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synced 2025-02-17 10:10:24 +00:00
Improve uninstall proces, remove/reduce sleep calls, add some more checks. All 4 tests works fine in clean snapshot of win2k3 sp2. svn path=/trunk/ahk_tests/; revision=1722
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,26 +29,34 @@ else
TestsFailed("'Mozilla Firefox Start Page - Mozilla Firefox' is not active window.")
Sleep, 1000
SendInput, {ALTDOWN}d{ALTUP} ; Go to address bar
Sleep, 1200 ; Let it to respond
SendInput, http{:}//dsx86{.}patrickaalto{.}com
Sleep, 500
SendInput, {ENTER}
Sleep, 7500 ; Let it to load the page, maybe we will crash
WinWaitActive, DSx86 by Patrick Aalto - Mozilla Firefox,, 7
; copy text to clipboard and compare
clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard
Send, ^c
ClipWait, 2
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'DSx86 by Patrick Aalto - Mozilla Firefox' window failed to appear, so, typing URL failed (Alt+D).")
TestsFailed("The attempt to copy text onto the clipboard failed.")
Process, Close, %ProcessExe%
Process, WaitClose, %ProcessExe%, 5
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists.
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" ProcessExe "' process.")
if clipboard <> http://start.mozilla.org/en-US/
TestsFailed("Clipboard content is not the same as expected (is '" clipboard "', should be 'http://start.mozilla.org/en-US/') Can't focus address bar using Alt+D?.")
TestsOK("'DSx86 by Patrick Aalto - Mozilla Firefox' window appeared, so typing URL works (Alt+D), '" ProcessExe "' process closed.")
SendInput, http{:}//dsx86{.}patrickaalto{.}com{ENTER}
WinWaitActive, DSx86 by Patrick Aalto - Mozilla Firefox,, 7
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'DSx86 by Patrick Aalto - Mozilla Firefox' window failed to appear, so, typing URL failed (Alt+D).")
Sleep, 5500 ; Let it to load the page, maybe we will crash
Process, Close, %ProcessExe%
Process, WaitClose, %ProcessExe%, 5
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists.
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" ProcessExe "' process.")
TestsOK("'DSx86 by Patrick Aalto - Mozilla Firefox' window appeared, so typing URL works (Alt+D), '" ProcessExe "' process closed.")
@ -29,43 +29,55 @@ else
TestsFailed("'Mozilla Firefox Start Page - Mozilla Firefox' is not active window.")
Sleep, 2500
FileDelete, %A_Desktop%\livecd-56407-dbg.7z ; Make sure it doesn't exist before continuing
Sleep, 2500
IfExist, %A_Desktop%\livecd-56407-dbg.7z
TestsFailed("Failed to delete '" A_Desktop "\livecd-56407-dbg.7z'.")
SendInput, {CTRLDOWN}l{CTRLUP}http://iso.reactos.org/livecd/livecd-56407-dbg.7z{ENTER} ;Download some file
WinWaitActive, Opening livecd-56407-dbg.7z,,25
WinWaitActive, Opening livecd-56407-dbg.7z,,10
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Opening livecd-56407-dbg.7z' window failed to appear, so, downloading failed.")
; 'ControlClick' won't work here
SendInput, {ALTDOWN}s{ALTUP} ; Check 'Save file' radio button
Sleep, 1200
; 'OK' button is disabled for split of second. There is no way for us to find out
; is it enabled or not (there is no control name AHK could use), so, sleep is a must
Sleep, 1000 ; Depends on connection speed?
SendInput, {ENTER} ; Save file by hitting 'OK'. The button is focused by default
Sleep, 3500
SetTitleMatchMode, 3
WinWaitActive, Downloads,,65 ; Should be enought time to download the file?
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Downloads' window failed to appear, so, downloading failed. Wasn't enough time?")
TestsFailed("'Opening livecd-56407-dbg.7z' window failed to close despite 'ENTER' was sent.")
FileGetSize, DFileSize, %A_Desktop%\livecd-56407-dbg.7z ; Desktop is our download dir. See prepare.ahk
ExpectedSize = 23030114
if not (InStr(%DFileSize%, %ExpectedSize%))
TestsFailed("Downloaded file size is NOT the same as expected [is " DFileSize " and should be " ExpectedSize "].")
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; A window's title can contain WinTitle anywhere inside it to be a match.
WinWaitActive, of 1 file - Downloads,,10
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Window 'of 1 file - Downloads' failed to appear (SetTitleMatchMode=2).")
