^>>>%TEMP%\config.tmp
copy "%TEMP%\config.tmp" "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" >NUL
del %TEMP%\config.tmp
copy "%APPDATA%\RosBE\config.rbuild" "config.rbuild" >NUL
title ReactOS Build Environment %_ROSBE_VERSION%