
Remove unnecessary hardcoded sleep calls, reduce/increase waiting time where needed, add few more checks.
Both tests works fine in CLEAN snapshot of win2k3 sp2.

svn path=/trunk/ahk_tests/; revision=1801
This commit is contained in:
Edijs Kolesnikovičs 2012-10-03 10:35:18 +00:00
parent 7bd93b940e
commit a21773768b
3 changed files with 104 additions and 66 deletions

View File

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ else
SendInput, {ALTDOWN}d{ALTUP} ; Go to address bar
Sleep, 500
SendInput, %szFileURL%{ENTER}
SplitPath, szFileURL, NameExt
FileDelete, %A_Desktop%\%NameExt%
@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ else
SendInput, {ALTDOWN}s{ALTUP} ; Check 'Save it to disk' radio button
Sleep, 3000 ; wait until 'OK' gets enabled
Sleep, 3000 ; wait until 'OK' gets enabled, AHK won't help
SendInput, {ENTER} ; Hit 'OK' button
WinWaitActive, Enter name of file to save to...,,5
if ErrorLevel
@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ else
TestsFailed("Unable to enter path in 'Enter name of file to save to...' window.")
Sleep, 1000
ControlClick, Button2, Enter name of file to save to... ; Hit 'Save' button
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Save' button in 'Enter name of file to save to...' window.")
@ -65,40 +63,39 @@ else
TestsFailed("Window 'Download Manager' failed to appear.")
Sleep, 1000
SendInput, {ALTDOWN}i{ALTUP} ; Hit 'Properties' in 'Download Manager'
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; A window's title can contain WinTitle anywhere inside it to be a match.
WinWaitActive, of %NameExt% Saved,,5
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Window 'of " NameExt " Saved' failed to appear (SetTitleMatchMode=2).")
Sleep, 1000
TimeOut := 0
bDone := false
while TimeOut < 240
iTimeOut := 240
while iTimeOut > 0
Sleep, 1000
bDone := false
IfWinActive, 100`% of %NameExt% Saved ; Wait for 100%
IfWinActive, `% of %NameExt% Saved
TimeOut := 240
bDone := true
WinWaitActive, 100`% of %NameExt% Saved,,1 ; Wait for 100
if ErrorLevel
break ; exit the loop if something poped-up
if not bDone
TestsFailed("Timed out.")
WinWaitActive, 100`% of %NameExt% Saved,,1
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'100% of " NameExt " Saved' window failed to appear (iTimeOut=" iTimeOut ").")
Sleep, 700
Process, Close, %ProcessExe%
Process, WaitClose, %ProcessExe%, 4
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" ProcessExe "' process.")
TestsOK("'" szFileURL "' downloaded, '" ProcessExe "' terminated.")
TestsOK("'" szFileURL "' downloaded (iTimeOut=" iTimeOut "), '" ProcessExe "' terminated.")

