Edijs Kolesnikovičs ee1ac2d587 [AHK_Notepad++_6.1.2]
1.install_test: Waiting for 'explorer.exe' process appearing isn't enough. Wait for 'Program Manager' window to be active and then continue.
Test succeeds in win2k3 SP1.

svn path=/trunk/ahk_tests/; revision=2030
2013-05-19 15:12:02 +00:00

379 lines
14 KiB

* Designed for Notepad++ v6.1.2
* Copyright (C) 2012 Edijs Kolesnikovics
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
ModuleExe = %A_WorkingDir%\Apps\Notepad++_6.1.2_Setup.exe
TestName = 1.install
MainAppFile = notepad++.exe ; Mostly this is going to be process we need to look for
; Test if Setup file exists, if so, delete installed files, and run Setup
IfNotExist, %ModuleExe%
TestsFailed("'" ModuleExe "' not found.")
Process, Close, %MainAppFile% ; Teminate process
Process, WaitClose, %MainAppFile%, 4
if ErrorLevel ; The PID still exists.
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate '" MainAppFile "' process.") ; So, process still exists
Process, Close, explorer.exe ; Terminate explorer.exe before unregistering shell extension and uninstalling
Process, WaitClose, explorer.exe, 5
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to terminate 'explorer.exe' process.")
RegRead, UninstallerPath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Notepad++, UninstallString
if ErrorLevel
; There was a problem (such as a nonexistent key or value).
; That probably means we have not installed this app before.
; Check in default directory to be extra sure
bHardcoded := true ; To know if we got path from registry or not
szDefaultDir = %A_ProgramFiles%\Notepad++
IfNotExist, %szDefaultDir%
TestsInfo("No previous versions detected in hardcoded path: '" szDefaultDir "'.")
bContinue := true
Run, regsvr32 /s /u "%szDefaultDir%\NppShell_04.dll"
UninstallerPath = %szDefaultDir%\uninstall.exe /S
WaitUninstallDone(UninstallerPath, 3)
if bContinue
IfNotExist, %szDefaultDir% ; Uninstaller might delete the dir
TestsInfo("Uninstaller deleted hardcoded path: '" szDefaultDir "'.")
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %szDefaultDir%, 1
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete hardcoded path '" szDefaultDir "' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).'")
TestsInfo("Succeeded deleting hardcoded path, because uninstaller did not: '" szDefaultDir "'.")
bContinue := true
UninstallerPath := ExeFilePathNoParam(UninstallerPath)
SplitPath, UninstallerPath,, InstalledDir
IfNotExist, %InstalledDir%
TestsInfo("Got '" InstalledDir "' from registry and such path does not exist.")
bContinue := true
Run, regsvr32 /s /u "%InstalledDir%\NppShell_04.dll"
UninstallerPath = %UninstallerPath% /S
WaitUninstallDone(UninstallerPath, 3) ; Child name 'Au_.exe'
if bContinue
IfNotExist, %InstalledDir%
TestsInfo("Uninstaller deleted path (registry data): '" InstalledDir "'.")
bContinue := true
FileRemoveDir, %InstalledDir%, 1 ; Uninstaller leaved the path for us to delete, so, do it
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete existing '" InstalledDir "' ('" MainAppFile "' process is reported as terminated).")
TestsInfo("Succeeded deleting path (registry data), because uninstaller did not: '" InstalledDir "'.")
bContinue := true
if bContinue
Process, wait, explorer.exe, 5
NewPID = %ErrorLevel% ; Save the value immediately since ErrorLevel is often changed
if NewPID = 0
TestsFailed("'explorer.exe' process failed to start.")
WinWaitActive, Program Manager,,3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'explorer.exe' process detected, but 'Program Manager' window failed to appear.")
RegDelete, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\MicroSoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Notepad++
IfExist, %A_AppData%\Notepad++
FileRemoveDir, %A_AppData%\Notepad++, 1
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to delete '" A_AppData "\Notepad++'.")
if bContinue
if bHardcoded
TestsOK("Either there was no previous versions or we succeeded removing it using hardcoded path.")
TestsOK("Either there was no previous versions or we succeeded removing it using data from registry.")
Run %ModuleExe%
; Test if can start setup
if bContinue
DetectHiddenText, Off ; Hidden text is not detected
WinWait, Installer Language, Please select a language, 5
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Installer Language (Please select a language)' - there is no such window.")
WinActivate, Installer Language, Please select a language ; Bring the window to front
WinWaitActive, Installer Language, Please select a language, 3 ; Wait 3 secs for window to appear
if ErrorLevel ; Window is found and it is active
TestsFailed("'Installer Language (Please select a language)' window exist, but it is not an active.")
SendInput, {ENTER} ; Hit 'OK' button
WinWaitClose, Installer Language, Please select a language, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Installer Language (Please select a language)' window failed to close despite 'ENTER' being sent.")
TestsOK("'Installer Language (Please select a language)' window appeared, 'ENTER' sent and window closed.")
; Test if 'Welcome to the Notepad++ v 6.1.2 Setup' window appeared
if bContinue
SetTitleMatchMode, 1 ; A window's title must start with the specified WinTitle to be a match.
WinWait, Notepad, Welcome to the Notepad, 5
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Welcome to the Notepad++ v 6.1.2 Setup)' window doesn't exist.")
WinActivate ; Notepad, Welcome to the Notepad