Process, Close, %ProcessExe%
Process, WaitClose, %ProcessExe%, 5
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists.
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" ProcessExe "' process.")
SetTitleMatchMode, 3 ; A window's title must exactly match WinTitle to be a match.
WinWaitActive, Downloads,,95 ; Should be enought time to download the file?
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Downloads' window failed to appear, so, downloading failed. Wasn't enough time?")
TestsOK("File downloaded. Size the same as expected, '" ProcessExe "' process closed.")
FileGetSize, DFileSize, %A_Desktop%\livecd-56407-dbg.7z ; Desktop is our download dir. See prepare.ahk
ExpectedSize := 23030114
if DFileSize <> %ExpectedSize%
TestsFailed("Downloaded file size is NOT the same as expected [is " DFileSize " and should be " ExpectedSize "].")
Process, Close, %ProcessExe%
Process, WaitClose, %ProcessExe%, 5
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists.
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" ProcessExe "' process.")
TestsOK("File downloaded. Size the same as expected, '" ProcessExe "' process closed.")
@ -28,9 +28,8 @@ IfNotExist, %ModuleExe%
Process, Close, %MainAppFile% ; Teminate process
Sleep, 2000
Process, Exist, %MainAppFile%
if ErrorLevel <> 0
Process, WaitClose, %MainAppFile%, 4
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists.
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" MainAppFile "' process.") ; So, process still exists
@ -40,25 +39,50 @@ else
; There was a problem (such as a nonexistent key or value).
; That probably means we have not installed this app before.
; Check in default directory to be extra sure
IfNotExist, %A_ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox
bContinue := true ; No previous versions detected in hardcoded path
bHardcoded := true ; To know if we got path from registry or not
szDefaultDir = %A_ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox
IfNotExist, %szDefaultDir%
bHardcoded := true ; To know if we got path from registry or not
IfExist, %A_ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe
TestsInfo("No previous versions detected in hardcoded path: '" szDefaultDir "'.")
bContinue := true
UninstallerPath = %szDefaultDir%\uninstall\helper.exe /S
; There is child process, but seems we can not detect it
; Process Explorer shows that 'Au_.exe' was started by 'Non-existent Process' and we start 'helper.exe'
WaitUninstallDone(UninstallerPath, 3)
if bContinue
RunWait, %A_ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe /S ; Silently uninstall it
Sleep, 7000
IfNotExist, %A_ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox ; Uninstaller might delete the dir
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %A_ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox, 1
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete existing '" A_ProgramFiles "\Mozilla Firefox' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).'")
;, 3.0.11, 12.0 starts 'Au_.exe' process
Process, WaitClose, Au_.exe, 7
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists
TestsInfo("'Au_.exe' process failed to close.")
Process, Close, Au_.exe
Process, WaitClose, Au_.exe, 3
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate 'Au_.exe' process.")
bContinue := true
IfNotExist, %szDefaultDir% ; Uninstaller might delete the dir
TestsInfo("Uninstaller deleted hardcoded path: '" szDefaultDir "'.")
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %szDefaultDir%, 1
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete hardcoded path '" szDefaultDir "' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).'")
TestsInfo("Succeeded deleting hardcoded path, because uninstaller did not: '" szDefaultDir "'.")
bContinue := true
@ -67,29 +91,50 @@ else
SplitPath, UninstallerPath,, InstalledDir
SplitPath, InstalledDir,, InstalledDir ; Split once more, since installer was in subdir (v2.0.0.20 specific)
IfNotExist, %InstalledDir%
TestsInfo("Got '" InstalledDir "' from registry and such path does not exist.")
bContinue := true
IfExist, %UninstallerPath%
UninstallerPath = %UninstallerPath% /S
WaitUninstallDone(UninstallerPath, 3)
if bContinue
RunWait, %UninstallerPath% /S ; Silently uninstall it
Sleep, 7000
IfNotExist, %InstalledDir%
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %InstalledDir%, 1 ; Delete just in case
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete existing '" InstalledDir "' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).")
Process, WaitClose, Au_.exe, 7
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists
TestsInfo("'Au_.exe' process failed to close.")
Process, Close, Au_.exe
Process, WaitClose, Au_.exe, 3
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate 'Au_.exe' process.")
bContinue := true
IfNotExist, %InstalledDir%
TestsInfo("Uninstaller deleted path (registry data): '" InstalledDir "'.")