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
ModuleExe = %A_WorkingDir%\Apps\SeaMonkey 1.1.17 Setup.exe
TestName = 1.install
MainAppFile = seamonkey.exe ; Mostly this is going to be process we need to look for
SetTitleMatchMode, 3 ; A window's title must exactly match WinTitle to be a match.
; Test if Setup file exists, if so, delete installed files, and run Setup
@ -38,21 +39,22 @@ else
bContinue := true ; No previous versions detected in hardcoded path
bHardcoded := true ; To know if we got path from registry or not
IfExist, %A_ProgramFiles%\mozilla.org\SeaMonkey\uninstall\SeaMonkeyUninstall.exe
UninstallerPath = %A_ProgramFiles%\mozilla.org\SeaMonkey\uninstall\SeaMonkeyUninstall.exe -ms -ira
; running uninstaller manually you can see 'UNINSTALL.EXE' process appeared. Our helper
; functions fails to detect parent process name (so, thats why we have '' as parent) and child process in win2k3 sp2
WaitUninstallDone(UninstallerPath, 3)
if bContinue
RunWait, %A_ProgramFiles%\mozilla.org\SeaMonkey\uninstall\SeaMonkeyUninstall.exe -ms -ira ; Silently uninstall it
Sleep, 7000
IfNotExist, %A_ProgramFiles%\mozilla.org\SeaMonkey ; Uninstaller might delete the dir
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %A_ProgramFiles%\mozilla.org\SeaMonkey, 1
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete existing '" A_ProgramFiles "\mozilla.org\SeaMonkey' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).'")
IfNotExist, %A_ProgramFiles%\mozilla.org\SeaMonkey ; Uninstaller might delete the dir
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %A_ProgramFiles%\mozilla.org\SeaMonkey, 1
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete existing '" A_ProgramFiles "\mozilla.org\SeaMonkey' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).'")
bContinue := true
@ -88,12 +90,12 @@ else
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, Extracting...,, 7
WinWaitActive, Extracting...,, 5
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Extracting...' window failed to appear.")
OutputDebug, OK: %TestName%:%A_LineNumber%: 'Extracting...' window appeared, waiting for it to close.`n
TestsInfo("'Extracting...' window appeared, waiting for it to close.")
WinWaitClose, Extracting...,,10
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Extracting...' window failed to close.")
@ -112,12 +114,17 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("'SeaMonkey Setup - Welcome' window failed to appear.")
Sleep, 700
ControlClick, Button1, SeaMonkey Setup - Welcome ; Hit 'Next' button
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Next' button in 'SeaMonkey Setup - Welcome' window.")
TestsOK("'SeaMonkey Setup - Welcome' window appeared and 'Next' was clicked.")
WinWaitClose, SeaMonkey Setup - Welcome,, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'SeaMonkey Setup - Welcome' window failed to close despite 'Next' button being clicked.")
TestsOK("'SeaMonkey Setup - Welcome' window appeared and 'Next' was clicked.")
@ -126,12 +133,11 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, SeaMonkey Setup - Software License Agreement,, 7
WinWaitActive, SeaMonkey Setup - Software License Agreement,, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'SeaMonkey Setup - Software License Agreement' window failed to appear.")
Sleep, 700
ControlClick, Button1, SeaMonkey Setup - Software License Agreement ; Hit 'Accept' button
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Accept' button in 'SeaMonkey Setup - Software License Agreement' window.")
@ -145,12 +151,11 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, SeaMonkey Setup - Setup Type,, 7
WinWaitActive, SeaMonkey Setup - Setup Type,, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'SeaMonkey Setup - Setup Type' window failed to appear.")
Sleep, 700
ControlClick, Button9, SeaMonkey Setup - Setup Type ; Hit 'Next' button
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Next' button in 'SeaMonkey Setup - Setup Type' window.")
@ -164,12 +169,11 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, SeaMonkey Setup - Quick Launch,, 7
WinWaitActive, SeaMonkey Setup - Quick Launch,, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'SeaMonkey Setup - Quick Launch' window failed to appear.")
Sleep, 700
ControlClick, Button3, SeaMonkey Setup - Quick Launch ; Hit 'Next' button
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Next' button in 'SeaMonkey Setup - Quick Launch' window.")
@ -183,12 +187,11 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, SeaMonkey Setup - Start Install,, 7
WinWaitActive, SeaMonkey Setup - Start Install,, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'SeaMonkey Setup - Start Install' window failed to appear.")
Sleep, 700
ControlClick, Button1, SeaMonkey Setup - Start Install ; Hit 'Install' button
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to hit 'Install' button in 'SeaMonkey Setup - Start Install' window.")
@ -202,17 +205,30 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
WinWaitActive, SeaMonkey Setup,, 15
WinWaitActive, SeaMonkey Setup,, 7
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'SeaMonkey Setup' window failed to appear.")
OutputDebug, OK: %TestName%:%A_LineNumber%: 'SeaMonkey Setup' window appeared, waiting for it to close.`n
WinWaitClose, SeaMonkey Setup,,35
TestsInfo("'SeaMonkey Setup' window appeared, waiting for it to close.")
iTimeOut := 45
while iTimeOut > 0
IfWinActive, SeaMonkey Setup
WinWaitClose, SeaMonkey Setup,, 1
break ; exit the loop if something poped-up
WinWaitClose, SeaMonkey Setup,, 1
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'SeaMonkey Setup' window failed to disappear.")
TestsFailed("'SeaMonkey Setup' window failed to close (iTimeOut=" iTimeOut ").")
TestsOK("'SeaMonkey Setup' window went away.")
TestsOK("'SeaMonkey Setup' window went away (iTimeOut=" iTimeOut ").")
@ -226,10 +242,23 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("'SeaMonkey Setup - Install Progress' window failed to appear.")
OutputDebug, OK: %TestName%:%A_LineNumber%: 'SeaMonkey Setup - Install Progress' window appeared, waiting for it to close.`n
WinWaitClose, SeaMonkey Setup,,25
TestsInfo("'SeaMonkey Setup - Install Progress' window appeared, waiting for it to close.")
iTimeOut := 45
while iTimeOut > 0
IfWinActive, SeaMonkey Setup - Install Progress
WinWaitClose, SeaMonkey Setup - Install Progress,, 1
break ; exit the loop if something poped-up
WinWaitClose, SeaMonkey Setup - Install Progress,, 1
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'SeaMonkey Setup - Install Progress' window failed to disappear.")
TestsFailed("'SeaMonkey Setup - Install Progress' window failed to close (iTimeOut=" iTimeOut ").")
Process, Wait, %MainAppFile%, 5
@ -241,10 +270,10 @@ if bContinue
Sleep, 500 ; Sleep or Windows will throw an error on file access
Process, Close, %MainAppFile%
Process, WaitClose, %MainAppFile%, 5
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists.
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" MainAppFile "' process.")
TestsOK("'SeaMonkey Setup - Install Progress' window went away, '" MainAppFile "' terminated.")
TestsOK("'SeaMonkey Setup - Install Progress' window went away (iTimeOut=" iTimeOut "), '" MainAppFile "' terminated.")
@ -255,7 +284,6 @@ if bContinue
if bContinue
Sleep, 2000
IfNotExist, %A_ProgramFiles%\mozilla.org\SeaMonkey\%MainAppFile% ; Hardcode, because there are not much info in registry
TestsFailed("Can NOT find '" A_ProgramFiles "\mozilla.org\SeaMonkey\" MainAppFile "'.")