WinWaitActive, Notepad, Welcome to the Notepad, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to activate existing 'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Welcome to the Notepad++ v 6.1.2 Setup)' window.")
SendInput, !n ; Hit 'Next' button
TestsOK("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Welcome to the Notepad++ v 6.1.2 Setup)' window appeared, Alt+N sent.")
; Test if 'License Agreement' window appeared
if bContinue
WinWait, Notepad, License Agreement, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (License Agreement)' window doesn't exist.")
WinActivate ; Notepad, License Agreement
WinWaitActive, Notepad, License Agreement, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to activate existing 'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (License Agreement)' window.")
SendInput, !a ; Hit 'I Agree' button
TestsOK("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (License Agreement)' window appeared and Alt+A was sent.`")
; Test if 'Choose Install Location' window appeared
if bContinue
WinWait, Notepad, Choose Install Location, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Choose Install Location)' window doesn't exist.")
WinActivate ; Notepad, Choose Install Location
WinWaitActive, Notepad, Choose Install Location, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to activate existing 'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Choose Install Location)' window.")
SendInput, !n ; Hit 'Next' button
TestsOK("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Choose Install Location)' window appeared and Alt+N was sent.")
; Test if 'Check the components' window appeared
if bContinue
WinWait, Notepad, Check the components, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Check the components)' window doesn't exist.")
WinActivate ; Notepad, Check the components
WinWaitActive, Notepad, Check the components, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to activate existing 'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Check the components)' window.")
SendInput, !n ; Hit 'Next' button
TestsOK("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Check the components)' window appeared and Alt+N was sent.")
; Test if 'Create Shortcut on Desktop' window appeared
if bContinue
WinWait, Notepad, Create Shortcut on Desktop, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Create Shortcut on Desktop)' window doesn't exist.")
WinActivate ; Notepad, Create Shortcut on Desktop
WinWaitActive, Notepad, Create Shortcut on Desktop, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to activate existing 'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Create Shortcut on Desktop)' window.")
Control, Check, , Button5, Notepad ; Check 'Allow plugins'
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to check 'Allow plugins' checkbox in 'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Create Shortcut on Desktop)' window.")
Control, Check, , Button6, Notepad ; Check 'Create Shortcut'
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Unable to check 'Create Shortcut' checkbox in 'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Create Shortcut on Desktop)' window.")
SendInput, !i ; Hit 'Install' button
TestsOK("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Create Shortcut on Desktop)' window appeared, 'Allow plugins', 'Create Shortcut' checkboxes were checked and Alt+I was sent.")
; Test if can get thru 'Installing' window
if bContinue
WinWait, Notepad, Installing, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Installing)' window doesn't exist.")
WinActivate ; Notepad, Installing
WinWaitActive, Notepad, Installing, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Installing)' window failed to appear.")
TestsInfo("'Installing' window appeared, waiting for it to close.")
WinWaitClose, Notepad, Installing, 12
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Installing)' window failed to dissapear.")
TestsOK("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Installing)' went away.")
; Test if 'Completing' window appeared
if bContinue
WinWait, Notepad, Completing, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Completing)' window doesn't exist.")
WinActivate ; Notepad, Completing
WinWaitActive, Notepad, Completing, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Completing)' window failed to appear.")
SendInput, !r ; Uncheck 'Run Notepad'
ControlGet, bChecked, Checked,, Button4
if bChecked = 1
TestsFailed("Alt+R was sent to uncheck 'Run Notepad' checkbox in 'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Completing)' window, but further inspection proves that it was still checked.")
SendInput, !f ; Hit 'Finish' button
WinWaitClose, Notepad, Completing, 3
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Completing)' window failed to close despite Alt+F was sent.")
TestsOK("'Notepad++ v6.1.2 Setup (Completing)' window appeared, Alt+R and Alt+F were sent and window closed.")
; Check if program exists
if bContinue
RegRead, UninstallerPath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Notepad++, UninstallString
if ErrorLevel
TestsFailed("Either we can't read from registry or data doesn't exist.")
SplitPath, UninstallerPath,, InstalledDir
IfNotExist, %InstalledDir%\%MainAppFile%
TestsFailed("Something went wrong, can't find '" InstalledDir "\" MainAppFile "'.")
TestsOK("The application has been installed, because '" InstalledDir "\" MainAppFile "' was found.")