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %InstalledDir%, 1 ; Uninstaller leaved the path for us to delete, so, do it
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete existing '" InstalledDir "' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).")
TestsInfo("Succeeded deleting path (registry data), because uninstaller did not: '" InstalledDir "'.")
bContinue := true
if bContinue
@ -125,7 +170,7 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("'Extracting' window failed to appear.")
OutputDebug, OK: %TestName%:%A_LineNumber%: 'Extracting' window appeared, waiting for it to close.`n
TestsInfo("'Extracting' window appeared, waiting for it to close.")
WinWaitClose, Extracting, Cancel, 15
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Extracting' window failed to dissapear.")
@ -146,8 +191,7 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Welcome to the Mozilla Firefox)' window failed to appear.")
Sleep, 700
ControlClick, Button2, Mozilla Firefox Setup, Welcome to the Mozilla Firefox
ControlClick, Button2
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Next' in 'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Welcome to the Mozilla Firefox)' window.")
@ -161,24 +205,23 @@ TestsTotal++
if bContinue
WindowSpace := "Mozilla Firefox Setup "
WinWaitActive, %WindowSpace%, License Agreement, 15
WinWaitActive, %WindowSpace%, License Agreement, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Mozilla Firefox Setup (License Agreement)' window failed to appear.")
Sleep, 700
ControlClick, Button4, %WindowSpace%, License Agreement ; check 'I accept' radio button
ControlClick, Button4, %WindowSpace%, License Agreement ; check 'I accept' radio button (need to pass all params)
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to check 'I agree' radio button in 'License Agreement' window.")
TestsFailed("Unable to check 'I accept' radio button in 'License Agreement' window.")
Sleep, 1500 ; Give some time for 'Next' to get enabled
ControlGet, OutputVar, Enabled,, Button2, %WindowSpace%, License Agreement
Sleep, 300 ; Give some time for 'Next' to get enabled
ControlGet, OutputVar, Enabled,, Button2
if not %OutputVar%
TestsFailed("'I agree' radio button is checked in 'License Agreement', but 'Next' button is disabled.")
TestsFailed("'I accept' radio button is checked in 'License Agreement', but 'Next' button is disabled.")
ControlClick, Button2, %WindowSpace%, License Agreement
ControlClick, Button2
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Next' button in 'Mozilla Firefox Setup (License Agreement)' window despite it is enabled.")
@ -193,13 +236,12 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, Mozilla Firefox Setup, Setup Type, 7
WinWaitActive, Mozilla Firefox Setup, Setup Type, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Setup Type)' window failed to appear.")
Sleep, 700
ControlClick, Button2, Mozilla Firefox Setup, Setup Type
ControlClick, Button2
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Next' in 'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Setup Type)' window.")
@ -212,14 +254,13 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, %WindowSpace%, Installing, 7
WinWaitActive, %WindowSpace%, Installing, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Installing)' window failed to appear.")
Sleep, 700
OutputDebug, OK: %TestName%:%A_LineNumber%: 'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Installing)' window appeared, waiting for it to close.`n
WinWaitClose, %WindowSpace%, Installing, 25
TestsInfo("'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Installing)' window appeared, waiting for it to close.")
WinWaitClose, %WindowSpace%, Installing, 25 ; It is a must to pass all parameters
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Installing)' window failed to dissapear.")
@ -232,13 +273,12 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, %WindowSpace%, Completing, 7
WinWaitActive, %WindowSpace%, Completing, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Completing)' window failed to appear.")
Sleep, 700
ControlClick, Button4, %WindowSpace%, Completing ; Uncheck 'Launch Mozilla Firefox now'
ControlClick, Button4 ; Uncheck 'Launch Mozilla Firefox now'
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to uncheck 'Launch Mozilla Firefox now' in 'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Completing)' window.")
@ -246,26 +286,21 @@ if bContinue
Sleep, 500
ControlClick, Button2, %WindowSpace%, Completing ; Hit 'Finish'
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Finish' button in 'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Completing)' window.")
ControlGet, bChecked, Checked, Button4
if bChecked = 1
TestsFailed("'Lounch Firefox now' checkbox in 'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Completing)' window reported as unchecked, but further inspection proves that it was still checked.")
WinWaitClose, %WindowSpace%, Completing, 5
ControlClick, Button2 ; Hit 'Finish'
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Completing)' window failed to close despite 'Finish' button being clicked.")
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Finish' button in 'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Completing)' window.")