View File

@ -40,26 +40,39 @@ if bContinue
TestsFailed("Can NOT find '" ModuleExe "'.")
RegDelete, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SOFTWARE\mozilla.org
RegisterAsDefault := "C:\PROGRA~1\MOZILLA.ORG\SEAMON~1\SEAMON~1.EXE -osint -url ""%1"""
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\http\shell\open\command,, %RegisterAsDefault% ; Register as default web browser
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to set def browser")
TestsFailed("Unable to set SeaMonkey as default browser.")
FileRemoveDir, %A_AppData%\Mozilla, 1 ; Delete all saved settings. P.S. there is no way to create settings for it, because it uses protection
Sleep, 1500
IfExist, %A_AppData%\Mozilla
TestsFailed("Seems like we failed to delete '" A_AppData "\Mozilla'.")
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Desktop, haveBeenSet, 1 ; Get rid of 'Do you want to set SeaMonkey as default browser' dialog
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to set HKLM\Software\Mozilla\Desktop, 'haveBeenSet' to '1'.")
Run, %ModuleExe%,, Max ; Start maximized
WinWaitActive, Welcome to SeaMonkey - SeaMonkey,,15
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Window 'Welcome to SeaMonkey - SeaMonkey' failed to appear.")
FileRemoveDir, %A_AppData%\Mozilla, 1 ; Delete all saved settings. P.S. there is no way to create settings for it, because it uses protection
IfExist, %A_AppData%\Mozilla
TestsFailed("Seems like we failed to delete '" A_AppData "\Mozilla'.")
Sleep, 3500 ; Longer sleep is required
Run, %ModuleExe%,, Max ; Start maximized
WinWaitActive, Welcome to SeaMonkey - SeaMonkey,,20
if ErrorLevel
Process, Exist, %ProcessExe%
NewPID = %ErrorLevel% ; Save the value immediately since ErrorLevel is often changed.
if NewPID = 0
TestsFailed("Window 'Welcome to SeaMonkey - SeaMonkey' failed to appear. No '" ProcessExe "' process detected.")
TestsFailed("Window 'Welcome to SeaMonkey - SeaMonkey' failed to appear. '" ProcessExe "' process detected.")