
Improve uninstall process, reduce/increase waiting time, remove hardcoded sleep calls, provide more information.
Tested and works fine in clean snapshot of win2k3 sp2.

svn path=/trunk/ahk_tests/; revision=1734
This commit is contained in:
Edijs Kolesnikovičs 2012-09-23 17:41:20 +00:00
parent 763889cd32
commit 2b9157c6bf

View File

@ -39,50 +39,70 @@ else
; There was a problem (such as a nonexistent key or value).
; That probably means we have not installed this app before.
; Check in default directory to be extra sure
IfNotExist, %A_ProgramFiles%\TeamViewer
bContinue := true ; No previous versions detected in hardcoded path
bHardcoded := true ; To know if we got path from registry or not
szDefaultDir = %A_ProgramFiles%\TeamViewer
IfNotExist, %szDefaultDir%
bHardcoded := true ; To know if we got path from registry or not
IfExist, %A_ProgramFiles%\TeamViewer\Version7\uninstall.exe
TestsInfo("No previous versions detected in hardcoded path: '" szDefaultDir "'.")
bContinue := true
UninstallerPath = %szDefaultDir%\uninstall.exe /S
WaitUninstallDone(UninstallerPath, 8)
if bContinue
RunWait, %A_ProgramFiles%\TeamViewer\Version7\uninstall.exe /S ; Silently uninstall it
Sleep, 7000
IfNotExist, %A_ProgramFiles%\TeamViewer ; Uninstaller might delete the dir
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %A_ProgramFiles%\TeamViewer, 1
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete hardcoded path '" A_ProgramFiles "\TeamViewer' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).'")
IfNotExist, %szDefaultDir% ; Uninstaller might delete the dir
TestsInfo("Uninstaller deleted hardcoded path: '" szDefaultDir "'.")
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %szDefaultDir%, 1
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete hardcoded path '" szDefaultDir "' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).'")
TestsInfo("Succeeded deleting hardcoded path, because uninstaller did not: '" szDefaultDir "'.")
bContinue := true
UninstallerPath := ExeFilePathNoParam(UninstallerPath)
SplitPath, UninstallerPath,, InstalledDir
IfNotExist, %InstalledDir%
TestsInfo("Got '" InstalledDir "' from registry and such path does not exist.")
bContinue := true
IfExist, %UninstallerPath%
RunWait, %UninstallerPath% /S ; Silently uninstall it
Sleep, 7000
UninstallerPath = %UninstallerPath% /S
WaitUninstallDone(UninstallerPath, 8) ; Child process 'Au_.exe'
IfNotExist, %InstalledDir%
bContinue := true
if bContinue
FileRemoveDir, %InstalledDir%, 1 ; Delete just in case
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete existing '" InstalledDir "' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).")
IfNotExist, %InstalledDir%
TestsInfo("Uninstaller deleted path (registry data): '" InstalledDir "'.")
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %InstalledDir%, 1 ; Uninstaller leaved the path for us to delete, so, do it
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete existing '" InstalledDir "' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).")
TestsInfo("Succeeded deleting path (registry data), because uninstaller did not: '" InstalledDir "'.")
bContinue := true
@ -114,7 +134,8 @@ else
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Welcome to TeamViewer, 15 ; Wait 15 secs for window to appear
DetectHiddenText, Off ; Hidden text is not detected
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Welcome to TeamViewer, 7 ; Wait 15 secs for window to appear
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Welcome to TeamViewer)' window failed to appear.")
@ -122,19 +143,24 @@ if bContinue
; Check 'Install' radiobutton
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 0, Button4
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 0, Button4
; Check 'Show advanced settings' checkbox
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 0, Button6
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 0, Button6
Sleep, 700
; Hit 'Next' button
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 0, Button2
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 0, Button2
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Next' button in 'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Welcome to TeamViewer)' window.")
TestsOK("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Welcome to TeamViewer)' window appeared, 'Install' radiobutton and 'Show advanced settings' checkbox checked, 'Next' button was clicked.")
WinWaitClose, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Welcome to TeamViewer, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Welcome to TeamViewer)' window failed to close despite 'Next' button being clicked.")
TestsOK("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Welcome to TeamViewer)' window appeared, 'Install' radiobutton and 'Show advanced settings' checkbox checked, 'Next' button was clicked.")
@ -143,7 +169,7 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Environment, 5
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Environment, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Environment)' window failed to appear.")
@ -155,7 +181,6 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("Failed to check 'personal / non-commercial use' radiobutton in 'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Environment)' window.")
Sleep, 700
; Hit 'Next' button
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 0, Button2
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 0, Button2
@ -172,7 +197,7 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, License Agreement, 5
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, License Agreement, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'License Agreement' window failed to appear.")
@ -184,7 +209,6 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("Failed to check 'I accept the terms...' checkbox in 'License Agreement'.")
Sleep, 700
; Hit 'Next' button
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 0, Button2
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 0, Button2
@ -201,7 +225,7 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Choose installation type, 5
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Choose installation type, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Choose installation type)' window failed to appear.")
@ -213,7 +237,6 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("Failed to check 'No (default)' radiobutton in 'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Choose installation type)' window.")
Sleep, 700
; Hit 'Next' button
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 0, Button2
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 0, Button2
@ -230,7 +253,7 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Access Control, 5
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Access Control, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Access Control)' window failed to appear.")
@ -242,7 +265,6 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("Failed to check 'Full access (recommended)' radiobutton in 'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Access Control)' window.")
Sleep, 700
; Hit 'Next' button
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 0, Button2
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 0, Button2
@ -259,7 +281,7 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Install VPN adapter, 5
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Install VPN adapter, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Install VPN adapter)' window window failed to appear.")
@ -271,7 +293,6 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("Failed to check 'Use TeamViewer VPN' checkbox in 'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Install VPN adapter)' window.")
Sleep, 700
; Hit 'Next' button
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 0, Button2
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 0, Button2
@ -288,7 +309,7 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Choose Install Location, 5
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Choose Install Location, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Choose Install Location)' window failed to appear.")
@ -308,12 +329,11 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Choose Start, 5
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Choose Start, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Choose Start Menu Folder)' window failed to appear.")
Sleep, 500
; Hit 'Finish' button
SendMessage, 0x201, 0, 0, Button2
SendMessage, 0x202, 0, 0, Button2
@ -329,11 +349,12 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Installing, 5
WinWaitActive, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Installing, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Installing)' window failed to appear.")
TestsInfo("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Installing)' window appeared, waiting for it to close.")
WinWaitClose, TeamViewer 7 Setup, Installing, 35 ; 35secs should be enough time to get thru install
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'TeamViewer 7 Setup (Installing)' window failed to close.")
@ -345,9 +366,8 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("Process '" MainAppFile "' failed to appear.")
Sleep, 500
Process, Close, %MainAppFile%
Process, WaitClose, %MainAppFile%, 4
Process, WaitClose, %MainAppFile%, 7
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" MainAppFile "' process.")
@ -362,7 +382,6 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
Sleep, 2000
RegRead, UninstallerPath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TeamViewer 7, UninstallString
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Either we can't read from registry or data doesn't exist.")