* Test commit (we really need to fix patch invocations).

svn path=/trunk/ahk_tests/; revision=2288
This commit is contained in:
Amine Khaldi 2016-09-30 17:17:14 +00:00
parent b08f48e5c5
commit 026237df04

View File

@ -21,220 +21,4 @@ ModuleExe = %A_WorkingDir%\Apps\GlideWrapZbag 0.84c Setup.exe
TestName = 1.install
MainAppFile = configurator.exe ; Mostly this is going to be process we need to look for
; Test if Setup file exists, if so, delete installed files, and run Setup
IfNotExist, %ModuleExe%
TestsFailed("'" ModuleExe "' not found.")
Process, Close, %MainAppFile% ; Teminate process
Process, WaitClose, %MainAppFile%, 4
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists.
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" MainAppFile "' process.") ; So, process still exists
RegRead, UninstallerPath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GlidewrapZbag, UninstallString
if ErrorLevel
; There was a problem (such as a nonexistent key or value).
; That probably means we have not installed this app before.
; Check in default directory to be extra sure
bHardcoded := true ; To know if we got path from registry or not
szDefaultDir = %A_ProgramFiles%\GlideWrapper
IfNotExist, %szDefaultDir%
TestsInfo("No previous versions detected in hardcoded path: '" szDefaultDir "'.")
bContinue := true
UninstallerPath = %szDefaultDir%\uninstall.exe /S
WaitUninstallDone(UninstallerPath, 3)
if bContinue
IfNotExist, %szDefaultDir% ; Uninstaller might delete the dir
TestsInfo("Uninstaller deleted hardcoded path: '" szDefaultDir "'.")
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %szDefaultDir%, 1
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete hardcoded path '" szDefaultDir "' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).'")
TestsInfo("Succeeded deleting hardcoded path, because uninstaller did not: '" szDefaultDir "'.")
bContinue := true
UninstallerPath := ExeFilePathNoParam(UninstallerPath)
SplitPath, UninstallerPath,, InstalledDir
IfNotExist, %InstalledDir%
TestsInfo("Got '" InstalledDir "' from registry and such path does not exist.")
bContinue := true
UninstallerPath = %UninstallerPath% /S
WaitUninstallDone(UninstallerPath, 3) ; Reported child name is 'A~NSISu_.exe'
if bContinue
IfNotExist, %InstalledDir%
TestsInfo("Uninstaller deleted path (registry data): '" InstalledDir "'.")
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %InstalledDir%, 1 ; Uninstaller leaved the path for us to delete, so, do it
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete existing '" InstalledDir "' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).")
TestsInfo("Succeeded deleting path (registry data), because uninstaller did not: '" InstalledDir "'.")
bContinue := true
if bContinue
RegDelete, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\MicroSoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GlidewrapZbag
IfExist, %A_AppData%\glide_wrapper.zbag.ini
FileDelete, %A_AppData%\glide_wrapper.zbag.ini
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete '" A_AppData "\glide_wrapper.zbag.ini'.")
if bContinue
if bHardcoded
TestsOK("Either there was no previous versions or we succeeded removing it using hardcoded path.")
TestsOK("Either there was no previous versions or we succeeded removing it using data from registry.")
Run %ModuleExe%
; Test if 'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Options (This will install)' window appeared
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Options, This will install, 7
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Options (This will install)' window failed to appear.")
ControlClick, Button2, zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Options, This will install ; Hit 'Next' button
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Next' button in 'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Options (This will install)' window.")
WinWaitClose, zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Options, This will install, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Options (This will install)' window failed to close despite 'Next' button being clicked.")
TestsOK("'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Options (This will install)' window appeared, 'Next' button clicked and window closed.")
; Test if 'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Folder (Choose a directory)' window appeared
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Folder, Choose a directory, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Folder (Choose a directory)' window failed to appear.")
ControlClick, Button2, zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Folder, Choose a directory ; Hit 'Next' button
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Next' button in 'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Folder (Choose a directory)' window.")
TestsOK("'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Installation Folder (Choose a directory)' window appeared and 'Next' button was clicked.")
; Test if 'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Start Menu Folder (Select the Start)' window appeared
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Start Menu Folder, Select the Start, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Start Menu Folder (Select the Start)' window failed to appear.")
ControlClick, Button2, zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Start Menu Folder, Select the Start ; Hit 'Install' button
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Install' button in 'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Start Menu Folder (Select the Start)' window.")
TestsOK("'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Start Menu Folder (Select the Start)' window appeared and 'Install' button was clicked.")
; Skip installing window
; Test if 'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Completed (Select the Start)' window appeared
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Completed, Completed, 10 ; we skipped one window
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Completed (Completed)' window failed to appear.")
ControlClick, Button2, zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Completed, Completed ; Hit 'Close' button
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Close' button in 'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Completed (Completed)' window.")
WinWaitClose, zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Completed, Completed, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Completed (Completed)' window failed to close despite 'Close' button being clicked.")
if not TerminateDefaultBrowser(20)
TestsFailed("Either default browser process failed to appear of we failed to terminate it.")
TestsOK("'zeckensack's Glide wrapper 0.84c Setup: Completed (Completed)' window appeared, 'Close' button clicked and window closed.")
; Check if program exists
if bContinue
RegRead, UninstallerPath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GlidewrapZbag, UninstallString
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Either we can't read from registry or data doesn't exist.")
StringReplace, UninstallerPath, UninstallerPath, `", , All
SplitPath, UninstallerPath,, InstalledDir
IfNotExist, %InstalledDir%\%MainAppFile%
TestsFailed("Something went wrong, can't find '" InstalledDir "\" MainAppFile "'.")
TestsOK("The application has been installed, because '" InstalledDir "\" MainAppFile "' was found.")
TestsFailed("'" ModuleExe "' not found.")