Process, Wait, %MainAppFile%, 4
NewPID = %ErrorLevel% ; Save the value immediately since ErrorLevel is often changed.
if NewPID <> 0
TestsFailed("Process '" MainAppFile "' appeared despite checkbox 'Launch Mozilla Firefox now' was unchecked.")
Process, Close, %MainAppFile%
WinWaitClose,,, 5
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Completing)' window failed to close despite 'Finish' button being clicked.")
TestsOK("'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Completing)' window appeared, 'Finish' button clicked, window closed, '" MainAppFile "' process did not appear.")
TestsOK("'Mozilla Firefox Setup (Completing)' window appeared, 'Lounch Firefox now' checkbox unchecked, 'Finish' button clicked, window closed.")
@ -277,7 +312,6 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
Sleep, 2000
RegRead, UninstallerPath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Mozilla Firefox (, UninstallString
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Either we can't read from registry or data doesn't exist.")
@ -46,9 +46,7 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" ProcessExe "' process.")
Sleep, 2500 ; To make sure folders are not locked
FileRemoveDir, %A_AppData%\Mozilla, 1 ; Delete all saved settings
Sleep, 1500
IfExist, %A_AppData%\Mozilla
TestsFailed("Seems like we failed to delete '" A_AppData "\Mozilla'.")
@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("Failed to create and edit '" A_AppData "\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini'.")
szNoWarningOnClose := "user_pref(""browser.tabs.warnOnClose""`, false)`;" ; Now, new do not want any warnings when closing multiple tabs
szNoWarningOnClose := "user_pref(""browser.tabs.warnOnClose""`, false)`;" ; Now, we do not want any warnings when closing multiple tabs
szNoFirstRun := "user_pref(""browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone""`, ""rv:"")`;" ; Lets pretend we ran it once
szRightsShown := "user_pref(""browser.rights.3.shown""`, true)`;" ; We know your rights, no need to ask
szNoImprvHelp := "user_pref(""toolkit.telemetry.prompted""`, 2)`;`nuser_pref(""toolkit.telemetry.rejected""`, true)`;" ; We don't want to help to improve
@ -88,7 +86,6 @@ if bContinue
Sleep, 700
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ else
TestsFailed("Can NOT find '" SearchArrowImg "'.")
Sleep, 1000
ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, *11 %SearchArrowImg%
if ErrorLevel = 2
TestsFailed("Could not conduct the ImageSearch.")
@ -44,22 +43,36 @@ else
MouseClick, left, %FoundX%, %FoundY%
Sleep, 500
SendInput, y ;Y for Yahoo search
Sleep, 700
SendInput, {CTRLDOWN}k{CTRLUP}edijus{ENTER} ; Go to search bar
Sleep, 7500 ; Let it to load, maybe something will fail
WinWaitActive, edijus - Yahoo! Search Results - Mozilla Firefox,,25
SendInput, {CTRLDOWN}k{CTRLUP}edijus ; Go to search bar and type 'edijus'
; copy text to clipboard and compare
clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard
Send, ^a ; Select all
Send, ^c
ClipWait, 2
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'edijus - Yahoo! Search Results - Mozilla Firefox' window failed to appear, so, search bar do not work. Bugs 5574, 5930, 6990?")
TestsFailed("The attempt to copy text onto the clipboard failed.")
Process, Close, %ProcessExe%
Process, WaitClose, %ProcessExe%, 5
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists.
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" ProcessExe "' process.")
if clipboard <> edijus
TestsFailed("Clipboard content is not the same as expected (is '" clipboard "', should be 'edijus') Can't focus serch bar using Ctrl+K?.")
TestsOK("'edijus - Yahoo! Search Results - Mozilla Firefox' window appeared, so search bar works, '" ProcessExe "' process closed.")
SendInput, {ENTER}
WinWaitActive, edijus - Yahoo! Search Results - Mozilla Firefox,,15 ; Time depends on connection speed
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'edijus - Yahoo! Search Results - Mozilla Firefox' window failed to appear, so, search bar do not work. Bugs 5574, 5930, 6990?")
Sleep, 5500 ; Let the URL to load, maybe something will fail
Process, Close, %ProcessExe%
Process, WaitClose, %ProcessExe%, 5
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists.
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" ProcessExe "' process.")
TestsOK("'edijus - Yahoo! Search Results - Mozilla Firefox' window appeared, so search bar works, '" ProcessExe "' process closed.")
Reference in New Issue
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